-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://www.gay-bible.org -------------------------------------------------------------- QUEER REALITY TV COMES OF AGE (a parable for the 21st century) © 2006 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin (Jehovah's Queer Witness) GIRD YOUR LOINS, GENTLEFAGS...ON THE COUNT OF 10, RUN!The BEST show we could have at this point--at least, for trash television--is your queer dating game. And just forget about having any sort of hetero cachet to make the show "okay" in the eye of the hetero-thug masses. We should also have--on a more serious note--a well-written detective show where the star's sidekick is his (or her) same-sex lover. (Oh, wait, we already had that: Cagney & Lacey...har, har! And those names: reminiscent of a tough hetero Hollywood gangster James Cagney, and a very feminine material, because it's "lacy"...talk about role playing.) I'm afraid though, that all this "loosening up" about gay presence on Amerikan TV will lead to: GIRD YOUR LOINS (Sundays, 8-9pm MSNBC) Amerika having OUTLAWED the very notion of even BEING homosexual, this new reality show,"Gird Your Loins", is a form of creative sentencing on those godless, sexual-minority perverts. And since DEATH is the mandatory sentence for ANY form of action or speech that is not solidly heterocentric, anything goes! Torture? Sure, it's the logical next-step in queer television. But the torture spot will be merely an APPETIZER for the show's entree. A gaggle of lispy homosexuals from Federal Security Prison's Death Row are released into this or that great Amerikan wilderness...a half-day ahead of our red-blooded hetero hunters (selected from a TV Guide lottery). The desperate queers will be hunted down in some of the most sensational and dramatic scenery to grace our national parks: God's Country. Nano-cameras are implanted EVERYWHERE in the wilderness (thanks to KingGeorgeThe3rdClone), so no interesting scenes will be lost for (hetero) human enjoyment, ever...not even the most subtle nuances of terror, grief, and death-throe release on poor queers' faces. All in high-definition TV for the (hetero) viewer's ultimate enjoyment. Interactive online selections by viewers will influence each hunter's choice of weapon, and method of targeting and hunting down the worthy victim. And best of all: they will also have some control over redirecting the escape routes of a queer they personally select on Gird Your Loins' web site. You can make a grizzly bear pop up when least expected, a sudden flood across a meadow...even small avalanches that threaten to crush the hopes of the escapee, if not the escapee itself! (And those hot love-making scenes before they are sent to hell...those desperate expressions of needfulness and holding onto each other...oh my, no wonder the show's on Sunday prime time.) And since viewers actually PARTICIPATE in the hunt, this is the first reality show EVER, to be a real-life SIM adventure. So sign up now for your Breeder Cable subscription, and join one of the most elite and respected TV viewing services in the (hetero) galaxy! ### The sky fell long ago, So now we sing ballads Of Chicken Little's woe. The wolves now lurk Beneath our skin, Gorging themselves on the fat Of our sins. And when we're plump With no regrets, We'll watch the wolves On TV sets. ---finis