-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://www.gay-bible.org -------------------------------------------------------------- RUBEE'S BETRAYAL (A True Tale From The Castro. Eat your heart out, Armistead!) © 2003 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin From: Ezekiel Krahlin To: Rubee Hearsay Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 Subject: Address the issue! So Jackass knocked on my door, to ask me to watch his place while he's gone till Tuesday. Then he asked if Terrorq has moved, 'cause it's been quiet for the last two days. I said I'm not sure, but that might be so. Then, Jackass added: "That's why the bathroom's been messy, it was Terrorq's underpants and other clothes he left in there. You thought it was me." Then he started to walk down the stairs...but I stopped him and said: "Oh, no, it was your mess all the while. Terrorq just added to it. The problem IS you, and your leaving personal items in the bathroom, and not cleaning up when you leave the tub dirty. MOST of it is your creation." He then seemed surprised at my accusation, with his eyes wide open. So I added: "The only way for the bathroom situation to be improved, is if management finally decides to assert authority, and demand that no one leave items there, and that each person cleans up any mess he creates. When that happens...if that happens...then the bathroom will become habitable again. I am certainly NOT going to clean up your messes for you." Seems to me, Rubee, an easy thing for you to do, is to confront Jackass, firmly though friendly, and set your foot down. He'll comply, I am sure. But until then, he will continue to scapegoat me, and insult my intelligence. I am disappointed (though not really surprised) that you continue to use a flimsy excuse to allow this needless (and undeserved) stress to continue, which affects me more than anyone else, sharing that bathroom. This is the same setup Muck has allowed to incur; and I have had to live with this inhospitable disregard for years now. And, sadly, it seems that you have decided to continue this unkind tradition. I throw up my hands (and just plain "throw up"): and hereby relinquish handling the recycled garbage, for you to assign as you deem fit. Until this stupid bathroom situation is cleared up, I withhold any and all free maintenance of our building. As far as I'm concerned, I am only living here in body; certainly not in spirit! You have chosen to draw the line that leaves me, still, with disregard as second-class citizen in my own building, due to continued classist ideology. It's an old, old game...when landlord and lackies create and maintain ugly setups that pit tenant against tenant, when the real problem was created by the owner/management. As Bugs Bunny likes to say, "What a maroon!" And I don't mean just the two who share the bathroom...which I can't even use any more, thanks to management's continued, and intentional, disregard! You have NOT been checking the bathrooms on each floor daily or regularly, as you purported so recently. And when I decided NOT to check my bathroom for your list, you claimed to not have the key to it. Well, I don't believe you. So I RETURNED my own key, so you wouldn't have that excuse again. The issues you wanted were things like "grout" and a few other things that will NOT in any way, resolve the more serious issues at hand, regarding the bathroom. Why should I care about GROUT, when the issue of dealing with BULLIES continues to stress me out... when you, as management, can EASILY resolve the issue. But you CONSCIOUSLY choose not to, and even make flimsy excuses, which are really LIES...and an insult to my integrity. -- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://www.gay-bible.org/ ================================== From: Rubee Hearsay To: Ezekiel Krahlin Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 Subject: Re: Address the issue! Here is my answer to your complaint that I am not concerned with your health or well being and that I have not kept the bathrooms clean to your expectations. Zeke, I am one person. I do NOT walk on water. I know you think I have neglected you but you have no idea of the other stuff that is happening here. My hands have been busy with even more serious stuff and it will be dealt with, but you will not make it go faster by this method. And it is not because I don't care. Of course I care about your safety. However, I do not think Jackass intends to attack you. By your own statement he is gone for now. I hope to have much done toward a better building in place by the start of the new week. I do think there is a problem with the bathrooms. Right now I am trying to close down access by certain people to other even more serious situations. As for doing the recycle, I can do it if it is not something you want to do. I hope to have answers for you soon. You do understand that I am not officially the manager, don't you? I am caught in the situation of not being actually a given a job description so don't have any guidelines for what needs the "permission" of the former manager and what I may initiate on my own. This was brought home when I called for elevator repair and found they had been