-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://www.gay-bible.org -------------------------------------------------------------- LETTER TO RANDOLPH 1/17/87 (A True Tale From The Castro. Eat your heart out, Armistead!) © 1998 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin Dearest Randy, So many of your talents are intangible to the ordinary eye! These are the greatest talents: devotion to ideals, a beautiful imagination, high aspirations, and fervent wishes for world peace. And you have them all, my best friend and Guardian Angel! Anything you create in material form will be a beautiful symbol of your True Talents. You also have the talent to create a lovely home for many needful souls, establish and direct a humanitarian organization, or a similar calling; all of which are the active expressions of your Talents. I think that what you are doing for me is absolutely marvelous, no matter what level you are reaching out from! (It certainly comes from love, in one form or another.) How you affect me is with great inspiration and renewal of the Great Dream. Your expressions of kindness to me frees my creative channel--and this is your gift to me...how could I not feel most exhilarated and forever grateful! I cannot separate the inspiration you give me from the inspiration I give others. To lose my link with you is also to lose my link with the world...my creativity and aspirations vanish. Several years before meeting you, I was already in the process of collapsing: my creative energies were feeble, as were my hopes for anything decent in my life. This, I believe, came from so many years doing everything for myself alone, so that, finally, I could no longer push my creative flow. My inspiration comes from love, whether the source is inward or outward. It's just that I had finally used up all my inner "fuel," and no one had ever come into my life to renew my source of inspiration. After all, one can read books, watch movies, listen to the radio, about love, kindness, and friendship...for an entire lifetime! But how can a person eventually succeed (in spirit) if it never manifests for him in the real world? So, my system was shutting down...and I could do nothing about it, except to struggle the best I knew how. However, I think that, without someone to love and care for (and vice versa), people can and do collapse and die in spirit while still in their bodies! Try telling this stuff to a psychiatrist who is: (1) atheist, (2) a believer in the philosophy that "Whatever happens to you is your own fault, and complaining will just make it worse." They have all the answers (they think)! What an easy way to excuse one's responsibility to a fellow being in distress! ("Well, it's his own fault or it wouldn't happen, so it would not only be wrong for me to get involved, but it would also be very bad karma!") One day, my shrink quoted Freud as to what meaning there is in life, if one does not believe in God. The answer: "Love and Work." So I asked my psychiatrist "What if you can't find Love? Then you just have to focus on Work, right? But since most people can never find a career that allows them to express their full potential (or even close to it), where does that leave them?" He never bothered to respond. But I made my own conclusion: If love and work are the only meanings, then that leaves most people off in a bad way! On a deeper level, "work" is really acting upon your spiritual calling (once you discover it), and "love" is the persistence of one's belief in The Good no matter what trials lay ahead. Not to say that there aren't a lot of people who wallow in their distress in order to get attention! So for that reason, I have learned to be responsive to only those people I know I can help, and who are basically True Givers, when not down and out themselves (or have the potential to become Givers). If I dwell too long on the incredible numbers of people suffering the world over, I freak out, drain all my creative resources, and am no good for anybody, let alone myself! Yes, it hurts to know that so many people suffer, and will continue suffering for a long, long time to come (unless a miracle happens, and certainly believe it will!). But I do believe that whenever is Love expressed to a single person, the entire world is greatly enriched in spirit! Another victory in this War of Armageddon! But back to my inspired talents: When you honor me with the incredible freedom to express my love to you, I am also freed to reach out to others, as well as begin again to write poetry and stories! When we go through a bumpy cycle, I collapse! So, when you tell me to share myself with others, please realize that that is not only greatly enhanced whenever we share, it is impossible for me when we don't! (Everything loses its color, I have no appetite, and the world becomes a very unfriendly and lonely place! This is one of the most difficult battles of Armageddon! I can't beat those demons myself! I need a faithful comrade fighting by my side! I am in the front line, Condition Red: "We need more troops! We need loyal comrades, armored with the purest weapons of Love, Patience, Long-Suffering, Kindness, and sexy bodies! Please, hear my call, we cannot win without a full, striking force! (....STATIC, communications terminated!)