-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://www.gay-bible.org -------------------------------------------------------------- DEC. 25: NATIONAL BURN THE SHOPPING CARTS OF THE HOMELESS DAY (NEVER FORGET "BLOODY MARY HALLOWEEN") (A True Tale From The Castro. Eat your heart out, Armistead!) © 2002 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin As a gay activist, (formerly homeless) street denizen, and (until recently) an advocate for the homeless, my conscience compels me to speak out. After experiencing among the homeless crowd, extreme levels of homophobia and maliciousness in general these past few years, I must conclude: these are not the kind of homeless I used to know; this is a brand new, and more dangerous crop of yahoos I've ever seen! Now, after having suffered (in the Castro) several horrid murders within two months preceding Halloween (all instigated by vagrants in queer hangouts and homes)...Halloween itself turns out to be a gay- bashing spree like you wouldn't believe (including a roving gang of 20 straights bashing 1 gay). So, after such events, and ongoing anti-queer hostility in the streets of San Francisco, here is what I feel deeply inspired to propose: I hereby declare December 25th: "National Burn the Shopping Carts of the Homeless Day". I mean: who the hell do these scumbags think they are, to insult, threaten, bash and murder us while accepting our generosity of food, money, and shelter, among the more liberal bleeding hearts of our bedraggled community? The homeless have lost any kind of support by even very liberal queers like myself. Why should we give them so much as a single handout, when we know that once they're back on their feet, they'll be bashing and thrashing and harassing bigger and better than before...with hyperactive (unwanted) offspring now in tow! Why should we allow het society to make us feel guilty for the survival of all their hetero losers? As if we queers didn't feed 'em, they'd perish. (After all, those same straights sure don't like us sexual minorities very much, now do they?) Well, let's drive the arses over into straight 'hoods, and see whether or not they let their own kind starve. Surely, we can find a better way to allow our sexual-minority poor and houseless to filter through, without having to suffer an onslaught of barbarians for each one we rescue! We certainly cannot afford, as a people in desperate political straits, to take on the housekeeping issues of insane adults in mental diapers...most of whom are heterosexual and homophobic, and violent. Most of them don't even seem to come from around here, but largely from the midwest and south...if you notice their assorted twangs and accents. California is a joke to most other states, who gladly ship their losers to a Greyhound station in San Francisco or Los Angeles, rather than assume responsibility for the difficult citizens from their own states. Some are dangerous ex-convicts, what with the corruption of California's prison system, which now releases more aggressive felons onto our streets, homeless and unsupervised. Imagine that: the Castro under siege by at least a dozen loose cannons, roaming our queer 'hood all day and night...observing who comes and goes, types of doors and windows and locks and visitors on people's homes and apartments...all without any kind of security for the many residents and tourists who come to our once-safe neighborhood. Into whose grubby hand did some bleeding heart cast loose change or dollars, here in the Castro, today...not realizing that some of these sidewalk denizens are rapists, bashers, and killers? To hand them cash or food or anything else (including a kind word), is to encourage them to entrench themselves into our gay streets...and is rewarding them for bad (anti-gay) behavior, along with other psychotic issues. Thus, we queers are at danger in our own communities, by this vagrant street culture...and the willingness of "gay-friendly" heteros to look the other way, as if nothing were happening to harm us queers. So now we have homeless adults and youngsters--mostly heterosexual--who dine at mostly-homophobic free-meal churches. They are rewarded for agreeing with whatever dogma is spewed at them, by a free meal, candy, shelter, or other desireable handouts. They are then sent back on our gay streets daily, terrorizing our people to stay home after dark, so the drug dealing can take over, and the mugging, and the burglarizing, etc. Screaming up and down our streets late at night is part of their strategy...in using the less intelligent among the homeless as drones or robots to do their evil bidding. Unlimited free mercenaries for the enemy...how clever! KSFO talk radio is the main propaganda node for the Religious Reich, in San Francisco. For about a decade now, one Michael Savage has built up quite a fan club from his hate mongering against us queers at least several times a day, day in day out. Homeless people listen to radio a lot, and Mr. Savage is quite popular. So he has contributed in a big way to the upsurge we see among the homeless, of anti-gay attitudes...right here in our Gay Mecca, and even in its rheumatic heart, "the Castro". But Savage ain't the ONLY homophobe on that station! How did arses like Rush Limbaugh and "Dr." Laura wind up in San Francisco? Perhaps (I surmise) with the generous support and funding of Christian groups here in our own Bay Area. Then we have some very intelligent ex-cons moving into our turf, starting to organize other, dumber and/or vulnerable homeless, to