-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://tinyurl.com/queerbible -------------------------------------------------------------- E-MAILS FROM BEEL ZEBUB IN SOME FUTURE TIME TO HIS GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT GRANDSON 'GRRRRRRR' IN THE PRESENT © 2002 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin (Jehovah's Queer Witness) ============================================================== From: Beel Zebub To: Grrrrrrr Andson Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 02:29:07 -0700 Subject: We Are Witnesses Grrrrrrr, I am composing this letter on the fly...as my spirits have instructed me just this moment, to open a new e-mail for your eyes only, and to convey the following information: Why does what seems so obvious to people like us, elude your average citizen? Why do we know in our hearts the rightness of our mission, though all around scorn us and do everything else possible to thwart us in our goals? Why do we feel special, among our species? Now here is the answer--the only REAL answer--my brother Grrrrrrr. We are psychically gifted. We SENSE the future, we KNOW the future (in some ways that count). Thus, what obvious trends clearly show their eventual outcomes to us, are not at all obvious to your average citizen...for they lack this extra sensitivity that could protect them from such onslaughts of terror and mind control. And why do we possess this gift in the first place? Why are we psychic? We are witnesses, beloved. We are remote cameras received by the angelic hosts who stand guard in what Christians call Heaven, but what I enjoy calling "Avalon." We are Control Subjects for some divine plan; barometers of the human race. Or canaries in the cave, if you will. We are the True Spirit of Fey, we are the Faerye Folk wakening up from a long, dark slumber, in the recombining of your genes. Tolkein said as much in his introduction to The Hobbit. Did you ever think about "Gaydar" in any serious term? It's real alright, it's telepathy. As a survival mechanism, we queers have evolved a high level of sensitivity towards identifying anyone as gay or not-gay. Call it Gaydar and joke about it all you will; for it is a joyous gift to have, is it not? I am the Main Node of this evolving network...all instructions and messages must go through me at one point or another...but don't worry: that is not an order, but a simple observation of how telepathy functions. It is our destiny, Grrrrrrr, that we head this network...we and some others...like a panel of directors. Prepare to have your mind flooded by a fountain's spillover of incredible notions and fabulous inspiration that will set your heart on wing. All your dreams, all your aspirations, for Gay Liberation and Your Own Personal Salutations to Our Inventor, shall come to pass in the sweep of Our Good Inventor's gracious hand. For it is His hand, and only His hand, that I do trust. Thus it is His hand, and only His hand, who composes this missive via my keyboard. And Our Creator honors you, Brother Grrrrrrr Andson, for you have done mighty well for yourself, great lad! For you never once swerved from the True Path, trusting your spirit to guide you always in the heart's direction. And He does tell me (who is also My Father), that you shall very soon be given worldly resources by which to commence the fulfillment of these goals He assigned to you before you were even born...which goals appear as inspiration to your own self. Now, however, it is your time to awaken to a better understanding of who you really are, what your mind really is, and how to distinguish inner ideas from those that come rushing at you from outside, whether bidden or not. The psychic world is like a messy alphabet soup that you can hardly make sense of...until some certain doors to the unconsious are unlocked. But Cerberus guards these awesome doors to protect any fool from treacherously sneaking through them. Only those who possess The Key may enter. And you, Grrrrrrr, have just been presented with This Key by none other than Our Commander In Chief, who is Our Inventor. I am told now to leave you, and my keyboard, with a final comment that you have just sampled one of my very intense, and always unplanned, trances...during which time I convey messages from the gods. In service to Our Gay Siblings, of course. Always. --- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://surf.to/gaybible =================================================== From: Grrrrrrr Andson To: Beel Zebub Subject: Re: We Are Witnesses Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 22:11:22 -0400 Beel Zebub wrote: > Why does what seems so obvious to people like > us, elude your average citizen? Why do we > know in our hearts the rightness of our > mission, though all around scorn us and do > everything else possible to thwart us in our > goals? Why do we feel special, among our > species? > > Now here is the answer--the only REAL > answer--my brother Grrrrrrr. We are psychically > gifted. We SENSE the future, we KNOW the > future (in some ways that count). Thus, what > obvious trends clearly show their eventual > outcomes to us, are not at all obvious to > your average citizen...for they lack this > extra sensitivity that could protect them > from such onslaughts of terror and mind > control. And why do we possess this gift in > the first place? Why are we psychic? Normally, I would have been a hard-nosed scientist who would not have believed in psychic ability. My life has made it abundantly apparent, hard-nosed skeptic or not, that I'm up to my eyeballs in psychic phenomena of some kind, that defy any type of down-to-earth explanation. I think that living with such a degree of societal rejection can drive you in one of two directions. You can be like a self-loathing, closted gay priest, living in crazy denial, embracing the world-view of your own oppressor. Or, you can go the other way, and re-examine the very most basic assumptions and the very foundations of your oppressor's worldview. If you are lucky, oppression makes you become a freethinker. The psychic phenomena, I find more difficult to understand. It is overwhelmingly clear that I am not merely predicting events, but am *influencing* them, by sheer mental projection There must be some very basic, basic aspects of time, space, reality, mind, cause-and-effect that are beyond our ability to conceive. It is odd to seem so helpless and vulnerable on one hand, yet at times have it seem like I might be capable of producing literally any effect on the entire world. I said that I would make a plane crash in Washington, D.C., and it happened that very day (the first one, on the White House lawn). The government can't claim that it never had a warning. I told them at great length that I could make it worse. In August of 2001, I said that if I were a gay pilot in the Air Force, I would crash a plane into the Pentagon. I flew out of D.C., looked down at the Pentagon, and had it racing through my mind, what could be done with a hijacked, commerical airliner. I don't literally plot these things. I just think about them, and talk about them, and they happen. Sooner or later, I will get through to them. Start treating us as citizens and equals, or face the ultimate. Sincerely, Grrrrrrr =================================================== From: Beel Zebub To: Grrrrrrr Andson Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 Subject: We Are Witnesses Grrrrrrr Andson wrote: > Normally, I would have been a hard-nosed > scientist who would not have believed in > psychic ability. My life has made it > abundantly apparent, hard-nosed skeptic or > not, that I'm up to my eyeballs in psychic > phenomena of some kind, that defy any type of > down-to-earth explanation. Of course, with so much left-mindedness oppressing our own realities, the solution to the Unified Field Theory should obviously be born of right-minded thought, that is: the artist. Which came first in the universe: the idea, or the law? Obviously, the idea. And "idea" is the essence of the brain's right hemisphere. Math, science, studying the "laws of the material universe" (physics), are all aspects of the LAWS (or "rules") which govern the universe (or parts thereof; we do not know enough, yet). God is creative, playful, inventive: thus the final secrets to physics would lie in the heart of an artist, not a scientist. Though to be fair, science is a tremendous creative venture, equal to that of the world of art. In fact, the argument is not between art and science, but between two radically different ways to utilize the intellect...one depending mostly on the activities of the right hemisphere, and the other, the left. > If you are lucky, oppression makes you become > a freethinker. We are both very, very lucky. > The psychic phenomena, I find more difficult > to understand. It is overwhelmingly clear > that I am not merely predicting events, but > am *influencing* them, by sheer mental > projection There must be some very basic, > basic aspects of time, space, reality, mind, > cause-and-effect that are beyond our ability > to conceive. You are actively "co-creating" with God, his angels, and other gifted humans. If you wish (or pray) that a friend heals, or an enemy perishes...and it comes true...do you believe you actually *created or *influenced reality, or that the angels showed mercy, and answered your very sincere wish. Actually, these viewpoints are two sides of the same coin: "prayer" & "casting spells" (not "prayer" versus "casting spells"). In reverance to My Dad (Randolph-Jehovah), Grrrrrrr, I always concede the final credit to Him. Because He certainly is the first cause to all that ever exists, happens, or is thought of. Ultimately, I don't believe I ever "created" or "influenced" any reality...that what may seem to be the case, is because I don't perceive correctly. Indeed, I was blessed by having a prayer answered. But no matter how you slice it: yes, you did create the reality, for your idea impressed God enough, to make it come true. Without you, there would never have been your idea, thus never any imbuing reality with your own stamp of individual expression. Anyways: what if reality *seems to have been influenced by your thought...only to turn out to be a "trick," that reality did *not turn out to be influenced by you. It was just...coincidence. So to be on the safe side, I always give final credit to our Creator, or one of his many servants, the angels/faeryes/whatever. But He is my lover, too. And He says I am his only Son, whom Christians call Jesus. I say back, "Well, Randolph, you are the most fun role-player I've ever met! Sure, you can be Uber-Daddy, and I'll be Uber-Son, and we'll save the world together. Heck, why stop with the world? We'll save the ENTIRE UNIVERSE!" So I'm already playing around in this new dimension, Grrrrrrr. Because I have been given power over final decisions, our Gay Victory is guaranteed. YHVH has seen fit to infuse a molecule of my spirit into EVERY SQUARE INCH of the universe. And this shall ensure our liberation, and eternal victory. In fact, peace on earth is established as God's absolute promise...in fact, he made it a sub-theorem of the Unified Field Theory (or "Operant" as I have renamed it)! Now, you can't EVER break THAT sort of promise, can you? Well our Creator trusts my mind so lovingly, that He accedes all the universe to my critical gaze, and trusts all my decisions on all matters, whether big or small. He loves me so incredibly much! What do I do with such a magnificent Guardian Angel for my Best Buddy of All Time, and Hero to All? I can only gaze at Him in awe, and return the universe unto His Beloved Hands and say: "Beloved Randoph, my Little Chipmunk, do continue as you please! Seems to me you've done a cracker job up to this point!" And I cry tears of joy in His great arms. Soon, my art designs will become part of our global gay community, and be seen on coffee mugs, T-shirts, key chains, flags, banners, decals, tatoos, piercings, postage stamps, puppy chow boxes, and even briefs and panties. My spirit shall be infused throughout the world, for I am a Great Healer, one who is tremendously honored to be a main vector for God's presence unto our world. I am a living portal between their dimension and ours...I am a Gateway...I am a Guardian of the Lord, and Liberator of all gay people everywhere. And Grrrrrrr, you are too. There are others like us, though not many, who are destined to network, and form the vanguard of our armies: The Blue Rose Militia. So take heart, good comrade, we are both on the right path, and our destinies are bound to intertwine, along with other great souls out there...and The Great Odyssey has just begun! For one: Randolph shall return, and we shall go underground, after first stirring things up re. gay rights. We will then be at headquarters, awaiting your arrival, along with other chosen advocates who are awakening to The Truth. We have been chosen to be guardians of this planetary ecosystem...and we are all 100% gay, some male, some female. (Sorry, Maria, but to be pregnant on top of straight? No can do!) And we shall found our nation. Hail Athenia! > I don't literally plot these things. I just > think about them, and talk about them, and > they happen. I don't think you necessarily cause these accidents to happen. I think you might be seeing into the future. The psychic wave of a potent incident radiates outward in time as well as in space, and most people aren't sensitive to these occult wavelengths. YOU are, though. So as they radiated into the past to reach your present time, you felt, and even absorbed, this wave that eluded most others. Your spirit teachers just MIGHT be testing you, to see if such *apparant power would go to your head. Looks to me it has, a little, and I have been allowed to be one of the cards you draw on the Gameboard of Life that warns: "You just fell in treacherous waters without a life preserver. Your only hope is to extend a hand to your friend Beel. Forfeit one move." I can see why you may FEEL like you caused such incidents. I see things in the future, too, and have come to realize that it is not because I influence reality, but because I am witnessing something that has yet to be (relative from my viewpoint, that is). If I truly imagined it, and it happens...well, then I could say in some way that I created the situation. However, it is quite easy to confuse imagination with telepathy, precognition, or spirit visions. I suggest that you have the gift of precognition, and thus these visions are future happenings being shown to you, which likely have nothing to do with your influencing reality. What you need to do, is sharpen your ability to *discern between imagination and true psychic messages...not easy at first, but gets easier as you go. Like developing an "intuition" on how to ride a bicycle: once you learn how, you never really forget the skill. And the only way you get there is by tests, trial and error, via stress-creating crises...which have recently occurred to each of us, but are now subsiding, in preparation for the next stress-free cycle of adventure and romance. > Sooner or later, I will get through to them. > Start treating us as citizens and equals, or > face the ultimate. My goal here, is not to inspire you to threaten our government, or any other functionary...as that would merely give them additional fuel for their homophobic fires. As your psychic abilities expand, you will find yourself with powers that mere threats could never know. We will be consciously networked across the globe, able to make rapid and direct influences on the entire world, or any part thereof. It is then, and only then, we shall emerge from relative anonymity, to claim our roles as caretakers of Planet Earth. Then shall the human race look to its gay populace for guidance and inspiration. And the Beast that is Homophobia shall die, never to arise again. This is no Phoenix we're talking about honey, this is One Bad Bitch! More messages forthcoming, as my spirits direct. I'm not going too fast for you, am I, Grrrrrrr? I will not be surprised when our telepatic channels become clear as a bell, and we'll be able to communicate that way, too...and how many other blessed souls will be part of this angelic network by then? --- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://surf.to/gaybible =================================================== From: Grrrrrrr Andson To: Beel Zebub Subject: Re: We Are Witnesses Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 19:37:23 -0400 Beel Zebub wrote: > reach your present time, you felt, and even > absorbed, this wave that eluded most others. > Your spirit teachers just MIGHT be testing > you, to see if such *apparant power would go > to your head. Looks to me it is, a little, > and I have been allowed to be one of