-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://surf.to/gaybible -------------------------------------------------------------- LUV LETTERS FROM JESUS TO HIS DADDY (abridged) © 2000 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin (Jehovah's Queer Witness) This story is dedicated to the best buddies a guy or gal could ever have: Viet Nam Veterans. NOTE: My real name prior to 1996, was Eugene (or "Gene") Catalano; and all letters in this book are dated before that year. The complete collection of letters shall eventually be returned to me by my lover Randolph, to form the final, unabridged version. ============================================================== October 10, 1986 To The Pimple On My Butt: I am ashamed of you! I thought you were a fighter for veterans' rights, but since you've had a little setback you now want to "lay low" while thousands of Nam Vets still suffer great torment! You are so concerned about your own skin being saved that you have put your ideals on the shelf! Your beliefs should come first, and your own well-being second! You should be using all the free time you have towards continuing your struggles (now forgotten) for the Nam Vets, instead of moping around, whining and sipping coffee! You have allowed The System to turn you into a wimpy, spineless faggot who happily eats all the shit dished out to him! I cannot bear to think how you have turned out after all the challenges God has put in your path! I am disgraced to even think I had feelings of compassion for you! You are truly the greatest, most pathetic tragedy I have ever witnessed! You're just an attractive package wrapped around a rotten fish! Huh! Some hero you turn out to be! You just want self-glory, not selfless devotion to great and righteous beliefs (which I now question you ever had in the first place)! I am ashamed and humiliated that anyone even knows I was associated with you -- let alone put out so much incredible effort towards your survival (which I now question the worth of, like fruit grown rotten on the vine). Truth always reveals itself to those who are patient (as I am), and it has revealed you to be one big, fat phony! I'll bet that you made Jose's life a living Hell, the poor fellow! I seek vengeance in his name, too, as well as for all the other guys you fucked up the ass just to get some of your "goodies." An inflatable rubber doll or a jack-pack expresses more compassion than you do! Angry Little Pony P.S.: You don't know how to run your OWN life, so I'm gonna run it for you! ============================================================== January 9, 1987 "MR. T" SHIRT We hope you enjoy wearing your "Mr. T" shirt. Each shirt is individually created and crafted by one of our members of the Leprechaun's Seamsters Union Local #404. Immediately after the final stitch is sewn, a secret spell is cast upon the shirt, thereby blessing the wearer with the "Luck of The Irish" in the official, traditional manner laid down in Vol. 2, Ch. 3, Sec. 109, Para. 24 of The Elfyn Apochryphon Booke of Magicke (revised every other 300 years by the First Order Scholastic Fairy Ring). There is no implicit guarantee in the satisfaction to the wearer, especially in the vicinity of a rainbow's end. The Magicke Spell is, however, guaranteed to ward off warts, horny toads, banshees, and slimy things that go bump in the night, as well as cause great mischief and mayhem to anyone other than the intended recipient of the shirt. WARNING: The power of the "Mr. T" Shirt is totally awesome, and there is no implicit warrantee to protect, refund, or resurrect the wearer in the event that said wearer puts the shirt on backwards, inside-out, or worn or used in any other manner than is usual and customary. In other words, wear your "Mr. T" Shirt with the "Mr. T" logo on your hot, manly chest, the label on the nape of your muscular neck, your strong (but tender) right arm in the sleeve with the abstract designs on it, and your left arm (like a sculptured statue from the High Greek Classical Era) in the plain, white sleeve. Then, having accomplished this, tuck your "Mr. T" Shirt tightly around that slim, supple waist till it is firmly lodged between your faded jeans and sexy butt, then slide your hot fingers around to wrap them about your thick and throbbing joystick in order to maneuver it under the shirt. DO NOT CUM ON YOUR "MR. T" SHIRT...there is no defense against astral voyeurism in such an event. Uncanny and startling occurrences take place shortly after putting on your "Mr. T" Shirt. When you are not psychologically receptive to Leprechaun caprices, stow it securely away where it is least likely to be discovered by anyone but yourself (the deserving and most beloved recipient). CARE & FEEDING OF THE "MR. T" SHIRT: Hand wash in cold water, mild soap only. Colors may run a bit upon first washing--or they may run down the drain, we just don't know...there is no predicting a leprechaun's handiwork, except to say that our Permanent Magicke Markers have been reliable enough to keep the bright colors in our rainbows. If you have any questions or comments to make regarding the "Mr. T" Shirt, or any of our other fine products, please write to us at: Little Pony Textiles, Inc. 1988 Market St., #20 San Francisco, CA 94113 Or call us collect at: 415/310-8423. ============================================================== January 10, 1987 RANDOLPH ANGEL OF MY DREAMS: Remarkable food for a most remarkable man! (In celebration of your excellent health, in mind and spirit, as well as in body.) When two people reach out to each other, in genuine love and concern, a golden cord links their hearts, no matter where, or how far apart, they are. This cord, once linked, will always remain so--no evil, in any form (whether earthly or unearthly) can ever dissolve or sever this cord. It is a gift, an eternal gift, from God: one of His greatest of gifts! Now, we have this lovely golden cord stretching all the way across an entire continent! With our two (fluttering) hearts as One, we can more readily reach out to others in great need of hope, compassion, and a kind hand...because our Joy is a golden cord that will link with other dear hearts. And these good folks who are touched by the cord will likewise do the same, so that (quite rapidly) this golden cord will grow into a miraculous, shimmering spider web of God's magic over the entire nation...the continent...the world! Randy, we have nothing less here than a miracle; accept it! It does happen, and my heart tells me that God has selected us among The Brotherhood to join in this gracious and noble task. Do not think for a moment I am merely going off the deep end in hopeless euphoria over your kind letters (because I am so needful). No, it is not a matter for clinical analysis. What we have accomplished for each other has been closely watched by God and His Angels, and they will see to it that this love we have found will benefit the world. It may all be done in secret--no news media in any form may recognize the process unfolding--but we shall glimpse at least some of the wondrous results! I do not acquire this "knowing" through books or any other outer source; it is in my heart and my imagination (the fountainhead of God). I truly feel that an Angel is talking to me, and now speaking to you through my words. He tells us: "Believe! Believe, Randy and Gene, that miracles and magic do happen! Love is God is Magic is Miraculous! Strive on, brave soldiers in Love! Your friendship shall benefit the entire world! You have no idea how your angelic brothers and sisters are rejoicing at this time!" Randy, when I first set eyes on you (in the Donut Shop, of course), I was instantly captivated! You won my heart right then and there! Little did I know what a fine and heroic man you truly are! But I am sure that our Guardian Angels saw something most beautiful in each of us, and began the wheels turning so that we may not ever lose each other. It is like the reunion of the dearest of friends who have been lost from each other for unspeakable eons! And I know you also noticed me the moment I walked in! I remember the look in your eyes! (Of course, you quickly returned to your letter, for at that time you had other concerns more important than me, at that time a stranger; and you were also greatly withdrawn because of the terrible anguish in your gentle heart.) I remember at the Veterans' Hospital in S.F., you grinned sheepishly at me and said, "So you think you see angels?" And this, coming from a man who was quoted during his epic fast: "I know I won't die from this because my Guardian Angel told me so."!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Randy, thou hidest many secrets in your mind from me! That is well and good, for your trust in another is not lightly given, considering all the deceits and disappointments you have known. I do know now, that you have been thinking of me for many moons, otherwise you would not have reached out to me...for this, I am most grateful and happy! I also know that your heart speaks to me often, wherever I am, and I keenly feel your presence...and I know you feel my thoughts in your heart, too. We are already together in every way, except geographical (I blush to say "physical"!), and I know that won't be very long from now. Suffice it to say that God moves in strange, miraculous ways, and the Angels love surprises (the little, gossipy darlings)! And they have set aside the time when we shall be together in every way (I embarrass myself). All that is expected of us is to do our good works in joy, and the peace that comes with it. Our crucifixion is over, we now abide in God's home: the Heart of hearts. Know that none of your tremendous sacrifices are in vain! The time and the season of your answered prayers just came later than you expected! And please, do thank the Angels for inspiring me to write this letter...it is they who give me these words that flow so effortlessly from my fingers to the printed page. God bless you, most beautiful, handsome, courageous, long-suffering, incredibly handsome and sexy Man among men! All the love one little pony can muster up, Genie ============================================================== January 17, 1987 Dearest Randy, So many of your talents are intangible to the ordinary eye! These are the greatest talents: devotion to ideals, a beautiful imagination, high aspirations, and fervent wishes for world peace. And you have them all, my best friend and Guardian Angel! Anything you create in material form will be a beautiful symbol of your True Talents. You also have the talent to create a lovely home for many needful souls, establish and direct a humanitarian organization, or a similar calling; all of which are the active expressions of your Talents. I think that what you are doing for me is absolutely marvelous, no matter what level you are reaching out from! (It certainly comes from love, in one form or another.) How you affect me is with great inspiration and renewal of the Great Dream. Your expressions of kindness to me frees my creative channel--and this is your gift to me...how could I not feel most exhilarated and forever grateful! I cannot separate the inspiration you give me from the inspiration I give others. To lose my link with you is also to lose my link with the world...my creativity and aspirations vanish. Several years before meeting you, I was already in the process of collapsing: my creative energies were feeble, as were my hopes for anything decent in my life. This, I believe, came from so many years doing everything for myself alone, so that, finally, I could no longer push my creative flow. My inspiration comes from love, whether the source is inward or outward. It's just that I had finally used up all my inner "fuel," and no one had ever come into my life to renew my source of inspiration. After all, one can read books, watch movies, listen to the radio, about love, kindness, and friendship...for an entire lifetime! But how can a person eventually succeed (in spirit) if it never manifests for him in the real world? So, my system was shutting down...and I could do