Dark Mojo At The Hole

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Dark Mojo At The Hole
09.18.07 (11:34 am)   [edit]

It is clear to me that Hole in the Wall Saloon's probable demise is a matter of karmic law, than of NIMBY politics and business rivalry. During my two-plus years as a regular patron, I have witnessed (and suffered) incredibly dark mojo that still continues to dog me, long after my patronage. The malicious spillover from that establishment has poisoned the entire SOMA gay bar community, to the detriment of all...but most especially, the Eagle Tavern. This is neither a simple matter of cliquism, nor alcohol dysfunction, nor hard drug abuse, nor AIDS trauma. Though they certainly contribute to said problem, they are simply adjuncts to the genuinely horrific evil that is brewing there, like the cauldron of a gibbering witch in her last stages of syphilitic madness. The vile behavior of those so guilty, reflects that of an established cult or cabal, that make the adjuncts just mentioned pale by comparison. Here is a list of the various grievances I hold against Hole in the Wall, and the shady fraternity that reigns over the SOMA gay community, like a malevolent plague:

1) On 10 April 2006, I was drugged and mugged by a patron of Hole in the Wall. When I returned a few days later, still in shock, I talked to various regulars and bartenders about the incident. None gave me any compassion or support, nor did they admit that this culprit was a regular. Only several months later, did I find out on my own that indeed, he was/is an evening regular...and that most (if not all) of the bartenders, and some of the other regulars, know exactly who this person is (I described him to a tee). Since no one showed any care for my suffering, I finally got the incident printed in a letter to the Bay Times, to warn others (issue dated 13 September 2007). You can read it here.

2) Prior to this mugging, I had formed the beginning of an excellent friendship with one patron, Larkin. But immediately after I informed him of the attack, he ceased talking and associating with me. And after more than a year and a half, he remains cold and silent to me, as if I don't even exist, or am not worth the speck of dirt on his shoe. (In hopes of eventually resuming our friendship, I still wait for him to finally hug me and say: "I'm so sorry this happened, but I'm glad you pulled through.")

3) Some of Larkin's "friends" participated in humiliating me by petty games of jealousy and wicked gossip...some, with the implicit cooperation of Larkin himself. For example, one patron, "Jeff", smooched and petted with Larkin whenever I showed up, often right in front of me...when I knew very well they weren't the least bit attracted to each other. They never did this before my mugging...and kept it up for several months. I felt very ashamed for Larkin's sadly immature and vindictive behavior in someone I so admire. If you'd like to know just how much I admire him, read this article from my web log, entitled "Larkin: A Hidden Treasure" and "Blessed Be My Wednesday".

(To your credit, Larkin: until you were 86'd, you continued to watch over me, protect me from threats and violence, even though in every other way ignored me. Thank you immensely. You suffered a lot of anger by petty queens, in so doing. That is but one among many reasons I'll never give up on you, and always have faith in your goodness.)

Worse yet: bartenders Gary C. and Chris A. spread gossip to all the other bartenders and additional patrons...leaving me isolated, to suffer hostility and threats by various regulars. This gossip also dissolved what other friendships I had formed there, prior to my mugging.

4) Weekend bartender Chris A. did nothing when I was attacked by a somewhat large dog, who was obviously disturbed by the loud music booming throughout the saloon. Though I defended myself and suffered no bite, Chris did not evict, or even admonish, the dog's owner...instead, he kicked me out for warning others who entered, to beware of the unruly dog. Seeing as weekday bartender Gary C. had already 86'd Larkin a couple months before (as part of his plot to destroy my friendship w/Larkin), I could only see my buddy during weekends. Now, that was conveniently sabotaged by Chris. (Note: some of the large dogs bartenders allow in--especially pit bulls, dobermans and rottweilers--are clearly not appropriate due to their poor manners and lack of a muzzle...thus endangering all patrons.)

5) I remained at Hole in the Wall on Gary's shift, in order to get to the bottom of this intrigue...for I am a tenacious person who always gets answers in the long run. Unfortunately, I was finally driven out for good by a serious threat upon my person. The attacker threatened to kill me (cut me up with a knife). He screamed this in front of several people. Yet when I complained to Gary seconds later, did he kick him out? No, he accused us both of stirring up trouble, and he'd kick us both out. I told him no need to do that; I'll leave now and never return. You can read the details on my web log, entitled "The Unholy in the Wall".

I confided in one person (Joe C.) who I thought was a friend, by e-mailing him a copy of that letter. Instead, he accused me of the most vile behavior. And distributed copies of my letter throughout the SOMA bars in an attempt to put my life in further danger, and drive me out. This, on top of his fighting cancer, undergoing painful and exhausting chemotherapy! (I guess if that gives you a motive to stay alive, I won't knock it. But Joe, you should be aware that I pray for you regularly for a complete remission, regardless of your less than sterling behavior.)

6) I finally left that bar, to hang out at the Eagle Tavern. Sadly, some of the malicious regulars out of Hole in the Wall, also frequent the Eagle...and thus, spread further gossip and hatred against me. Their foul gossip continues to endanger my life at worst, and keep me from forming solid friendships at best.