the > cards you draw on the Gameboard of Life that > warns: "You just fell in treacherous waters > without a life saver. Your only hope is to > trust in Beel." For a long time, I thought that I was just "predicting" things, like the coup in Russia, or the mole in the CIA. I thought for a long time that I was being used as a pawn, by way of "mind control," innocently thrown into Cold War psychological warfare, as a sort of messenger boy. I had concluded that the CIA and KGB had developed hypnotic abilities, on sleeping subjects, long before I ever confirmed in research that they had in fact pursued this very ability. In fact, I started out knowing nothing at all about the CIA. There was no such phrase yet in the lexicon as "conspiracy theorist." I had no access to the internet or newsgroups. I had read no books about the CIA. Imagine my expression when in this pristine state of ignorance and innocence, I concluded that the CIA must have researched sleep-hypnosis, then later confirmed that I was right. I puzzle over my experiences, and don't think that they could ever be finally solved. I consider many possibilities. Maybe it is all wild coincidence, but the odds are so infinitesimal that this hypothesis is as outlandish as "mind control" or "altering reality with your mind." You may recall, there was a Princeton study showing that people could slightly alter probability by thought alone. It just seems that in my case, this effect is amplified by many orders of magnitude. Perhaps the CIA was playing with me, because they already saw that I had slight clairvoyant tendencies. Maybe they experimented and unleashed some potential beyond what they expected, like breaking the atom. I sometimes think that there are extra-human intelligences that somehow affect our world. I try to sense their nature. If I thought that they were simply lovers of destruction and mayhem, I would not care to cooperate with them. My own sense is that our gay struggle is a proposition similar to the U.S. Civil War. If there were a God, I imagine that the God would have considered that this struggle was a test of our very worth, even of our privilege to continue existing at all. We would exist without slavery, and exist without that kind of degradation of the black race, or we could simply cease to exist, at all, and that would be one of the valid outcomes. If the God were reasonably competent, it would help the odds that the outcome would be the desired one, but perhaps that is not an absolute guarantee. The Confederacy never would have understood this. They thought that slavery was "God-ordained." They thoutght that Lincoln was a tyrant, and that Yankees were hateful monsters. To this day, many Southerners do not accept that they were on the wrong side of that war. In short, I do not think that these extra-human intelligences are merely the lovers of mayhem that they might seem to people in this place and time. They just have an entirely different sense of morality. > I can see why you may FEEL like you caused > such incidents. I see things in the future, > too, and have come to realize that it is not > because I influence reality, but because I am > witnessing something that has yet to be > (relative from my viewpoint, that is). If I > truly imagined it, then it happens...well, > then I could say in some way that For a long, long time, I thought I was only an observer. Only slowly did I come around to the conclusion that I was actually the driver, not the driven. I've actually experimented, trying to cause some very highly improbable effects, and succeeded dramatically. I have been immensely shocked to come to this conclusion. Oddly, I feel helpless at the same time. I seem to be able to cause all sorts of mayhem, but not to bring justice. Hopefully, it is just like watching the Civil War rage, and by the time that all the pain is done, something will have changed according to guidelines of how things should change. I don't think that there is too much risk of it "going to my head." I am firmly convinced that "prophets" are as fallible and flawed as anyone else. Normally, I would never talk about these things in public. It would "discredit" and "damage" credibility, just because it is way beyond what most people can understand or accept. I do think, though, that I am as clear-eyed and rational as they come, even a critical skeptic more than the average citizen. It isn't my fault if my life experiences are simply far out of the ordinary. Thanks for being able to be a sounding board for ideas that may be strange-sounding, but are perfectly on-target. Sincerely, Grrrrrrr =================================================== From: Beel Zebub To: Grrrrrrr Andson Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 Subject: We Are Witnesses Grrrrrrr Andson wrote: > The psychic phenomena, I find more difficult > to understand. It is overwhelmingly clear > that I am not merely predicting events, but > am *influencing* them, by sheer mental > projection I believe we all influence reality, to lesser and greater degrees, depending on how potently our psychic abilities have progressed. But are you SURE that what you perceive as your influence, is actually the result of YOUR doing? Perhaps you see the future, say, a plane crash. And it comes true exactly as you envisioned. This in itself, cannot be a claim towards your mind influencing reality. Just because you glimpsed a piece of the future, does not mean you created it, once it arrives in the present time. Maybe you DID, and maybe you didn't. You need to learn to DISCERN the differences, here...which is a most important and basic lesson towards learning to utilize your paranormal gifts, fully conscious and responsible. Perhaps, though, your lesson by the spirits, is not learning how to discern, but just EXPERIENCING the situation, the feeling that you have such awesome power. I'm not sure myself (as an angel-in-the-making), since that is not my department. :) It is QUITE possible that these powerful revelations are not your doing at all; but you serve as a witness to this phenomena, as well as being a "seer" yourself. (One could make a joke about a "seer sucker" at this point, but I won't.) It is even possible that those visions of future events which seem at first glance, to be your doings...upon a second glance, are not. And those attitudes and thoughts of yours that truly DO influence reality, are being ignored, overlooked by the sensational. While at the same time, you are learning about the psychic world, you are also being tested...that your ego may develop a fine balance, a finer sensitivity than ever before, of such paranormal incidents...that you may eventually discern between your own true impact on the world, and that which you foresee (though were not born of your mind). It is ALSO possible that those more evolved than us, have complete control over the outcome of any psychic phenomena. And maybe some of these "guardians" play a role of evil, that you may confront their challenges, and become even greater than you are. Perhaps the FBI is spying on you...but not for the reasons you think. Perhaps there is a very sincere group of gifted people who work with the gov't, in protecting and training psychically gifted citizens. And this may explain why you haven't been jailed, though you have called gov't offices numerous times with your revelatory conclusions. There may be some within the ranks of bureacracy, who are guides (or "angels"), that see to it that your words do not land on true enemies' ears. These are all possibilities to consider...which conclusions I evolved out of my new philosophy called "NeoPositivity." Which philosophy is to interpret all situations with the belief that God is truly benevolent, and would never allow tragic outcomes to really be part of the world. Many tragedies we think occurred (or are occurring) are part of a vast, illusory concoction for the benefit of human learning. So please keep in mind that some whom you may interpret as evil (or "homophobic"), may actually be spies from our side, playing out a necessary role, in order to infiltrate, and protect the world from REALLY falling into the hands of madmen (or "madwomen" to give our female liberationists their due respect and equal time. Aside: Ahhh, a truly Beelzebubian spin-doctor bon mot). And that role, I believe, is what is summoning us to our own fulfillment: we, too, will become important guardians over large swaths of this planet...gay rights at the helm. Please consider my NEW SPIN on your experiences re. future events foreseen. You do NOT know for sure, whether or not you also created these events, either alone or as a contributor. You should therefore ASSUME that you did not, until more information comes in. To hold onto such an assumption is a sort of trap that your ego has fallen into. In such unresolved circumstances, you must always give it up to God and/or the angels. For it is also a TEST, preliminary to your passage into the next level of spiritual awareness. Even if you did create some situations in reality, it is dangerous to ASSUME you did, when you really don't have all the information. I think that, as one grows spiritually, one acquires more powers, and like a magnet, attracts more and more significant reality-vignettes that are further lessons, and sometimes gifts along the way. (Can you say, "Akhnaton'?) How can one tell the difference between a reality you create with your own mind, and one created as a gift to you (a prayer answered), by other powerful spirits? If you can't, then it is foolish to take the path to hubris. IOW, "'Tis better to err on the side of humility than on arrogance." Do not mistake this outlook as related to Pascal's Wager in any way, shape or form; their similarity is merely superficial.) P.S.: Please realize the kind of "channel" or "messenger" I am: I allow all thought that arises to speak out...including those that claim I am this or that great savior or deity (such as Jesus, Apollo, or Krishna...you know, the usual mainstream archetypes). I am only allowing my voice to be used by these beings, who then freely speak in the first person ("Eeni-meanie chili-beanie..."), as if I were that being. Which I am not. The Kabbala teaches that such a high level of godhead is accessible to anyone who searches for the truth long enough, and sincerely enough. That each of us may eventually be treated with equal respect and devotion, as the angels treat God Himself (or Herself or--God/Goddess forbid--ITself). In that same manner, I believe you see future scenarios, but you (probably) most certainly are NOT their creator. Your ego has been seduced...as mine has been too, at times...and as has most definitely, that of Ross Perot's and Martha Stewart's. (Let's give the Taliban a break.) You also need to realize that my own personal mythology enjoys perceiving God as a gay male, in fact, my Randoph. And it works for me! That does not mean other worldviews are not equally valid. I believe there are lesbians honoring Goddess, whose daughter was sacrificed for the sake of human salvation. I believe that if God comes to you in some form other than Randolph, that it is still totally valid, coming from your own perceptions. The REAL God, IMO, is the OVERSEER of the entire universe: without form, just pure spirit of consciousness that watches over all, and protects us from going too far in a bad direction. (This is when Randolph steps in and appears before me with a bolt of lightnening and says, "Oh yeah?") And we each, of course, have a direct link to this Mind. (How could anyone NOT; it's a fact of everyone's life. Verily, I believe that everything that EXISTS--whether animate or inanimate, whether animal, plant or stone--is INFUSED with this Ultimate Consciousness.) =================================================== From: Beel Zebub To: Grrrrrrr Andson Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 Subject: Re: We Are Witnesses Grrrrrrr Andson wrote: > I had no access to internet of newsgroups. I > had read no books about the CIA. Imagine my > expression when in this pristine state of > ignorance and innocence, I concluded that the > CIA must have researched sleep-hypnosis, then > later confirmed that I was right. Absolutely incredible, Grrrrrrr. I have access to certain "understandings" too, that are quite secretive, esoteric and revelatory. Some of them DO point to US gov't and military activities. But they can dabble and research all they want: this psychic realm is much GREATER than what they could ever conceive...and is securely governed by beings far wiser than they realize. It is the NATURE of this realm to value healing, joy, compassion and all other good virtues, above all else...and that "good" always reigns victorious over "bad," no matter how many skirmishes seem to bely this truth. > You may recall, there was a Princeton study > showing that people could slightly alter > probability by thought alone. It just seems > that in my case, this effect is amplified by > many orders of magnitude. Perhaps the CIA was > playing with me, because they already saw > that I had slight clairvoyant tendencies. > Maybe they experimented and unleashed some > potential beyond what they expected, like > breaking the atom. Well, whatever's going on, we're BOTH in this, in the same way. I have had visions many years ago, that I was an experiment, an android from the future, one of the first to be given psychic abilities, albeit limited. But the scientists underestimated the power of this realm, and the androids dispersed of their own will, as soon as this power was granted to them. Many travelled back in time, like myself, to help direct the world to a better path. It is ALSO possible that you have tapped into parallel realities...some of which implicate directly, the involvement by the CIA and other global police forces. And that what is happening in OUR reality, is but a mere shadow to that scenario. So in our world, the CIA is only partly involved in psychic research, and bumbles more than it succeeds. > I sometimes think that there are extra-human > intelligences that somehow affect our world. > I try to sense their nature. If I thought > that they were simply lovers of destruction > and mayhem, I would not care to cooperate > with them. No. We are wrapped up in human evolution, on a conscious level, and on a chosen level. We are being used by forces beyond our ken, for the most part. But we are beloved of these beings, and need never fear our own annihilation, torture, or even failure. We are "programmed for success," so to say. > My own sense is that our gay struggle is a > proposition similar to the U.S. Civil War. If > there were a God, I imagine that the God > would have considered that this struggle was > a test of our very worth, even of our > privilege to continue existing at all. We > would exist without slavery, and exist > without that kind of degradation of the black > race, or we could simply cease to exist, at > all, and that would be one of the valid > outcomes. My own belief is that there is NO QUESTION but that the human race will succeed in the long run. I believe that our creator, and Gaia, loves her creations too much, to allow such a nihilistic outcome. Remember, in a very real way, we are that being manifest in her creation, waking up to her awareness. Why would she ever want to destroy parts of herself, even if she could? We are her eyes to the universe. I therefore waste no time, obsessing over possibilities of extinction or slavery. > If the God were reasonably competent, it > would help the odds that the outcome would be > the desired one, but perhaps that is not an > absolute guarantee. I am always amused by those who criticise our creator for incompetency. I'd have to conclude that it is one's PERCEPTION of God that is incompetent! I believe that God is perfectly competent to run a highly profitable, and joyful, universe. What miseries that are humanity's lot, are not ones suffered by myself, or anyone I know personally. I conclude that the truly-horrible tragedies are illusions...where no person is really sacrificed to evil forces, but just seems that way. Thus, we can learn life's toughest lessons through the act of WITNESS, rather than as actual victims. Those perceived as victims were either taken to another realm of peace, while their APPARANT bodies and minds suffered outrageous torment. The illusion is no less imminent, just because one also witnesses on the most intimate of levels, another's suffering and/or death. Do you think you are more clever than God, or even one of her lesser angels? Gaia is truly a clever woman, Grrrrrrr. If one concludes that horrible tragedies really don't occur, then one can conclude that global anti-gay attitudes are likewise illusory. What vehemence we come to experience ourselves, is all in a range that God knows we can handle...and