nothing about it, except to struggle the best I knew how. However, I think that, without someone to love and care for (and vice versa), people can and do collapse and die in spirit while still in their bodies! Try telling this stuff to a psychiatrist who is: (1) atheist, (2) a believer in the philosophy that "Whatever happens to you is your own fault, and complaining will just make it worse." They have all the answers (they think)! What an easy way to excuse one's responsibility to a fellow being in distress! ("Well, it's his own fault or it wouldn't happen, so it would not only be wrong for me to get involved, but it would also be very bad karma!") One day, my shrink quoted Freud as to what meaning there is in life, if one does not believe in God. The answer: "Love and Work." So I asked my psychiatrist "What if you can't find Love? Then you just have to focus on Work, right? But since most people can never find a career that allows them to express their full potential (or even close to it), where does that leave them?" He never bothered to respond. But I made my own conclusion: If love and work are the only meanings, then that leaves most people off in a bad way! On a deeper level, "work" is really acting upon your spiritual calling (once you discover it), and "love" is the persistence of one's belief in The Good no matter what trials lay ahead. Not to say that there aren't a lot of people who wallow in their distress in order to get attention! So for that reason, I have learned to be responsive to only those people I know I can help, and who are basically True Givers, when not down and out themselves (or have the potential to become Givers). If I dwell too long on the incredible numbers of people suffering the world over, I freak out, drain all my creative resources, and am no good for anybody, let alone myself! Yes, it hurts to know that so many people suffer, and will continue suffering for a long, long time to come (unless a miracle happens, and certainly believe it will!). But I do believe that whenever is Love expressed to a single person, the entire world is greatly enriched in spirit! Another victory in this War of Armageddon! But back to my inspired talents: When you honor me with the incredible freedom to express my love to you, I am also freed to reach out to others, as well as begin again to write poetry and stories! When we go through a bumpy cycle, I collapse! So, when you tell me to share myself with others, please realize that that is not only greatly enhanced whenever we share, it is impossible for me when we don't! (Everything loses its color, I have no appetite, and the world becomes a very unfriendly and lonely place! This is one of the most difficult battles of Armageddon! I can't beat those demons myself! I need a faithful comrade fighting by my side! I am in the front line, Condition Red: "We need more troops! We need loyal comrades, armored with the purest weapons of Love, Patience, Long-Suffering, Kindness, and sexy bodies! Please, hear my call, we cannot win without a full, striking force! (....STATIC, communications terminated!)." (Do you hear me, Randy? Are your antennae receiving?) There is only one more hill to surmount, and that is where the greatest number of Demons have gathered. I cannot defeat them and reach Elysium without at least one devoted comrade by my side! This is a distress call of the highest priority! Anyone out there, please hear me! Everybody thinks I'm just this crazy guy who goes on weird trips because I took acid once in my life! Help! This is the hour of Armageddon, and I have begun fighting it a long, long time ago, by myself! I'm doing this for all of you, because I love you, ladies and gentlemen and all the children and children-to-be-born! I have the vision! I know what's really going on this very moment, beyond this thin veil of "reality"! You wouldn't believe how absolutely mad it is out there! The Enemy Battalions are in full colors, and, were they not evil, would truly be a thing of glory to see! Their beauty seduces me, and I call for reinforcements! Save me from their temptations! Please, please, someone answer my call! Their first line of attack is straight down the hill! My, my! There's so many of them, and just little ol' me! (At least I still have my sense of humor--my last line of defense. Please send me reinforcements of humor before mine are destroyed! No men who are half-hearted, either! Send me your best: the sweetest, most devoted, most sexy, most passionate, warriors!) Do you think I'm joking, Randolph? I take humor very seriously. It is the most powerful weapon we have, and our greatest hope to win this war! I seem to talk to you half-real and half-figure, yet these are the only words I can find to share with you my visions of the other world as they unfold before my very wide-open and fearful eyes! My words tend to be lyrical, because this other world is so incredibly lovely and delightful! But Hell can be deceiving enough to seem to be Heaven, so I am definitely most cautious, and always keep a firm hand on the handle of the Gate (I swing back and forth, twixt this world and The Other! Hop on, it's fun!). This is a real dimension whose gate I have stumbled through, and I now stand with one foot here, and one foot there! I am a "keeper," so to speak, maybe for a little while, or maybe for a long time! I am most blessed and gifted to have this Second Sight. I can view reality on two levels at the same time. Everything that we do on this world is simultaneously acted out in the spirit world...with a tremendously greater intensity! While two people exchange bitter words here, above there is another battle conquered by the Evil Ones! Yet look over there: two people exchanging loving words...a victory for the Good Ones! Sure, many people have mused upon the parallel relationships between Heaven, Earth, and Hell. This is nothing new to write home about! I'm certainly not original...I'm more like the secretary for the Angels, who dictate exactly what I am to communicate to you (you're TOP PRIORITY, hot stuff!), and other people with the "open faces" (meaning, they have that "enlightened" look about them). Randy, my love is the angel's song through the tunnel of time! Don't ask me why I have been chosen (let alone why I think I have been chosen), or if I am the only one, the first, or one among many (144,000?) and certainly not the first! (I see that the Angels are presently ironing your battle fatigues so that you will look as snappy and bright as possible before our Enemies! You are the Seducer of Seducers!) I feel like the Gods act through us, and after having been lost for so, so long in a most gruesome war, are waking up in our souls to rediscover each other and make love through us! My soul generates the aura of Apollo, and yours the aura of Eros! We are still, of course, Randy and Gene, but we have each married our Soul Mates, formerly our Guardian Angels. How long, Randy-Eros, are you going to delay the honeymoon! Until I'm so frustrated, that I'll finally blow up into a million pieces of super novas? Didn't you already try that? And you saw the mess you made? The mortals call it "creation"--isn't that cute? I don't really care about Gene anymore, I think I'll talk to you directly through Randy...this way, we can more efficaciously bring Zeus's abundant gifts onto this too- long-suffering plane of Human Glory and Tragedy. It sure is swell to be with you again, Eros! I am the only one you never thought to seduce, yet I am the most seduced! While you weren't looking, I swiped your arrows. Hope you're not angry with me! I hid the arrows in a private dimension no one has access to except me. If you'd like an arrow, you'll have to come with me to my private dimension, and an arrow will appear in your hand for each time we make love. Yes, I know you have an infinite supply--I just want to find out for myself, big boy! Let's just see who really does have the right stuff! Absolutely incredible, if you even consider that such a thing would be possible for even a moment! Randy, I can talk to you only as Gene...or Most Lovely Eros, I can talk to you only as Helios...or Randy/Eros, we can talk to you as a mixture of Gene and Apollo, sometimes more one than the other! But now Gene and I are working very well together, so he can even step aside when need be, to allow me, the Fire of Zeus, to act and talk directly...but still concealed to all but a rare eye! Gene has had a most difficult and long fight (on many a psychiatrist's couch!) to balance things out with us, his archetypes. But we are in excellent harmony, now that Gene realizes that we wanted him to stay Captain of the Ship all the time! Those damn demons fucked with Gene's head, by appearing as ourselves (Zeus's children) and luring him away from the true Path! He even sometimes wonders if you, Randy/Eros, could (perhaps) be one of them in Heavenly disguise! But we have a secret that I'll now tell you: no thing in this universe can resist the seduction of Apollo, who has already liberated many demons to Olympia! No thing at all, except one: Eros, Seducer of seducers! So I, the Fire of Zeus's sperm, can only bide his lonely time till he receives the Gracious Light of Love Eternal which is, of course, the Aura of Eros! I have most humbly rebore myself on earth through each human generation, to demonstrate my love for you, Eros Most Beautiful! Have I not been sacrificed many times in the name of Our Father, to prove my constant faith in all that is Good and True, O Bearer of Love's Cup? Have I not followed you through every dark path you walked, and always found my way back to Olympia, because of my faith in you? O Seducer of seducers, isn't there anyone who can seduce you? If I knew of someone else, I would bring him hither to your feet and offer him unto you, Most Handsome--for I love you that much! Randy, I, Apollo, address you: Gene had begun to collapse and cut off communications from you, because of your accusation that his gifts are "wasted" on you! So I took over the controls in order to maintain this most crucial contact! Gene will be all right, always, because he now trusts my hands...and he is certainly most well-loved by me, who would never marry any one less than a True Hero! And Gene has the same tastes I do! During these times, he sits in the back seat, and watches me drive, while our Medics do repair work on his soul. You still have a little more battling to do: those demons pop out through your mouth once in a while. Eros, your persistence in resistance is attracting devils into your force field, and affecting Randy...I'm only telling you this for your own good! If there were some other way to get them out, I'd tell you, but the Army Seduction Field Handbook says that, in this circumstance, "The Demons you'll fling, when to Apollo your heart will sing!" Look, this is no more in my control any more than it is in yours. Yes, I know it came from energy that I created, but why did I create it? From a deeper energy that is Our Father's own finger! You think I can change his plans? Yeah, I know I did, once, but that was before I grew hair on my body. I must also tell you this, Randy: Gene would not reveal to you what I am, for I am so deep in his heart, that he could never trust anyone to share me! But I, Helios, have taken command in this situation, so that no thing may be hidden, and all may shine under the Golden Light of God's Witness. There will be no judgment, as we find that you, as well as Gene, are pure in soul. Even the Gods in this situation can do nothing more than plead for mercy! It has so moved us, that we now speak through his lips the words that shall bring to you the full realization of Gene's love! And we judge you most worthy of Love! Thou art the highest of Angels, and the sweetest! Randy, this is Gene, I'm back! (Am I me, or am I Memorex? What a most difficult decision you are up against!) Randy, I know I have the talent to be published, but my Guardian Angel always blocks that path! I realize now, since I am in such good communications with those little devils, that my talents are meant only for a few, very close