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credit to the original author.
Ezekiel J. Krahlin
©2001 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin
A guy from New York City
(Troy was his name)
Came to San Francisco
To play the drug-deal game.
Now I'm not talkin' soft drugs
Like 'shrooms and Mary Jane.
I'm talkin' 'bout your hard drugs:
Crystal, horse, co-caine.
So Troy did his peddling,
With death the price to pay
For gay sisters, brothers,
Whom he led astray.
All this he did for vanity,
Profit and a name,
Killing many customers
Or driving them insane.
The Beast, he fine'ly raised
his head and said:
"Buddy, you are mine!"
So the soul of Troy went to bed
When came the judgment time.
I say this as a warning
To him, and others too:
Switch to dealing soft drugs,
And God shall reign His mercy
On every one of you.