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Under Attack
01.17.08 (12:02 am)   [edit]

Click on map to view accompanying news article.

As if AIDS weren't enough! I charge the government and a certain CULT (that has infiltrated said gov't) for using biological warfare on homosexuals, starting with HIV, and now this new, highly-contagious (skin-contact) strain of flesh-eating bacteria...or MRSA meaning "methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus".

One could talk a convincing spiel that I'm just a conspiracy nut of the queer stripe...that modern evolution of virulent disease is due to a broken health care system, and deterioration in public hygiene. These days, most everyone puts their shod feet on furniture and public transit seats, pedestrians spit and blow snot chunks as they walk down the street, and food workers/hospital employees no longer take care to wash their hands properly, and frequently. The ranks of the homeless continue to grow, and without health care of any quality they become ill more often, and spread bacteria/viruses throughout their adopted cities. These are certainly contributing factors of no small measure...but such conditions also FACILIATE the gov't/cult's USE of stigmatized segments of our populace for biological experimentation and covert genocide. Not to mention TERRORIZING the masses into submissive reverence!

This dispersal of MRSA is nothing less than ANTI-GAY BIOLOGICAL WARFARE, and the USE of homosexuals as a pool of human guinea pigs. New England gay activist Thomas Keske has MUCH to say in this matter, in his various Usenet missives these past ten years! Allow me to point you to one of Tom's informative articles as an example: "HIV-Laced Vaccines?". From which I now quote (and remark upon):

...the hepatitis vaccines are the clearest issue in the mysteries of AIDS origin, IMHO....The role of the hepatitis vaccines seems obvious enough that I think our government was being arrogant, and not even trying to hide it very much.

Arrogant indeed! Check out this "gay flesh eating" map! The 94114 zip code (the Castro) is BRIGHT RED...like a bull's eye. It's a blatant ATTACK, both psychological and biological to TERRORIZE and DECIMATE our gay ranks. And they're not too covert about it. What does this map REALLY suggest? Gays are CODE RED, same as Islamic terrorists!

Can you imagine Eureka Valley (and other queer-locale) restaurants, coffeehouses, shops and bars shutting down, 'cause tourists (and even SF denizens) fear exposure? And heteros SHUNNING any physical proximity towards gays (forget about shaking hands)...and gays AFRAID to even hug each other! See the homophobes strike back: our very own Kristallnacht. Shops all around the Castro boarded up, windows smashed, fires lit! Why stop with Gay Mecca's epicenter? EVERY QueerCentric urban community will suffer EXTREME hostility. Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, D.C., Seattle, Atlanta, Miami, Philadelphia, et cetera. (Why stop with the United States? No reason. There goes Amsterdam, Sydney, Guadalajara, Toronto, London, Cape Town, Paris, Hong Kong, et al. Good thing we're not an inter-galactic civilization at this juncture!)

Just imagine what homo-hating radio shock jocks such as Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh will have to say about this! And what about the churches this Sunday: what hateful poison will THEY spew from the pulpit, all across our sorry nation! (Let's not forget the Mosques, no friend they!) Believe you me, I'll be LISTENING to the radio, SCOURING the newspapers and online reports to bring the pieces together into one Ugly Big Picture! (Before I'm rounded up myself by Neocon Brown Shirts or, more optimistically, find hidden sanctuary.)

Outspoken queer activists such as myself and Tom will be very much a target of social scapegoating, and SILENCED in one way or another. (Possibly arrested and TRIED for treason, unless we can somehow access a sort of Gay Underground Railroad!) CENSORSHIP of all things gay! VERBOTEN to wear a pink triangle, and anything ELSE deemed homosexual. (There go the lavender handbags, gentlemen!) Males will FEAR walking the streets withOUT a female on their arm. (Poor ladies, how we guys use you, whether we be straight OR gay!)

I don't think I'm being alarmist at all, 'cause this article on the Chronicle's front page REEKS of an outright attack upon our community, via media/gov't/medical manipulation.

Gays THIRTEEN times more likely to catch this infection (quoting the Chronicle)? A suspicious number indeed...like they're laughing in our faces, believing there's nothing we can do about it. Why not TWELVE or EIGHT or FOUR or FIFTEEN times as likely? May as well claim we're 666 times as likely! As if they want to be BLATANT but not THAT blatant. No, not quite yet, but once society starts rounding up queers for isolation, THEN all bets will be off, BEYOND blatant...it will be OUTRIGHT persecution!