As stated above, I am a tenacious person, and thus remain a patron at the Eagle, in order to finally get to the bottom of this pathetic SOMA intrigue. But my patience has finally worn thin; thus this letter in hopes it will reach the public eye. The incidents at Hole in the Wall (described above) happened over the span from April 2006 to January 2007. Yet the gossip continues, while Larkin remains silent towards me, and is now even friendly with those who initially hated and messed with him (including Gary C.). Obviously, he and others have manipulated Larkin into hating me. (I certainly hope you can see through their vulgar antics, Larkin, and will not explode in violence against me or anyone else.) Their gossip continues to make some regulars at both the Hole in the Wall and the Eagle, to hate and fear me...all out of jealousy (and certainly for no good reason, for I am blameless).

As I implied earlier, this behavior among a certain SOMA clique resembles that of a cult, rather than your standard home brew of petty spitefulness and alcoholic dysfunction. And it seems to me--by what I have observed over these past two-plus years--to have been going on for quite some time, probably ten years or more. How it began, I can only surmise.

But being a Buddhist at heart, I take the high road: "I have no enemies, only teachers." My goal is not vengeance, but justice...and those who play my enemy I hope to win over as friends. (Indeed, that has begun!) I do have an excellent resolution in mind, to make this a win-win situation for all involved, both friends and enemies. Read on:

1) Larkin, I cherish the friendship we had for a few months, and know that you are worth all this trouble. I am NOT attracted to you sexually, though I certainly hold great affection for the kindness and fun you so graciously shared with me. Obviously, this made a LOT of folks jealous, probably because they already hated you for being such a good looker, and so talented. I prayed that you'd get your old job back at the Tacqueria next door to "The Hole", and to have you return to South of Market, where you were the star for over seven years. I am the one behind welcoming you to the Eagle, when all other bars wouldn't have you. (And at the Eagle, on only one certain bartender's shift.) I have spoken only good about you to everyone who'd listen, in order to squelch the gossip that drove you out. More than anything else (including your own slip-ups, for which you must make amends), it was jealousy of our excellent friendship that led to these difficulties...and your own screwed up karma that drove you out. It seems that you have been persuaded to blame me for various difficult mishaps. But the truth is: we've BOTH been shafted, and the last thing these A-holes care to see, is the resumption of our camaraderie. My prayers for your return to SOMA have been answered in every way, and I only need to look forward now, to my return into your heart.

2) Ron (Eagle bartender), you have been magnanimous in supporting my struggles to right these grievous wrongs, including your kindness and patience to Larkin, by making him feel welcome there. You have been a harbor of friendship and courage for myself, and for Larkin. I also want to thank the handful of other folks in SOMA (mostly Eagle patrons, bartenders and a few from The Hole), for not listening to the gossip, thereby maintaining friendly relations with me. Though you have no idea of the horrific situations I've had to deal with till now; and this has been a great frustration and cross for me to bear. Ron, the agreement we made for your support, was I'd not write another letter of complaint, but try to work things out on a personal, community level...as long as the gossip did not continue from one bartender at The Hole. Sadly, the gossip did continue, and still does...yet I held back for many months, till I've reached the end of my patience, which is now.

3) Gypsy (regular at both bars in question), you have turned out to be an excellent friend, after a dark situation that occurred between us many years ago. I never thought I'd see you again (and never wanted to)! You are doing an excellent job of mending the damage done to me and Larkin. However, I fear that you don't quite grasp the enormity of evil wrought by Gary C. Yes, you assured me he would not harm me, that "time heals all wounds"...but you do not seem to realize that his gossip can result in physical harm to me. It is a FACT that Gary did nothing when I was severely threatened by another regular...and that's just one among many examples.

I'm sorry that you think he is such a great person (as do various other SOMA regulars), for I know better: Gary C. is a vulgar and wicked soul, whose gossip has also done harm to other good patrons.

4) To my remaining enemies: it is time to mend all damage done, and I hold no grudges. But time has grown short. If you do not change your ways, this will all backfire, and what you wished against me shall come to avenge me instead. I am trying to nip this negative outcome in the bud, as best I can. Larkin, your willful cooperation with such evil will only come to entrap you, unless you answer to your conscience NOW. Should this tragedy unfold, I will not find any joy, but sorrow for what you've brought upon yourself. You are my hero: don't fail me, or yourself...do what you KNOW is the right thing. Speak out to my remaining enemies, help them change their lives to one of great wonder, joy, honesty and fulfillment. You are a brilliant, gifted man in so many ways!