." (Do you hear me, Randy? Are your antennae receiving?) There is only one more hill to surmount, and that is where the greatest number of Demons have gathered. I cannot defeat them and reach Elysium without at least one devoted comrade by my side! This is a distress call of the highest priority! Anyone out there, please hear me! Everybody thinks I'm just this crazy guy who goes on weird trips because I took acid once in my life! Help! This is the hour of Armageddon, and I have begun fighting it a long, long time ago, by myself! I'm doing this for all of you, because I love you, ladies and gentlemen and all the children and children-to-be-born! I have the vision! I know what's really going on this very moment, beyond this thin veil of "reality"! You wouldn't believe how absolutely mad it is out there! The Enemy Battalions are in full colors, and, were they not evil, would truly be a thing of glory to see! Their beauty seduces me, and I call for reinforcements! Save me from their temptations! Please, please, someone answer my call! Their first line of attack is straight down the hill! My, my! There's so many of them, and just little ol' me! (At least I still have my sense of humor--my last line of defense. Please send me reinforcements of humor before mine are destroyed! No men who are half-hearted, either! Send me your best: the sweetest, most devoted, most sexy, most passionate, warriors!) Do you think I'm joking, Randolph? I take humor very seriously. It is the most powerful weapon we have, and our greatest hope to win this war! I seem to talk to you half-real and half-figure, yet these are the only words I can find to share with you my visions of the other world as they unfold before my very wide-open and fearful eyes! My words tend to be lyrical, because this other world is so incredibly lovely and delightful! But Hell can be deceiving enough to seem to be Heaven, so I am definitely most cautious, and always keep a firm hand on the handle of the Gate (I swing back and forth, twixt this world and The Other! Hop on, it's fun!). This is a real dimension whose gate I have stumbled through, and I now stand with one foot here, and one foot there! I am a "keeper," so to speak, maybe for a little while, or maybe for a long time! I am most blessed and gifted to have this Second Sight. I can view reality on two levels at the same time. Everything that we do on this world is simultaneously acted out in the spirit world...with a tremendously greater intensity! While two people exchange bitter words here, above there is another battle conquered by the Evil Ones! Yet look over there: two people exchanging loving words...a victory for the Good Ones! Sure, many people have mused upon the parallel relationships between Heaven, Earth, and Hell. This is nothing new to write home about! I'm certainly not original...I'm more like the secretary for the Angels, who dictate exactly what I am to communicate to you (you're TOP PRIORITY, hot stuff!), and other people with the "open faces" (meaning, they have that "enlightened" look about them). Randy, my love is the angel's song through the tunnel of time! Don't ask me why I have been chosen (let alone why I think I have been chosen), or if I am the only one, the first, or one among many (144,000?) and certainly not the first! (I see that the Angels are presently ironing your battle fatigues so that you will look as snappy and bright as possible before our Enemies! You are the Seducer of Seducers!) I feel like the Gods act through us, and after having been lost for so, so long in a most gruesome war, are waking up in our souls to rediscover each other and make love through us! My soul generates the aura of Apollo, and yours the aura of Eros! We are still, of course, Randy and Gene, but we have each married our Soul Mates, formerly our Guardian Angels. How long, Randy-Eros, are you going to delay the honeymoon! Until I'm so frustrated, that I'll finally blow up into a million pieces of super novas? Didn't you already try that? And you saw the mess you made? The mortals call it "creation"--isn't that cute? I don't really care about Gene anymore, I think I'll talk to you directly through Randy...this way, we can more efficaciously bring Zeus's