-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://www.gay-bible.org/ -------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT FROM THE TRENCHES (IN THE MUCK & MIRE) (A True Tale From The Castro. Eat your heart out, Armistead!) (c) 2003 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin The following article was posted to various queer mailing lists and newsgroups on August 3, 2003: On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 a gay participant posted to a queer mailing list: << I agree that we need to watch the Christian Right very carefully, and formulate an aggressive attack. >> (Note: all names mentioned herein--except mine--are fictional, though the persons spoken of quite real. I have a true story to tell:) Here, here! My own little contribution this afternoon, will be to show up in a "straight" bar, wearing my rainbow sweater. Now this may strike most as being a pointless, unnecessary project in oh-so-liberal San Francisco a.k.a. "Gay Mecca." However, let me assure everyone, that homophobia is alive and well here, too...and getting increasingly belligerent at a rapid rate. Not only has the enemy arrived at the gate...but she has broken through and infiltrated every neighborhood, in every strata of our local society. Nor should anyone forget that--while a relatively large number of churches here are gay friendly--one must keep in mind the words "relatively" and "gay friendly." MOST of the churches in S.F. are indeed anti-gay...and I think it's a large stretch to conclude that even 1/4 of all churches in this city are pro-gay. And what do they mean by "gay friendly." I know way too many heteros who claim to be gay friendly, as in: "Some of my best friends are gay..." while at the same time screaming at me for discussing gay issues in THEIR bar...a bar which is supposed to be "mixed," but which I recognize as essentially "straight." Now, I have discussed my queer activism, my street counseling, my ongoing lawsuit with other residents (against our property owner), women's rights, and various other topics...only a third of which are queer-related...but NONE of which include sports and chicks. And...not one of the various good people I have held conversations with, were in the least upset about my freely speaking on gay issues. Those who rose up against me last night...were EAVESDROPPERS who want to force their heterocentric dogma on me. Those are folks who claim to have plenty of gay friends. I was told by one nice lady, Regina, that some guys were complaining about my gay conversations...and she advised me to tone it down. I told her that I couldn't do that...to please point them out to me. NO WAY am I going back in the closet to appease a bunch of alcoholic, addle-brained heteros. (But she said they'd already left, and she'd have to point them out to me another day. So here I am, being warned of potential violence yet DENIED any real description of what they look like; who they are.) To tell me to lower my voice to a whisper in a NOISY bar--while others holler out to be heard--is way over the top, and playing to homophobic idiocy. And, a regular there, whose nickname is "Dirt Bag," started yelling at me that everything I talk about is "gay this and gay that."..and that he's not homophobic, he has plenty of gay friends. Then another guy, Quizzy, who is the boyfriend of bartender Corina, said all that people want is that I act "normal," and that plenty of gays come to this bar...and he also has gay friends. Quizzy continued to tell me if I were anywhere else in the US, talking like I'd do, I'd experience a lot WORSE than some angry folks. And that you can't do anything about Christian fundamentalists, you can't change them. (So I asked, oh, is He a fundamentalist?" pointing to my oppressor. Quizzy said "No." So I said, "Well then that's a lousy example." Furthermore, you CAN do something about fundies...such as confronting them on their turf, and taking your stand. Oh, yeah, and he wore a nose ring as he lectured me, so I dub him "Mr. Nose ring Normal.") Well, ANOTHER guy chimed in--Native Amerikan named "Benny"--bragged about how he stood up for his gay brother while the rest of his large family rebuked him. But that when he went with his brother to a gay bar in The Castro, he said his brother just talked too much, just talk, talk, talk, talk..." So I cut him off, and said, "And what is the point of all this? I don't see how this relates to anything going on here against me, right now." So a woman friend of his tried to block Benny from continuing more prattling. Meanwhile, Quizzy was still standing over me, trying to convince me that I need to act "normal."..so I decided to pack up and leave, so I put on my jacket, picked up my backpack, and said: "I really don't need this. Don't worry, I won't be back." Stepping out, Regina, Benny, Monique, and Quizzy circled me, with Benny grabbing onto my arm. I said, "Look, I'll find another place where I can have a nice time." Well, they insisted that I should come back in, that that's just one idiot (seems to be no mention of the veiled threat that came to me from a concerned customer)...and I shouldn't let it "get to me." Now, mind you...all this going on right in the face of a rather large, strong-looking bartender who remained MUTE through the whole thing...when he COULD have told the drunk to back off. And why didn't he? Probably because "Dirt Bag" was a long term regular with money to burn. This is not over...I know how these kinds of jerks think. (And I'm not including the well-meaning--if somewhat naive--new friends I have recently made there.) So...I'm supposed to be scared of bringing up any gay topic, eh? Well...that's who I am, dears! I love my queer activism, and the many fantastic, true tales I have to tell...and I never spoke with anyone there who did not ENJOY listening, and sharing their own true stories. So here I am, on the defense, against both visible and invisible enemies. Isn't it absurd that now, I could be putting my life in danger, my merely showing up in a rainbow sweater? I'd LOVE to have another sweater that says "gay gay gay" all over it, in little words. Wouldn't that be too fun! Isn't it absurd that such HOMOPHOBIA continues to hold sway, even in so-called "mixed" straight/gay bars, in good ol' liberal "Gay Mecca?" So what am I supposed to do to be "safe."