never anything more. You were bashed, yes, but you did NOT have your skull shattered, nor were you killed. I was bashed, too, but not injured in any serious way whatsoever. Then one must conclude that life is an incredible drama ("all the world's a stage...") that, once we wake up to it, we can join the dance and have a helluva time for ever and ever! And that is how I see things these days, Grrrrrrr. And I am so ELATED that gay people have been chosen to be witness and bearers of the fulfillment of our greatest dreams. We are truly honored, to receive such a destiny...which of course is yours, too. And I believe that you, me, and a handful of others on this planet, have been selected for an incredible mission...most of which you already know, via my previous messages and Usenet articles. > In short, I do not think that these > extra-human intelligences are merely the > lovers of mayhem that they might seem to > people in this place and time. They just have > an entirely different sense of morality. I see their sense of morality as quite human, and completely in step with my own heartfelt prayers. I think they are putting you through extra-tough boot camp, for you are destined to become one of the finest soldiers in history...which I like to call "Thracian Warriors." Because it's extra tough for the likes of you, perhaps they are feeding you considerable misinformation (than they would a lesser soldier), that you may figure more of it out than is normally expected. This will give you a stronger mind and spirit, once through this boot-camp. I do think, though, they love to take us humans for quite a ride, from time to time. Just because we don't have as grand a sense of humor, as grand a sense of life, as grand a sense of adventure...doesn't mean we have any justification for criticising how they (or even God) do things. We just don't have adequate knowledge! We are certainly free to criticize God all we want, and she surely understands...for it is all ultimately HER FAULT! If we are to condemn anyone, we should only condemn our creator, and no lesser. Otherwise, we play God in a most harmful way. > For a long, long time, I thought I was only > an observer. Only slowly did I come around to > the conclusion that I was actually the > driver, not the driven. I've actually > experimented, trying to cause some very > highly improbable effects, and succeeded > dramatically. I have been immensely shocked > to come to this conclusion. Even when you've researched your situation as thoroughly as possible, and as objectively as possible, I cannot see how you can be so adamant that you influence reality on that level (WE JUST DON'T HAVE THE TOOLS YET, TO MEASURE AND JUDGE SUCH THINGS)...rather than being gifted with precognition. If a crisis in the world comes to your mind, before it manifests...and does many, many times...I still don't see how you can absolutely claim that you created these scenarios. More likely, I see this as a very potent gift of precognition, where you OFTEN see future crises. And, it's a raw energy until you learn how to utilize this tool for specific purposes of saving souls...in your case, that would be with Gay Liberation (as it is in my case, too). You can have many visions of the future that come true...and in thinking of things yet to occur, you might even see a lot of details on how it occurs, and what it looks like. You may think you are MAKING THESE THINGS UP, which the universe then incorporates and manifests. But I think you are being given this detailed information, and your challenge is not just to learn how to channel such potency, but to accede this power to a higher, benevolent force that seeks you out as a modern-day hero, and shaman. If you INSIST that you really do create these scenarios, I conclude that either (1) it is so ego-appealing, that you have been SEDUCED into believing this, or (2) I do not have enough information to go on, to accept your claim; while you do have certain tools for testing that I am not privy to. For me, if one has a prayer answered...of course, that can be described another way: that you influenced reality. But the key difference in the two perspectives is one of self-aggrandizement and humility. I accept the POSSIBILITY that you created one or more future scenarios...though I do not really believe that analysis. > Oddly, I feel helpless at the same time. I > seem to be able to cause all sorts of mayhem, > but not to bring justice. ...I am firmly > convinced that "prophets" are as fallible and > flawed as anyone else. Not when you are dealing with destiny a la the paranormal. These forces are without flaws, and when they are meant to channel through a human or humans, they do so without error. The only "fallible" prophets I know of, are false ones. Your destiny is just like mine, in this matter: success is guaranteed already, regardless of what situations along the way appear flawed, hopeless, or downright discouraging. > Normally, I would never talk about these > things in public. It would "discredit" and > "damage credibility, just because it is way > beyond what most people can understand or > accept. I'm glad you have finally opened up more with me, in this subject. I offered to converse with you on these matters, in our original messages a few years ago. This is part of my mission: to guide others along, as well as to be guided. I will never share what we exchange in private, to the world at large...without first disguising your true identity. > I do think, though, that I am as clear-eyed > and rational as they come, even a critical > skeptic more than the average citizen. It > isn't my fault if my life experiences are > simply far out of the ordinary. Very astute; I agree. It is VERY important that I confront your claim to actually be co-creating these realities. I believe there have been similar circumstances for me, but I prefer to hold off with a similar conclusion of such power coming directly FROM me (rather than THROUGH), until more facts come in. I feel that--no matter how much influence one has on shaping reality (and how directly you may be involved)--it is always made manifest with the final say-so by God or His Messenger(s). So in this viewpoint, there is NEVER a case allowed, of any human creating a reality without divine approval that decides "yea" or "nay." So if you persist in claiming to have this ultimate power of creation, at best I'll call it "co-creation."..and I'll still perceive your powers as intimately guided and decided upon, by spirits greater than ourselves. > Thanks for being able to be a sounding board > for ideas that may be strange-sounding, but > are perfectly on-target. And thank YOU for being so tolerant of MY off-the-wall viewpoints. I'm sure that being able to speak on such a clear level about the paranormal, is cathartic, hence healing, for you (and myself, surely). What visions or ideas come to our minds are the IMPORTANT things...not how they manifest, or whether or not they seem absurd. They come to us as some sort of message, that we must learn to read, and assimilate. That is what I'm here for, Grrrrrrr. I will also be doing same for others, who are about to awaken. Your sharing with me, particular experiences of the paranormal, are conducive to my own further growth and learning. The ONLY reason I seem so sure about the "laws" of the paranormal, is because I must play a role of absolute decisions and unswerving devotion to my cause...there must be no doubt in my spirit, in order to accomplish my worthy goals. Doubt is for times of peace; Absolute Judgment is called for in times of war and/or turmoil. But I am protected--on "automatic" so to speak--for there is no way I could ever err, and create horror and misery from my ventures. That is a given. (Imagine how WWII would have turned out, if Churchill was not also so sure of his decisions.) I believe that we are entering times of crisis never before seen on this planet. Thus, the collective unconscious is emerging in those people who are chosen worthy of a great calling to clean up this planet, and make a better world for all. Gay folks have been chosen to be the vanguard. And we, among some others, have been selected to head this vanguard. What intrigue emerges from the CIA and other questionable organizations and people...will only facilitate our actions toward victory. Though some confrontations might seem to negate this, in the short run. Besides, to have The Great Adventure, God's gotta toss in some enemies now and then, eh? You HERO, you! P.S: Perhaps the CIA has brainwashed me, to believe in this Great Picture, while all the while it is merely their mind-control manipulations from a sleek console. ;) (Know what I say to that? "God bless 'em!" Then I whip out my M-16.) --- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://surf.to/gaybible =================================================== From: Beel Zebub To: Grrrrrrr Andson Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 Subject: We Are Witnesses Grrrrrrr Andson wrote: > I puzzle over my experiences, and don't think > that they could ever be finally solved. I > consider many possibilities. Maybe it is all > wild coincidence, but the odds are so > infinitesimal that this hypothesis is as > outlandish as "mind control" or "altering > reality with your mind." Okay. So after I met Randolph, is when all this weird stuff started happening to me. That was 1985. MANY visions that year, all year long. Hypnosis induced hallucinations? Telepathy? Mind Control. Randolph was approached by the FBI during his 40-day fast, and I'm sure he was under close watch after he shot himself by The Wall. And that was when I got close to him: when I flew out to D.C. to be with him at the VAMC hospital. So. They probably are very aware of me, and have "big plans" as a weapon to defeat our "enemies." Who? The Taliban. Cuba. UnamerikanHomosexuals. Nah, I'm just playing out the paranoid scenario. I prefer to play it out as I earlier described: that some "good" folks infiltrated these groups, and are training us for a noble calling. Paranoia can be fun, like a roller-coaster...but when it comes to "Truth Sailing," I fly with the best. > For a long, long time, I thought I was only > an observer. Only slowly did I come around to > the conclusion that I was actually the > driver, not the driven. Now, let's say that you DO possess this marvelous power of co-creation (which I may too, but I remain skeptical). And you say you can only empower tragic, violent events. You don't seem to have the ability to channel this potent force via gentle-yet-powerful ways. That is, if I understand you correctly. Now, my major goal right now, is to seek out and network, other psychically gifted gay men and women...so that we can support each other, and come up with ways to use this bounteous energy for the sake of Gay Liberation. So let's find a way to engage this apparantly-VIOLENT psychic force towards the fulfillment of gay rights...doing our best to trick this energy into creating a gentler force while believing it is still violent. How does one go about this? Well, if all you can do is make things crash and blow up...we'll need to find a target that will destroy material things without hurting any living things. One way to do this, is find out which potential targets are unoccupied (such as abandoned buildings, or structures cleared out for a period of the day or night, or non-inhabitable monuments or landmarks). Of course, the chaos must also be utilized to heighten the awareness of the world, to our gay spirit. Perhaps not, if a secretive method is suggested by our spirit guides (overlords?). I'll leave it to you, Grrrrrrr, to come up with a location or building or whatever, that you could have blown up w/o injuring any human or animal. Maybe a church that is empty at 3am, which is recognized for its especial hatred against gays. Or a redneck monument so sacred to the breadbasket idiots. I don't know; you surely can come up with a great target. Then, try to focus your energies into some sort of accident or confrontation that would create a huge explosion. The aftermath of such a catastrophe should have the quality of advancing gay rights globally, in a way that will create admiration in the eyes of many who might have become our enemies, or even who were enemies up till that moment. I'm a big fan of "psychological terrorism," by the way...bloodless while losing none of its impact. When you get this worked out, you might want to report to me, your plan of attack. Then I'll just sit back and keep an eye on the news for the next few days (or weeks). P.S.: The crash in D.C. that you predicted, as part of the 9/11 tragedy, did contribute to accelerating the issue of gay rights, particularly as regards the Muslim and Arab worlds. Also, the issue of survivor benefits for domestic partners. And: who heroes are (some gay). And maybe it happened because of me: I had some months earlier prayed (in a joking fashion) that God find some other minority to pick on, as a replacement for scapegoating gays. So this is how he turned the focus from faggots to A-rabs, in one or two strong punches. Maybe we *both created that scenario! Maybe there were others! Do you think you'd wanna meet them? --- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://surf.to/gaybible =================================================== From: Grrrrrrr Andson To: Beel Zebub Subject: Re: We Are Witnesses Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 22:06:04 -0400 Beel Zebub wrote: > So let's find a way to engage this > apparantly-VIOLENT psychic force towards the > fulfillment of gay rights...doing our best to > trick this energy into creating a gentler > force while believing it is still violent. > How does one go about this? > > Well, if all you can do is make things crash > and blow up...we'll need to find a target > that will destroy material things without > hurting any living things. One way to do > this, is find out which potential targets are > unoccupied (such as abandoned buildings, or > structures cleared out for a period of the > day or night, or non-inhabitable monuments or > landmarks). Of course, the chaos must also be > utilized to heighten the awareness of the > world, to our gay spirit. Perhaps not, if a > secretive method is suggested by our spirit > guides (overlords?). I've often thought of trying to do something more positive with this ability, if it is an ability. I'm not sure if I have that much control over it. There was a movie called "Forbidden Planet," supposedly based on Shakespeare's "Tempest," that had a theme about "Monsters of the Id." Mental effects on reality were caused at a subconscious level. It is a bit like that: there is a slight degree of conscious control, but much of it is unconscious. If I hadn't seen these "magical" phenomena, I probably would have been a total atheist by now, believing that creation is random and ultimately meaningless. I still find it very difficult to believe that the misery and violence in the world could be "necessary," or compensated adequately, if existence had much of a point to it. Primitive people used to look at the sky and imagine "heaven" there, thinking it is was a realm of only light. We know now that the reality out there is much like the reality here: in the sky is dirt, and stone and dust. I believe that if earth is this flawed, then Heaven must be flawed as well. God must be a mysterious, incomprehensible, incompetent, screwed-up jerk. It seems like an uplifting notion to assume that violence is always "wrong." It seems so obvious, that we don't question it. When we don't question, is sometimes how we get led most astray. God threatens us with the violence of Hell, if we don't behave, according to Christians. Should we tell God that we refuse to be moved by violent threats? Our Founding Fathers "resorted to violence." We just don't use that terminology. We should not allow ourselves to be conditioned that state-sanctioned violence is "proper," while violence by an oppressed minority against an opressive government is "terrorism." It is horrifying how many people think that way, without realizing the chains of their own psychological conditioning. Such is the power of the state. What if the abolitionists had been perfectly *horrified* at the thought of "using violence" to end slavery? Some of them were, you know. Do you think that slavery would have ended, by "reasoning" with the South? I think that the answer is a resounding "No." I think that if history had gone differently, we might today complain that we were the last civilized country in the world who still had slavery, just as we complain that we are one of the few civilized countries that still has death penality. Most people can't picture that, but I can. I don't necessarily agree that even apocalyptic violence would be "wrong." Nonviolent change is