5) When the mending begins--and I have absolute faith it will--I have great plans for all. Imagine what all this negative energy can do for gay rights here in The City, once it's channeled into a positive route! As a first step, I have redirected all the jealous hatred against Larkin, towards myself, that he may reestablish his presence in SOMA, and create a more stable and joyful existence. Now, I take this negative energy and rework it into a positive outcome...this letter being but my latest step in that direction. I want Hole in the Wall to reopen in its new location UNDER MY TERMS. Here they are:

Rename the saloon to "Larkin's Lagoon"...where Larkin will be the host and professional bouncer. He'll be paid a living wage including quality health and dental care. A plywood cutout of Larkin (artfully painted, holding a cue stick in one hand, cigarette in the other, with his trademark sardonic smile) shall be attached to the front door, or beside it. Details on how the bar should be run will be left up to me, during negotiations with the owners. This includes reducing alcohol consumption by 80%, and increasing marijuana use drastically, by including THC based concoctions. (Technically illegal, but we know it's the right thing to do, in order to heal our community. At this point in our history, to NOT move in this direction makes us complicit with the persecution of our homophobic enemies. Can you say "speakeasy?")

There will also be provided an extensive menu of healthful teas, juices and coffees. This will bring in many more customers who'd love to hang out with gay crowds, but have hesitated before, due to rampant alcoholism and substance abuse. (I would LOVE to be the world's first gay bar barista!)

I am not a vengeful man, and to prove this, I will make sure that all former enemies will NOT be left out in the cold, but be included in this new SOMA family, as good friends and indispensable patrons.

I take heart from Buddha's words in the Dhammapada: "A fool is happy until his mischief backfires. And a good man may suffer until his goodness blossoms."

Believing the truth in Buddha's claim that we have no enemies, only teachers, I consider the possibility that all this outrageous intrigue is nothing more than a hilarious setup by beloved angels, in order to make me a hero. My only retort is: "Ha, ha. Very funny guys. Well done. I am exhausted, but grateful that ultimately, no evil has been done!"

In service to our gay community here in San Francisco, including my homeless gay brothers and others disenfranchised, I remain:

Zeke Krahlin
Gay Activist & Homeless Advocate since 1973

From: Zeke
To: Bay Times Letters
Date: 18 Sep 2007, 02:22:09 PM
Subject: Re: Dark Mojo at The Hole

Letters writes:

Hi Zeke

We'd love to publish a letter from you on this subject, but this one is waaay too long,
even as an editorial (which we do not have space for this issue, which is a tight issue).
If you can get this down to 500 words, we'll pubish it.

500? Aaaarrrrgh! Such a Herculean task. I'll try my best. Thanks, Kim.

----------(2 hours later:)

Dear Editor,

It is clear to me that Hole in the Wall Saloon's probable demise is a
matter of karmic justice. During my two-plus years as a regular patron,
I have witnessed (and suffered) incredibly dark mojo that still
continues. Here's a quick list of my grievances against Hole in the

- I was drugged and mugged by a patron of Hole in the Wall. No patron or
bartender gave me any compassion or support, nor did they admit knowing
the culprit.

- Before mugging, I had formed an excellent friendship with one patron,
Larkin. But immediately after I informed him of the attack, he ceased
our association. And it continues to this very day.

- Some of Larkin's "friends" (including bartenders Gary C. and Chris A.)
humiliated me, turning Larkin against me.

- Weekend bartender Chris A. did nothing when I was attacked by a
somewhat large dog. Instead, he kicked me out.

- I was threatened with severe violence by another patron, on Gary C.'s
shift. Yet the bartender did nothing.

I finally left that bar, to hang out at the Eagle Tavern. Sadly, the
gossip from Hole in the Wall followed me there. Obviously, some
bartenders and patrons have manipulated Larkin to hate me.

My goal is not vengeance, but justice. Those who play my enemy I hope to
win as friends. I do have an excellent resolution in mind, to make this
a win-win situation for all involved:

Larkin, I cherish the friendship we had for a while. Truth is: we've
BOTH been shafted, and the last thing these A-holes care to see, is the
resumption of our camaraderie.

Ron (Eagle bartender), you have been magnanimous in supporting my
struggles to right these grievous wrongs. I also want to thank the
handful of other folks in SOMA who've remained a friend through it all.

It is time to mend all damage done. But time has grown short. If you do
not change your ways, this will all backfire, and what you wished
against me shall come to avenge me instead. Larkin, your willful
cooperation with such evil will only entrap you, unless you answer to
your conscience NOW. You are my hero: don't fail me, or yourself.

I want Hole in the Wall to relocate UNDER MY TERMS:

Rename the saloon to "Larkin's Lagoon"...where Larkin will be the host
and professional bouncer. He'll be paid a living wage including quality
health care. Details on how the bar should be run will be left up to me,
during negotiations with the owners. 

This includes increasing marijuana use drastically, by including THC
based concoctions. (Technically illegal, but we know it's the right
thing to do, in order to heal our community. At this point in our
history, to NOT move in this direction makes us complicit with the
persecution of our homophobic enemies. Can you say "speakeasy?")

A detailed account of my grievances and solutions can be viewed on my
web site:

gay-bible.org/truetales/6_dark-mojo  .htm


Zeke Krahlin
Gay Activist & Homeless Advocate since 1973
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