In addition, I refer my readers to Tom's page entitled "Biowar on a Budget." Some quotes:

  • Governments can do the same thing that a cult can do. They keep their eyes and ears open, for every exotic virus in every remote corner of the world. They can seize samples, culture it, spread it without needing to know much at all about it, helping along a potentially natural process, many-fold.

  • One of the first recorded examples of biological warfare is the ancient Romans using dead animals to foul the enemy's water supply ("Biological Warfare and the Implications of Biotechnology"). If the ancient Romans can manage to cook up such ideas, so can Allied, German, or Japanese scientists in 1918, and so can DOD, CIA, or Russian scientists in the 60's and 70's.

  • When you have a government that cozies with religious extremists who say that gays are abominations and enemies of God, that is comparable to a man who says that he loathes his wife. When the government talks about developing new viruses refractory to the immune system, it is comparable to a man buying a gun similar to that which was used to kill his wife, shortly afterward. We are dealing with governments with a proven track record of lying, as a matter of routine. Both the U.S. and Russia promised to stop biowar research in a 1972 treaty. Neither did.

  • Sarin gas: the chemical structure is (H3C)2CHOPF(O)me. It has just four ingredients: phosphorus trichloride, sodium fluoride, isopropyl alcohol, and acentonitrile. It can be made by mere cults, much less renegade governments.

  • In the late 1970's, experimental hepatitis B vaccines were given to gay men in New York and San Francisco. Months later, in each location, the first known cases of AIDS were reported. In New York, some 15 of the first 41 cases were believed to be participants of the vaccine experiment. In San Francisco, 11 of the first 24 vaccine AIDS cases were participants of the vaccine trials. What I am demonstrating is that the probability of this being explainable by random chance is so small, that it constitutes a statistical "smoking gun"- proof as far beyond reasonable doubt as any jury could ever hope to obtain.

Tom's home town of Boston is also hit hard by this new staph, as seem to be ALL the major gay urban pockets in the U.S.

Can you say "holocaust?" We gays will VERY SOON be regarded as dangerous vessels of highly contagious and fatal DISEASE, thus isolated in ghettos and camps. (Truth? Said disease was INTERJECTED into our bodies and body politic via gov't sponsored quackery and hate speech.) Actually, we HAVE been considered plague carriers for centuries, but this particular bacteria is major FUEL to the fire. Our worst nightmare come true...and it was all SET UP that way from the beginning, by Zodiac Cult machination and gov't trespass. San Francisco, Gay Mecca, the EPICENTER? Don't they really mean BULL'S EYE? What This Cult is doing, is playing into majority prejudice that homosexuals are intrinsically filthy, a VERMIN to the decent majority of humans, who are God-fearing BREEDERS...and it's time to put the kibosh on our brazen DARE to demand equal rights.

Just like when it seemed full steam ahead for our rights in the late 70's, a mysterious virus (and consequent resurgence of homophobic vitriol) ground our movement to a halting screech. Now, some 25 years later (of MUCH struggling and grief borne, I might add) we've WON some gay marriage/partnership rights in various states, and other political inroads and...whaddya know...ANOTHER even MORE virulent and contagious malady crashes the party!

ALSO just like my own life: whenever I was about to make a breakthrough, some horrid turn of fate caused it all to come tumbling down. This, I now realize, is due to intrusion of my personal life BY these Cultic Kooks. They are SADISTS to boot! The misery they conjure up is an energy force that nourishes their vampirical cravings. The MORE misery, the MORE sated and empowered THEY are...while the REST of us, poor souls, are left wallowing in the muck of their evil defecations.

AND Al-Qaeda has officially declared a jihad on all LGBT politicos, starting with the gay Mayor of Paris. Along with the Catholic Pope who recently DENOUNCED homosexuals as a destructive factor in society. TWO major religions that together cover most of two continents (South America and Africa), all of Central America and Mexico, MOST of the Middle East, all of Indonesia, and other big chunks of the planet! While these United States don't fall in either religious camp, we must include them in this overwhelming tidal wave of anti-queer hatred, due to Christian fundamentalist dogma that has POISONED our culture.