always *preferred*, but only when it is possible. Most people cannot gauge what is possible. They live on wishful thinking. They seek "approval." They would sell themselves short, just as the non-violent abolitionists might have done, if they had a chance. I see in this country an Alabama judge who is acting much like a Nazi, clearly hinting that gays should be put to death. There was almost no national reaction. The "liberal" Boston Globe didn't even print it. It was this thought on my mind, that made me retort angrily at the bigot hikers, instead of walking away. The hikers, too, show that hate and bigotry permeate our culture, so much to the marrow, that you can't get away from it, even in the most remote corners. I think that it is an insight to realize that this situation is too far gone to resolve itself without people dying over it. Somone once said, the past isn't gone, it isn't even past. It is no coincidence that this judge is in Alabama. The year is still 1865. I stare long and hard at pictures of soldiers in the Civil War, emaciated skeletons in POW camps, like in WWII, men with stumps for legs and hooks for hands. I wonder to myself if such butchery could ever really serve a righteous cause. I can't settle that question. Sometimes, I think that we live in a godless butchershop, with little point. Sometimes, I think that despite all the human scale of horror, these are events that have a necessity. I like to think that I am not simply naive or indifferent to the magnitude of the suffering and cost. I believe that Lincoln was like that, too. I suggest that you reread the Gettysburg address, sometime. It is really quite interesting and worthwhile reading. It would be sad to sabotage a nuclear reactor in Alabama and take out a large chunk of the state, with my mind. However, as incomprehensible as this would be to most people, I believe that it could be a necessity that makes compelling sense from a clearer, future perspective. My understanding of the necessity of these things is maybe why extra-human intelligence may have "helped" me to achieve such effects. Most people, even "radicals," do not have the perspective to realize that the year is really 1865. They are conditioned to feel that these are "civilized' times, in a "decent, free country." So, too, did the Confederacy think of itself. Very refined, very courteous, possessed of courage and noble dignity. How very different was the real truth. I can say that I would try to make justice happen as kindly and gently as is possible. I'm also prepared to make justice happen with full-blown war, as brutal as necessary. If most of the population of the earth disappeared in the process, that is not too extreme to consider. The outcome is non-negotiable. We will live without subclasses living in this type of degradation, or else we can cease to live, at all. We are in a struggle for our right to existence, itself. I believe that this would be the "iron will" of God, if there were one. Sincerely, Grrrrrrr =================================================== From: Beel Zebub To: Grrrrrrr Andson Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2002 Subject: We Are Witnesses Grrrrrrr Andson wrote: > I've often thought of trying to do something > more positive with this ability, if it is an > ability. I'm not sure if I have that much > control over it. I decided to let a few days pass, while my responses here, could simmer in my brain. First off: it is absurd for me to make any assumption that you HAVEN'T done all sorts of things to try to use this energy more consciously. But you do seem to have a particular blind spot when it comes to your perception of "God."...as if the only real definition of Our Creator, were that he must be a god that allows all sorts of violence and mayhem to befuddle the human race. But, being the highly intelligent person you obviously are...I can't believe that you really adhere to such a limited view; that you're not actually just TESTING my own responses. Be that as it may, I will cover this further, when you finally scroll down far enough, to one of your relevant quotes that brings up this matter. > It is a bit like that- there is a slight > degree of conscious control, but much of it > is unconscious. Okay, so you believe this phenomena is a direct result of your own internal imaging...which is mostly subconscious, though not controllable. I would say then, that, if true, you are a "conduit" so to speak, for this force. And it may not be for you to learn how to direct more consciously, and specifically. I conclude, then, that this very energy--which has its own intelligence--will soon get around to enabling a much more conscious level of participation. Which would therefore suggest that you are NOT so much the sole creator of these particular realities, but a witness to the very fact you are being utilized by this energy...albeit benevolent (though perhaps not obviously so at this point). Obviously, I still believe that you are CONVINCED that the origin of such phenomena comes from your own mind (when it really isn't). I say that you were CHOSEN to be a conduit for such power, which allows you at this time, to believe you create it...as a form of testing and observation, as a preparation for your eventual ABSORPTION of this energy into your conscious sphere. If I turn the ignition key in a car, I could say that *I* started this car, and no one else. Which is true...up to a point. But who created the technology that allows me to start a key with a simple key-turn in the first place? That was not the result of MY intelligence, but of another's. > If I hadn't seen these "magical" phenomena, I > probably would have been a total atheist by > now, believing that creation is random and > ultimately meaningless. To me, such a viewpoint ("creation is random and ultimately meaningless") is as dogmatic and fundamentalist, as the supposedly-"opposite" viewpoint that their particular God grants them the last word on homosexuality (for example). Likewise, I have met my share of bigoted, anti-gay atheists in my life. Also, many people don't seem to be using the word "atheist" properly...believing they truly are atheist, when they actually DO believe in the spirit world; not just the kind that Christians (or Christian Fundamentalists) believe in. They've twisted the word "atheist" to mean "non-Judaeo-Christian," rather than the more general belief in no god or gods, or any other manifestations of a so-called spiritual dimension. > I still find it very difficult to believe > that the misery and violence in the world > could be "necessary," or compensated > adequately, if existence had much of a point > to it. Okay, here's the quote I'm focusing on: your statement here, that implies that all miseries in our history actually occurred, and thus we have a cruel, ignorant God for allowing such things to happen to innocent folks. That is a big fallacy, in my own take on life as I have come to view it. And I had hoped you'd have caught on to my philosophy, after turning you on to my essay, "NeoPositivity." Either I need to say it in other words, or you are just goading me to develop a more simple way to describe, that will reach the masses better. Apparantly, part of Cassandra's Curse remains with me still, which puts me in situations where I can describe something with perfect clarity, yet minutes later the person I addressed doesn't even remember the important points I made. So here goes again: So if such tragic, miserable events obviously seem to occur (like the Holocaust and volcanic explosions: one, an example of man-made tragedy, the second, of natural disturbance)...then how can I believe in a benevolent creator? Well, there are two points here. The first being that perhaps we are much stronger in the long run than we realize...and, once in Heaven, these tragedies that were part of our earliest evolution (and now over with) are seen as "not so big a deal" when compared to our eternal bliss that comes after these tough learning lessons. It is this philosophy that does not satisfy me, so I came up with a new spin on it. I DO believe in a supremely benevolent creator, who does NOT allow such unimaginable atrocities to really exist. God's pretty powerful, mind you, and is quite capable of creating whatever illusion he so chooses, including "mass hallucinations." So he has us "tricked" into thinking that, not only is suffering part and parcel of our lives (along with joy, etc.), but so is UNLIMITED, HORRENDOUS SUFFERING, with which our history is pock-marked. I believe the worst tragedies and suffering were STAGED, not real, to benefit all of us as witnesses to such sad events, without ever requiring any person to truly experience such unbridled torment. For even if all of us go to heaven (which I believe), and no one is eternally damned, I don't see how anyone could truly feel heaven in his heart, just to KNOW that such horrid suffering was once experienced by some humans, including perhaps those he most dearly loves. Such a knowledge leaves a heavy sorrow in one's heart AS LONG AS ONE BELIEVES IT REALLY HAPPENED. But if one discovers unequivocally, that those worst scenerious NEVER REALLY OCCURRED, then one may drop one's stone of sorrow into the Lake of Forgiveness, for it was not meant for you, or anyone, to wear forever. If you say, "What do you mean? I was there, I saw it with my own eyes."..then one is not accepting of the possibility that God is cleverer than anyone else, and could also create a totally convincing illusion...even when run through scientific analyses. For God is greater than our science, and always will be...for science is the study of our material universe, which was put here by a benevolent intelligence, which must therefore be GREATER than any of our own minds or technologies. And this will never change, no matter how advanced a primate we become! If you accept my own spin on human tragedy--that the worst events were faked, and not real--then you no longer have a world where incredible atrocities are ALLOWED to occur. They are NOT, because my God is TRULY BENEVOLENT. The worst scenarios are therefore FAKED, as the best way for us to learn such lessons, without ever truly harming anyone. And (also) therefore: existence has very much a POINT to it...if by your definition (to have a point), life must not allow needless suffering, ever. And it doesn't. You, however, have been gloriously duped. And you then PERSIST in defining God as terribly brutal (if he exists), because you are adamant that all the findings about life are in (at least in your world), and there is no possible way you'll ever have any different interpretation than you do now. Ergo, God is imperfect, a mess even, and not only ALLOWS horrors to go unabated, but CREATES SOME OF THEM, TOO. This is all fallacy, IMO. > Primitive people used to look at the sky and > imagine "heaven" there, thinking it is was a > realm of only light. We know now that the > reality out there is much like the reality > here- in the sky is dirt . and stone and > dust. First of all, this is the standard, old "Science has taken the romance out of life" hypothesis. You relegate dirt, stone, and dust, as no more vital than garbage, because you see them as lifeless lumps. That perception is merely cerebral hubris (if I may coin a term). You are superior, and more complex, than a rock, eh? When you study the components of such an object under microscopic lenses, you'll find a plethora of incredible things to astound you. The wonder is still all there, just on a more realistic plane. So I don't find the universe any less romantic, for all the dirt, stone and dust out there. I find it still intriguing, wonderful, adventurous, and benevolent. It is your own mind that accepts such a superficial definition of dirt/stone/dust, which then expects all your readers to go along with you. But I for one, do not. Yeah, the moon is made of "just" rock. Well, it's still romantic to me, and probably to many others not bogged down with old stereotypes of creation and its inventor. > I believe that if earth is this flawed, then > Heaven must be flawed as well. God must be a > mysterious, incomprehensible, incompetent, > screwed-up jerk. If you accept the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim god, then I can see why you reach this conclusion. But why should you tag this definition on our Creator, when He existed long, long before such narrow beliefs were cultivated to control the masses by evil warlords? Cannot your mind wrap itself around a God who is benevolent, and who merely STAGES great horrors, for our lessons...instead of actually letting them come true? Do you think any technology we have, could ever uncover these fantastic illusions, until our Creator so decides we can have them revealed? I think the only way to reach such a conclusion is with the greatest gift God has given us all: the mind. Philosophy is the father of ALL sciences, mind you. > God threatens us with the violence of Hell, > if we don't behave, according to Christians. > Should we tell God that we refuse to be moved > by violent threats? God never has threatened anyone with Hell, Grrrrrrr (or any other horrible outcome). This is only some people's interpretation of the kind of character God is. I don't believe in that kind of God. But that doesn't mean I don't believe in God. This is the mistake some ex-Christians make: that rejecting their horrid God they grew up with, means they must reject ANY belief in a god. That is, as they used to say: "Throwing the baby out with the bath water." Giving up belief in a God, just because you don't like the dogma about him perpetrated by ignorant folks, is every bit as superficial a conclusion as the very fundamentlists themselves (whom you reject). There are plenty of OTHER belief systems, which don't buy into a malevolent God, and which pretty much reach similar conclusions as myself: that he is truly benevolent, and that what suffering we may know, is never more than each of us can manage. And if that last part of the previous sentence is true, then one must conclude that the worst-case scenarios played out on the stage of human history, have all been PHONY. > What if the abolitionists had been perfectly > *horrified* at the thought of "using > violence" to end slavery? Some of them were, > you know. Do you think that slavery would > have ended, by "reasoning" with the South? I am not arguing whether or not violence has ever played a vital role to an oppressed people's freedom. Surely, it has. But I wouldn't classify those forms of upheaval as violent...for they were solely in self defense, when a group of innocent people are under attack by a majority, or by those wielding power. True violence, to me, is when a person who is motivated by malicious intent, acts out the decimation of another person. But to react by protecting yourself or one you love, could not in my book, ever be declared an act of violence...instead, I'd call it an act of self-preservation...a strategy that is righteous, and sometimes most successful. > It was this thought on my mind, that made me > retort angrily at the bigot hikers, instead > of walking away. The hikers, too, show that > hate and bigotry permeate our culture, so > much to the marrow, that you can't get away > from it, even in the most remote corners. That is a very astute conclusion, Grrrrrrr. And, happily, I see more and more gays complaining in the same fashion: so OUR PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP, FINALLY! What both you and I have described as the enemy's tactics and mentality, are now being addressed posthaste, over and over again, in all our gay newspapers. Once enough gays have AWAKENED, we will unite into an overwhelming force, that shall make use of "paranormal" abilities to effect our victory. And, sure, some things will "blow up" in the process. I just like to think that we who possess such gifts, focus on the entire "explosion" happening only in the psychic plane, never spilling over into reality. And that is how things shall pass, as I put my entire faith in our Creator. He will see to it, that your powers are never misplaced. So it is not for me to "persuade" you to some new line of thought...but to show you that your conclusions are not airtight, and that I, as brother in spirit and comrade in arms, have a responsibility to inform you of my OWN opinions regarding serious matters. I have complete confidence in your gifts, that they shall expand and sort themselves out, and grant you much more effective ways to impress the world, and gain our freedoms. Perhaps your stirring outrage every day (along with mine, and who knows how many others), have already begun creating these explosions...and thus why we now see wrongs being righted, re. Enron, Martha Stewart, Ross Perot, etc. And they are mostly psychic explosions (with a