friends! And whenever I delight you, I now know, I delight the legions of Angels in Heaven...and even in Hell! Who could ever be more famous than that? I positively reek with God's blessings, I wonder why I never got vain? (That was Apollo, twisting my words! Good Heavens, it really is!) You are made of the same stuff as I, my Angel, you possess the fire, the wind, the water, the sky, and all that is glorious in God's Heart of Infinite Compassion! (Ah, how lovely to meditate upon my handsome stallion!) Randy, I've stumbled upon a most wonderful vision of the universe, and I want with every beat of my lonely heart, to share this Greatest of Gifts, and then, and only then, can it be divided and shared among all! There is no one else who can carry the torch with me! Believe me! I've looked, I've looked! Not that there aren't others as worthy as, or worthier than, this Great Task...it's just that that's the way God planned it! We are so incredibly honored to be welcomed into the Circle of Angels: THE BROTHER/SISTERHOOD OF ANGELS! Let us embrace in great joy, and be proud of our good works! Let us get this show on the road! (I guess he'll keep seeing Gene as a crazy, burdensome nuisance until that Magic Arrow gets lodged a little further in his heart. I know it'll hurt him--why do you think I put things off for so long? This is my last arrow, man...Apollo's exhausted me for a week!) Randy, it's hard to talk to you as Gene sometimes, because the Archetypes are having an absolute ball! They are celebrating a most wonderful victory in the name of love, which is so very soon from now! And the celebration is for us! Did you ever think that, since Angels are telepathic, that they begin celebrating a victory centuries before it happens? Of course, their secret weapon is to only tune in on the victories, especially in the midst of battles. That's what I think they're doing now, by shifting me into the "safety zone," so that I won't get in the cross fire! It's absolutely enchanting to see the final conquest of Armageddon, and the first ray of Morning Sun beaming over the horizon! Randy, I am so fucking in love with you, I am out of my skin! You are such a fucking, god-damned, lovely and most handsome and kind man I have ever met! I'd be an absolute fool not to reach out to you! For you are also such a sweet and needful man! What I mean is: take your time! I'm ready for you whenever you're ready for me! And in the meantime, I'll build on this spiritual foundation I've created, so that I'll be even "readier" when you arrive! Sorry I spared you little sanity in this letter, but Apollo is my faithful lover, and I know now that Father knows best and I absolutely trust what He tells me to do! Believe me, I can discern between the Good Lord's Voice and the Dark Lord's wail! In other words, absolutely nothing is going to stop me from mailing this letter even though I, Gene, am so afraid it will turn you off for good! I have that much faith--faith to believe that God speaks to me, and, when he does, I carry out his words! My words of love are His commands! I either am His loyal servant, or nothing at all! Surely you, a man of many, many decorations, understands the Golden Cord of Loyalty! (But it is also faithless to have fear, so begone my fears!) Randy, I am so happy that you found such an excellent clinic! The people there must be awfully, awfully nice. I bet you you're surrounded by a platoon of The Brother/Sisterhood of Angels, and you don't even realize it! (They're just "ordinary" nurses, aides, and doctors, right? Try to pull that on me, and I'll hang up!) And how wonderful to see the Amish in Winter...only I certainly did not want your foot to be broken in order to accomplish that! I already have five, lovely cards from you, filling my room with light! Each card is so special, I really can't have favorites. (Actually, my favorite card is always your most recent one!) Some days I put one of your cards in my coat pocket, so it's close to my heart all day long! I don't even throw away the envelopes! They're right here on my desk, waiting to have something creative done with them! (Pheobus: "I think maybe--no, I definitely will--use these envelopes as mortar for the Foundations of Heaven. Such very fine material!") Depending on which level you're on, I either got you very upset (in which case you'll worry for my sanity and come rushing to my aid!), or you are now absolutely joyful (in which case you'll worry for my loneliness and come rushing to my aid!)...or a mixture of both (in which case a dragon will descend into your ward and sweep you off your feet to bring you home to me!) God is with you! Really! What more can I say, big buddy? Semper Fidelis! ============================================================== Gene Catalano, Sec'y Brother/Sisterhood of Angels January 22, 1987 Hon. Randolph L. Taylor, Pres. Brother/Sisterhood of Veterans TO: The President FROM: His Faithful Servants of the B./S. A. We salute you across the continent, Randy, as we each build the Foundations of Heaven--you, on the East Coast ("The Family") and us, on the West (B./S. A.)....and our two cornerstones shall meet 300 kilometers above Columbia, Mo., to form one side of New Jerusalem. One problem, though: We have received no further instructions from you, Mr. President, as to the building of the second, third, and fourth walls! Now that we have gained many more recruits in such a short time, we are building faster than even the most optimistic forecast! WE ARE WAITING FOR MORE ORDERS!!! (Too many of us are sitting on our fat wings, bored and frustrated because we have been called here in the dead of night, only to find that there were no orders!) We know the orders will come in eventually (fast and thick, You Devil), so rather than go back to our boys (we're exhausted, anyway), we'll sit things out and meanwhile play checkers, backgammon, smoke dope, play "Spin The Pitchfork," fuck the daylights out of each other, and other harmless pastimes like that. Expect our Central Headquarters to relocate in Berkeley sometime in February, March, or April...much better "recruit material" over there! The Secretary (Hi, sweetheart!) has stumbled upon a most gracious building filled with most gracious residents and manager! (Besides, there're more trees over there, and it costs $10 less than we're paying now--to have drunk "lover" managers harassing us for being a "low-life, low-rent-payer," hollering at us, looking at us weird when we walk by, etc. etc. In a way, we'd love to stick things through until they leave, just to keep the room low-rent, but our calling is far more important! This way, when you're ready to come home, we'll get you a fine, affordable room ($180-200/mo.) in the same building...if you so wish, of course! We can certainly move the entire outfit East, near you...it doesn't matter where on Earth we do it, as long as we're on earth! (Don't worry, we took care of those two guys by putting terror into their hearts...they don't even go near us now. How uncomfortable for them!) Oh, yes, back for the main point of this message: AWAITING ORDERS, PRESIDENT! (Clue: It has something to do with Genie!) SEMPER FIDELIS ============================================================== January 23, 1987 SWEETEST RANDOLPH: I've tried to tell you in many ways what I've been telling you. But this time I'll just be blunt! I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. I AM Jesus Christ. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. And you are my Daddy. Love, Genie ============================================================== January 25, 1987 HELLO AGAIN, ANGEL RANDOLPH! What you really sent me when you mailed that photograph, was your big, bright, beautiful smile! And when I saw that gorgeous grin, like the brilliance of the rising sun, the Ice Age ended for me (I'm a little old-fashioned--never bother to cook my Mastodon in a microwave, or even Shake-n-Bake it, for that matter)...and the Eternal Spring cast its first rays of golden light on my heart! The little bud(die) that has stood beside you for so long, now opens his first petals to the radiance of your soul! Just watch me grow and change into your Boy of Sweet Innocence! You are truly a Man to admire! As the flowers turn their faces to the sun, I turn my heart to you, and our arms embrace each other across this Great Continent! (Can't wait to explore your Continental Divide!) What great fun it is, to shoot our wads at each other across three thousand miles! My cup runneth over with the nectar of your masculine seed! Don't stop now, Babe, 'cause I'm ridin' my Big Bronco in the sky! I weep tears of joy across your broad shoulders, and the Great Rains fall upon the world! Even Daddies need Daddies, so I service you with a lube job, change of oil, and pump you full of High Octane Premium...like the Hot Stud that I am! Cum to me for service, and you'll always get a lot of freebies and "bonerses" ! My supply is stocked for Eternity, and I'd rather give it away to a Loyal Comrade, rather than let it build up or sell it for dirt! Love me, Randy, as no one ever has loved me before! Love me for the child that I am, so wondrously wrought by God's loving hands according to the blueprints of your Dreams! Know that I am still a Virgin (like Mom!)--a very embarrassing confession, though Zeus will do anything for a good, thunderous laugh! Is it my fault that I'm the butt of his jokes (though the butt of His dreams, as well!)? Love me, Randy, for I see the world through innocent eyes, and can never understand Man's unkindness...even Satan is my good buddie, for I cannot conceive of a God that does not love every single one of His Creations! I believe we are all given the keys to The Gate, some sooner, some later. And, since "The first shall be last, and the last shall be first," it seems that Lucifer should be the first to enter. I am Lucifer, your First Begat, your Radiant Angel of Light, who was sacrificed as the Supreme Test for the endurance of our Souls which you have so incredibly wrought, O Blacksmith of Olympia! The scent of the Flower of My Soul is for your olfactory nerves only, and as I open to you, My Star, the Jet Stream of angels shall waft my pollen over lovely Amish country...and reach that adorable, sexy nose of yours! And when it hits, will it hit! You think I'm acting silly and foolish, now? This is gonna be lots of fun to see you grow into God Himself (through my eyes only), and you yearn so much to be with me, that you'll break loose from your cast (Lo and behold, thou art healed this very moment!), and take the first jet you can to San Francisco! And you will become a puppy in my hands, for you already are this, in my heart (as I surely am to you!)