-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://www.gay-bible.org -------------------------------------------------------------- TALE TOLD ON A NAPKIN (A True Tale From The Castro. Eat your heart out, Armistead!) © 1997 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin (Jehovah's Queer Witness) Genie pulled the magic pen from a shirt pocket and began to scribble on a napkin. RandyZeus rolled his eyes to the ceiling and muttered through a mouthful of bokchoy: "Never a dull moment, Lords preserve us!" Then set down his chopsticks to lean across the table and kiss his good buddy on the temple. "Give yourself a break LittlePony," he pleaded, "your dinner's getting cold." But Genie, absorbed in the napkin, waved him away: "In a minute Dad, in a minute," and wrote: My FruitOfTheForbiddenTreeOfKnowledgeOf- GoodAndEvil underpants turned into a jockstrap made of communion wafer dough (stolen from the Church of the Holy NuRedeemer only five blocks from my residence), due to a genetically engineered, artificially intelligent enzyme that escaped from the lab of a mad scientist (the same one that released AIDS), who was now trying to turn base metal into gold by way of NanoBiological experimentation. Not yet perfected, the NeoEnzyme could only turn cotton fiber (or cotton/polyester blend) into Manna; but, being intelligent enough to escape--it escaped. Shoving aside the plate, LittlePony unfolded his napkin for more writing space, flattened it on the table, and continued (while Randolph tried to figure out how to open his fortune cookie): It was a dark and stormy night. The enzyme first sneaked upstairs to discover an empty, gloomy hall leading to a grand room bejewelled in stained glass and lit by a solitary candle. (As it turned out, the mad scientist also fancied himself a priest just because he had the papers, and lived in the Holy NuRedeemer rectory. His "lab" was in a basement sacristy.) The excited enzyme grew thirsty from apprehension (fear of being caught, or eaten by a bacterium, and stumbling upon a world it never dreamed existed)--and discovered an enormous lake at the top of a marble pedestal. Cooled, refreshed, and resurrected, it swam twenty laps before exploring other lands. Genie paused to ask the waiter for a bunch of napkins, but the waiter misunderstood and returned with only one. "How many did you say?" asked the incredulous matre d'. Meanwhile, Randolph discovered the corner of a tiny strip of paper sticking out of the cookie (and wondered how to eat it without swallowing the fortune), as HisDarling resumed the napkin tale: Of course, you and I know that the water it swam in was not a lake, but a baptismal font. As a result, being intelligent enough to receive grace--it received grace. It was now a SoldierOfGod, and the mad scientist (it now realized) was TheBeastHimself: TheBeastOfThe- Apocalypse, TheDreaded666! "I must secrete myself somewhere safe to figure all this out, and plan my strategy of attack," it thought, and soon found a gold chalice in which to hide. After armoring itself in chain mail, sword, helmet, shield and lance, thanks to a communion wafer resting in the goblet (for the enzyme could turn food into base metal), it left its secret sanctuary to slay the DragonBeast and begin its Quest4TheHolyGrail. But this being a strange new world, it quickly lost its way and stopped before a place called "Badlands". In the distance it spied a mountain of feces guarded by a swarm of ferocious, GossamerWing dragons, and declared: "Aha! TheBeast leaves a trail!" So it marched in the direction of Castro Street, but lost the trail and found itself in a Chinese restaurant at the BirkenstockNOT feet of a diner who sat scribbling notes on a napkin. The enzyme ducked for cover under the JordacheJeansNOT cuff of the patron's leg, as a huge, white boulder suddenly fell from the sky (in reality, a single grain of cooked rice). Ascending the leg like a rock climber (rappelling itself up from springy branch to springy branch) in pitch dark, it finally reached a dead-end plateau: a musky-smelling cavern with nowhere to go but down. "Gee it's hot in here!" complained the enzyme, who explored the darkness for a source of water. Instead, it slipped on a puddle of viscous matter which, to its delight, proved not only to be an edible form of protein, but ThristQuenching as well. "Yum! Tasty!" it thought, "And it doesn't even need soy sauce!" Genie lifted his pen: he was stuck, didn't know what to write next. In frustration he scribbled: Since Genie's underpants was now an edible jockstrap--due to a chemical exchange as a result of the hungry enzyme's SalivaDrool mingling with CrotchSweat (and consequently absorbed by the cotton underwear)--Daddy gobbled it all up in sweet lick after sweet lick. RandyMan, upset by his boy's now-cold dinner (the bright red sauce had jelled), tapped the lad's arm to break his napkin reverie. "Jehovah's jism!" he pointed with a firm DoAsISay finger, "Eat your dinner now, so I can eat your jockstrap later!" The SonOfMan dropped the magic pen and scarfed up all his Sweet&SourPrawns in record time...for LittlePony was a VeryGoodBoy (and a VeryGoodBoy was he)! Exiting through Genie's YvesSt.LaurantNOT sleeve (resting on the table), the CrusaderEnzyme continued its holy mission, marching across a vast tundra of dark earth. The only trees seen numbered four, and were felled (in reality: chopsticks). The bare land was scattered with oblong boulders, tiny green ponds, and crimson tar pits (whose amber grip of death contained countless bodies of MiniCenturions that had failed in their quest). "Yes! Yes! Signs of TheBeast!" proclaimed the HeroEnzyme, "Hot on the trail once more!" It finally reached a broad mesa, scaled it, and stood before the fortune cookie, sword drawn. "Come out, come out, you ScalyPervert! I avenge my brothers!" Its voice echoed through the empty land. EnzymeMan stole up to the CookieFortress and peered in: vacant! "Hmmm! Well-lit, cool, cozy and secure! Time for a brief respite!" it thought, and entered, covering itself under the single thin blanket for twenty winks. At home, RandyGod extricated the cookie fortune with a tiny tweezers from his SwissArmyGibbeler, uncurled it, and read: VeniVidiVici. ---finis