few startling exceptions)...which change our awareness, hopefully elevating it. I know that your forces shall come together in surprising and fulfilling ways...it seems to me that you are ready to make that breakthrough. And I am also sure that you, me, and other chosen gays around the world, will unite our forces and change the world TO OUR LIKING. > I stare long and hard at pictures of soldiers > in the Civil War, emaciated skeletons in POW > camps, like in WWII, men with stumps for legs > and hooks for hands. I wonder to myself if > such butchery could ever really serve a > righteous cause. As a lesson for those who witness: compassion is always the way. I do not believe such atrocities really occurred to any human. I believe that these people had their souls taken to heaven before such horrors began. That angels entered their bodies, and like good actors, went through the throes of torture and dying. You know the saying "Don't believe everything you read"? Well, I think that ALSO applies to everything you see, hear, taste, touch and smell...of which "reading" is but a small facet. > I can't settle that question. Sometimes, I > think that we live in a godless butchershop, > with little point. Sometimes, I think that > despite all the human scale of horror, these > are events that have a necessity. I like to > think that I am not simply naive or > indifferent to the magnitude of the suffering > and cost. See what I just wrote above. To persist in believing in a perverted God, an unjust universe...will only plug up your free flow of ideas, and efforts to better this world on behalf of gay folks. It is like an albatross hanging from your neck. You don't really need it! > I believe that Lincoln was like that, too. I > suggest that you reread the Gettysburg > address, sometime. It is really quite > interesting and worthwhile reading. "We are met on a great battle-field of that war." That phrase will someday apply to the global anti-gay holocaust coming down upon us now, once our victory is sealed for all time, and we have our own nation. > It would be sad to sabotage a nuclear reactor > in Alabama and take out a large chunk of the > state, with my mind. However, as > incomprensible as this would be to most > people, I believe that it could be a > necessity that makes compelling sense from a > clearer, future perspective. This may or may not be part of God's plan. But how do we deal with the competition, which also has vested interests in taking out our gov't, and which themselves are virulantly homophobic? Of course, this includes Muslim extremists. Oh, well, that is not for me to worry about. If I had to take care of ALL problems, I'd really go insane! These things will evolve of their own accord, as I am sure will your raw psychic powers. I think you're in for some nice surprises, Grrrrrrr. And not just because you've earned them a zillion times over, Good Soldier! > The outcome is non-negotiable. We will live > without subclasses living in this type of > degradation, or else we can cease to live, at > all. We are in a struggle for our right to > existence, itself. > > I believe that this would be the "iron will" > of God, if there were one. I concur. However, God's "iron will" is not the entire picture, just one of the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle. I have given you some counter arguments, that you may consider points that perhaps never occurred to you, which may be of some help. But this is my own philosophy, for you to incorporate or not. Take what you will from it, and leave the rest. For all in all: our victory for Gay Liberation is secured, thanks to good people like you, in this world. --- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://surf.to/gaybible =================================================== From: Grrrrrrr Andson To: Beel Zebub Subject: Re: We Are Witnesses Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 21:44:06 -0400 Beel Zebub wrote: > I decided to let a few days pass, while my > responses here, could simmer in my brain. > First off: it is absurd for me to make any > assumption that you HAVEN'T done all sorts of > things to try to use this energy more > consciously. But you do seem to have a > particular blind spot when it comes to your > perception of "God."..as if the only real > definition of Our Creator, were that he must > be a god that allows all sorts of violence > and mayhem to befuddle the human race. But, > being the highly intelligent What do you believe about the Holocaust? Did it serve a purpose of God's, or was it simply something that all-Powerful God was unable to prevent? There were atrocities such as Nazis swinging an infant by the heels and bashing out its brains against a tree? Was the infant paying for some collective crime? Why did similar infants not have equally horrible fates? If it is all OK because the infant would spend a wonderful eternity in Heaven, what is the necessity or benefit of having the infant spend a few short years of Hell, first? Did it learn a lesson from it? Did it experience personal growth? I believe the statement that a philosopher once made: to the degree that you imagine God to be benevolent, you must imagine God to be incompetent. To the degree that you imagine God to be competent, you must imagine God to be malevolent. I find it difficult to reconcile my doubts about God's existence with the "magic" that I've seen. I really don't know what it all means. I suspect that at a minimum, Heaven is flawed, not perfect. > Okay, so you believe this phenomena is a > direct result of your own internal > imaging...which is mostly subconscious, > though not controllable. I would say then, > that, if true, you are a "conduit" so to > speak, for this force. And it may not be for > you to learn how to direct more consciously, > and specifically. I conclude, then, that this > very energy--which has its own > intelligence--will soon get around to > enabling a much more conscious level of > participation. Which would therefore suggest > that you are NOT so much the sole creator of > these particular realities, but a witness to > the very fact you are being utilized by this > energy...albeit benevolent (though perhaps > not obviously so at this point). The theory of this phenomenon that sounds truest was put forward by the cartoonist, Scott Adams. He believes that it has to do with quantum-parallel universes, where all possibilities play themselves out. He thinks that human consciousness can select which track of reality to proceed down, like throwing a switch that reroutes a train down a different track. In that case, it isn't a "power," per se, that is necessarily better than anyone else's. If you pick the right track, it merely seems that way. It is like having a million people, all of whom can perceive that the moon is "following them," like a special friend. It is really an illusion. It is similar to the way that you "create" your own dreams, but you're still not the "master" or "god" of them, because they can still be nightmares, outside your control, even though it is your brain creating them. > To me, such a viewpoint ("creation is random > and ultimately meaningless") is as dogmatic > and fundamentalist, as the supposedly- > "opposite" viewpoint that their Beliefs are dogmatic only when you imagine that they couldn't possibly be wrong, and there are no other alternatives. I'm keenly aware of all the possible alternatives: it could be wild coincidence, it could be mental illness, it could be an intelligent, normal person getting fooled by misleading psychological circumstances, maybe the media or government plays practical jokes on me for their amusement, maybe God is on my side, maybe the Devil is in me, maybe advanced aliens are playing with the human race, maybe life is a dream and I am really in a hospital bed. > Okay, here's the quote I'm focusing on: your > statement here, that implies that all > miseries in our history actually occurred, > and thus we have a cruel, ignorant God for > allowing such things to happen to innocent > folks. That is a big fallacy, in my own take > on life as I have come to view it. And I had > hoped you'd have caught on to my philosophy, > after turning you on to my essay, > "NeoPositivity." Either I need to say it in > other words, or you are just goading me to > develop a more simple way to describe, that > will reach the masses better. Apparantly, > part of Cassandra's Curse remains with me > still, which puts me in situations where I > can describe something with perfect clarity, > yet minutes later the person I addressed > doesn't even remember the important points I > made. So here goes again: > > So if such tragic, miserable events obviously > seem to occur (like the Holocaust and > volcanic explosions: one, an example of > man-made tragedy, the second, of natural > disturbance)...then how can I believe in a > benevolent creator? Well, there are two > points here. The first being that perhaps we > are much stronger in the long run than we > realize...and, once in Heaven, these > tragedies that were part of our earliest > evolution (and now over with) are seen as > "not so big a deal" when compared to our > eternal bliss that comes after these tough > learning lessons. It is this philosophy that > does not satisfy me, so I came up with a new > spin on it. I wrote my earlier questions before I read your answer here. But again: what lesson is learned by a brutalized infant? Must God brutalize infants just to teach the rest of us a lesson? How could such a benevolent and powerful God not have kinder and gentler ways of inspiring our hearts? Why would he not make his mind and intentions known by direct mind-to-mind contact? > I DO believe in a supremely benevolent > creator, who does NOT allow such unimaginable > atrocities to really exist. God's pretty > powerful, mind you, and is quite capable of > creating whatever illusion he so chooses, > including "mass hallucinations." So he has us > "tricked" into thinking that, not only is > suffering part and parcel of our lives (along > with joy, etc.), but so is UNLIMITED, > HORRENDOUS SUFFERING, with which our history > is pock-marked. I believe the worst tragedies > and suffering were STAGED, not real, to > benefit all of us as witnesses to such sad > events, without ever requiring any person to > truly experience such unbridled torment. I've known Holocaust survivors who thought they were real, and seemed to be real. I've seen too much tragedy in my life- people dying young of AIDS, a 26 year-old cousin hit by a drunk driver, the miserable times that many hated, oppressed gays have, to think that tragedy is not real. I wish that you are right, but I cannot personally believe so optimistically, right now. > And it doesn't. You, however, have been > gloriously duped. And you then PERSIST in > defining God as terribly brutal (if he > exists), because you are adamant that all Terribly brutal? Do you think that Abraham Lincoln was a terribly brutal man? Many Southerners thought so. I do not think that he was brutal at all. Angry as I am, I believe that neither am I. Would you rather see a world where the Civil War was never fought? Are you sure? What would that world look like? I would rather see a Holocaust of gays on the scale of the Holocaust of the Jews, if it meant that one day we would live in a world where the new Pope was apologizing to us, instead of a world where an exalted, adored Pope was contemptuously declaring how "evil" we are. If there is any meaning in something like the Holocaust, *that* is the meaning. The Jews may not have a secure homeland, but at least they have a homeland. Gays have no country really to call their own. Jews may have have conquered anti-Semitism in the uncivilized Middle East, but they have largely conquered it in the civilized West. > I am not arguing whether or not violence has > ever played a vital role to an oppressed > people's freedom. Surely, it has. But I > wouldn't classify those forms of upheaval as > violent...for they were solely in self > defense, when a group of innocent people are > under attack by a majority, or by those > wielding power. True violence, to me, is when > a person who is motivated by malicious > intent, acts out the decimation of another > person. But to react by protecting yourself > or one you love, could not in my book, ever > be declared an act of violence...instead, I'd > call it an act of self-preservation...a > strategy that is righteous, and sometimes > most successful. What is the standard? Must one be threatened with immediate, physical harm in order to constitute "defense," or is denial of human dignity sufficient? The slaves were not being murdered? What if they were not even being beaten? Is it so bad to be made to work? Necessity forces nearly all of us to work, even if we are "free." Work is not a bad thing. Or is it merely the idea that some people are worth so much less than others, that they are "owned" at all, even if "benevolently" owned, that justifies violence to change the situation. The slaves even in Alabama did not have judges declaring that they were evil, and despicable, and aborrent, and worthy of prison/death. Who is more degraded? I believe that it isn't economic and material consideration that most constitutes human degradation. It is human attitudes. I believe that a certain level of dehumanzing attitude is unacceptable, and the right to be free of dehumanization trumps the right of belief. I wouldn't care if I were standing alone in this entire world on that sentiment. I would believe it, if not another human soul on earth supported or agreed. > will "blow up" in the process. I just like to > think that we who possess such gifts, focus > on the entire "explosion" happening only in > the psychic plane, never spilling over into > reality. > > And that is how things shall pass, as I put > my entire faith in our Creator. He will see > to it, that your powers are never misplaced. > So it is not for me to "persuade" you to If there is a Creator who assists in these powers, I think that he would be doing so because I were seeing clearly, like a man from the future who sees that the truth is the opposite of what nearly everyone assumes without question. > I have complete confidence in your gifts, > that they shall expand and sort themselves > out, and grant you much more effective ways > to impress the world, and gain our Thanks. I hope that we can debate without growing impatient. If there is a Creator, we will not go wrong, either with peace or war, at least not for our cause, which is much larger than us. Our personal failings would be irrelevant to the cause itself. If there is no intelligent Creator, then nothing really matters. Sincerely, Grrrrrrr =================================================== From: Beel Zebub To: Grrrrrrr Andson Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2002 12:36:15 -0700 Subject: Re: We Are Witnesses Grrrrrrr Andson wrote: > What do you believe about the Holocaust? Well, if you think about my "NeoPositive" philosophy, you'll conclude that I don't believe that the holocaust ever happened. So instead of rehash, I'll just quote from that essay: ---begin quote: Applying my new quasi-pagan philosophy of "NeoPositivity" to The Holocaust, I have to conclude that the neo-Nazis are correct in claiming that it never actually occurred. Granted, I'm approaching this from a different direction than Nazis, but the outcome is the same: there was no real holocaust. As I said earlier, God would never let any of his children suffer such horrors of war; that he'd first remove the souls from any bodies about to undergo great torment. And surely, this Holocaust qualifies as an experience too horrible for any human to deserve, or endure. (This also applies to the Vietnam War, which I will touch upon a little later.)