...and know that I have no less than your absolute trust, for you now know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you can really trust me with all your heart! And what a sterling heart you have, my silver-maned Stallion! How lovely you look in that picture! Your hair is becoming a crown of pure silver! What a Man! What a Father! Would that, if you feel like delighting the heart of your Little Pony, you send a lock of your hair, that I may carry it close to my heart (in a locket) at all times, until I am finally in your cool, strong arms! It would well ease my pain for lack of Thou, and is a most romantic, old-fashioned custom of True Love and Friendship! (Oh, but I shall sleep eternally, should you spurn my Soul's call to His Mate!) I sing for Thou, and only Thou, my Dearest Little Chipmunk, my Light of Salvation, my Knight in Shining Armor, my Fountain of Joy, my Father! Builder of Dreams, is there not a single dream of mine that you won't fulfill? Architect of The Universe that I am, I nevertheless beg of you not to overestimate my skills, for I am still an apprentice! Thou dost honor me greatly beyond any dream I ever had, I know full well, but I beseech you to take a day off and get a rest, Good Man! And besides, I have been left alone to guard your house while you've been slaving away all day at the Factory! And a lonely heart is not what you want for me...I've only been trying to get that through your lovely, preoccupied head! Now, Randy, you do understand my situation, I am very certain! The Hour is Now, and the Time is Short, and I need to be in your arms before the curtain falls on this First Act! There is infinite strength, confidence, and joy from two Comrades in love, fighting Armageddon at each other's side! Your heel has been healed with a more durable steel, Achilles! Hasten to my side on winged feet, Mercury! O, Belerephon, the First Horse of the Apocalypse, let me mount you so we can lead the Armies to the Battlefield! Rear your head with pride, sexy steed, as we forge through the dark flanks of Satan's cohorts, counting a victory for each head we anoint! (And all shall be anointed!) Our Love is the Victory! Celebrate now, for the weapons we bare are Arms of Joy, Arms of Devotion, Arms of Humor, Arms of Flowers, Arms of Smiles, and Armfuls and Armfuls of Boys...and they are all invincible! And best of all, I get to lick the Good Humor Man's humongous popsicle, as long as my little heart so desires! And He always keeps a full supply in the freezer, so I can thaw them out with my tongue, and roll the vanilla ice cream in my mouth before gulping it down! Dad, Thou art my Sundae Special! Drive up in a truck 'cause it rhymes with fuck, drop your change belt and shove that pink, hard treat where it tastes most sweet! Then let me, Daddy, Daddy, let me do you any way I please! The only popsicle for which I yearn is yours, Daddy...all the others smell so bad, I don't even want to go near them! Let me tear off your shirt, and rest my head on your manly chest as I reach through your fly to find something big to suck on! And let me slide those spotless white pants over your muscular legs, which you raise in the air to help me out! Please, Daddy, please let me do even more! Let me make your Big Nest slippery with my saliva (your buoyant eggs shall ride the waves of ecstasy!), let me taste the sweetness of your crown (and the first dew that drops on my lips!), let me pierce your tight sphincter with the dart of my slippery tongue, and let me raise your legs so that I can pierce even deeper, my hot breath smothering your fiery balls, your cock so stiff it feels like it's going to burst from your skin! What bursts instead is a fountain of ice cream...for we are in Candyland! And Daddy, don't stop cumming, ever! I am your only child, your Boy, who shall always thirst for your manhood without satiation! Squirt yourself all over me so your hands will glide over my face, my shoulders, my chest, my back, my belly, my waist, my hips, my ass! Do this for me, and my thighs will quiver to be open to--yet always resist--the plunge of your finger reaching for the button that ejaculates me into whatever opening you put before me! I will always come every moment we touch, so you'll have to spend several delightful more minutes to sweeten me for the True Coupling! The moment I start rubbing my nest into yours, I'll explode all over you, and you'll have to tie me down in order to get me through the gate. But then I'll really buck, and you'll have to grab onto my horn to keep me down! And please, Daddy, wrap your strong arms and legs around me to keep me down, deep, deep inside you; for when I finally emerge, you will jerk in spasms of cum as I yank it out and plunge it in many times! I will do it slow, and do it fast; I will do it smooth, and do it hard; but I will always do it good, and do it so sweet, your tongue will hang from your mouth, yearning to wrap it around my fat joystick, even though you can't because St. Peter is busy shoving you through the Pearly Gates. ("Entering Heaven is like passing through the Eye of the Needle.") Suddenly, you relax, dropping your heavily-muscled thighs onto my back; and I can finally slide the last three inches into you with ease. Safely locked in Heaven's Mansion, we moan our Eternal Comradeship to each other, as my River of Love flows smoothly through the gates, into the Land of Milk and Honey! My Darling Father, I want to bring you so much joy, I ache with need for you! The joy you already bring to me, though three thousand miles away, is already far beyond what even I, your very talented Son, could begin to describe! (My talents spring from the Loins of Inspiration! Thou art that fountain from which I drink!) Oh, I shiver to even think of your loving caresses on my trembling flank! This Little Pony is so incredibly blessed to rest his head on the legs of his Silver Stallion Stud! Randy, goodest and bestest friend for all time, I feel like I am your doctor who delivers you. Only I am easing your rebirth into your soul's next level...Heaven! God has given me the incredible honor to be your "midhusband," to make your New Birth painless as possible, and to stand guard to spank you, should you have difficulty with your first breath! You are in confident hands, my Son! This is my specialty! I have already delivered you without so much as a painful twinge of response, so that you didn't even realize you were birthing! Now look around you Randy, after reading this letter, and see for yourself that it is a different, and better, World out there! Then come to my side, for I have worked round-the-clock for many days, in order to be sure of a Perfect Birth for My Love; and I shall collapse in your arms with complete confidence that, as my doctor now, you will ease my birth into Heaven and into your Heart! SEMPER FI, Your Little Buddy ============================================================== May 26, 1987 Dearest Brother of The Bear Clan, I speak through your suffering friend, who is pleased to be called Little Pony. Great Forces move in his soul, and once more he knew no sleep. It is now 8:10 a.m., and I told him to rise so I could speak through his hand. His sorrow is indeed great, and his love for you sincere and intense. Yet not only do you betray him: you tear his trust and spit on his heart. The Little Pony's Spirit is breaking, and we prepare him for his ascension into the arms of The Great Spirit, The True Father of us all, Who looks down upon Genie as a True Son and Great Warrior. Were Little Pony born 100 or more years ago into our tribe, he would be a Shaman -- full of magic, joy, and inspiration to Our People -- and highly regarded and loved by Us. For the Shaman is the Heart and Soul of The Tribe, through whom the Gods speak, to guide and inspire Our People in The Ways of The Great Spirit. What my name is, and which Tribe I belong to is irrelevant...nor does Little Pony know, for I do not tell him. Little Pony must trust the movements of his hand, for it is in Faith that he works...not in proof by miracles and irrefutable, specific facts (like the White Man). Little Pony and I work together. For example, when I cannot find the right word to use, his mind gives me the word (like a living dictionary, though he is far, far more than this). And you, Little Bear, are far, far more than Randy Taylor! Though the Dark Forces fight very hard to keep you from realizing your Higher Self, by persecuting you with terrible fears of losing your sanity. Were you born 100 or more years ago you would be the Chief of Our Tribe, Father to all The People...as well as Lover and Guardian of Little Pony, Our Spiritual Doctor. For we speak Truth when we say you two are destined to be bound in heart by the Holy Spirit. We ask you to see through the Forest of Pain, and into the Fire of Your Spirit, wherein you may speak with us directly. You are being seduced and destroyed by White Man's Ways...and very soon, many souls who live the Dark Ways of the White Man are to answer to Our Father, and burn away into Eternal Light. In some of your communication with Little Pony, you spoke to him as our own People would speak to each other: as a loving Father to his only son, of whom He is mightily proud. Does a True Man and Walker of The Way of the Holy Spirit then betray these words and bring sorrow, torment and despair to his son-in-spirit? Or does a True Man rise above his fears, selfishness, and doubts by giving his heart up to one who has sacrificed his own heart up to you, in the name of The One Father? Indeed, a True Warrior does, though it be a terrible risk and a great sacrifice, for the Dark Forces pound you with every possible fear and belief that you are being most foolish. As Little Pony well knows, for by his great sacrifice and belief in you, the Dark Forces have indeed made his worst fears come to fruit...to the point that he is soon to leave this world and enter the Eternal Spirit World...if you, Little Bear, do not answer to his call...which you understand fully, but with much fear. The worst and most unmanly act Little Pony could ever do, is to let you wander off into the White Man's Ways. This is why our Little Warrior fights so bravely...even in the face of despair, insanity, and death...all of which also haunt you. White Man's Ways want you to perceive Little Pony as a crazy man, one who is truly beyond hope. So much like a white man to persecute these kind! Yet is it not with love and compassion that one should treat those who seem lost and beyond hope? Is it not this lack of love that put them in that dark dimension in the first place? How many more dark dimensions will you choose to create before the eyes of Our Father, before He is so moved that He stops you with His own hand? (Yet it is a strange mystery to us why God chose White Man to bring to our People the Truth of His Only Son! In the Darkness of The Great Storm dwells the Eye of Truth! The Bearers of The Greatest Evils are also Bearers of The Greatest Light! And this very same Truth borne by White Man will vindicate us before him! Mystery indeed!) Little Pony knows no rest from the world's persecution these days, and therefore stays in bed till noon...for he has nothing to look forward to! Going to Berkeley helps a little, but people there are also afraid to reach out...but certainly not hostile like San Franciscans. What joy he does know comes from his faith in Christ, and the wonders we show him. But his heart knows nothing else but love for you, Little Bear. It is time for you to look deeply into your heart without fear, for we promise you greatest of joys if you truly reach out to Genie! Little Pony needs you, and writing to you helps put some joy back into his heart. He knows your own suffering, and can't bear to see your agony turn you into a servant of evil who laughs and spits upon one whose love you fear! Little Pony fears you, too, yet he bravely moves into the Light, though it seems now all Darkness! You are being called upon to True Manhood and Godhead! Your love for Genie can make this world into the Happy Hunting Ground! Our Love, and Genie's ("Black Feather") (Semper Fidelis) P.S.: Little Pony constantly begs us to give you proof of what we say through him...even a miracle! Yet we tell him (sadly): "Wouldn't you want a Man who acts first of Faith, without requiring a miracle to convince him? A True Man is a Man of Faith. Without Faith he is less than a True Man, and therefore not a Man at all!" (Little Pony says, at this point he doesn't give a fuck!) And yet, is it not already a Miracle that Genie's love for you is so incredibly powerful, that it has caught our attention and wrapped us up in his affairs...for Little Pony's Love is indeed mighty, that it binds us to him as servants? We, the Archangels of The Brother/Sisterhood Of Angels, have spoken! Hey, what more do you want, kiddo? We're ready to tell Dad to get off his ass and talk with you! We're at wit's end! ============================================================== May 29, 1987 To My Dearest Friend Randolph, How truly beloved to me you are, Randy, and how it hurts to have attacked you because I have "a serious problem attacking those who don't give me what I want." (to quote your last letter). I NEVER wanted to be cruel to you, in ANY WAY...but because you insisted on being so intentionally malicious for so long, I had no choice but to find an effective way to strike back, that you may FEEL the pain you gave me, and KNOW how badly I hurt because of that! No, I'm not writing any letters or stories