These are NOT coincidences, Queer Reader. This is global sabotage of gays by The Zodiac Cult Network...which has grown EXTENSIVELY to encompass the world, since its inception in 1967. What seems to have occurred is that, prior to their takeover of MANY levels and aspects of societies worldwide, global hatred was composed of myriad FACTIONS of hate groups that had little interest in joining forces. The Zodiac Cult managed to INFILTRATE them all, one by one, step by step, until now, their power runs through each, and RULES.

The Next Holocaust is on! I just number among the FIRST to see the big picture. I've always been ahead of the times, labeled "paranoid" by Zodiac Disciples and their cohorts in order to obfuscate my insightful conclusions, and those of other concerned gay activists (albeit a handful), including Thomas Keske.

Look again at that petri dish above. Colorful, is it not? Poison mushrooms are colorful, too! Now look at this one:

Seem familiar? It ought to, but I forgive you if it does not. That artful rendering of a toxic petri dish by yours truly, is the THEME for my online opus, "Steal This Blog". Displayed on the book's cover, when you hover the mouse cursor over that image, this caption will appear: "Revenge is a petri dish best served moldy!" For I am full aware that contemporary governments and cults employ biological weapons in their arsenal of terror. (Gee, isn't that how we FOUNDED our nation, with small-pox blankets gifted to the natives? The Great Amerikan Tradition lives on!) And when pushed against the wall (as homosexuals seem thus threatened), just HOW do you think some of us will react, out of DESPERATE crisis?

Why, we'll RETALIATE. Turning the SAME biological weapons used upon us (HIV and MRSA) by our enemies against our enemies. And just who IS the enemy? ANYONE who professes the terror and death of non-heteros...duh! Granted, many of our spineless queer brethren (and sistren) will obligingly march to their doom...either to biological research centers for experimentation, or (if already a bare husk of mortality thanks to medical sabotage) to death camps.

But what about the brave HANDFUL of spirited queers who refuse to go down without a fight? Do you really think SOME of us will not retaliate with biological force? Of course, there's always the ubiquitous GUN. But firearms will not invite SEDUCTION of our enemies, where we can get REALLY close to them and infect them with the very SAME microbes they gleefully injected into us!

In the wee hours while the enemy is sound asleep and murmuring contented snorts (after giving him the best FUCK in his life), we'll quietly slip out of bed, put on our latex gloves, and tenderly administer the invisible agent (in dessicated form, most likely) to his exposed, livid flesh. Then silently slip away, like The Proverbial Thief In The Night.

HEARKEN! I am neither professing such a horrid form of counterattack, nor intend to carry it out myself. For we'd then be no better than our enemies, correct? (I could be WRONG here, just playing Angel's Advocate. After all, it was a NOBLE thing for the Allied Resistance to blow up Nazi trains and their centers of power, don't you agree?) But I am being HONEST here, knowing the NATURE of, er, human nature. For it is ALWAYS the case (as history proves time and time again) that a handful of a severely threatened minority WILL respond with violent and terrorist strategies, to their perceived oppressor. For they have NOTHING to lose; death is a mere trifle at that point (no more nuisance than a pimple on one's butt).

My answer lies in the non-violent sabotage of modern technology. IOW, we will HACK our way to victory. Quoting myself now, from a newsgroup discussion "Heteros bashing Gays Rapidly Increasing":

We need to go UNDERGROUND in order to SABOTAGE their bases and instruments of power. JUST LIKE the allied resistance of WWI and WWII. But today, the MOST IMPORTANT skills that our best soldiers need, are HACKING skills. For via cyberspace is where the GREATEST powers prevail...or at least where the greatest powers can be readily accessed and manipulated.

This global anti-gay holocaust I see as Our Passage Of Fire Towards TRUE LIberation. This will be the absolute CATALYST in fomenting the gay troops into rabid determination to END homophobic bigotry for GOOD. Even with our backs to the wall, and against all apparent odds, we SHALL come out of this victorious, and forever free.

From Fox News: "According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), MRSA is responsible for about 19,000 deaths annually in America "most of which occur in the hospital." Vastly FEWER people die of AIDS every year, than that! But guess which minority is MOST devasted by both horrors? (And receives the LEAST care and compassion?)

So which should we fear most: gays or hetero-run hospitals?