... Then I understood certain other aspects about neo-Nazism. For one, I have the philosophy that there is no death or unspeakable suffering. So now, knowing or believing what I do, how could I ever honestly tell a neo-Nazi that he is 100% wrong? Based on my philosophy, I have to admit that they are right on at least one vital issue: the Holocaust never really happened, in the way most people think it did. ---end of quote > Did it serve a purpose of God's, or was it > simply something that all-Powerful God was > unable to prevent? Of course it served a purpose, or it would never have occurred. God did not prevent the holocaust, for there was no need to. He made sure that no undue suffering occurred to any soul victimized by this tragedy. The purpose served, of course, is for all surviving people to learn compassion for the Jews, and for others deemed non-Christian, pagan, or even "other." Another lesson is "this is what happens when people of the world do not unite, but instead divide and fight amongst each other." ---More quoting: So I think some neo-Nazis revere Hitler as some Satanists honor Satan: that in his willfully playing the role of evil, many of us were provided the opportunity to become heroes, by challenging this demon. Not that you should actually do anything that Satan (or Hitler) says, but that you should respect his role in the scheme of things. Without evil in this world, there would be no chance for us to be tested, and offered many chances to become a true hero. Now, by God's mimicking of great atrocities, he averts such actual, horrid suffering; while at the same time makes us believe it really occurs to such an extreme, in order that we may learn the lessons of compassion and courage. As a result of the lessons of WWII--this challenge thrown in our faces by Hitler's Nazis--we now have a vibrant European culture evolving the most progressive forms of democracies the world has ever seen. So I believe that I have found a handle on respecting at least one important aspect of our contemporary neo-Nazis. And if the German people at large took up this sense of respect, it is more likely that the neo-Nazis will listen better to the points of view coming from the other side, and thereby defuse what could become a dangerous precedent, and repetition of Nazi terror. ---end of more quoting You might want to really read my "NeoPositivity" essay: for I have answered all your questions already, in that essay. I covered all questions people would ask, in anticipation of these queries. NeoPositivity http://gay-bible.org/neopositivity.htm > There were atrocities such as Nazis swinging > an infant by the heels and bashing out its > brains against a tree? Was the infant paying > for some collective crime? Why did similar > infants not have equally horrible fates? Well, I already answered your questions in a previous, recent message...that such atrocities didn't really occur...at least, not without first taking these souls away from such horrors. If any continued to apparantly suffer, that was for the benefit of us witnesses. An angelic spirit had already possessed this body (with the innocent soul already removed), to act out the torment. And these answers to such questions were already present in essay "NeoPositivity." Here's one more quote: ---begin quote: I refuse to believe in a Creator who'd allow such evil to really occur. This includes babies being victims of war. Thus, in so refusing, I have developed a philosophy that effectively gives us back a loving God, without distorting events or denigrating the noble history of the Jews or any other people. Visiting a Nazi death camp will not change my mind, I am sure. As a gay person, I have experienced firsthand, the evils of homophobia, including its manifestation of AIDS: the failure of our heterocentric society to intervene with any semblance of compassion. By my philosophy, no matter how "real" the situation seems to you, or how "real" the evidence seems...nonetheless, the actual souls that inhabited these victimized bodies were switched to the heavenly dimension prior to any possibility of ungodly suffering. ---end of quote > If it is all OK because the infant would > spend a wonderful eternity in Heaven, what is > the necessity or benefit of having the infant > spend a few short years of Hell, first? Did > it learn a lesson from it? Did it experience > personal growth? No, it is not at all "OK." It is not "OK" to mutilate or torture a baby...thus, God does not allow it to happen...except APPARANTLY, once in a while...that we may learn compassion for all. In my philosophy of NeoPositivity, no person is ever given over to extremes of suffering. What extremes we witness or record in history, are APPARANT crimes, acted out by angelic beings, in order to spare us humans from actually going through such absurd horrors. They are ILLUSORY. If ANYONE believes in a God, I don't see why they unquestioningly accept all these APPARANT atrocities. For if you really believe in a BENEVOLENT creator, why wouldn't you come up with a philosophy that finds a way out of such hideous events, without compromising one's intellect and common sense. Why would you persist in CLINGING to a belief in a perverted God, when you now have an alternative viewpoint, that allows for a benevolent god, and salvation from a legacy of APPARANT horror? I'd rather believe in NO God, than a perverted God. But I have a belief in a benevolent God, that answers the important questions, and gives me much solace on a daily level. It makes GOOD SENSE, while still celebrating the dignity and courage of humanity's long history of many inspiring struggles. Here, I'll quote some more, from my essay: ---begin quote: On Wed, 18 Oct 2000 05:10:27 GMT, "Aislinn White Rose" wrote: > WoW what an excuse for not doing > anything....Well thats ok they can rape and > murder you . Beg pardon, but, that is not my point at all...and I think that most people who give my premise more than a cursory read, would agree with me. News flash: history is riddled with nasty folks who *believe all this horror occurs literally, and *still sit back and never resist. I would think that those who are friends and relatives of such victimized people (as in the Holocaust, or Vietnam War) would be greatly *relieved to discover that their loved ones did *not meet such a brutal demise. Don't you? However, there are references to my philosophy in most religions...just they are not primary in their teachings. The typical remark "Death is an illusion" has been echoed through the ages by many wise people. > I will just walk away cause you know, your > not really in your body now and you aren't > feeling it, besides it is Gods will Oh, no, again you have not thought through my ideas very well, at all. Obviously (to most any reader), we are *seduced into believing that such horrors really happen...and thus, in so believing, our reactions to such events test our true mettle. The most courageous are those who stand up to such perceived evil, at risk of their own death or torture. It is only later--when we have learned all of life's major lessons--that the truth is revealed: that such horrors were only contrived, rather than actually manifest. And IMO this philosophy is the *only way one can reckon belief in a loving creator, while at the same time accepting the apparant horrors in mankind's history. Take the KKKristians, as an example. They believe in a loving god, yet still believe that the worst horrors of humanity actually manifest literally, all the way. IMO, they are only half right. There is *no way a loving god would have such evil manifest. The KKKristians, apparantly, have accepted rote ideas, and therefore failed to think through a true definition of a "loving god," and what that really implies. I have. And I give credit to pagan ideas that led me to my belief system...thus, the name "neo-Christianity" to separate it from conventional KKKristianity. That is: I have "paganized" the KKKristian religion, and thus cleansed it of its intrinsic horrors. ---end of quote > I believe the statement that a philosopher > once made: to the degree that you imagine God > to be benevolent, you must imagine God to be > incompetent. To the degree that you imagine > God to be competent, you must imagine God to > be malevolent. It's always nice to have good quotes from celebrated thinkers. But that doesn't necessarily make them true. For each insightful statement by a famous person, I can find an equally opposing one, that nonetheless is no more or less true than the quote it opposes. The only reason you could find God "incompetent" when you regard him as "benevolent," is because you are using a false measure, skewed in the first place to portray God as a goofball. For if God is truly benevolent (I conclude, and repeat for the umpteenth time), then you must "think through" this belief that so many have, that our Creator actually ALLOWS atrocities like child torture, to occur...and come to the sensible conclusion that of course he does NOT allow these horrors to occur. Ergo, it's a clever scam...but one that will benefit all humanity, in learning the lessons of compassion. > I find it difficult to reconcile my doubts > about God's existence with the "magic" that > I've seen. I really don't know what it all > means. Of course it is supremely DIFFICULT to wade through all the scams, illusions, and phoniness of life, to get to the truth. But this "magic" is proof of the spirit world...even if such power seems to be malevolent. If you don't believe in a spirit world, but one day something magical occurs, though evil: the fact that you or a loved one (or anyone else) was attacked by a non-material force, is proof alone of a spirit dimension. Doesn't matter if the example was "evil"...I'd just call that "enlightenment through the back door." For you were just given proof of the spirit world; and if there are demons, there will probably also be angels. > I suspect that at a minimum, Heaven is > flawed, not perfect. It is in flaws, that perfection is found. When you cling to a belief that God allows evil to occur to us, in such absurdly horrid extremes, then one must see the universe as tragically damaged (and yourself along with it). I don't think that's sane, or healthy, to think that way. But with my belief system, it is all saved, it is all good...both heaven and earth, and all else. We, as humans, are merely on the first leg of our evolution, and are still learning the basic lessons of compassion, and the art of living. We will soon evolve to the next level, putting aside all war and torment. My "NeoPositive" belief allows me to focus on improving my life, instead of suffering needless angst, staring at photos of victims of war and holocausts...or reliving over and over again, that common fantasy of the whole world blowing up in nuclear travesty. I can more readily help another in trouble, without getting caught up in ridiculous melodrama. NeoPositivity is not an excuse to do nothing: it is a salve for those who've had to bear the apparant knowledge that a loved one suffered incredible torture. For with my world view, one realizes that such suffering has NEVER occurred to any human (or other sentient being on any planet, for that matter). Thus, why suffer yourself any more, if your loved ones never really suffered to such an extent? > The theory of this phenomenon that sounds > truest was put forward by the cartoonist, > Scott Adams. He believes that it has to do > with quantum-parallel universes, where all > possibilities play themselves out. I believe there may be parallel lives for us, as well as past and future. But I am only deliberating on our present reality...for which I offer a new spin that I find liberating while still ethically sound. > It is similar to the way that you "create" > your own dreams, but you're still not the > "master" or "god" of them, because they can > still be nightmares, outside your control, > even though it is your brain creating them. That is not necessarily true about dreams. That is an ASSUMPTION, not necessarily held by others who use "Dream Time" as a vital part of their spiritual life, such as myself. I have experienced far more "horrors" in waking life, than I ever had in dreaming. One does not necessarily "create" dreams: they may be communique that is filtered through your own perceptual prejudices. Nightmares may be a warning to go another direction in life, as dreams are usually metaphors of your conscious life, that attempt to guide you in good directions. You are holding to an assumption about the dream state, that is not necessarily true...then applying it as an example, to waking life. I understand what you mean, though: that your psychic ability seems much more an extension of your subconscious, than your conscious. What I am saying is: with training, you can channel this power on a CONSCIOUS level. Presently, it is raw material. I believe that things will soon happen, to teach you how to become more conscious in this, and use your gift with full intent and responsibility. And you will do very, very well. > Must God brutalize infants just to teach the > rest of us a lesson? The answer I already gave in "NeoPositivity," as well as in a later work, "The Origin of Evil" (which was playfully metaphorical). If you think about my philosopy, you'll realize that your question does not make much sense. For in my belief, God DOES NOT brutalize infants, or allow them to be brutalized. > How could such a benevolent and powerful God > not have kinder and gentler ways of inspiring > our hearts? He does. You just don't see them, because your world view is partly false...at least, that aspect that would allow you to witness our Creator's FULL BENEVOLENCE. > Why would he not make his mind and intentions > known by direct mind-to-mind contact? He does, Grrrrrrr...when you are ready to hear Him (or Her, or It, as you see things). This is the same as "opening up all channels" as a shaman. You become sensitized, or "receptive" to communique from other beings, including those in the spirit world, and those who aren't (but have psychic gifts such as telepathy). I have God's guidance with me all the time, as well as from certain spirit guides I call "angels." I have no trouble "hearing" their voices or messages...I feel in large part, very blessed and watched over. This was not always so: I had to develop my ideals over many years, before getting there. > I've known Holocaust survivors who thought > they were real, and seemed to be real. Don't believe all you hear, not even from survivors of a great tragedy. They are spiritually bound to keeping The Secret, after having crossed over, then come back as surviving witnesses to this atrocity. They will not tell you the REAL truth, until it's time for the whole world to understand. > I've seen too much tragedy in my life- people > dying young of AIDS, a 26 year-old cousin hit > by a drunk driver, the miserable times that > many hated, oppressed gays have, to think > that tragedy is not real. Oh they're real alright, to all witnesses' perspectives. But I refuse to believe any of these victims actually suffered the extremes of the holocaust and other tragedies. I can easily comprehend a God being this benevolent, while still being clever enough to fool any human, no matter how many times said human "witnessed" tragic situations. Your witness, in and of itself, gives no proof for or against my philosophy. I just made a certain (logical) assumption that IF God were benevolent, then of course these horrors didn't occur. So how did they APPARANTLY occur? They were/are scams. I did not experience my own supposed birth. I do not experience death...which I believe is an illusion (as all great sages have claimed). I do not believe people really die, ever. I do not buy into "Death Dogma." No matter how many people die at my feet (say, in a holocaust), I refuse to believe that such scenarios are more than mere tomfoolery. There is a whole 'nother LAYER of reality, for which this APPARANT reality, is but an illusory spinoff. It is up to us, to figure this all out. And we are. > I wish that you are right, but I cannot > personally believe so optimistically, right > now. You think it's foolish to be so optimistic. But I think it's foolish to so unquestioningly accept a God of nihilism. My optimism is founded on observation and reasoning...free of preconceived dogma. Your viewpoint allows such dogma to shape your ultimate conclusions. This dogma I speak of, is that which says: "Since there is horrendous suffering in the world, then if there is a God, he must be perverted." I claim that this "horrendous suffering" is an illusion, which their own minds lacked in figuring out. That is because for some reason, these "thinkers" really don't want to allow the idea of a truly benevolent God to come along and crush all their sacred theories...which allow them to control the masses, and cover up The Truth. Many of those who go along with them (such as yourself) may be innocent, but they surely are buying into a pointlessly nihilistic viewpoint that can only result in madness. It is your desitny, IMO, for you to discover Truth anyway...so I'm not really worried over you. For some reason, your angels deem you to not have this "blind spot" removed quite yet. Probably because you need to experience more of reality via your present viewpoint, before you reach new conclusions. I have offered you my philosophy, that it may eventually prove to be of great benefit to you, in a future time very close to the present. > Terribly brutal? Do you think that Abraham > Lincoln was a terribly brutal man? Many > Southerners thought so. I do not think that > he was brutal at all. Okay. So I remember a conclusion you made in a past message: that these spirit beings have a different sense of morality than we do...so that perhaps from their point of view, there is no untoward