..yet still go to that venerable bar? Do not speak about any gay topic? Do not wear any clothing, buttons or pins with a pink triangle or other gay-related symbol or phrase? Yes...and shut up and try to ENJOY heterosexist music pumping from the jukebox (and from guest bands every weekend) such as "Mama's Got a Squeeze Box" and "When a Man Loves a Woman." And another note: Women have it really lousy here, too...and they put up with an awful lot in order to try to enjoy the evening. Two examples I witnessed among the debacle about my way-obviously GAY presence: Benny acted sweet on Regina, who accepted his approach, expecting a nice hug. Instead, he forced a deep-throat French kiss on her, and would have kept it up had she not pushed him away. She made "yuck" sounds in a playful way, so as to make it clear (in a non-confrontational way) that he's overstepping his bounds. Than a little while later, a musician who was going to play later that night, presented a toy balloon whose shape was complex, and which I didn't bother to interpret. He handed it to Monique, then I said, "Did you make that balloon?" He said, "No."..than later pointed out to Monique that it depicts a monkey with an erection. Now, I still didn't bother to look closely to see if that really was the case...however, it did seem to be what he said, if I concluded that it was being held upside down. Noticing it was purple in color, I chimed in: "Oh, its a GAY monkey, huh?" He stared at me weirdly for a moment, during which time I spoke: "Well, it IS purple, after all, so work with me here." To which the (obviously) str8 musician retorted: "I don't believe in gay monkeys." Then walked into the bar. Silly me, I wasn't quick enough for the perfect comeback, which (with hindsight) I will now say: "I guess you don't know about the Bonobos chimpanzees. They're the only species of chimps that resolve conflicts non-violent...by same-sex stroking, fondling, and lots of hot sex. It was in the news last years, and you can quickly find articles about the Bonobos on any Internet search engine." Anyways, I think it's tragic that some (read "too many") straight males--of even the LIBERAL persuasion--think it's cool to force their sex on women, and hand them phallic statues and images. I presume this is happening now, because a lot of str8 guys are freaking out over the gay issue being so in-your-face these days, as the politics of sexual minorities heats up (and spills over into a likely civil war). Oh, yeah, my new friends enticed me back in, finally, and bought me a drink. But I'm sorry to say, the issue is NOT resolved, and I guess more ugliness is to ensue...assuming I return, and do not let some idiots silence me. To the benefit of my friends, they rallied around me, and one even wore my "I Bash Back" button. Yet I think more could have (and should have) been done: such as a firm reprimand against the offender...instead of laying all the blame at my feet, as if just being my friendly queer self were really the problem after all. And of course...why didn't the bartender nip it in the bud, when he was standing right there while "Dirt Bag" was hollering at me? So..even when I want a break from human ugliness (in my case by avoiding the gay bars, what with the intense hard-drug addicts and extreme alcoholism...which creates OTHER sorts of ugly scenarios to drive me out)...controversy seems to swim around me no matter what. I guess I should go back...though another part of me says I don't have to prove anything, and no longer showing up will have the needed impact. However, I've decided to wear my rainbow sweater...all white except for a horizontal rainbow band around the upper arms and chest. And I guess I'll throw in the pink dragonfly cloth pendant, and wear it as a necklace. (Really, it's a refrigerator magnet from Walgreens, which I creatively adapted.) So I guess youse all would like to know WHICH bar this is? Well, it can't be MOST of the straight bars...because they are SOLIDLY homophobic...so it must be one that is considered very mixed, gay-friendly, and liberal. The bar is: THE MUCKY DUCK 1315 9th Ave. (btwn Judah & Irving) I will be there by 3:45pm (today, Sunday), expecting to meet my new girlfriends, Regina and Monique, who will show up at 4. This is the same neighborhood ("Inner Sunset") where I was not allowed to participate in an open mic session at the Canvas Cafe. The guy running it, seemed nice at first, and said I'd get on even though I signed up as the 35th person. But he kept delaying me and delaying me, pretending changes in the night's format. However...he let the other poets on, and musicians...just kept me hanging on till closing time, tricking me into thinking I'd get on, when apparently, he never intended to in the first place...but got his sadistic jollies by wasting my time. Yeah, I guess he just