-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://www.gay-bible.org -------------------------------------------------------------- MR. AKBAR'S DEMISE (A True Tale From The Castro. Eat your heart out, Armistead!) © 2002 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin Oct. 28, 2002 Dear B.A.R. Editor, I cannot disagree more with the surviving family and friends of one Mr. Jihad Abdul-Alim Akbar, who on October 8, was shot and killed by police. Jihad was brandishing knife cleavers and hollering anti-gay and racist epithets in a crowded, popular corner of the Castro...then lunged at the officer who told him to drop the knives. In such a volatile situation, I can hardly blame the cop for bringing Mr. Akbar down...when any other option might likely have caused serious injury or even death to one or more bystanders, including the officer. With great disgust, I read that Akbar's family wants to sue the SFPD for the death of their insanely violent relative. Homophobia is homophobia, whether from a gay person, or straight, or any other. Sometimes the most violent gay bashers turn out to be closeted queers with major unresolved issues around their sexuality (like Dahmer and Gacey). Obviously, Jihad is no exception...especially when coupled with the virulent stance his Muslim belief holds against homosexuality. (How strange that his first name has turned out to be so tragically prophetic.) Where is the shame in Mr. Akbar's surviving family and friends? Obviously, by what they said in your news article of October 24, he had a long history of mental disability and substance abuse; and was prone to violent tantrums. So I certainly encourage a lawsuit against Akbar's family, for allowing such a dangerous soul to mingle in the company of unsuspecting, decent gay people and their friends (who were hoping to find some sort of "safe haven" for maybe just a short while, here in the heart of the heart of Gay Mecca.) Can the SFPD or The City sue them for such criminal lack of concern for permitting such a loon to run amok in our own gay neighborhoods? (Can we residents of the Castro sue, too? If so, count me in!) Why didn't Akbar's "friends" either have him supervised in public by a responsible adult; or contain him geographically, within their immediate family and social circle, where they can keep an eye on him? Akbar's "friends" go on to blame the drug problems of our queer community, for Akbar's death. So, not only do we queers get violently threatened to the point of terror by this "Jihad", but now we must suffer being the scapegoats for his family's smug and deceitful ploy. If I were a Christian zealot planting human bombs within the queer community, I could not have pulled off a better stunt than the scenario playing out around Mr. Akbar's demise. Make gay people look bad, on top of all the other anti-gay media propaganda flooding our nation. There seems to be no concern for the damage upon our community, that will surely come about from the hysterical lies of Akbar's comrades. How DARE they blame gay people for the violent acts of a lunatic? Wasn't Mr. Akbar part of this problem, by being a substance abuser himself? And aren't you--who are his immediate family and friends--largely RESPONSIBLE for not protecting the gay public from such a dangerous freak? How DARE you think we gays are supposed to take all this crap that a heterocentric society dumps on us! I unequivocally support the officer who shot Mr. Akbar; and will do everything one person can, to defend him in court and in any other way possible. I'd even like to see him win an award and a well-deserved 3-week vacation to anywhere in the world he wants, all expenses paid (both for him and his partner or spouse). For I believe when all circumstances are considered, his swift action prevented likely severe harm to one or more people in the immediate area. ---finis