suffering being allowed. That is reasoning I can accept. But I decided to just stop fearing being "anthropomorphic" about life, and just let my heart ask for what it wants. And I have found my heart to be in much grief, thinking of this conclusion. What satisfies the heart? (At least in my case.) That God is more benevolent, more human, than most imagine. His showing me that these terrible atrocities were faked, not real, is the only answer that returns full sanity and peace to my heart. Ergo, there must be SOME truth in my reasoning...and every reason for me to continue on this joyful path. > Would you rather see a world where the Civil > War was never fought? Are you sure? What > would that world look like? In my philosophy, the Civil War never WAS fought...at least, not to any extent that could cause all the APPARANT suffering recorded in our history. I believe it is possible that ALL OF REALITY was created instantaneously with an "aritificial past" implanted into all our minds. It is God's gift that we figure out the truth, learn as we go, evolve with the lessons...to finally toss out our phony selves and allow the True Self to flourish. > I would rather see a Holocaust of gays on the > scale of the Holocaust of the Jews, if it > meant that one day we would live in a world > where the new Pope was apologizing to us, > instead of a world where an exalted, adored > Pope was contemptuously declaring how "evil," > we were, So would I. But neither outcome is our destiny. We (gays) are destined for victory in our lifetimes. > If there is any meaning in something like the > Holocaust, *that* is the meaning. The Holocaust is so rife with meaning, I don't know where to begin! Whether you believe it really happened to such an extent of horror, or believe in my opposing philosophy (that it happened, but not to such an extent, except APPARANTLY)...I find the Holocaust filled with meaning. > What is the standard? Must one be threatened > with immediate, physical harm in order to > constitute "defense," or is denial of human > dignity sufficient? When it comes to violence--meaning PHYSICAL violence--most of the time, reacting violently out of self defense should not be incurred unless there was at least a clear verbal threat (or gestures) of imminent danger to your body. There are *some words or phrases for which physical retaliation SHOULD be acceptable. A phrase like "I'm gonna kill you," or a word like "faggot." But each situation MUST be considered independent of any others. For there are sometimes exceptions to the rules, where denial of human dignity (in some forms) may deserve a violent retaliation. And sometimes threat of immediate physical harm may nonetheless be best diffused with NO violent retaliation. > The slaves were not being murdered? What if > there were not even being beaten? Is it so > bad to be made to work? Necessity forces > nearly all of us to work, even if we are > "free." Work is not a bad thing? What I'm saying, Grrrrrrr, is that we still have an OBLIGATION to react to all things at face value. Even if I don't believe such things really occur, I nonetheless must morally behave as if they all did occur, until some future time when we learn more about how life operates. If my buddy were being bashed, I'd surely join the fray to defend him. I wouldn't believe he's not really suffering so much, I can just walk away. I do not know the limit of each person's suffering "threshhold." Only God does. So I must not presume that all is okay, I don't need to intervene. But what if I do all I can and my buddy gets tortured and dies anyway? I can either live with the belief of his torturing as true...thus living on with this awful burden. Or I can conclude that his soul was taken away before the worst commenced...and thus my heart need not weigh so heavily. Work is a bad thing, if not meaningful to the worker. And that accounts for the vast majority of jobs that people hold down, to survive. One must learn to cope with this scenario, when one realizes this truth...and find a way to fulfillment through all the bullshit. For me, the answer was to "drop out" and live on Social Security. I'm one of the lucky few, to do just that. This has allowed me tons of free time, to develop my philosophy and inner world. All dedicated to Gay Rights. > Or is it merely the idea that some people are > worth so much less than others, that they are > "owned" at all, even if "benevolently" owned, > that justifies violence to change the > situation. I think this is an issue that has nothing to do with my worldview, or yours. I believe that, even when one believes in a truly benevolent god as I do...one still has the OBLIGATION to lighten the burden of others less fortunate than oneself. My philosophy is not a "do-nothing" system, but one that is very active in trying to build a better world for us all; starting first with gays. > If there is a Creator who assists in these > powers, I think that he would be doing so > because I were seeing clearly, like a man > from the future who sees that the truth is > the opposite of what nearly everyone assumes > without question. That's precisely what I see happening, Grrrrrrr. Your vision will soon become totally clear. I am in the awkward position of suggesting that it isn't, quite yet...but that you are due for some surprising results. > Thanks. I hope that we can debate without > growing impatient. I think we're doing just that. No problemo. > If there is a Creator, we will not go wrong, > either with peace or war, at least not for > our cause, which is much larger than us. Our > personal failings would be irrelevant to the > cause itself. True enough. > If there is no intelligent Creator, then > nothing really matters. There is, and it does. But it is not my business to proselytize, just share. Since my discovery that I have embellished in the essay "NeoPositivity," my life has taken off in a new direction, with all sorts of incredible insights. It has gone on for several months now, never failing to support my conclusion. I hope I have answered at least SOME of your questions to your reasonable satisfaction. But I'll always look forward to your opinions on any subject, even when they continue to oppose my own. You have an incredible mind, and it is a great reward that some of your ideas come to my own mailbox, personally. Allow me to conclude this message with a paragraph that also concludes my essay: ---begin quote But if you have done all you can, but to no avail, you of course must walk away with a saddened heart. My philosophy offers redemption from such sadness, in a way that no conventional religion offers. And does so without compromising whatever religion or world view that person presently prefers. You need not call my idea "neo-Christianity"; you could call it "neo-Judaism" or "quasi-paganism," or even "neo-Neo" for that matter. One may even just attach my philosophy to one's current belief system, if you so please. ---end of quote --- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://surf.to/gaybible =================================================== From: Beel Zebub To: Grrrrrrr Andson Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2002 01:19:33 -0700 Subject: The Truthasaur That Shouted Gay Love At The Heart Of The World Grrrrrr, you might want to scan through what appears to be a well-researched site on various conspiracy theories: Truthasaur http://truthasaur.com/ I think therein, we may find genuine hints hidden except for those who are becoming "aware" (for want of a better term; "telepathic" might also be a good choice). I believe that the greatest secrets (or "truths") are cloaked in many layers of illusions, or "conspiracies"...and that this is one obvious example of how God is not only very clever, but quite funny, as well. I believe some other well-done conspiracy-type sites will also hold valuable clues. And I'm sure you have already discovered most of the important ones, if not all. I therefore conclude: "The greatest truths are buried, like seed, in the most fertile areas of illusion's soil." Another way to say this, is: "Heaven's Door cannot be reached, except by way of Hell's Path." Or even: "Feel no pain, get no gain." :D Here are some insights that have just come to me in visions over the last few days (and still happening, even as I compose this mail): Red and blue are sacred colors in the Christian world: for that is what Jesus wore at his last supper: outer robe of blue, inner garment of red. But these two colors have even more primitive origins, that hail all the way back to the Neanderthal. They were People of the Ice Age, and life was harsh. There was one rose that grew in parts of the ice cap, which became a symbol of love and friendship among the Neanderthal (as roses tend to do in *all human species, no matter what color). And it was a Blue Rose...which doesn't exist any more, for it perished with the rise of Cro Magnon. So the red rose represents Cro Magnon (us, mostly), and the red and blue roses depicted together, represent the promise of brotherly love some day, between Neanderthal and Cro Magnon. Neanderthals had become a highly homosexualized species for such a long time, that this sexual persuasion became embedded in their very genes. They continued to successfully maintain their population levels via their shamans' sacred ritual of artificial insemination. But Cro Magnon killed, even ate, Neanderthals for the most part...except for a few enlightened Cro Magnons here and there, scattered sparsely among tribes. As a result of the compassion of a handful of Cro Magnons, some Neanderthal survivors remain alive today, still safely concealed in two locations in northernmost parts of Siberia. And it is the Blue Rose that is the symbol of their brotherhood: a promise between TWO SPECIES OF MANKIND, that someday they shall live together in blessed peace. The time of Revelation has come; the Neanderthal survivors shall make their presence known, and stun the world. And here's yet another secret they tell me: If a Neanderthal's gene ye possess; Ye also own the queer one, no less. But stripping this gene from Cro-Mag DNA, Will turn Odin's wrath in favor of Gay. For in our chill land so-icey-so-airey, We also became The People of Faerye. These few Cro-magnons were your first eco-activists BTW, as well as the start of the "Gay Underground." They were secured many miles up the mountains, far beyond the range of any Cro-Magnon expeditions. But their range grew, while the Neanderthals' diminished. The secret society of Cro-Magnons dedicated to the preservation of their brother Neanderthals went more and more underground, and would erupt in cycles, through quasi-pagan secret organizations such as the Rosicrucians. I bring them up particularly, for the symbol of the Rose Cross bears this secret I just revealed (about the Blue Rose being a symbol for the pledge of devotion between two species of man). But most of what presents itself as "Rosicrucian" to the world, is but a front for the truly secret messengers not even known by most of this order's members. So there's the true mystical meaning of the Blue Rose...which has been puzzling me since my first vision (11 years ago) of the Blue Rose being embroidered onto my curtain. I brought up this topic in various pagan/shaman newsgroups and message boards, but I only got vague responses as to the origin of the Blue Rose. Not a one even hinted on its Neanderthal source, and all the implications that come with this...it all finally revealed itself to me in some visions I had a few weeks ago. Since then, I have many more visions each week, than ever before...I believe what this is, I am seeing more clearly the "other world," parallel to our material world. Well, at least that's one rational interpretation I can come up with. But you see how my revelation will be most uplifting to the spirit of gay folks everywhere, of course. Amazing, eh? And I don't think this is all my own imagination...I have concluded that I am a messenger, that is, a chosen one, through whom these beings speak. I'm like an angel who was sent on a mission to help planet earth...and I lost my memory as an angel, in order to view the world through a man's eyes, and provide firsthand feedback to God or the archangels working directly under him. I believe you are too, and a number of other people...how many, or how few, I don't know. But I do know I have awakened before most anyone else has. I believe we are brothers, Grrrrrrr, and we are meant to find each other, and the rest of our clan (or tribe, or family, or whatever). The Secret of the Blue Rose has been most sacredly preserved in the British Isles, with the Ultimate Power resting in Eire. I am receiving most of my visions and inspirations for my gay fairy tales and parables, from Celtic and pre-Celtic British Isles. The Blue Rose has a most sacred place in those Isles, and it is somewhere up in northernmost Scotland. Remember: Neanderthal were a people of the Arctic Realms. Thus, their "family" (or "species") roamed over and across the North Pole, not thousands of miles around it like us temperate folk. And with the melting of these ancient glaciers, will come archaeological treasures of unimaginable wealth and revelations! A plethora of HOMOSEXUAL ART is everywhere in these cave people's culture. Their traditions lived on in the ancient Thracians (now Macedonians), that later infused Classical Greek culture and beyond. The original rose was born in ancient Thrace, some time in the Ice Age...and the rose was colored blue. For the Great Ice Cap had engulfed all of Thrace and even further south, by that time. Let me come out of my trance now, Grrrrrrr. I was instructed to channel this latest vision in your direction. No one else knows of it...wait, not quite true. I can discuss my visions openly with a friend, Jim. And in the last month more folks have come into my life, who respect my viewpoints, and support my psychic gifts. It's already happening, Grrrrrrr...I am being networked, and protected more and more by a growing circle of my soldiers: true warriors of brotherly and sisterly love. I will send you the next wave of information, as it comes to me, and as I am instructed. Perhaps you will interpret hidden messages that I myself can't discern. I may be psychically GIFTED, but I certainly am not psychically LITERATE. If the ideas conveyed via these sacred messages strike a personal chord with you, I'd be most intrigued. For I know the healer in me often operates on a SUBCONSCIOUS level, and seems to want to pay you very special attention these days. Oh, yeah, part of it is his sorrow for the attack you suffered on that hikers path. He wants you to know that what you bore, was for the sake of many lost souls who would otherwise be forever lost. You are a very brave soldier, Grrrrrrr, and your great works have all been witnessed and brought to Our Inventor's Attention. He is most pleased, and offers a special gift in your honor. What it is, he's not telling, but you'll know when it happens (he says). So let me take a break from surfing my stream of subconsciousness, and get off the Internet and just stare at the boob tube or somethin'. Your friend and comrade, Beel Z. --- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://surf.to/gaybible =================================================== From: Beel Zebub To: Grrrrrrr Andson Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2002 03:15:57 -0700 Subject: The Truthasaur, etc. (cont'd) So they showed me some more stuff, which they want me to share with you: These are angels, Grrrrrrr, fuckin' bloody ANGELS. They are the spirits of these tortured Neanderthal! You know, some Cro-Magnons and Neander's fell in love, homosexual love. So, some of these "underground" activists were saving the lives of their lovers, as well. And some incredible, astounding love stories have come to me, from their telling of their people. One sad but true tale, is of a Cro-Magnon who secretly was a member of SON ("Save Our Neanderthals"), that visited his lover twice between quarter-moons. Of course, he could never be caught doing this, or it will not only result in the betrayal of his lover's hiding place (and consequent intractable execution), but in his own immediate death by government decree. Well, this dude really suffered for his beloved Neanderthal brothers, for one evening in mealtime around the hearth, he discovered that the meat in tonight's stew was cut into chewy cubes from the flesh of his own "secret" lover, now dead. And my angels tell me I WAS this dude, in a past life long, long ago. What a sad fate to suffer, every bit as astounding as the greatest of Greek Tragedies. Instead of having his liver plucked out each day, like Prometheus, he was condemned to feed upon his lover's liver for all eternity! Perhaps I am tied to another side of the same rock as Prometheus...but the rock is so big we can't even hear each other yell, let alone see. But the vulture knows where we BOTH are, so plucks the liver from Prometheus's side, flies around the distant bend of rock, and force-feeds it to me in bite-size pieces of Man-Handler Stew. For these enlightened Cro-Magnon dissidents did not see Neanderthal as other than a "people."