abundant gifts onto this too- long-suffering plane of Human Glory and Tragedy. It sure is swell to be with you again, Eros! I am the only one you never thought to seduce, yet I am the most seduced! While you weren't looking, I swiped your arrows. Hope you're not angry with me! I hid the arrows in a private dimension no one has access to except me. If you'd like an arrow, you'll have to come with me to my private dimension, and an arrow will appear in your hand for each time we make love. Yes, I know you have an infinite supply--I just want to find out for myself, big boy! Let's just see who really does have the right stuff! Absolutely incredible, if you even consider that such a thing would be possible for even a moment! Randy, I can talk to you only as Gene...or Most Lovely Eros, I can talk to you only as Helios...or Randy/Eros, we can talk to you as a mixture of Gene and Apollo, sometimes more one than the other! But now Gene and I are working very well together, so he can even step aside when need be, to allow me, the Fire of Zeus, to act and talk directly...but still concealed to all but a rare eye! Gene has had a most difficult and long fight (on many a psychiatrist's couch!) to balance things out with us, his archetypes. But we are in excellent harmony, now that Gene realizes that we wanted him to stay Captain of the Ship all the time! Those damn demons fucked with Gene's head, by appearing as ourselves (Zeus's children) and luring him away from the true Path! He even sometimes wonders if you, Randy/Eros, could (perhaps) be one of them in Heavenly disguise! But we have a secret that I'll now tell you: no thing in this universe can resist the seduction of Apollo, who has already liberated many demons to Olympia! No thing at all, except one: Eros, Seducer of seducers! So I, the Fire of Zeus's sperm, can only bide his lonely time till he receives the Gracious Light of Love Eternal which is, of course, the Aura of Eros! I have most humbly rebore myself on earth through each human generation, to demonstrate my love for you, Eros Most Beautiful! Have I not been sacrificed many times in the name of Our Father, to prove my constant faith in all that is Good and True, O Bearer of Love's Cup? Have I not followed you through every dark path you walked, and always found my way back to Olympia, because of my faith in you? O Seducer of seducers, isn't there anyone who can seduce you? If I knew of someone else, I would bring him hither to your feet and offer him unto you, Most Handsome--for I love you that much! Randy, I, Apollo, address you: Gene had begun to collapse and cut off communications from you, because of your accusation that his gifts are "wasted" on you! So I took over the controls in order to maintain this most crucial contact! Gene will be all right, always, because he now trusts my hands...and he is certainly most well-loved by me, who would never marry any one less than a True Hero! And Gene has the same tastes I do! During these times, he sits in the back seat, and watches me drive, while our Medics do repair work on his soul. You still have a little more battling to do: those demons pop out through your mouth once in a while. Eros, your persistence in resistance is attracting devils into your force field, and affecting Randy...I'm only telling you this for your own good! If there were some other way to get them out, I'd tell you, but the Army Seduction Field Handbook says that, in this circumstance, "The Demons you'll fling, when to Apollo your heart will sing!" Look, this is no more in my control any more than it is in yours. Yes, I know it came from energy that I created, but why did I create it? From a deeper energy that is Our Father's own finger! You think I can change his plans? Yeah, I know I did, once, but that was before I grew hair on my body. I must also tell you this, Randy: Gene would not reveal to you what I am, for I am so deep in his heart, that he could never trust anyone to share me! But I, Helios, have taken command in this situation, so that no thing may be hidden, and all may shine under the Golden Light of God's Witness. There will be no judgment, as we find that you, as well as Gene, are pure in soul. Even the Gods in this situation can do nothing more than plead for mercy! It has so moved us, that we now speak through his lips the words that shall bring to you the full realization of Gene's love! And we judge you most worthy of Love! Thou art the highest of Angels, and the sweetest! Randy, this is Gene, I'm back! (Am I me, or am I Memorex? What a most difficult decision you are up against!) Randy, I know I have the talent to be published, but my Guardian Angel always blocks that path! I realize now, since I am in such good communications with those little devils, that