Quoting from the (Jan. 17th issue of the) S.F. Bay Times article, "Staph Infections In The Castro Causing Community Uproar":

Some critics are cynical about the study - especially that it focused on the Castro and not other areas of the City, such as South of Market. Others are angry that the notion of gay sex is being hyped as the cause. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the bacteria affect only about one percent of the population, which has prompted several doctors to propose that fears of the bacteria might be overblown.

The Human Rights Campaign has stated that this is a case of rightwing bigots returning to 1980 HIV/AIDS fear-mongering tactics. "We saw this kind of hysteria in the early 1980's around HIV/AIDS," said HRC President Joe Solmonese. "I'll be damned if we will sit idly by in 2008 and let them perpetrate that type of anti-gay hysteria again without calling them out on it." Based on a Jan. 15 story by the Reuters News Agency about a new strain of staph infection affecting gay men, the rightwing group, Concerned Women for America, well known for its bigotry, took the opportunity to promote its anti-gay hatred. HRC's Solmonese called CWA's statements "lies and distortions."

Moving on to ANOTHER gay rag out of Frisco, The Bay Area Reporter (B.A.R.), I now quote from article, "Data on staph links gays":

Binh An Diep, PhD, a researcher at UCSF and the lead author of the study, said part of the reason why he conducted the study was to help empower gay men to take better care of their own health. It was published online in the Annals of Internal Medicine on January 14.

However, Diep made several statements in a news release that fanned the flames of homophobia. Anti-gay groups seized on the study, with one calling gay men a "public health hazard."

Given the hysteria in much of the media coverage of the recent studies on MRSA, Diep said that he is concerned there will be a possible backlash against the gay community

What? A RESEARCHER aware that his words were poorly chosen, nonetheless goes on record as possibly FOMENTING severe backlash against sexual minorities! Which backlash threatens to spread WAY beyond "Gay Mecca," spilling over into ALL gay communities in major urban centers WORLDWIDE...as I have already iterated some paragraphs above. Now, allow me to provide several MORE quotes from that same article, to ALLEVIATE the needless (though apparently INTENTIONAL) angst created out of these irresponsible mouths of "concerned" and "gay friendly" researchers such as Binh Dipwad:

San Francisco physician William Owen told the Bay Area Reporter Tuesday that he sees little new in the latest study....

Diep found the annual incidence of USA300 infection per 100,000 persons was 275 cases, while the incidence of the MDR variant was 26 cases in all of San Francisco....

The Castro District (Zip code 94114) had the highest percentage (25.7 percent) of male same-sex couples in the United States, and a MDR USA300 incidence rate per 100,000 of 170 cases. However, the total number of cases in an individual Zip code is small and so the statistical confidence interval is large; one should we wary of drawing too many conclusions from the subset analysis.

Diep said they saw little difference among HIV-positive patients in terms of acquisition of MRSA, disease progression, or response to therapy. However, most of those patients had a CD4 count greater than 200. Significant risks of opportunistic infections often are not seen until the CD4 count drops below 100, and the number of patients in that category was too small for meaningful analysis.

Now, about the S.F. Chronicle, which newspaper here in our Unkind Metropolis, REPORTED this hysterical claptrap with a vivid red MAP of The Castro to INTIMIDATE and FRIGHTEN the populace...and STIR UP homophobia and violence against our long-suffering community:

This is not the FIRST time the Chronicle has sold out to the Religious Reich. On August 16, 1999, they accepted $35,000 to publish a full-page anti-gay ad, claiming that we sexual minorities can be cured! See my essay "Hetero Shame Week" for more details on THAT shameful matter. (Thank your lucky ass-teroids a scant good folks like me keep RECORDS and pay CLOSE ATTENTION to seemingly unrelated affairs! If I had to hold down a regular job to survive, instead of collecting a gov't disabilty stipend, I could NEVER have been so dedicated.)

The only thing GOOD coming out of this Dark Affair, is as a textbook example of how This Zodiac Cult operates...either "Dieply" hidden or, in this case, when out in the open, done so with a "Diep" crocodile smile, a.k.a. "friendly fire". In closing, please take a concise moment to embed in your juicy cerebrum, the face of Our Newest Enemy, traitor to our cause:


From newsgroup alt.religion.shamanism, subject "Under Attack":

Hey you friggin' pinheads (midwhiner, scarjism, root, et al), you buried your own hole, now jump in. Written by someone whom I've never met, nor heard of before this:

--begin article:

Mainstream media blow it -- again

Once again gay men are depicted as a problem. Sabin Russell's January 15 article in the San Francisco Chronicle "Lethal new bacteria -- S.F. an epicenter" admits to a general lack of scientific knowledge. Russell states that MRSA might be sexually transmitted. Well, duh, it's spread via skin-skin or skin-surface contact, and that would include sexual contact as well as contact with, oh say, infected doorknobs. And yet, Russell feels there's enough evidence to point an accusatory and sensationalistic finger (the middle one, I suspect) at SF's gay community. Gee, that's new. Unfortunately, Russell selectively manages to leave out the extremely high incidence of infections from elementary and high school gyms and locker rooms.