about you, and sending them all over the place. I am NOT vengeful or malicious. Anger is born from pain; hate is born from fear. If you think I'm supposed to act nicey-nice and smile brightly no matter what you do to me, forget it! No way! THAT'S not love, it's S & M! If I am destined to go insane or lose my life over this, I certainly won't go without a fight, kicking and screaming all the way! (So THIS is rebirth!? Just like a baby new born, wailing, kicking, hollering! Is this what's happening to us?) (Are we really rebirthing each other? I don't want to think of it as pointless, dark, and horrible! I refuse to give in to that, even if you yourself project such negativity!) You tell me: SHOULD I give up on you? AM I a nuisance, a pointless pain in the ass? DO you want rid of me for once and all? AM I just a pathetic, sick, homely little guy whom you wish you had never met? AM I a stupid, arrogant busybody who has absolutely no right to pry and interfere in your personal life? Tell me, tell me! (Or is THIS your vengeance: deadly silence forevermore!) What drama! Oh, my sweet Randy! I am star-struck by you! I completely understand your rejection of me, for who in this insane, vicious world DARES to believe in a love so beautiful and enduring? THAT'S scary, when relationships seem guaranteed to fail, especially between two men. But I RESIST, I REFUSE, to accept a hollow dream! I carry the torch that so many once carried in the Sixties! Am I the only one left? It sure SEEMS like it! I LOVE Viet Nam veterans. I love most of all any Man who has suffered terribly. Hey, I'm here for someone! It's not ME who isn't reaching out! I ALWAYS reach out! What am I supposed to do, when all I get is a wad of spit in my face, from all these suffering men who HATE me because my heart goes out to them? (One way or another I get their juices, don't I?) I certainly can't go on in a world that stomps on me because I refuse to give up my beliefs, dreams, and ideals! I refuse to swallow that bitter pill that tells me: "Hey! You can't cut the mustard to get a Lover, 'cause you ain't no stud! The best you can ever hope for is a halfway decent job and better keep your mouth shut and lick ass whenever they want, or you'll be out in the street! You keep rockin' our boat and we'll kill ya, goddam fairy! There ain't no God! There ain't no love! There ain't no justice! Better get your fuckin' nose to the grindstone and start payin' your own way, boy, 'cause we're TIRED of supporting you! You're dizzy! You'll be in the nut house soon, unless you commit suicide first! We WANT you dead! We didn't crucify Christ for nothin', ya know! To keep fairies like you in line! There's no God or Angel who'll come to your rescue! There's just US, and we'll kick shit out of you wherever you go! If you get a job, we'll drive you crazy, so you'll get fired! If you reach out to a man for love, we'll slap you around! If you get back on SSI, we'll persecute you with violent neighbors and spiteful managers! We'll cut you off SSI and see you in the streets! We'll put you into so much despair, that you'll jump off a cliff, then write you off as some crazy guy we're better off without! Your fate was sealed the moment you took your first breath!" Randy, I made a decision not to feed a corrupt system by paying taxes and sweating, bleeding, and crying away all my talents in order for a greedy boss to get fat and affluent. But I also don't look forward to a life of persecution, loneliness, and denial of any constructive purpose. I am not an island, and I need to be loved, to go on. I am too shattered now, to find some volunteer work with veterans, children, etc....to continue my good works. It's impossible for me to give w/o something back! As Buddha said, "Do not put any energy into serving corruption." Also, Gospel of Thomas, "He who does not fast from the system shall not enter the Kingdom." Am I hopelessly brainwashed by the Sixties? I think not, as my viewpoint is well founded by the cries of Nam Vets, American Indians, the handicapped, the poor, the gays, the blacks, and on and on. Yet the majority of dissenters (except the Amer. Inds.) see their freedom in the opportunity to go for the status quo! Sure, I love and support Nam Vets, blacks, etc....but do they care about me, 'cause I'm gay, or do they prefer to stomp me out? Where's a book on Nam to express a GAY vet's point of view, his added torment of playing macho and pretending he's hot for pussy? I can imagine the torment of a gay soldier in Nam, who not only suffered the holocaust of Nam, but had to see his buddies whom he secretly loved, go insane, be torture, mutilated, blown to pieces, etc., etc.! I'm sure any sex between men was either heart-breaking or dangerous, if not both. Not to mention our society's "disgrace" a "homosexual" would be, if found out! YOU were there, Randy. YOU are gay! YOU could have a LOT to say, and probably with incredible impact! You are a Man who so loved his Nam buddies, that he couldn't bear to leave them in that hellhole when his tour of duty was up...so you reenlisted, not once, but twice. You are a COURAGEOUS man, for you bear a terrible cross! It is NOT meaningless, what you've been through! Your incredible bravery, and wisdom gained through it, is a priceless treasure that will make this world into a better place for everyone! But if you DO write this book, without portraying it through a GAY man's eyes, you would be a liar and a traitor. You could be a Voice for those gays among us who are NOT faggots, and bear the cross for our back-stabbing, hypocritical brothers! And set an example for the faggots! I believe writing this book will also transform you in ways most healing and joyful -- though the writing of it bring back very painful memories. What the fuck! You live with these memories now, and they're still eating away at your inner peace! Consider writing your book. A little at a time. Don't rush -- chapter by chapter, you'll get it done. I am an excellent editor, and can assist you with this -- and I'll do it all for free. Even be your ghost writer, if you'd like...for free! Damn it, I BELIEVE in you! Yet, you still play fairy games with me. Do you enjoy being chased by 2 guys? Is it a good soap opera for you, that I play the "other" man? Fine, I'll give you that, and it'll be a GOOD fight! Put some ADVENTURE in your life! I'm selfless enough ('cause I love you SO much) to put some BITE into your love life! Is Jose paying more attention to you 'cause he thinks I'm such a hot number? Well, don't tell him how plain-looking I really am, or you'll snuff the fire in his heart! Play the innocent victim of some crazy, jealous guy -- cry in Jose's arms to get the affection you so badly need, the loving attentions that Jose has neglected! Better love, better sex, better everything! Boy, am I jealous! No one has EVER loved me! If anyone loved me 1/10th as much as I love you, I'd be in 7th Heaven! I'm tearing my hair out (what's left of it) and climbing the walls 'cause you're so incredibly handsome and sexy, and I can't have you, but Jose CAN! Shit, what a poor loser I am! Instead of bowing out gracefully, I spit and scream with rage! I NEVER dreamed I would be such a jealous lover, but I am! Jealousy? No. "Protectiveness" is a better word. I am so damned concerned that you get all the love you deserve and need, that I'll always be available to you, no matter how painful that may be! You CAN depend on me, especially whenever Jose cools his heels toward you, 'cause he cares so much about his capitalistic ventures, that you come SECOND! Semper Fidelis! I have passed ANOTHER of your many tests! I am a straight A+ student when it comes to life's most important calling: LOVE. Brave Little Pony, Genie P.S.: If your deadly silence persists much longer, I'll probably stop paying rent for a month or two, then pack up and move to the East Coast...to find you! And put myself at your mercy, to BEG for your love! Believe me, it could come to that. I AM a dreamer who follows his heart, and nothing else! And I'll PERSIST...'cause I'm tired of writing all these letters! Guess it's time to move from written to face-to-face communication! (I'll even live in the streets!) Through you, I holler at the rest of the world: "Stop destroying each other! Start LOVING for real this time!" I am screaming at God, and I won't shut up! I have absolute faith that ONE PERSON can bring down the Light...and am prepared for any sacrifice necessary! How does it feel to be my telecommunications link to God? Does it give you unusual, magical dreams? (Any angels, unicorns, or elves?) I refuse to accept anything less than The Ultimate Dream! Everyone else falls short of complete love, for the challenges are too scary! But I'm here to challenge the Dragon...not with death, but with love! "Love thine enemy!" How brazen of me to go so far as to love the Ultimate Enemy! For I understand Satan: the wrath of God: a newborn baby screaming at the top of His lungs! The Universe reborn! The New Creation! Randy, thou art most blessed (if I know what I'm doing), for it means you are to play a Great Role in bringing to the world the Age Of Aquarius! I'm fighting all the way to make your dream of Peace and Love come true, with you as the incredible Hero. Hey, baby, I love you so much, I cream in my jeans over you, my heart bursts with pride for you, your soul is the Silver Unicorn dancing before my eyes! Go tell THAT to Jose! My dreams are wrought through pain, like my whole life, because my challenge is no easy task. But I see the light at the tunnel's end...and this light is your gorgeous, childish smile! (Do any of my letters make you smile and laugh, as well as frown, cry, and scream? I hope so, for I am putting the spark of adventure and romance back into your sorrowful heart! Hey, sweetheart, you don't have to give up your Dreams...not with me!) Randolph Louis Taylor, don't you remember your FIRST letter to me, where you said: "Please help stop the dying!" I heard you man, and it still rings loud and clear! I start with you, beloved, for once I finally bring real joy to your heart, God shall guide us with a tender hand to bring joy to all the world! I really believe this! Christ has entered my temple, and keeps pushing me in that direction! I refuse to listen to the dragon, who speaks not just through my inner fears, but through the mouths of the world, including yourself, and tells me, "You're crazy man! You're insane!" Rather be crazy than go to Hell! But realize, my Little Dragon, that I want to bring Heaven to you FIRST, 'cause you have suffered so, so long, as God's most beloved Servant and Warrior for all Time! What fools these mortals be, NOT to love you with all their heart, Adonai the Eternal Child...Sweet 16! Lucifer, The Silver Unicorn with the big horn, dance for me, for you are so very LOVELY to watch! How blessed I am to gaze upon The White Horse! For thou art the cup of Love flowing over: the Eternal Spring of God's tearful joy...the Holy Grail! Who am "I" to be given such an incredible gift! But I do not allow this greatest of wonders to hypnotize me into immobility, for I answer to your call and move on...trusting my incredible gift of Intuition bestowed upon me, for this purpose! You tell me to keep the faith...and I shall, though I stumble often into pits of dark despair. But for Randy's sake, I forge ahead, keeping the Torch lit! (For I AM your Good Friend and Lover as you said, once, on the phone from D.C.) Randy, the sooner you open your heart to me, the sooner we can move on...and like quicksilver! What have we got to lose but our lives? What ARE our lives worth, anyway, if we don't go all the way! The world is on the brink of annihilation! We GOTTA start hollering together, as comrades! Are you SCARED to dream The Dream, after all your tragedies? Isn't THAT your challenge? You WANT to be a hero...it's in your veins. Don't let ANYONE (i.e., Jose) suffocate your free spirit by clipping your wings! If the Dream is just an idle useless fantasy, then let's get it over with and DIE! "I" understand Don Quijote! "I" dream The Impossible Dream! C'mon and play with me