..while the majority of their species regarded them as no better than animals, for they did not worship their own true gods. But the dissidents objected, saying: "No, that is no way to measure whether one is a man or not. We have found a better way." The Shamans were shocked into silence at such a blasphemous remark...they really didn't know HOW to react. Finally, one of them cleared his throat and requested: "Oh, so you have a new improved way to measure man? This better be good." To which the activists replied, in quite simple words: "We find a much better measure is to answer this question: 'Can he or can't he build a fire?' And surely, not only can Neanderthal build a fire, it is the Neanderthals THEMSELVES who brought fire to Cro-Magnon!" And what's more: the ancient racial memories of Neander's countenance have lived on in religious fable as "angels." That is what they tell me, to tell you, honest to Zeus. The Blue Rose has been handed to me, Grrrrrrr. It is another version of the Holy Grail, which has been entrusted to my keep for some time to come. My Neanderthal heritage comes strongly from my maternal grandfather, who hailed from Elgin, Scotland, which is way, way up north. My spirits tell me I was once the son of their greatest warrior and leader, in a very distant time long before the Celts ever came along. Randolph is the reincarnation of this leader, or King, and I am his son...whom he created through white magic, not through womb. We (all us Faerye Folk Neanderthals) had to find some way to escape the ultimate catastrophe that would destroy our species for all time. So we used our sophisticated intuitive-knowledge of the human body, to implant the perfect memory-soul of each of our kind, into the DNA of the prolific and aggressive Cro-Magnon. And this DNA was programmed to trigger at just the right time...when we would re-emerge after eons of sleep, in the bodies of the most gifted people on the planet. This is NOT spirit possession, but a part of your own self, your DNA even, which was not triggered to emerge until your later years. You are NOT at all who you think you are, Grrrrrrr...you have only BEGUN to discover your self. --- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://surf.to/gaybible ============================================================== From: Grrrrrrr Andson To: Beel Zebub Subject: Re: The Truthasaur That Shouted Love At The Heart Of The World Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 22:39:11 -0400 Thanks, that was extremely enlightening. I think that the poor fellow, with his legal troubles, needs a little less Subpoena Duces Tecum and a little more habeus corpus, where law of the jungle prevails, particularly when the power of the unconscious mind it pitted against our pitful and decadent system of government and its thoroughly corrupt legal system. Nazi Judge Ray Moore from Damned Alabama is an excellent precedent, just as our Most Excellent President, His Excellency, is an excellent precedent. His dynasty will take nasty turn when a dinosaur dines on him, in a Texas motorcade, and a serpent rises from the Potomac River. The poor fellow is so right to enlist the Native Americans, because they also will gain retribution for their own forgotten genocide. When they take on the Texas Rangers for a baseball game, no human tongue will be able to tell their feelings, at that moment. Not to mention the Independent Islamic Republic of Texas, which will break away in a dramatic Texas Independence movement, splintering the United States like the breakup of the former Soviet Union, and dealing a crippling blow to our oil industry. Yahoo, Texas will be as busted as yahoo.com, a shadow of its former self in the loosely federated, but forcibly federalized, former United States. When we finally run out of snake-oil, the Truthasaur will set us free. Tell it to the judge on Judgement Day. Sincerely, Grrrrrrr =================================================== From: Grrrrrrr Andson To: Beel Zebub Subject: Re: The Truthasaur, etc. (cont'd) Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 21:55:38 -0400 Beel Zebub wrote: > DNA even, which was not triggered to emerge > until your later years. You are NOT at all > who you think you are, Grrrrrrr...you have > only BEGUN to discover your True Self, about > to unfold like a Lotus. Thanks, I sometimes have a feeling that there is something about myself that I don't understand, yet. Sincerely, Grrrrrrr =================================================== From: Beel Zebub To: Grrrrrrr Andson Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 20:17:38 -0700 Subject: Re: The Truthasaur That Shouted Love At The Heart Of The World Grrrrrrr Andson wrote: >Thanks, that was extremely enlightening. I am known to blow my own mind, from time to time. > Nazi Judge Ray Moore from Damned Alabama is an > excellent precedent, just as our Most > Excellent President, His Excellency, is an > excellent precedent. His dynasty will take > nasty turn when a dinosaur dines on him, in a > Texas motorcade, and a serpent rises from the > Potomac River. I like your turns of phrase. The metaphorical becomes euphorical! I think your ability to compose creative prose and poetry around ugly scenarios, is an indicator of parallel psychic abilities. For you are exposing truth, using clever metaphors to bring out the real, raw horror of homophobia (and other prejudices). The more potent the metaphor, the more potent the psychic bomb. For you could not have gotten to such an eloquent level of exposing truth, without working very hard to develop such a skill. IOW, your writings are true prayers that the angels can't resist, due to your highly persuasive rhetoric. They answer your prayer by granting you powers to achieve your dream. When your works finally strike those chords that make your writing even MORE public...you will see your great labors bear fruits of retribution and liberation. In my life, the buds have already begun to blossom. I am sure that before this year is out, I will be in a much more advantageous position to effect rapid progress towards our liberation, via my own talents. Now, add my talents to yours, and a growing rank of other fed-up, creative queers...and we become a true fighting force. > Yahoo, Texas will be as busted as yahoo.com, > a shadow of its former self in the loosely > federated, but forcibly federalized, former > United States. Yeah, we're on the same wavelength. My essay "Oh Tremble Amerika" also describes civil war and collapse of these United States. But this is all fresh fertilizer on which to grow new ventures over the rubble of the old and outmoded. > When we finally run out of snake-oil, the > Truthasaur will set us free. Tell it to the > judge on Judgement Day. I'd rather fly out to Chicago. --- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://surf.to/gaybible =================================================== From: Beel Zebub To: Grrrrrrr Andson Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 20:52:37 -0700 Subject: Re: The Truthasaur, etc. (cont'd) Grrrrrrr Andson wrote: > Thanks, I sometimes have a feeling that > there is something about myself that I don't > understand, yet. On the spirit level, I already have a clear image of who you are, and your destiny. FWIW I'll tell you now, without ever expecting you to buy into all of what I'm about to say, let alone any of it. Your spirit is that of an archangel of the highest rank...right up there with my Nam Vet lover Randolph Taylor. Your destiny is to command and rule over a body of people, and a body of land. Complete trust in your abilities is granted to you by Our Inventor, and He knows you'll make one of the best leaders this world has ever seen. You will be part of the innermost circle of this group (of which there are 13, I think). You will have assigned to you several secondary messengers, who are equivalent to a "grunt" in the Vietnam War. That's what I am: a grunt. In spirit terms, grunts are "bodhisattvas" dedicated to liberating all souls before they themselves accept the pleasures of Nirvana. You serve as guardians and lovers to your boys, who all serve under you, or one of the other Chief Archangels. Randolph leads the circle I'm part of: he's my Dad and lover. You head another circle, which is closely linked with Randolph's. In spirit, you and Randolph and some others are like fathers to us grunts. We love you guys with unquestioned devotion, and take many brave risks for the sake of always answering to love's call. We yearn to be the BEST! You guys are an inspiration to us, as well as our creators...we know you love us with the intensity of a loving parent who's doing an incredible job of raising us charges. A lot of people will some day look up to you, for your heroic nature and devotion to the truth. You will be known as part of a group of underground gay activists who headed our global revolution. I will be a main spokesperson for our global queer family...but only because the archangels backing me, have honored me with such a station. And because Randolph heads them all, and is showing favoritism towards one of his offspring. You, me, and a bunch of other queer activists will be brought together on the Internet, and eventually go underground, where the Blue Rose Militia is actively building on a foundation that will give us our own nation, Athenia. By then, money will be flowing in this gay underground, where we have our own gov't, universal health care, housing, jobs, etc. We will gain complete control over the entire computer network across the globe; we will take over the media and many other major powers on this planet. We grunts will soon become very war-weary. And that's also where you and the other archangels come in, to heal us and decondition us once we no longer need to return to the battlefield. We are suffering severe PTSD fighting this Armageddon we call "life," and will need the brotherly love of our big-brother angels. Now, these are all just metaphors I like to use...but feel free to use other metaphors to describe what I see. Essentially, you will become one of our world leaders for gay rebellion, who will excel at commanding our troops. One of MY honorable roles is like Bob Hope's: I'll cheer the troops with my stand-up routines. I will also save the lives of all our soldiers who've been fatally wounded. (The enemy can rot.) So by "battlefield" I mean society's constant attacks on gays. By "angel" I mean a benevolent spirit, however you may call it. You said your gift is with being able to explode or destroy things. It occurred to me that perhaps your gift isn't meant to be utilized unless in conjunction with another who is gifted in such a way as to *discern where (and when) to drop the next bomb. This would be the gift of discernment. A vision of a triangle last year, revealed to me what I call "The Celtic Trinity." Each side of the triangle stands for one aspect of this trinity, and they are: Discernment, Judgment, and Vengeance. Each quality is represented by one of the heads of Cerberus. (Remember, I am destined to create NEW mythology, thus diverging from the traditional outcomes one might expect.) So: some of us are "Dogs" of Discernment, "Dogs" of Judgement, or "Dogs" of Vengeance (or "justice"). These dogs can also be seen as wolves or werewolves. (Though "dog" is a military term for good buddy, one who serves his apprenticeship with pride, just like in Medieval chivalry). My spirit is the Werewolf Damien, who excells in "discerning" good souls from evil souls...using his psychic canine nose to separate chaff from wheat. All evil souls he encounters are then forwarded to the Werewolf of Judgment, who decides what form or correction each naughty soul deserves. It is the Werewolf of Vengeance who sees to it that all punishments are metered out down to the very last jot and tittle. And these three types must work together. And this is why I believe your psychic ability appears crippled, or not very practical for applying most effectively. I believe our psychic gifts will not become complete, without integrating our spirits with other gifted compatriots. Then, we work as a unified team...no an ARMY. So I'm a good dog, you know. Wishing for my master to come home, finally. Ol' Yeller Randolph. #end --- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://surf.to/gaybible =================================================== From: Beel Zebub To: Grrrrrrr Andson Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 12:40:08 -0700 Subject: Re: The Truthasaur That Shouted Love At The Heart Of The World I'm very proud of you, Grrrrrrr. How you are so absolutely dedicated to the freedom of our gay brothers and sisters. You will be rewarded for your incredible efforts; of this I have no doubt. We're not THERE yet, so of course we still have to suffer bullshit. But it is a great honor to know you...before we are actually members of the same underground, which I call Blue Rose Militia. I believe we will soon be living in close proximity...via this underground, where we have our own headquarters and housing. We might have several headquarters around the country, and world. One might be in Chicago...in fact, I'm sure of it. By that point, I will have the resources to travel and visit with other activists I have met on the Internet. Perhaps this is all fantasy, to cope with harsh reality. I am obliged to say this, as a check on my own ego. But I feel very strongly, I am right on target; which suggests that I have psychic abilities. My main concern when I become popular, is how to divert folks from starting a cult. I will keep distributing my gifts to more and more concerned gays, and assigning positions of power as much as possible, to others who seem ready and able. And I will also serve under another, that I may have a balanced ego and not get too puffed up. I will also invite gays from around the world, to contribute to the compilation of The Final Testament. By then, our queer family should have my website to preserve and expand. I don't know what more to say at this time: I certainly have plenty of visions to tell tales, though! If I am correct in my visions, then we have nothing to worry about...and in a little more time, our psychic gifts (if such they be) will manifest more obviously, as proof to ourselves, and to those closest to us. Please know that, if your lover has difficulty discussing psychic stuff, you always have me to cover this topic. That way, not all your burdens will be dumped on a good buddy who is your soulmate. I'm sure he's as great a guy as you are; that's the way these things go. --- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://surf.to/gaybible =================================================== From: Grrrrrrr Andson To: Beel Zebub Subject: Re: The Truthasaur That Shouted Love At The Heart Of The World Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 12:33:42 -0400 Beel Zebub wrote: > Perhaps this is all fantasy, to cope with > harsh reality. I am obliged to say this, as a > check on my own ego. But I feel very > strongly, I am right on target; which > suggests that I have psychic abilities. My > main concern when I become popular, is how to > divert folks from starting a cult. I will > keep distributing my gifts to more and more > concerned gays, and assigning positions of > power as much as possible, to others who seem > ready and able. And I will also serve under > another, that I may have a balanced ego and > not get too puffed up. I have sometimes wondered, might this a trick of the mind triggered by escapist fantasy, or simply ego, but I sincerely don't think that it is, for me. So many times, I have viewed events with such wide-eyed astonishment, almost gasping in disbelief. Only when the events were so repeated and overwhelming, did I slowly come to self-affirm the realization that genuine psychic phenomena were at work. Ego? I remember a high school Latin teacher once crediting my for my unusual humility. Some people would think it "ego" to dare be so brazen and presumptuous as to question the "greatness" of the Pope, or the worth of religion, or to mock Congressmen. Is it ego, or is it just insight, and a creditworthy defiance, based just on assertion of human dignity, not any great ego? Ultimately, the struggle of our cause isn't about us, or our personalities, or our flaws or foibles, or vision or courage, as the case may be. Our cause is correct, regardless of we are heroes, or fools, or merely mediocre. Regards, Grrrrrrr ---finis