take over the turf, with a drug/sex ring. Thus, we see where some folks with roofs over their heads, and money to burn, are the weakest link to the security of our neighborhood. (Hmmmm, what can we do about this, without turning this into sophisticated turf wars? Got me!) I was homeless; I have homeless friends. And I can assure you, that most decent homeless do not even reveal their status, are clean, and well behaved...and do not push around junk-filled shopping carts. We do not have the capacity (even if we had the desire) to take into our queer streets and homes every wet-brained vagrant that should stumble onto our Yellow Brick Road. You hetero thugs have so many other places that are exclusively straight...that your intrusion into our world can only be taken as enemy fire, especially in light of this past Halloween in the Castro. I, for one, refuse to feed the Beast that lurks in any one of these foul-minded hetero pervert street thugs! Don't be kind to these monsters; they'll only attack you once they're strong enough. Heck, some attack by night, and beg by day...accepting those generous handouts from visitors from other parts of the city, as well as from tourists from a greater distance. They (tourists) can return to their safe, quiet neighborhoods whenever they want...but we who live in the Castro are under siege by hetero skanks that just LOVE all this chaos and intimidation they're able to stir up! We concerned community residents and visitors, need to make a firm statement to the local liquor stores (and any other shops selling alcohol), to exercise their right to refuse service to anyone...by denying these creeps the purchase of any alcoholic beverage. I would take it further: all these shops should exclusively REFUSE SERVICE to them, period. No food, no magazines, no deoderant, no nothing. They need to feel very unwelcome, as part of the strategy to make our streets free of them, finally. Any shops in the area that do not abide by this necessary rule (to recreate a safe 'hood), must be interpreted as hostile towards sexual minorities...for they are encouraging street thugs to hang out, and continue to terrorize queers. Surely, no business is so hard up that it can't afford to survive without the financial trickles from the houseless. We need to approach these shops in this matter... and any that refuse to abide, ought to be boycotted! (SHOW them this letter, so they won't write you off as a simple crank.) We can station observers of these stores, who'll snap photos of any street thug seen purchasing something. This will be the evidence to bring to the store proprietor in question. In the long run, we'll need to occupy the hot spots of our neighborhood...playgrounds, major street corners, and that long strip of sidewalk in front of Safeway (just east of Church Street). Social groups, perhaps, or some sort of tourist/guardians...and we can have queer-oriented street entertainment: musicians, crafts, etc. (Great boost to tourism: the only queer neighborhood in the US with actual queer--not hetero--live street entertainment.) At night, we can have volunteers patrol the streets for safety, and to keep things quiet...as noise pollution is way out of hand after dark, along Market Street here in the Castro. We also need to show our appreciation to the police who are risking their lives in order to protect us, and make our neighborhood safe once more. I, for one, applaud the presence and devoted service of our local beat cops, Officer Warner and Sergeant Limbert (who recently moved into the Castro, as a clear demonstration of solidarity with our community). And they are quite correct when they say that the community needs to do more, as the cops cannot on their own, right all wrongs. Peer pressure as displayed by residents and regular visitors will go a long way towards turning the tables. In a very real sense, we must all be narcs against hard drug abuse, in order to scare away the bogeymen who care not one whit, for our neighborhood or civil rights. Never forget "Bloody Mary Halloween", my name for the horrendous gay bashings and attacks that occurred during our high holy celebration, here in the Castro, this past Oct. 31. We must be armed and ready by Halloween next year, to defend ourselves from another bloodbath, that may possibly prove much worse, considering the rise of anti-gay hatred across our country, states, and cities. We certainly need to get to know each other a lot better, and work very rapidly at removing our own walls of bigotry within our Queer Family: racism, classism, misogyny, etc., etc. Else there won't be enough of us united to this Common & Noble Cause. Sincerely, Ezekiel J. Krahlin Sheriff of Castro Street --- There are no marriages in heaven, and no queers in hell. Go figure. http://www.gay-bible.org ============================== ADDENDUM: Re: Dec. 25: "National Burn the Shopping Carts of the Homeless Day" Sharing now, a rebuttal to the manager of another Queernet list (all true identities are not revealed) ...regarding her/his censorship of my "burn a homeless shopping cart for Xmas" manifesto: ---begin missive: On Mon, 9 Dec 2002 a Queernet list manager emoted: << When Ezekiel posts something which seems relatively free of violence and personal attack, I forward it through to everyone. >> Your definition of "violence" is any sort of aggressive reaction to threats of violence or actual violence, including non-physical (read "non-violent"). So excuuuuse me for being considerably upset over the massacre that happened against queers on Halloween night, here in the Castro. Goddess forbid I should ALSO mention that the 20 breeder-thugs who bashed one, lone gay person, were all African-Amerikan, and the victim was caucasian! Guess I'll be accused for "racism" now, too...but if I am, what the heck do you call the actions of those 20 hetverts (of kolor)? I am disgusted at how many in our community-- including this list sponsored by Queernet--act as if this bloody night were "okay" and "acceptable". For example, when a certain other member here, posted back to me on this matter, he said: "As for bloody Halloween, that goes on every year and not just in the gay community."