called and told just don't respond to her at certain times. Now I can only do so much and I feel I am doing plenty. You just can't see it all yet. If you have to do something about that, well, I am powerless to stop you. I can only say I am trying. I have spoken to all parties on this matter in hopes that it could be resolved and that all persons would clean up after themselves. I have spoken to Jackass as well. I certainly do hope this can be resolved and that all will proceed in an adult fashion by all. If you do not intend to use the second floor bathroom, I will keep the key. However if at some time you wish to get it back you need simply ask. Since you are not using the bathroom, and Jackass is gone, there should be no immediate problem but rather a possible future problem. I do not mean to imply that you should not use the bathroom on 2nd and I do not mean to imply that nothing will be done but instead do mean that all problems for the building will be solved as quickly as I can do it in order of priority. If I am considered inadequate by you, then you will have to bring that up with the owners or Muck or the lawyers you have representing you. I repeat I can only do what is in my authority to do. I am neither a caretaker, mother or maid here but I will do my best to help keep this bathroom clean, But some of it is out of my control and I do have other jobs to do. I am sorry you feel this way. I had hoped for more support than just recriminations from you. You must think I have loads of extra time on my hands. Rubee Hearsay ================================== From: Ezekiel Krahlin To: Rubee Hearsay Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 Subject: Re: Address the issue! 11/14/03 4:27:40 PM, Rubee Hearsay wrote: > I am sorry you feel this way. I had hoped for > more support than just recriminations from > you. You must think I have loads of extra > time on my hands. Those last sentences from you are loaded with intentional misconceptions, a.k.a. "cop outs". Not only are you WRONG in what I think about you, you KNOW you are wrong. You are NOT sorry I feel this way (as if "feelings" had anything to do with my wish to finally put an end to harrassment against me). The support I have given you over the months is MOUNTAINS compared to one incident of recrimination towards you...as if you've received ONLY recriminations, and no credit or praise. Ha! You hypocrite, you! And, I do NOT think you have loads of free time. There were SEVERAL times when you could have addressed Jackass's ugly behavior, with no skin off your teeth; and which would have nipped MOST of this problem in the bud. TWICE you witnessed his vulgar behavior towards me, including a veiled threat... yet you did NOT even show any disapproval for that behavior. Instead, you treated it as if his attitude were partly my fault...by saying "Now, you two, no violence." Your lack of doing so, I have concluded, was INTENTIONAL, not a slip-up. Nothing to do with whether or not you're REALLY the manager...for nonetheless you are now the recognized AUTHORITY for this building ("resident manager"). But forget the "manager" issue: as a human being with SOME authority over our building, you could EASILY have ended Jackass's continued attempts to intimidate me, and mess up the bathroom. And he would have likely complied with EVERYthing. But without even that bit of authority, I could do nothing more, but continue living under this needless stress. This situation with both Terrorq and Jackass, should be regarded as high priority, for it is intimidation, harassment, defamation of character, and even attempts to terrorize a resident--by another, new occupant. Yet, you place GROUT higher on your list, than the great discomfort of a resident who is suffering unjustified harrassment. I could go into how you could have EASILY cleared up the bathroom situation, as it regards Jackass's bullying. But you KNOW this already, you are no dummy. Yet you give patent excuses to continue letting the situation drag on. It is BECAUSE I know you know what you are doing, that I see NO POINT in further discussing or making suggestions in this matter. A few firm words from you, to Jackass, is all it would have taken. This is neither rocket science, nor does it come with any risk to your person, or position as resident manager. But the ongoing intimidation by a new resident is a serious matter equal to any of the most important duties on your list. Considering how LONG you have allowed this to go on, I can only imagine how low on the list I am...or if I'm even on that list any more! You are hiding behind flimsy excuses, just taking me in circles. Therefore, no point in fooling myself that you need to understand my situation better. You have easily confronted more serious sitituations in this building...even withOUT being an officially ceritified manager...so I first assumed that my particular complaint would be easily cleared up. I was only asking you to use a small portion of your chutzpah you have used a few times so far, in dealing with some other difficult person. You CAN do, and CAN have a positive effect by nipping in the bud. You CHOOSE not to...and which has NOTHING to do with whether or not