couldn't handle it, that I signed myself on as "Jehovah's Queer Witness." Jeez! What's a talented faggot to do in Gay Mecca, when he winds up getting black listed from even open mics at "liberal/mixed" coffee houses and bars? I invite other queers (and supporters) to join me for a good time this afternoon...and help keep the 'phobes at bay. Of course, if you've never met me, you'll still be able to figure out which person I am...as I am all too OBVIOUSLY gay (or so I would seem in some losers' eyes). P.S.: Imagine if I had my own humor/gossip column in this or that gay rag. I don't think the BAR would allow it, due to some hate e-mail sent me by their political editor...who ALSO happens to be the current S.F. Police Commissioner. Well! There are OTHER gay rags out there...yet for some strange reason, they don't realize what a great columnist I'd be for our community! So, if others here would like to see me with some sort of fun, regular column, contact these gay-media venues...and don't stop at just newspapers. Obviously, controversy is my middle name, and I am destined to use it as a tool of empowerment for myself...and through me, for ALL sexual minorities.) This is ridiculous...the idea that I'd even be under some sort of threat, merely for wearing a RAINBOW. Well, I'll be there...and wouldn't at least ONE other be eager to share (and witness) the adventure, too? ---finis (for now) REPORT FROM THE TRENCHES (IN THE MUCK & MIRE) - PART II Well, things have taken a quick dive for the worst. I returned to the Mucky Duck this Sun. afternoon. I gave a cheerful hello to those who were there (about six). Corina's boyfriend, Quizzy was there...the one who told me last night I should act "normal" (meaning "straight" of course, but he surely wouldn't admit THAT). So I walked up to him, tapped him on the shoulder, and said: "Say Quizzy, you were concerned about my acting and appearing normal. So how do I look today, normal enough?" (I was wearing a long brown jacket and black Levi's.) He just shook his head and mumbled, and started to walk away. But I stopped him again, to zip open my coat to shoe him my rainbow sweater w/pink dragonfly pendant. And added: "But don't you think this is much nicer?" The bartender on duty, Corina, said she must refuse to serve me, by orders of the owner, "Freddie." I said, "How nasty! But you're stuck in the middle." So I extracted my 7-page printed grievance "Report from the Trenches" (the original article I posted that started this thread). and dumped it on the counter before her. "Here is a list of my complaints against this bar. If you want, share it with the owner or whomever...or just toss it out." Then I noticed Benny (who forced a deep-throat French kiss on a woman customer, against here wishes. Well, he also said in a drunken stupor last night, that he was wrongfully imprisoned for three years, on false accusation of rape. His behavior that night made me think otherwise). So I came up to Benny and said, "Hey, the owner's 86'd me from this bar. What do you think of that?" So brave little Benny who supposedly defended his gay brother...guess how he reacted? With simply a shrug of his shoulders, and turned away from me to continue conversation with a male acquaintance sitting across from him. (Closet cases? Hmmmm.) The instigator of last night (who screamed at me in front of the nighttime bartender who did NOTHING) was cowering in a corner, with a grim look on his walrus-mustache face. I turned to him and said, "This has been fun dear. Let's do it again some time. I'm gonna sue this place, and that won't make Freddie very happy with you!" Then I started to walk away; then did a "Columbo" on him: Before I actually exited via the door, I turned around and walked right back up to him, and said: "By the way, I can smell a closet case a mile away." And grinned, and finally left. He didn't say one single word, but stayed frozen. Then I really did leave. Oh, yeah, for extra effect I wore my "skull" bandana (little skulls scatttered across a black night.) Now, I didn't really plan things to go this way, but...it was all copasetic; I didn't miss a beat. Now, I've contacted my new gal-friend about this...just on the answering machine. Told her I intend to process a legal grievance against Mucky Duck's...hopefully, to sue big time. I need an attorney who'll take this case pro-bono...and it looks like a solid case to me. After all, the ONLY way they could convince the owner to 86 me, is by defaming my character (slander and heresay). And I have excellent witnesses who were totally on my side, and saw EVERYTHING. At least three. So does anyone care to help me find that lawyer? How about a rally around Mucky Duck by neighborhood activists? Anyone put me in touch with some groups? Look, I think we're sitting on a gold mine. How many straight bars are out there in S.F., just ripe for the plucking? This is absolutely disgusting and UNFORGIVEABLE, for these straight and/or "mixed" bars and clubs to foment anti-gay atmospheres, while PRETENDING they're so gay friendly. They set us up big time, all these years, to do violence against us (or at best, exclude us from neighborhood hangouts, and a social life). Time to return the favor, and set THEM up for easy lawsuits...that are WELL DESERVED. Hey, it's not only fair, it's JUSTICE. And I believe queer activists can do same in any other city or town here in Amerika. So spread the word...spread the Gay Gospel. We're here, we're queer, and we want a piece of that pie! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Put your money where your pride is! ---finis