So SF's gay community is the "epicenter"? What colorful gay-phobic imagery, definitely more appropriate for the front page of the Enquirer. Russell provides some statistics re: the denizens of the 94114 Zip code, which just so happens to be in close proximity to SF General Hospital, therefore a natural place to turn for medical assistance and exposure. Yet the Zip code 94114 also includes the predominantly non-gay Noe Valley. And anyone notice all the straight folks (and baby strollers, etc.) in the Castro? It ain't just gay.

And note that these gay-phobic "facts" are based solely on epidemiology -- the same methodology that "proved" poppers cause AIDS. But wait, it doesn't.

Does SF General Hospital have any responsibility for the development and spread of MRSA? SF General admits they've known it's a problem since 2001, and they've neither cleared out the problem nor stopped infecting their patients. Why doesn't Russell point that lurid finger in their direction? Or is it easier to blame the victims whose trust was violated when they were exposed to this staph bacteria while seeking medical care?

Also note, doctors claim that by simply cleaning up with soap and water, you can minimize catching MRSA. Too bad the health department closed the bathhouses, where people could easily shower after sex. And anyone notice how the closure did not stop the spread of AIDS?

Buried at the end of the article is the admission that the key factor might be over-use of antibiotics (a factor not limited to gays living in the 94114 Zip code), which is probably the fault of an over-prescribing medical community.

But, hey, when in doubt, blame the fags.

Tom W. Kelly
San Francisco

--end of article

Contrast THIS letter with your own crude words, and what does this make you look like? A HOMOPHOBE. Jerkwad breeders.

WAIT, I'm not finished. Don't leave this thread yet. Don't I DESERVE the sheer pleasure of rubbing your own breeder-polluted feces in your own butt-ugly hetero mugs? (Don't worry, my friends, I'm wearing osmosis-proof disposable gloves. I won't catch ANY breeder infection. I also have their MOUTHS gagged, so they can't SPIT any of their contagious hetero VENOM in my direction.)

There's also THIS news article:

UCSF apologizes for MRSA release

Too long to post in its entirety here, but I want to include these two excerpts:


Binh An Diep, 29, the post-doctoral researcher who was the lead author of the paper, expressed his "regret having made the statement regarding a potential spread of the new multi-drug-resistant strain of USA300 into the 'general population.' I deeply apologize for this offensive jargon as men who have sex with men are part of the general population," he wrote in an e-mail exchange with a reporter....

Because of its location and the fact that it was first out of the gate, the Chronicle story set the tone for much of the subsequent media coverage. The widely distributed Associated Press story was basically a rewrite of the Chronicle article.

The New York Times article led with a sensationalist focus on the "flesh-eating" potential for the MRSA strain and its spread "most easily through anal intercourse."

--end excerpts

I end by quoting Midwhiner's rude remark to me (one among many):

{{ discounting your hypersensitivity }}

Right, my justified OUTRAGE is simply "hypersensitivity".

Oh, and this one too:

{{ Pay attention: *I* have never heard anyone suggest
that the spread of MRSA is anything at all to do with sexuality. }}

No, breeder loser, YOU pay attention. The reason YOU claim to have not heard anyone suggest this, is because you INTENTIONALLY sabotage gay activists. I won't go so far as to accuse you of being a PLANT for the religious right...as there are so MANY homophobe-Nazis all too EAGER to bash and lambast us queers voluntarily, who needs to organize 'em!

Pay attention: STOP deriding and trivializing gay activists like myself. WE KNOW WHAT WE ARE DOING. You have shown your TRUE colors: as intentional SABOTEUR of gay rights, wherever and whenever you get the chance.