your are the absolute manager. Simply, as a human being alone, you could have cleared up the ugly impasse with NO harm to you. You did not. So be it. You have chosen your direction. Far be it from me to suggest a better path. Been there, done that. -- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://www.gay-bible.org/ ================================== From: Ezekiel Krahlin To: Rubee Hearsay Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 Subject: Re: Address the issue! ADDENDUM I had the courage to send a signed letter to the owners, regarding Terrorq's vulgar antics. In so doing, I backed you up big time...and took considerable risk of retaliation by the owners, as well as by Terrorq. His animosity against me is great. Yet, the situation with Jackass is far less complex, with minimal risk on your part. So, uh, yeah, Rubee...thanks for (doing) nothing! -- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://www.gay-bible.org/ ================================== From: Rubee Hearsay To: Ezekiel Krahlin Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 Subject: Re: Address the issue! Zeke I have talked to Jackass, told you that the dirty stuff is not his. He said it and I believe him. The hair on the clothes is Terrorq's and is from his shaving his head. I agree, it is disgustiing and I would not like to live with it either. Unless Jackass changes hair color at night, it belongs to Terrorq. I could just clean it up. Yes. But that is what Terrorq wishes. His statement was that I am the employee and he is the tenant so my job is to clean up after him. This is not the only mess. Now I have been to the owners about this. I have been to Muck about this. I have had pictures taken. I have confronted both him and Jackass about the mess. If I have to clean that bathroom, all will be thrown out. Everything! And then there will be even more fighting. I know it is not your mess and so you have not been hearing about it. BUT as much as you are attuned to the happenings of this building, you are not knowing the whole story. I have had at least three talks with Jackass and every one included the discussion of his comfort vs. leaving the bathroom tidy for others. He did say he would work on it. He did admit that the books were his. He did admit that he does take baths and took part of the blame for the dirty tub. His statement was that since he has to clean the tub before he uses it, he should not have to clean after he uses it. I think that is the way he put it but frankly I was paying more attention to the fact that Terrorq has used consistently every vacant room for his personal use as well as the boiler room for cleanup of himself. Jackass says that when Terrorq is forced to use the bathroom he is peeing in the tub so he does not have to use the toilet. I know that I am cleaning toilets in the vacant rooms over and before getting them rented. I also know Terrorq is making messes on purpose. He has admitted it. He and Bliss got into a huge and very loud fight over me as he is determined to get even with me for his problems. Now I am not making light over any problems you have with Jackass. I would like it resolved. Jackass said he would like it resolved. I think that is why he brought up the "hot "issue to you. But it seems to me that we have had this discussion before. You want me to be the housekeeper for the jobs you refuse to do because it is beneith you to clean up after Jackass and Terrorq. Just a question here. Why is it OK for me to clean up after any of you and not OK for you? You are all adults. I believe I answered my perception of that in the last note.You don't have to answer that one. I really think that if I can get the Terrorq issue dealt with, the other will go away. Jackass is not unreasonable about it. He has said he will work on it. But all suggestions short of you getting exactly what you want are rejected by you. It all seems so black and white. Have you weighed the possibility of some of the problem being Terrorq? The second floor bathroom has three unit to use it. You, Terrorq, Jackass. On two occasions the larger mess was made by Terrorq who leaves dirty clothes and paper on the floor. Jackass leaves books and toiletries laying about. You come in and it is a mess. Now just look at the different rooms and see the different people who use them. The bathrrom is an indication of the way they live in their rooms. If you have time, I would like to show you some other things about the building. Zeke we are not on different sides and your saying I am a snob or equivalent is just idle name calling. And I know you know me better than that. You are just frustrated and I don't blame you. I am too and maybe more. What should be just a simple thing here in this building aways becomes a huge undertaking. I am not sure why but it is really frustrating. Now I realize that I am not talking about the issue of the violence and harrasing of you. That I take as a separate issue. The two may be tied together but are not the same issue. They do take different form and do take different action. Just as Terrorq talks to me in private, makes his threats in private, and gets agressive in private, so may Jackass. I simply don't know. The