in the Field of Elysium! It's FUN! Let's go chasing windmills together! I put my life on the line for you, and I've gone so far, I REFUSE to quit, ever! I could DIE doing this, but I spit in the face of nihilism, which speaks through you, my most beloved! Stop it, or I'll slap your wrist again! You are an absolutely incredible, marvelous, beautiful man! Yet you hate me for saying this, 'cause you hate yourself! No man is NOT beautiful! But in my eyes you are the MOST beautiful! Jose laughs at me now, with smug self-satisfaction over the power he holds over you...but he shall weep one day, for you shall be gone, and in my arms forevermore! I never wanted to break two people up, but I now realize it's another obstacle put before me, by The Dragon! So I accept that challenge, as I have accepted all the others, and jump THAT hurdle, too! It is not "I" who hold any power over you, my True Love, but YOU who hold me in your spell! And you know it! That's okay by me! All I know in this world is I LOVE YOU. Nothing else matters to me! For the Gate of Heaven is through your heart! Semper Fidelis! Blessed Be! P.P.S.: Maybe I SHOULD forget all about you, and get my life back together: pick up the pieces and get a new job...and let my heart turn to stone, empty of all dreams. But I CAN'T! As much as it hurts reaching out to you, it hurts so much more to even think about giving up on you! It's as if the angels twist my arm whenever I consider dropping you...and the pain gets worse and worse, until I burst with all kinds of things to write to you about! Hey, this is living on the edge of sanity, and the only thing that keeps me from going over is writing to you! I can't BELIEVE how many thoughts gush from my pen! When I started this letter, I expected it to be only 2 or 3 pages! But now we're on page 13! After each letter, I always think, "Well, I've said everything, there's nothing left to say. I won't write to Randy for at least 2 weeks, and he might miss my letters." But by the next day I'm always bursting with new thoughts to convey to you! And I still send you gifts, even though you probably think "Let that asshole waste his money sending me gifts. I never asked him." Just like you told me at the D.C. VAMC once: "I never asked you to come out here!" Yes you did, Randy, by your shot in the heart that ricocheted on the television and pierced my heart! And you reached out to me in beautiful letters and phone calls, full of hurt, torment, needs, and love! You were a trembling child who needed the hand of someone strong enough to reach out and NEVER let go! That's ME! But now, in your regained strength, your macho facade has surrounded you once again...your defense mechanism to cover up all your incredible pain! But that's not gonna get rid of your suffering...only a deep and profound love will. Only God can do that, and He has chosen me through which His love flows to you. He won't LET me give up...no matter HOW badly I suffer your slings and arrows! I am Androcles and you are the Lion who raises his paw before me so I can remove the thorn. And when I did that, I saw drops of blood dripping from your chest...and realized another, greater thorn was buried in your heart! But you swipe at me, growl and bite, and dig your claws into me, for it hurts so much to touch that thorn, you'd rather kill than have it removed. So I must wrestle with you, till my last breath if need be...but I will have that Thorn removed! For I love you, Randy The Lion-Hearted! Surely I bring you hope, affection, kindness, and a renewed spirit through my letters, or you wouldn't be reading them! Remember, I'm only on SSI, and it IS a sacrifice to spend so much $$$ on parcel post and letters! And to part with my lovely art work! But a gift is not a Gift if it's not a sacrifice! And the greatest sacrifice is to know you may NEVER love me...indeed, to shower so much hate on me, who bares his soul to you! Surely The Good shall triumph, or I die! ============================================================== June 4, 1987 Dear Randy, This letter is not to say "goodbye," but to say "until we meet again." I have met a man so wonderful that I know he is the One God chose for me. Not that you are any less wonderful (for you are definitely NOT), and not that there is much heartbreak in my decision (for there IS), and not that I no longer love you (for I still DO)...but that God moves in mysterious and surprising ways. If sorrow overcomes your heart because of my "Dear John" letter, remind yourself that God does NOT allow sorrow if it were not necessary for your soul's fulfillment...and joy is part of the result. Before this year is out, it is highly probable that I will share my lover's home, whose address is NOT anywhere near San Francisco. We BOTH love you, and if you think you will ever be in need of our friendship, please write to us SOON (at my address, 1988 Market), before I move. We both reach our hands out to you in Christ...for we tell you without a flicker of doubt that the existence and story of Christ is a fact...and in this you may take comfort. For I am absolutely certain that you will pull through all your remaining trials with flying colors...thanks to your incredible strength and persistence against all odds, and my intervention on your behalf in the Name of Our One and Only Superhero: The True Father of Us All! If you think I am telling you I now have a Lover, just to get you to respond, then think again. For as time passes, you will see that I have ceased writing to you...and conclude that I may have spoken the truth after all! With great compassion to a brave and suffering soul, I say to you, "Godspeed," and may all your good dreams come true! Semper Fidelis! Your friend, Gene ============================================================== November 6, 1987 MY SWEETEST FRIEND, RANDOLPH !!! I frown on hero worship, because I believe it misleads people (out of their urgent desire for real leadership). "Look around!" I used to say, "There are heroes about us every day! Why need to worship an image of a person's face, three thousand miles away? Heroes unsung walk among us at every turn of the corner, and sit unknown beside you, sipping coffee from a styrofoam cup! Do you not see the greatness life demands out of each and every one of us, every day, just to make it in this world? Who knows the incredible deeds God has asked of them, at the cost of their very dreams, unless we stop and take the time to ask? "Beneath that tough exterior may be treasures of stories yet untold, to inspire the human race to strive on and be joyful no matter what! Is it not rewarding to the giver to see the smile on the recipient's face? Give of your heart once in a while, and you may see a heart so badly shattered you couldn't imagine how he survived all these years! And you will also see two grateful eyes light up with the joy of genuine comradeship! The greatest gift to a True Giver is a simple smile, for it is to him like The New Day, the resurrection of all life, the promise of man's true Renaissance! And he knows then, that he does indeed walk in Heaven among The Angels!" For to Him, The True Giver, Heaven is here, now, in The Present that lives and breathes with the richness of all life coursing through its powerful veins! And His message is joyful and plain to understand: "Be a Giver, like me, and the Kingdom of Heaven will surely be yours!" "Patience and Long-Suffering" is the name I give to the bridge that leads us out of Hell and into Heaven. At the entrance to this bridge is a sign that reads: "I'm tired of running in circles (seven to be exact)!" And at the other end of the bridge is no Angel Gabriel standing at the Pearly Gates, no sign, not even a placard. No, all there is is a most humble and lovely father who, with copious tears, embraces the Son he had lost so very long ago! Heaven for them is a bed filled with horse hairs, a hut in the woods for a home, and their only light that of the rays of the Sun. The entire World is their Friend, for strangers all are welcome to their humble abode, to be treated most graciously. And who can remain strangers for long under those sweet circumstances? Randy, you are a True Giver, as am I; and I celebrate the meeting of two comrades on this all-too-lonely-and-troublesome bridge. You are a Veteran of The War that America Wants to Forget. Our country has betrayed you and your suffering brothers! Holler, and never stop, holler down to your last breath if necessary! Holler until all ears have heard the message, and all consciences have been touched! Holler for the New World! Holler for the Love of God! You are a child of God, Randy, who, like Christ, was made the Sacrificial Lamb. The way to Heaven is never easy, but you have made such enormous sacrifices above and beyond the call of duty, that I can't help but feel so very strongly that God is absolutely bursting with pride for his most excellent and wonderful son, Randy! He has asked much of you--too much for most people; too much for me, I know--but he knows your strength and spirit! You have won a great test against the most extraordinary odds! I ask of God for one gift, and one alone, in this life: to be Randy's compatriot, his loyal friend, his rock, his renewal of hope, his best friend, his little buddy, his little pony.... Yours most truly, Genie ============================================================== January 24, 1988 My Dear Randy, I have an irresistible urge to write to you; as if you were thinking very warm thoughts about me. Either that--or it's an angel's nudge or a devil's prod! (I should be so lucky to get "prod" by a devil; angels are so fey!!!) It is my deepest hope that you are doing every bit as well as I am, now. My computer skills have grown deep and wide, and I am on the verge of programming sophisticated telecommunications programs. I have joined two electronic network BBS's (bulletin board services) that are outstanding, each in its own way. They are so ready to teach me anything I want about computers, and I'm lapping it up like a hown dawg to a garden hose on a hot Kentucky day! Most people haven't an inkling as yet, of how incredible these personal computers are! They can't begin to imagine what they'd use one for; but I can't imagine what I wouldn't use it for (yeah, Randy, even for that, you X-rated GI)! At the moment, I earn my living instructing all sorts of handicapped people how to operate a computer in all kinds of ways! They are so hungry for knowledge, their demands keep me growing at astronomical rates. I don't know whether they are more grateful for me, or I for them! Got my first short story published on an "electronic" magazine, through a BBS. Rave reviews flew in for me, on the "electronic" post office! (Messages are conveyed electronically, via a personal computer modem, and stored in the memory of the central computer (the "remote system"), until I desire to read them on screen and "save" them on my disk, to perhaps print them out at a later time. I look forward to some time later this year, when I'll make the "breakthrough" into a truly fulfilling and lucrative endeavor as a computer operator/instructor/author...after having settled down in Berkeley by July. So, though I hurt for a long time over your suffering, and your ridiculous maltreatment; I have "grown up" as a result--that is, without letting it destroy my inner child. Wishing the same for you (and it must be true, or I wouldn't see a sky so blue, rival to none but the eyes of you!). To believe that I would never see or hear from you again was destroying me, like a little dose of rat poison every day. How stupid to put myself through that terrible agony! Of course we'll be brought together again--this time for keeps! It is how I think that determines my success or defeat, despite reality's face or the jealous words of little minds! The universe is one hell of a lot bigger than these petty fiends choose to conceive! Yes, in a way I am your Guardian Angel, your Saviour (your Little Buddy!)...for I do save you from becoming as one of the little people --not the elfin folk, mind you, for their hearts are spun with gold, and their minds run like quicksilver!