-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://www.gay-bible.org -------------------------------------------------------------- GAY MARRIAGE BY ANY OTHER NAME or LETTER TO THE PHARISEES © 2004 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin (A True Tale From The Castro. Eat your heart out, Armistead!) December 9, 2004 WE THE PEOPLE FOR A SANE WORLD officially declare 100% support for gay marriage, as a civil right and a birthright. Those religious institutions that condemn such partnerships are in flagrant violation of the US Constitution's first amendment, which states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." Furthermore, said institutions often encourage attitudes of hatred and promotion of violence against sexual minorities in many other ways, and have a long history of such. And these "godly" organizations remain, as they have for untold centuries, the major and sole cause of virulent homophobia. Amerika would not tolerate such ugly behavior by a religious group towards any other minority, in our modern day. And it is one important tenet of so-called activist judges, to protect a minority from the tyranny of the majority. Especially when such a minority is more universally hated than any other; as are homosexuals, transsexuals and bisexuals. In fact, as oppressed as many minorities remain, most of them still cling to backward and hateful notions against even their own non-hetero brethren. The issue of gay marriage has become a glaring example of dangers that arise when church matters are not kept separate from those of the state. Indeed, it has become The Great Test Of Today's Amerika regarding the issue of individual rights versus majority prejudice. And if we keep moving in that sorry direction much longer, we are likely to see a full-blown holocaust against these long-suffering people. But progressives of all stripes must also share considerable shame, for sometimes participating in homophobic actions (at worst), or looking the other way too often (at best). To rectify this, we stand with other responsible liberals and moderates, who take up the cause of gay equality starting with marriage, in brave and aggressive manners. Even some churches are finally joining in, thus answering to their savior's message of compassion. I hope this will mark a sea-change in attitude regarding our sexual minorities. We stand with good folks like Assemblyman Mark Leno, with good organizations like Marriage Equality California, and with good media venues like Air Amerika (and KGO) Radio...and demand an apology from politicians such as Senator Diane Feinstein, for suggesting that gay marriage is directly responsible for the Election Fiasco. We denounce Senator John Kerry, for stating in a presidential debate that he is Catholic and against gay marriage. We curse former president Bill Clinton, for his signing of the Defense of Marriage Act and the destructive policy coined Don't Ask Don't Tell. Lest we forget: we also condemn queer-politico turncoats like Congressman Barney Frank, who likewise blames gay marriage for Kerry's Fall From Grace. We also acknowledge that none of these four examples are Republicans; in fact they are all regarded as staunch Democrats. (Centrists have thus proven themselves to be Republican wolves in Donkey hide.) All truly progressive people will not tolerate any more homophobia from our own liberal groups and representatives, and must therefore, if need be, not just condemn but separate ourselves from those who continue to harbor anti-gay attitudes. We must be as clear, as strong, and as steadfast regarding gay marriage, as we have been these many years against racism, misogyny, child abuse, capital punishment, and preemptive declarations of war. For it has become all too obvious that condemnation of gay marriage is a red herring to distract us from the real agenda: removal of all LGBT rights to mark them as second-class citizens in perpetuity. And then, the elimination of all rights for every other citizen, except a remnant of the power elite. We will no longer tolerate frivolous and mean-spirited arguments questioning whether or not gays can marry, whether or not they deserve equal status as human beings, and whether or not they shall go to heaven. Such debates hold no validity in any civilized nation, as they are founded on a premise that is blatantly erroneous from the start, for it flies in the face of common sense and compassion. Nor shall we ever again engage any discussion over partnerships termed and defined as something resembling marriage, but not ever equal to. In other words "separate and unequal." In short: Marriage by any other name just doesn't cut it. Most sincerely, Ezekiel J. Krahlin Queer Voice in the Oscar-Wilderness---finis
ADDENDUM: Date: Thu, 09 Dec 2004 09:42:40 -0800 From: Wont Western To: jqueerwit@gay-bible.gro, 4democracystephanie@yahoo.com, identpres@sf4democracy.com Subject: Re: Here's my first draft (Zeke) Hi Zeke, Thanks for sending that along. While personally I agree with some of what you wrote, unfortunately, it needs considerable editing before I would consider sending it to the press on behalf of the organization. First and foremost, San Francisco for Democracy is not in the practice of adopting or publishing positions on any one particular issue. Declaring that we are 100% in support of gay marriage - when it has never been discussed or voted upon by our membership - is simply not a valid statement. If you want the organization to adopt this position, you'll need to a) join as a member; b) bring it up to be voted upon at a membership meeting. (We have previously decided on several occasions not to adopt policy positions on issues such as housing and the hotel strike - rather, we make information and activism opportunities available to our members so they can personally get involved in these issues.) Second, the piece has an overwhelmingly negative tone. It bashes Democrats left and right, many of whom our members feel neutral or positive about (such as Barney Frank and Bill Clinton). Our organization is not likely to suddenly go from endorsing John Kerry to "decrying" him over one particular issue. Also, for something like this to get published, it needs to be a) a lot shorter, and b) in response to something printed in a particular paper. Finally, we're actually an independent 501c4 organization, not a chapter of Democracy for Amerika. You might want to check out the FAQ on our web site - http://www.sf4democracy.com/main/faqs.asp - which explains that distinction. - Wont
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 21:54:40 -0800 From: Jehovah's Queer Witness To: identpres@sf4democracy.com, 4democracystephanie@yahoo.com Subject: Re: Here's my first draft (Zeke) Quoting Wont Western : << Thanks for sending that along. While personally I agree with some of what you wrote, unfortunately, it needs considerable editing before I would consider sending it to the press on behalf of the organization. >> What can I say? I had a FABulous time composing it, A very creative force that triggered insomnia--as it usually does. I only write truth...if it seems harsh to you, I suggest you compare this to the harshness of real homophobia that breathes down our queer backs every single moment...and we are being targeted big time by politico bigwigs...on all parts of the spectrum, which includes of course Democrats. And if it still seems harsh, then perhaps you ought to consider your own blinders, and willful ignorance of a most heinous and growing oppression. I am so ashamed of you. But hey, if ya don't like it, ya don't like it! And I'm NOT going to try to intrude my timely opinions in a mound of homophobic resistance. I'm not even gonna bother coming back, or participate in any way, with Democracy for Amerika...which really should be called "Demokracy fer Amerika (except for the faggots)." What is sorely needed is a political movement that is both vigorous and positive about gay people. Duh! How bad does it have to get for us fags, for you to roll up your sleeves and help us beat back the Beast? I have made my presence known to various groups around The City. You know where I am, so if you ever need my help, just say the word. I'm sure you will; I'm sure you will. But it will come with a great price of sorrow. That is what happens to "good" folk who persist in allowing great evil to have its way, even after becoming fully conscious of its actions. Wow! Wow! Wow! This is hilarious. I think I'll incorporate this badinage in tomorrow night's open mic. I'll have the audience falling off their chairs in laughter. Why don't you show up, and bring a friend or two? 8pm, 3 Dollar Bill Cafe (in the LGBT Center; or do you shun setting your breeder foot in there?), 1800 Market St. (& Octavia). $1-5 donation requested to support the Cafe, but if you're broke, no problem, we understand. Woof! Too many hetero dogs in the way, between me and My Biscuit!-- "Many are called but few are chosen; Step right up for your lederhosen." - Big Gay Brother [ gay-bible.org ] --finis (for now)