times I was there for meetings of the two of you, there was an under currant of something but nothing was open enough to call on. You were more loud that he was. He was laughing on one occassion. There may be stuff I don't see but I cannot act upon an accusation without any evidence. This has nothing to do with you or your credibility. It has to do with setting a precedent. I have many accusations to deal with right now. I do think I can take care of the Jackass messes once I get this Terrorq issue cleared up. I have had slow success, I admit but just as you have your issues and say these are easily cleared up, they should take top priority, so do most of the other tenant with their problems and particular issues. As to the statements about grout. You will not die from books in the bathroom as irritating as they are, but you could die from mold or bacteria if it would be allowed to gather in the ungrouted leaky bathroom. Both 3rd and 2nd floor are to be fixed soon. then the sloppy behavior will be dealt with. I feel any direct action will not help until Terrorq is not allowed to cause any more problems. If you doubt my statement, just take a look at the "new" floor in 212 or the toilet. You are right about the problems you see but I think you are looking the wrong way about some of it for some reason unknown to me. It is probably because you have not been shown some of the other things I am talking about. Now I am willing to meet with you or talk to you about this but I do not tke kindly to your threats. They work on the street but not with me. Making me afraid or making me feel pushed just doesn't work. I will do what I can because of caring about the outcome or results or even for the tenants, but not for any other reason. Please let me get this all sorted out. Many of the problems I am dealing with have been here for years and now everyone wants them solved (their problems first) in one day. Zeke I do appreciate your help of past and do value your statements as you know but I cannot work in a vacuum nor can I make people behave... as much as I would like to. We have some real problems here. I talked to a perfect stranger the other day who asked about the building. He said it was a hard building to manage because most of the tenants are drug addicts and the building has a reputation. Surely someone like yourself, who says they go to bars, hangs out with street people and addicts and who says they can deal with the violence of the streets can hang on long enough for me to get into this. I see things a little different from you and we have accepted that. I find it hard to see the lack of concern, from all, about some of the issues that in another part of the country would cause tenants to be thrown out or even jailed. I have never been San Francisco, never dealt with meth users, never seen the lack of concern about living that I see here. I also have not seen any place where the individual wants come totally before the concerns of the whole. As I told Muck and you, if I am claimed to not be able to do this, I would not protest. But let me say I am trying to make things better. That includes making all tenants feel welcome, comfortable and safe. If your letter is to tell me I am not doing what you want or to say I am poor at this job, so be it. I am doing what I know. ================================== From: Ezekiel Krahlin To: Rubee Hearsay Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 Subject: Re: Address the issue! 11/15/03 8:11:05 AM, Rubee Hearsay wrote: > Zeke I have talked to Jackass, told you that > the dirty stuff is not his. My complaint never WAS about Terrorq's clothes. This is why I am so irritated at you...you KNOW what Jackass has done to the bathroom, and witnessed his nasty attitude towards me...along with his blatant deception. You KNOW the issue is not Terrorq's clothes...that was just the latest offense. You PRETEND ignorance, even after I described and demonstrated all the evidence necessary, so that you would not just have to take my word. Continued feigning of ignorance does NOT win any gold stars, in my book. > If I have to clean that bathroom, all will be > thrown out. Everything! And then there will > be even more fighting. No there won't. Not if management does it. Just dump all the books at Jackasss' door. Along with his soap, wash towel, etc. Throw away the stupid stand, too. Jackass will NOT get belligerent with you...as you see, he never has. He ONLY witnessed that you will NOT do anything when he is belligernet to ME, even when you are right there, and could have SAID something to nip this crap in the bud. Again: pretending I thought Terrorq's clothes were the fault of Jackass, is playing the same mind f*ck as Jackass. I had already told you ORIGINALLY that my complaint isn't with the clothes...it's with all the OTHER stupid stuff Jackass has done to the bathroom, and to me...which STARTED weeks before Terrorq moved in. I'd say Terrorq's clothing is but 10% of my complaints about the bathroom... and 90% is Jackass's fault. So you and Jackass go ahead and play "screw with Zeke". Games like that ALWAYS backfire. -- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://www.gay-bible.org/ ---finis