-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://www.gay-bible.org -------------------------------------------------------------- HETERO SLEAZE VS. GAY DIGNITY (A True Tale From The Castro. Eat your heart out, Armistead!) © 1997 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin September 6, 1996 Dear B.A.R. Editor, I would like to address Damon Jacobs, whose letter of September 5 complained about the sudden removal of himself and friends from The Cafe, due to the intimate smooching--in public--of the straight couple in his group. Mr. Jacobs was flustered over what he perceives as an ignorant, dangerous action taken by a bartender in this obviously pro-les/gay establishment. He wasn't even given a chance to tell the bartender that this hetero couple were his guests, and I quote: "...she called upon a guard who promptly and rudely kicked the four of us out. No questions were asked, no discussion, nothing." Let me ask you this, oh righteous Damon: Since when has a gay couple caught necking in a straight bar, NOT been promptly kicked out...and worse yet, often bashed to a bloody pulp? By the way, have your opposite-sex friends ever invited you to a straight bar...and encouraged you to make out with a gay buddy right there, in front of all the homophobes...and offered to protect you should a fight break out? My impression of your two hetero comrades, is that they are insensitive and thoughtless at best, and flauntingly arrogant and homo-condemning at worst. Who do they think they are, to push their breeder ways in our faces, in the few places where we're supposed to feel comfortable? I think your "het" friends got off lightly, by a prompt dismissal with neither bruising nor threat of bruising, as a consequence of their actions. You suggest, dear Damon, that The Cafe should warn all patrons of discrimination against certain hetero actions, before they enter the premises. That's fine with me; a sign could be posted that says: "To our heterosexual clients: This is a protective environment for lesbian and gay people. Please respect our space. Blatant displays of hetero love play will result in immediate expulsion of the offending parties." But I don't encourage such posting until the same is done in strictly hetero environments, i.e. "straight bars." After all, no straight bar posts any sign saying "Faggots and dykes not welcome." As long as these homo-hateful places continue to bash us, I think they should be forced to announce this policy right at their entrance ways, for all to see. Don't you agree, Damon? I am in complete opposition, Mr. Jacobs, to your condemnation of The Cafe's action (of removing the heterosexist couple). In fact, I applaud their unflinching stance, and only wish that more queer places would be so forthright. How often I go to a gay bar to see bartenders do absolutely nothing about a hetero couple getting it on amidst a gay crowd that really is disgusted with het-sex arrogance...and desires to avoid it for a short while, by going to these pro-homosexual establishments (which, by the way, play mostly hetero love songs: egad!). If any action should be taken, it should be AGAINST those bartenders, waiters, clerks, shop owners, etc., who look the other way when "hets" flaunt their sexist behavior in lesbian or gay environments. I encourage more people in our community to patronize The Cafe...and any other les/gay spots that actively staunch any and all heterosexist behavior. Posting a sign to this effect--as Damon Jacobs suggested in a brilliant flash of insight--will most likely increase customer volume. For believe it or not, there are ever-increasing numbers of non-heterosexist heteros, who gladly support the pro-homo movement. In the lesbian/gay cause, they rightly see improvement towards the treatment of females, children, and male gentleness. These are intelligent people whom we should welcome with open arms...but who should finally start wearing pro-gay buttons and T-shirts, with statements such as "Another hetero for gay rights." In that way, we may distinguish them from the bestial, Cro-Magnon heterosexist type, and give them our gratitude and trust. We lesbians, gays, and other assorted queers, have hardly any place to go in this city, county, state, nation, or world, where we are not in immediate danger of being terrorized for our lives. Can we not even have a few places where no heterosexist activity takes place? You may not like to think in this way, but the truth is that we still live in a society which absolutely thrives on terrorizing the homosexual. It is like being surrounded by Charles Manson clones wherever I go...whether to a shopping mall, a busy street, a club, bar, or neighborhood, the theater, and so on ad nauseum. You never know--from one moment to the next--which of these seemingly peaceful, sane citizens around you, is going to suddenly lash out at you with the word "Faggot!" exploding from his or her mouth like a machine-gun volley, and start bashing. And nine times out of ten, s/he'll get away with it even before a court of law! And please, don't apply what limited "rights" we may have in San Francisco...they are not only light years ahead of ninety-eight percent of the rest of this nation, but they still remain decrees for second-class citizens. ---finis