--rather, the kind of person who favors to bring a frown to a face, and a dark cloud to a sunny sky. This does not mean that I am better than you; but that I have not suffered the misfortunes you have, making it virtually impossible for me to know any more joy in living. Just think of the Silver Steed (PegaBucephalus!) I painted in your honor; for it springs from the deepest Well, whose Waters shall never know earthly corruption of mundane lips, nor the indirect assaults of unholy alchemy. (Where do you think the Angel Aquarius gets the water to fill her jar!) Be it that we are reflections--only Angels see Angels; and what I see is the Angel Who dwells in Everyman, though I favor by far the one that dwells in Randolph Louis Taylor! I think ours shall be a fine friendship indeed, for it shall sprout from the soul like a mustard seed. Blessings on you, Randy, and know that whatever Joy I have, I gladly share with you! Most affectionately, Little Pony Genie P.S.: Fill in your own P.P.P.S. this time! P.P.S.: Let it be your heart's desire! P.P.P.S.:_____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ============================================================== October 16, 1988 Dear Randy: I was up late last night, working on my computer (as usual...seems I haven't been able to go to bed before 3 a.m. since January), when I got a phone call. The operator asked if I would accept a collect call from so-and-so. Well, I didn't understand the name and, right after I hung up I realized she probably said "Randy." It's just that her southern accent was so thick ("Rahy-an-dee"), it took me a few moments for the name to sink in. Now, maybe my imagination is taking flight, and it was not you who called. However, who else would call me collect so late at night? Just want you to know that, if it was you, I was not acting mean...the operator hung up so fast, without bothering to repeat the name. If I knew it was you calling, I certainly would have accepted the collect call. And, if it was you, I know you wouldn't call at such a time without a real need to speak with me. So I do hope that, when I said, "I don't recognize that name," you won't think I was being mean. When I realized she might have said "Will you accept a collect call from Randy?", I stopped getting ready for bed and turned my computer back on to type this letter! If it was you, I hope you do not feel rejected because I refused the call! I didn't refuse it, I just said "I don't recognize that name." The operator then hung up...quite abruptly! It seems that some energy is working over time to put every possible obstacle between us. Now, Randy, I know in my heart that we will, eventually, become the best friends this world has ever known...and when we do, amazing things will happen in our lives. Do not think that I am sitting on top of the world now...it is just that I have become very, very strong in spirit, and refuse to let anything or anyone tear me down or stop me from my goals. I have learned even better ways to bring out the best in people I meet, and to keep a joyful spirit in times of adversity. So if it was you who called, please try again...and don't let the operator get in the way! I do think of you every single day, and am fighting right beside you, against whatever darkness falls across your path. It takes a long, long time to gain any wisdom from living...certainly not until we're past our youthful flush! Does the saying "Youth is wasted on the young" ring a bell for you? You are always in my prayers, Randolph Louis Taylor. I think you are a very, very fine man. Do believe in your dreams, other people, yourself, and God. Your existence counts for much, in many ways, and, since you are only now establishing a foundation on which to build your dreams: Your life has just begun! Semper fidelis, Silver Stallion. Gene ============================================================== October 29, 1988 My Dear Friend Randy, Somehow, in this Game of Life, I managed to pull the ring from the bull's nose! Apparently, I love you so much, that the Angels heard my prayers, and even Christ has decided to move my lips with His words, and tap the keyboard with His fingers. Of course, you may (still?) think I'm absolutely crazy...and I don't blame you if you do, for who in his (or her) right mind would? But (alas!) I am not. I can say with utter confidence, for the Angels ring the truth loud and clear in my ears. And this is what they say: Wonderful things have begun happening in your life, and Hope now shines on the Horizon of Your Heart. And, when the sun soon rises, Christ will shine down on you. And, in the brilliance of the Son's rays, it is My Face you shall see. For Christ's brilliance dwells within each of us, and love eventually conquers the Beast. And well it should...for the Beast's greatest desire is to be conquered! (How arrogant of us to even consider forgiving him.) Randy, you have no idea how my heart sings with joy to hear the Good News (from the very Archangels Themselves!) that wonderful things have begun to happen for you. I have proudly helped to carry your cross...and I must say, it has been the worst agony to ever befall me. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Since the cross has just been lifted from me, I know that it is likewise for you...for I refused to let it be lifted before He lifts yours. Welcome to the New Age, Brave Stallion! You are truly a great hero! God's finest soldier ever. A crown of silver will speak of your Godliness for all eternity. (Watch how quickly your hair silvers out!) I am not so much the fool you once thought, eh kiddo? I knew what I was doing all the time...for I followed my foolish, stumbling heart and listened to nothing else. I long to be with you, for it has been so terribly long since I last gazed upon your handsome countenance...and look forward to the phone call you will make to me, within a few days. (I do not know for sure if any of these things will come true, but the Angels insist it is true this time. Well, they have lied to me so often; now I'm expected to believe every syllable uttered from their mischievous but beautiful lips! Well, tell ya what: I do believe them, as it is Belief that has gotten me this far in the first place!) As much as I miss you, you are beginning to miss me even more. Hope you got money, 'cause I'm dirt poor, and would hate to start things off in poverty, stuck in a tiny room. (I have since built a loft for sleep and storage, which helps the space crisis somewhat.) I have felt your presence quite intensely these last two days, so I know you are thinking about me a whole lot. (As a matter of fact, it seems this very moment you are standing on the other side of my door, about to knock...kinda creepy, like a ghost!) Then again, it could be an Angel in your disguise, pulling my leg. But I'm shallow and cheap, so I'll take the Angel without a second thought, if I can't have you! He's an identical clone, so I won't ever know the difference. As a matter of fact, when he shows up at my door, he'll insist he's Randy Taylor no matter how much I challenge him! Eventually, I'll crack under the brainwash, and really think he is you, instead of some devilish angel. I'll be putty in his hands. What a miracle we have here! And, if you haven't figured it all out yet, I'll tell it as it is. The Christ Child has settled in my body, because my intense love for you drew Him to my soul. Now, the Child and the Father can't bear to be separated for too long, so obviously God must get to His Son through someone else's body. And you're it! So, if you're wondering why you have this sudden love and desire for me that seems to have come out of the blue...well, it did come from out of the blue (Heavens, that is!) So, at the same time we have our own personal life together, The Father and The Son have theirs through us. We will become, in a sense, Them. While still remaining as Randy and Gene (two incredible souls nonetheless), we will have extremely personal glimpses and experiences otherwise only known between The Father and His Wonderful Son. That is to say, we will be the First to become filled with The Spirit. In other words (here's where I hit you over the head), God and His Amazing Son are descending to earth in the flesh of Randy and Gene. (So, as Christ, I'd like to take this moment to say, "Hi, Dad! You sure are a goodlooking stud!") Through us, the whole world shall come to know God in the truest sense. For the greatest Messenger (read "Angel") of God is EROS. His arrow has just pierced your heart, and the arrow is engraved with my name. About time, too, as my heart was pierced three years ago, and here I am, hanging on to the edge of the West Coast, waiting for you all this time! God is not only answering my prayers for your happiness, but also for all the world! Boy, did I hit the jackpot! Anyway, Randy, none of this may be outwardly true...but the experience that is Love certainly puts the Universe on one's side! Randy, here is a revised version of my Sally Jones story, now called "SALLYJONES (1)". It's a big hit on the bulletin board services, and soon I will release the animated version (boy, am I having fun doing that...especially the scene with The Administrator Of Life). I'm sure you'll appreciate the changes I've put to the first version I gave you. Well, I guess I'll be hearing from you soon, Dad. Don't forget: you always announce your arrival with a rip-roaring thunderstorm and electric light show! Your fame precedes you, Great Zeus! All My Love (as if you ever doubted in the first place!), Your Little Pony, Genie P.S.: How is the Silver Horse, PegaBucephalus, whom I have trusted in your care? Has he started talking yet? ============================================================== November 2, 1988 To My Angel Of The Morning: You are living proof of the fact that you don't have to die to become an Angel (though admittedly, dying is a quick way to do it). I have enlarged several news photos of you, so that your radiant smile may fill my room...as it already does my heart. Here is what G.O.D. told me about the Viet Nam War; that I may pass it onto you: Those who fought in that terrible War are the greatest Soldiers in the Universe, and shall be glorified for Time Immemorial. And the Bravest of The Brave is Randolph Louis Taylor, whose heroism shall forever be marked by a glorious crown of Silver Light...the emanation of The Christ Child Himself! For their Real War began after returning to the States...where the Greatest War to be fought is on the Psychic Plane, where the Evil and the Good do battle. Well, you Brave Soldiers won with flying colors! Those who died in this War were called to the Greater War in The Heavens. Without these sterling Men Among Men, we would surely have lost! To those survivors who still dwell on the Earthly Plane: Take Heart, for you shall soon be glorified in this life, not in death. Your brothers who have died at War (either in Viet Nam or at Home), stand beside you in great dignity. They have many wonderful gifts for their living (read "earthbound") comrades, all of whose crosses are about to be lifted. And when I say "soon" and "about to," I am speaking in Earth Time...though I do not reveal the exact day to Gene, he is correct in assuming that the cross of all Nam Vets shall be lifted some time in the last days of this year, 1988. G.O.D. speaks through me on a more intimate topic: I hate to harp on the issue of Your Little Pony, Genie, but he has laid down his life for you many times over, by bearing your terrible cross, and fighting by your side in your worst battles...most loyal of comrades is my sterling son, Gene! He is animating his Sallyjones story, but presently has a stupid creative block that prevents him from doing the final two illustrations (there should be 6 in all). First, he tried to draw My Face (G.O.D.'s), but that proved to be too much for him at the moment. What he came up with was a stern father figure with white beard and hair all over the place! Boy did the Gods and Goddesses have a laugh over that. Gene's idea was to have G.O.D. speak: "Vietnam Veterans, stand proud! Glory To You, Brave Soldiers, From Every Corner Of The Earth. (So says G.O.D.)