... when in fact, it was the single most violent attack upon a queer gathering, to date, here in our Yoonighted Stayts...and perhaps anywhere in the entire "free world," for that matter. And where were we attacked? In no place less than what remains the spiritual heart of the queer movement, worldwide. We were ATTACKED IN OUR SACRED SPACES. So this IS a big deal, a VERY big deal...and I won't shut up about it, and point a finger at ANYONE attempting to sweep this horrid event under the carpet. FOR SHAME for any Queer to participate in covering up the ugly bashings done upon our own sisters and brothers of the rainbow. This is why I am outraged, and I allow my anger to come through these important messages, in order to raise the consciousness of our queer family. Those who actually want to READ my manifesto re. burning shopping carts, can do so here: www.gay-bible.org/write/3_bloody-mary.htm << When it is clearly violent (e.g., a recent essay he submitted to this list titled "December 25th - National Burn the Shopping Carts of the Homeless Day"), >> Hold on a minute: burning an object (not a person or other living creature) does not a violent act make. You're so ready to defend the same people who bash and murder us queers in our own 'hood? Surely, this issue of the homeless has become such a sacred cow, that none dare claim they could do any wrong! What a convenient opportunity for organized 'phobes (such as churches and other anti-gay zealot groups), to aggravate the homeless to harass us further. So let's see: burning shopping carts filled with junk versus beating queers to a bloody pulp including murder. Hmmm, now if you had to define one or the other as violent--but not both--which would it be? I believe burning shopping carts in queer 'hoods will serve as a warning, and scare these street thugs off our turf...without us having to bash directly back (thus being violent, like our enemies). Yet YOU accuse me of violence, for suggesting some very real solutions to getting a handle on this gay-bashing gone rampant. What *I* am suggesting is venting our outrage NONVIOLENTLY but EFFECTIVELY ENOUGH so as to nip all this burgeoning anti-gay hatred among street folks. To show at least SOME form of non-acquiescence to terror that is aggressive, is the only way to get these dipshits to back off! Nothing less than burning shopping carts will work. Otherwise, we MUST be really violent in order to defend ourselves from the increasing mob-slaughters that are due to occur (if we don't take an effective stand NOW...way before anything gets to court, if ever). << I apologize xxxxxxxxxx, if a personal attack to you came through to everyone. >> It didn't. I merely posted back to him, in private. It is xxxxxxxxxx who reposted one of his replies to me, to your list. He obviously inserted the list address in the CC header, to deceive everyone. No suprise there! It will take an experience hacker to truly determine whether or not the CC was faked. So for anyone to accuse me of posting private mail to a list, is spreading gossip. In fact, that's defamation of character: slander. Same goes for publicly declaring me as "violent"...and this is not the first time you've done so, either. You're just digging your own grave of demise; don't let me stop you! Thank you for putting your nasty proclamations on the public record. Usenet never lies. << I apologize to anyone on the receiving end of Ezekiel's vitriol, and sympathize too. I've endured quite a bit myself (and get to read him regularly). >> Oh you poor, suffering homonculus! Censor most of the important findings I have to say, and charging me with promoting violence. This is all on record BTW, for the time shall soon come for our own queer version of the Nuremberg Trials. Not only will the obvious homophobes be tried and sentenced: so will those who turn out to be traitors to our cause, in aiding and abetting the enemy, thus creating more havoc, terror, bashings and deaths. The attempt by you, the list manager, and some others in this list, to sabotage my words (and even Internet access sometimes), regarding the horror that was Halloween in the Castro 2002...is but another fine example of how you assuage and assist the enemy. There's only one thing I'm curious about: How much do your brownshirt bosses reward you? Oh, I DO have another question, come to think of it: Are you ready for "Night of the Long Knives, Part II"? I hope so, dears, because just as Hitler turned on his own gay officers (and their friends and families), Prez-Dubya will soon do same to all those (few) queers he put in office, along with all activists and friends of queer liberation. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a BUMPY holiday ride. Sincerely, Zeke Krahlin (Nov. 10, 2002) --- "Many are called, but few are chosen. Step right up for your lederhosen." - Big Gay Brother [ gay-bible.org ] --- end of missive ---finis