NO ONE who is NOT out of the closet homosexual, has ANY right to have the last word on the matter of GAY rights. Not the least of which is your SMARMY, DISEASE-RIDDEN self, Midwhiner.

There's ALSO this by columnist Chris Crain (I emphasize by rubbing your scat in your breeder mugs, Midwhiner, scarjism, coot, et al):

Deja AIDS All Over Again


That headline and variations of it appeared around the world this past week as the mainstream media went into panic overdrive in response to research showing gay men in San Francisco and several other urban areas were at a higher risk of infection from a drug-resistant form of staph infection.

--end quote

PAY ATTENTION, homophobes: "That headline and variations of it APPEARED AROUND THE WORLD". Ergo, all YOU'VE done, Midwhiner, is show to all the Usenet world, what a gay-hating IGNORMAUS breeder you are. Ha, ha. ROTFLMAO.

And since you're from England, Midwhiner, you MIGHT try to excuse your ignorance by claiming no such homophobic article appeared in any British journal that you know of. So I now quote from that same article:

"One London tabloid even dubbed MRSA 'the new HIV.'"

Crain is a gay columnist BTW, who was recently bashed to within an INCH of his life in formerly gay-friendly Holland, thanks to hetero ignoramuses like YOU dipwads, who don't give a FUCK about gay people, instead constantly DERIDE and TRIVIIALIZE our participation in public forums. (And wilfully IGNORE our plight, while FEIGNING gay-friendliness.) Read about his bashing here:

The science of anti-gay hate


posted by: soulsought (reply)
post date: 01.20.08 (3:06 pm)

Can this staph be spread by non intimate contact, such as on a bar of soap in a public restroom or airborne streetcar enclosure?

The reason I ask is because, if so, the planters of this thing don't care who gets struck in the crossfire. The Foulwell gang didn't waste too many alligator tears on innocent little Ryan White. Nor did they mourn their own fellow fascist Paul Gann.

posted by: ZekeBlog (reply)
post date: 01.20.08 (3:06 pm)

Non-intimate contact, such as a handshake? Yes, definitely. Or staph microbes rubbed onto a handrail, doorknob, faucet, glass, cup or utensil. Scary, eh? And GAYS are being scapegoated...this is a TERRORIST conspiracy hatched by our gov't via this Zodiac Cult. NOT airborn, though. But I expect something of that ilk to be comin' down the pike SOON...once more the finger of blame will point toward homosexuals.

That's why it's IMPORTANT to wash one's hands regularly...the GREATEST DEFENSE against capturing/spreading MRSA. I suggest you carry a handy little bottle of alcohol based hand cleaner. I do, in a squeeze bottle kept in my backpack. Then, no matter what the setting, you can easily cleanse your hands of microbes, withOUT requiring a restroom nearby.

Staph on a soap bar is NO big deal, as soaping down your hands w/same bar would nonetheless REMOVE all staph...from both yourself AND the soap.

I ALSO think handshaking should go out of fashion.

Ryan White? Federal funding for AIDS victims is far GREATER now for non-gay victims, than gay ones. That's because our right-wing fascists are attempting to eliminate ALL funding for gays w/HIV. If anything, they BLAME gays for spreading AIDS in blood banks, which utlimately killed Ryan.

EVERYTHING'S OUR FAULT. Don't you get it? Figured out yet how Muslims and Xians will find peace between themselves? They'll REDIRECT their hatred against each other, towards homosexuals! Yay! (They've already BEGUN to do so in Western nations, by joining forces AGAINST gay marriage.)

To quote our Enemy-in-Chief:

"Bring it on!"

posted by: ZekeBlog (reply)
post date: 01.20.08 (3:07 pm)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR (Bay Area Reporter and S.F. Bay Times)

Subject: Yummy Hetero Flesh

Dear Editor:

Check out this "gay flesh-eating" map (front page, S.F. Chronicle, Jan. 15):


The 94114 zip code (Eureka Valley a.k.a. The Castro) is bright red...like a bull's eye. It's a blatant attack, both psychological and biological, to terrorize and decimate our gay ranks. And they're not too covert about it. What does this map really suggest? Gays are CODE RED, same as Islamic terrorists! (This isn't just a flesh-eating plague: it's a GAY flesh-eating plague...and a most virulent one at that! We're not just baby eaters any more. Yay!)