my talents are meant only for a few, very close friends! And whenever I delight you, I now know, I delight the legions of Angels in Heaven...and even in Hell! Who could ever be more famous than that? I positively reek with God's blessings, I wonder why I never got vain? (That was Apollo, twisting my words! Good Heavens, it really is!) You are made of the same stuff as I, my Angel, you possess the fire, the wind, the water, the sky, and all that is glorious in God's Heart of Infinite Compassion! (Ah, how lovely to meditate upon my handsome stallion!) Randy, I've stumbled upon a most wonderful vision of the universe, and I want with every beat of my lonely heart, to share this Greatest of Gifts, and then, and only then, can it be divided and shared among all! There is no one else who can carry the torch with me! Believe me! I've looked, I've looked! Not that there aren't others as worthy as, or worthier than, this Great Task...it's just that that's the way God planned it! We are so incredibly honored to be welcomed into the Circle of Angels: THE BROTHER/SISTERHOOD OF ANGELS! Let us embrace in great joy, and be proud of our good works! Let us get this show on the road! (I guess he'll keep seeing Gene as a crazy, burdensome nuisance until that Magic Arrow gets lodged a little further in his heart. I know it'll hurt him--why do you think I put things off for so long? This is my last arrow, man...Apollo's exhausted me for a week!) Randy, it's hard to talk to you as Gene sometimes, because the Archetypes are having an absolute ball! They are celebrating a most wonderful victory in the name of love, which is so very soon from now! And the celebration is for us! Did you ever think that, since Angels are telepathic, that they begin celebrating a victory centuries before it happens? Of course, their secret weapon is to only tune in on the victories, especially in the midst of battles. That's what I think they're doing now, by shifting me into the "safety zone," so that I won't get in the cross fire! It's absolutely enchanting to see the final conquest of Armageddon, and the first ray of Morning Sun beaming over the horizon! Randy, I am so fucking in love with you, I am out of my skin! You are such a fucking, god-damned, lovely and most handsome and kind man I have ever met! I'd be an absolute fool not to reach out to you! For you are also such a sweet and needful man! What I mean is: take your time! I'm ready for you whenever you're ready for me! And in the meantime, I'll build on this spiritual foundation I've created, so that I'll be even "readier" when you arrive! Sorry I spared you little sanity in this letter, but Apollo is my faithful lover, and I know now that Father knows best and I absolutely trust what He tells me to do! Believe me, I can discern between the Good Lord's Voice and the Dark Lord's wail! In other words, absolutely nothing is going to stop me from mailing this letter even though I, Gene, am so afraid it will turn you off for good! I have that much faith--faith to believe that God speaks to me, and, when he does, I carry out his words! My words of love are His commands! I either am His loyal servant, or nothing at all! Surely you, a man of many, many decorations, understands the Golden Cord of Loyalty! (But it is also faithless to have fear, so begone my fears!) Randy, I am so happy that you found such an excellent clinic! The people there must be awfully, awfully nice. I bet you you're surrounded by a platoon of The Brother/Sisterhood of Angels, and you don't even realize it! (They're just "ordinary" nurses, aides, and doctors, right? Try to pull that on me, and I'll hang up!) And how wonderful to see the Amish in Winter...only I certainly did not want your foot to be broken in order to accomplish that! I already have five, lovely cards from you, filling my room with light! Each card is so special, I really can't have favorites. (Actually, my favorite card is always your most recent one!) Some days I put one of your cards in my coat pocket, so it's close to my heart all day long! I don't even throw away the envelopes! They're right here on my desk, waiting to have something creative done with them! (Pheobus: "I think maybe--no, I definitely will--use these envelopes as mortar for the Foundations of Heaven. Such very fine material!") Depending on which level you're on, I either got you very upset (in which case you'll worry for my sanity and come rushing to my aid!), or you are now absolutely joyful (in which case you'll worry for my loneliness and come rushing to my aid!)...or a mixture of both (in which case a dragon will descend into your ward and sweep you off your feet to bring you home to me!) God is with you! Really! What more can I say, big buddy? Semper Fidelis! ---finis