Quoting a recent article regarding this new variant of MRSA (Bay Area Reporter, Jan. 17):

"Diep made several statements in a news release that fanned the flames of homophobia. Anti-gay groups seized on the study, with one calling gay men a public health hazard."

What? A UCSF researcher, Dr. Binh An Diep, aware that his words were poorly chosen, nonetheless goes on record as possibly fomenting severe backlash against sexual minorities! Which backlash threatens to spread way beyond "Gay Mecca," spilling over into all gay communities in major urban centers worldwide.

Gays THIRTEEN times more likely to catch this infection? A suspicious number indeed...like they're laughing in our faces, believing there's nothing we can do about it. Why not TWELVE or EIGHT or FOUR or FIFTEEN times as likely? May as well claim we're SIX-SIX-SIX times as likely!

Can you imagine Eureka Valley (and other queer-locale) restaurants, coffeehouses, shops and bars shutting down, 'cause tourists (and even SF denizens) fear exposure? And heteros SHUNNING any physical proximity towards gays (forget about shaking hands)...and gays AFRAID to even hug each other! See the homophobes strike back: our very own Kristallnacht. Shops all around the Castro boarded up, windows smashed, fires lit! Why stop with Gay Mecca's epicenter? EVERY QueerCentric urban community will suffer EXTREME hostility. Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, D.C., Seattle, Atlanta, Miami, Philadelphia, et cetera. (Why stop with the United States? No reason. There goes Amsterdam, Sydney, Guadalajara, Toronto, London, Cape Town, Paris, Hong Kong, et al. Good thing we're not an inter-galactic civilization at this juncture!)

Just like when it seemed full steam ahead for our rights in the late 70's, a mysterious virus (and consequent resurgence of homophobic vitriol) ground our movement to a halting screech. Now, some 25 years later (of much struggling and grief borne, I might add) we've won some gay marriage/partnership rights in various states, and other political inroads and...whaddya know...another even more virulent and contagious malady crashes the party!

I fully agree with one pro-gay organization's position, as reported in the S.F. Bay Times article dated Jan. 17:

"The Human Rights Campaign has stated that this is a case of rightwing bigots returning to 1980 HIV/AIDS fear-mongering tactics."

But it is not enough to point our fingers at those fundamentalist and right-wing groups jumping all over these skewed statistics. We must also roundly condemn those people originally responsible for broadcasting such homophobic tripe, who hold important positions in the medical field, claiming to be friends of the LGBT community. Starting with Dr. Diep, who heads this particular MRSA project.

Just who are you, Dr. Binh "Dipwad"? A pious Christian infiltrating our queer community in order to poison us with a new infection, to foment further anti-queer backlash? Or perhaps you're a gay man yourself, whose desire for world fame (along with that of your associates) far outweighs any true desire to honor the Hippocratic Oath? You would not be the first opportunist to piggy-back onto our long-suffering community for your own vainglory, no matter what damage wrought upon those groups you claim to heal!

Quoting again from the same B.A. R. article:

"Given the hysteria in much of the media coverage of the recent studies on MRSA, Diep said that he is concerned there will be a possible backlash against the gay community."

Dr. Dipwad, put this in your syringe and sit on it: We queers can do without your perverted sort of "concern". As the saying goes: "With friends like you, who needs enemies?" I hope you lose your job and find yourself begging in the streets. Or at best: slinging hash in the Tenderloin.

As for the S.F. Chronicle:

This is not the first time the Chronicle has sold out to the Religious Reich. On August 16, 1998, they accepted $35,000 to publish a full-page anti-gay ad, claiming that we sexual minorities can be cured! You can view that horrid ad, as well as read outraged responses (and the Chronicle's own, smug defense) here:


This medical scandal of homophobic and media intrigue causes me to question:

Is S.F. General in cahoots with the UCSF med center, to use gay people as Guinea pigs for their medical experiments? And since the vast majority of MRSA infections remain a hospital-borne plague, just WHO should we fear more: homosexuals or hetero-run hospitals?

Sinqueerly yours,

Zeke Krahlin

posted by: ZekeBlog (reply)
post date: 01.20.08 (3:09 pm)

Wow! Compliment from a former non-admirer (from newsgroup alt.pagan):

"1X2Willows" wrote:

{{ Can't say I've been an avid and supporting reader of your posts in the past. They're usually a bit extreme, militant gay, borderline hysterical for my straight as an arrow taste. }}

They only SEEM that way, because I am ahead of the times. As anti-gay witch hunts take off, you'll remember my vociferous declarations and say to yourself:

"My god, the little fucker was right all along!"

For I INTENTIONALLY wrote my pieces to stick in the memory of ANYONE who reads 'em. It is my INVESTMENT for a future time, to PROVE to as many as possible, my totally ACCURATE gift of prophecy.

Just be clear on one thing above all others: I come out of the PAGAN tradition, NOT Xian.

The PRICE Goddess asked me to pay for such outspoken claims, was humiliation...which included people perceiving me as a ditzy, paranoiac faggot. Let me tell you this: my calling is far from easy!

{{ For example, I don't see any need for dualist designations such as Gay Pride or Hetero Shame. }}

I do! We need to UNDERLINE the absolute heinousness of heterosexism, which is NOT being done at all via our conventional "pride" celebrations...all of which have been sold out to HETERO-dominated commercialism.

{{ Being a friend of the multitudes of gray between white and black myself, I'd prefer slogans like "Sexual Tolerance"
uniting the two. }}

How horridly bland. Mush. Oatmeal. Pap. Farina. Succotash. SUFFERIN' succotash.

{{ However, I do agree with you on several points in this case. }}

Yes, let's get back on track here! :b

{{ First, this statistic in the article you quote, no doubt about it, must be one of the most sensational pieces of junk science I've ever seen. }}


{{ Who got paid to deliver such utterly unscientific garbage and by whom? Who owns the SF Chronicle these days anyway? }}

Don't limit your outrage to the media. It is OBVIOUSLY a ploy of the medical profession, too. S.F. General Hospital AND the UCSF medical researchers.

{{ Is someone trying to create a media hype? Sure looks like it. }}

THANK YOU. But "media hype" is too general a term, too gentle. This is an outright ATTACK upon gay people, intended to foment a holocaust. There are some very intelligent and clever types behind all this. They are DANGEROUS...and intend to get as many heteros to bash gays as possible.

{{ Then we have the current political climate and its obvious slide to the right, where promoted "ideal" values and lifestyles are concerned. }}

It's been "current" since the Democrats went centrist, and Bush shortly after that, usurped the throne.

{{ By now, no one asks anymore because everyone is occupied enough with prevention, keeping it under control and the hunt for a cure. }}

Fortunately, some of us CONTINUE to question. We are like pitbulls with our jaws clamped on the legs and arms of our enemies. WE WON'T LET GO until we have the REAL answers!

Because if we don't get the truth outta them, gays will be in an even WORSE situation. Which is PRECISELY what is threatening to occur via this MRSA intrigue...thanks in no small part to the fact that MOST have stopped questioning the reality of how HIV was first spread among homosexuals.

But some of us have STRONG suspicions, and have been working DILIGENTLY to gather more and more evidence.

{{ There's a method to the madness IMO. }}

The madness of a death cult: Disciples of the Zodiac Killer. How they've matured over the decades, and infiltrated many levels and aspects of society, is all revealed in my book, Friendly Ghost Detective Agency. I don't get into the details of this cult until Chapter 6 ("Letters Germane"). But I've written each chapter to stand alone w/o any loss of understanding or enjoyment to the rest of my non-fiction opus.

The book's online version will ALWAYS remain free, no strings attached, to emphasize the veracity of my work...that I'm not out for the money so much as to blow the whistle against a very evil force that threatens the well being of our entire nation AND the world.

So here are a few sub-chapters of Part 6 that will introduce you to this horrid cult, how they got started, and how they operate:

First, load Part 6's table of contents here:

gay HYPHEN bible DOT org SLASH truetales SLASH Larkin SLASH FG_06 DOT htm

Then, read the following pieces:

- I Don't Trust Roman, Here's Why

- First Letter

- There's a Succubus Born Every Minute

- Lord of the Drug Rings

- Disbelief: the Weakest Link

And of course, what I've most recently posted to newsgroups:

- Under Attack

{{ So now, you're informing us of this brand new outbreak of something entirely different but once again, never existed before. I don't only find that highly interesting as outlined above but I'll say this reeks indeed. In any case, good luck and good health to you and all your loved ones. }}

THANK YOU! It THRILLS me to hear one's appreciation for my good works, BY one who previously did not GRASP my attempts to alert people, as well as spare my gay brothers further persecution.

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