." The illustration, however it turns out, must be dedicated to the Nam Vets. Truly, this story is dedicated to Randy Taylor and the Vietnam Veterans. However, We do not plan to have Gene draw G.O.D.'s face in this particular story...and, for reasons Gene cannot accept, we have put a block in his creativity until the Heavenly Bodies attain a particular alignment. He also tried drawing your face...with no success, yet. His admiration and love for you fills the Gods and Goddesses lime green with Envy (with a capital "E"!). A nice touch at the end of the story is his final (animated) illustration...which is the face of Sallyjones...though a robot girl, she is indeed beauty personified...and is actually the face of Aphrodite, who rules the planet Venus. Well, Gene was certainly thrown for a loop over that one! As clever and ingenious as Genie is, we still manage ways to surprise him and take him on a Cosmic roller coaster ride. About his creative block: he misses you so very much! He longs for your friendship and love! He is sick with Eros's arrow lodged in his heart. Perhaps he may not even be able to complete his Sallyjones illustrations until you finally come to his side, whereby he will become completely fulfilled, and the creative block will dissipate. He knows the story is the most important story ever told, and is therefore eager to release it...for We have told him that it shall enlighten every soul on earth. Beneath the picture of Sallyjones is the sentence: "Sallyjones welcomes everybody to the Golden Age of Aquarius." So you can understand Gene's frustration and pain from this dumb creative block! His greatest prayer is to have your prayer answered: which is to liberate all Viet Nam Veterans, and glorify them on Earth as well as in Heaven. This shall be achieved through Genie's story. Every day it is not finished, is a day of agony for Gene. Every day without you by his side, is also agony. We do not plead with you to come to Gene, for you shall, and very soon. But we do want to make you understand the importance of contacting him to reassure him that this is all true, and that you indeed will take him for your lover of eternity. This is Destiny! Randy, I am so joyful for you, that G.O.D. has finally awakened you to Truth, because your cross has been lifted! The only sadness I now have, is over the fact that we are not yet together physically...though we certainly are in spirit! And how it does hurt! (I guess I really am in love with you.) What great joy is in store for you, as soon as you knock on my door at 1988 Market, Rm. 205! May this coming Veterans' Day begin the glorification of the Viet Nam Veterans! This is my wish. So be it. It is done. Amen. Your Loving Friend, Gene, Prophet (and Profit!) of the New Age P.S.: So you see now the magnificent way in which The Angels do, eventually, answer our prayers! ============================================================== December 31, 1988 To a Fine Human Being, Randolph Taylor: Randy, though I can't afford to mail you another letter (I have only 8 cents to my name) until January, I have begun writing it today, the last day of the year. Also, I am out of ruled paper, and find it excruciating to write on unlined paper...so, even though I like the personal touch of hand-writing my letters to you, I will be typing this letter on my computer. I don't think anybody cares about you more than I do; nor do I think anybody, but a few rare (other) souls in this world care about anyone else as much as I do you. I also bear a lot of pain and anger towards you, for your prolonged (and continuing) crude behavior towards me...but that is part of being human; and my feelings are far from unfounded. And only a very stupid person would not understand my feelings of hurt and outrage (as well as love)...and you, Randy, are not a stupid man; you are, as a matter of fact, extremely intelligent. I know I have described my feelings of hurt and anger towards you; but I feel it bears repeating, in different words. I also want you to know that this letter bears no malice to you; and is written from my heart. So please bear with me, for there will be many kind things expressed to you, after we go through why you hurt me and made me angry. It is important for me to work this through, and equally important for you to hear me out (once again). I fell in love with you the day I first saw you...and I also knew you were a man bearing a terrible cross. It was written in your eyes and on your face: that you have suffered greatly for many, many years, and are in terrible need of a good friend. And God said to me, when I first saw you: "Take good care of him, though he may put you through hell. This is a man worth devoting your life to, and I promise he will return your love, in time." Now, before you laugh at me again for my claim that I "see angels," please remember that you were quoted by a news reporter regarding your fast: "I know I won't die from this fast because my guardian angel told me so." While some of my "spiritual experiences" and "messages" may be only my imagination, and not from God or His servants, I know that, in general, most of them are true...especially when it comes to my intuitive abilities. This does not necessarily make my life any easier (in fact, I believe, it makes my life harder), but if it weren't for those experiences and beliefs, I don't think I would still be alive. It is in suffering and loneliness that we are most open to God; and if God selects you for an important calling, then of course your life will most likely be a lot more difficult than the average person's...in order to develop your soul on a higher plane of spiritual understanding. (I also hope that these things I am saying give you more strength to persist, and believe in your dreams and aspirations.) Though I have torn up all your beautiful cards and letters to me, I have most of them photocopied. They give me much encouragement and hope...and faith that it is the right thing to continue writing to you, and expressing my love. At worst, you will forever regard me as a nuisance and fool; but at this point, what do I have to lose? Soon after you shot yourself, we began communication, and for three months, opened our hearts to each other. You made promises to me, which included a great and needful love towards me...in your letters and on the phone. Now, being old-fashioned, I do not interfere with someone else's love life...and was able to still love you as a friend, had you told me that you and Jose did not really break up (or were back together again). You did, however, lead me to believe that it was over between you and Jose. This freed me to fill a space for you, which I very badly wanted to do all along. So, one reason for my hurt and anger was to find out that you and Jose did not break up, but have been together all the time! It was cruel of you to mislead me, for it was at my expense which caused me a lot of sorrow and anger. When I told you I was coming out to Washington, D.C., to see what I could do to help you, you suddenly became cold as ice towards me, and addressed me as your "West Coast connection." When I did visit you, you were, almost all the time, very unkind and cruel towards me...yet in the letters you sent me during this time, you expressed a lot of kindness. I don't think you really understand just how painful and sad it was for me to fight so hard for you in D.C., because of the extreme unkindnesses you showed toward me all that time. You kept avoiding me, but did leave me those beautiful letters. I believe those letters more than I believe the cold facade you presented towards me. Every day in D.C. was hell for me. And, whether you admit it or not, I did accomplish one hell of a lot for you, Randy Taylor...though you chose not to follow through with all the wonderful support I mustered up for you, from organizations and individuals in key positions. When you were relocated to the VAMC in S.F., you never told me, and I had to discover this through Tom Cahill. What kindness do I get from you, for visiting you? A request not to visit you at all. You lied to me when you said "I was going to call you very soon." You also lied when you said we'd get together outside of the hospital, either at my place, or some other place in the city. You never even bothered to call me. Then, when you commenced writing to me (after such a long time of silence) from Coatesville, I was very, very happy to hear from you. Yet you were not honest in our communication, which led me to believe that more deception was coming from you. Randy, you can't lead a person on, then spit on him, without expecting an eventual response of anger! You dumped too much pain on my shoulders--unnecessarily so--and finally I retaliated. My retaliation was severe enough, I hope, that you will never try to hurt me with your manipulation and sadistic motives. I am not a vengeful person, but I knew then, that I had to retaliate with enough force to show you that I can hurt you, if I want (as anyone can do, if they want--as you did to me so many times). My retaliation was intense, also, in hopes that this would make you STOP hurting me intentionally, ever again. There is no point in my trying to hurt you back, ever again (no matter how else you try to hurt me), but I had to show (teach) you something...and I also do not see how you would ever respect me in the long run, if I did not attempt to dish back some of what you dumped on me! If I didn't love you so much, my feelings (whether negative or positive) would not be so strong. Now, you're an adult, and understand exactly what I am saying. Randy, I even understand why you have been so unkind towards me...and continue to be so, by remaining silent. I know how much you suffer, and still do...for if you were truly healed (or almost completely so), you would communicate to me, and begin making things up...to the point where our friendship would blossom into one of the finest friendships the world has ever known. I care about you so very much! I shall never forget the incredible sacrifice of your 40-day fast...though the rest of the world might. For that alone, I will always carry a candle for you. But I also know so much more about you; and how difficult have been your struggles to persist in the face of many awful tragedies throughout your life. My heart shall never stop singing out to you; and I only hope that some day you will wake up to this, and realize what a good friend you have in me. I already realize the potential for love and compassion that our two hearts, together, could bring to the world...in one way or another. I know without a doubt what a truly incredible Man you are...and no facade of coldness (no matter how cruel) could make me believe otherwise. I hope that my words give you solace when you need it, and that my letters (almost all of which have been loving) put some warmth in your heart, and bring you encouragement and hope for a far better world than the one that still exists. For that is the kind of friend I want very badly to be to you; and it is the calling that God has asked of me, and which I proudly follow. And please realize that this letter is not written without many tears. For how painful it is to continue expressing my love towards you, though I know that I may never hear from you again, and/or that you may continue to laugh and spit on me for the rest of our lives. I do know one thing for sure: when you die, I will shortly follow. That is how close I feel towards your soul. I realize that more Vietnam Veterans have died since the war (suicide, neglect, etc.), than have died in the war. And I know it is your greatest cross to bear, that the suffering and dying continues each moment...and your greatest prayer is to bring a decent life (housing, jobs, medical care, compassion, etc.) to those vets who still survive. I am doing all I can to help you "stop the dying." It is God who keeps me from acquiring the money and/or other resources necessary to set up my first non-government-sponsored home for disabled Nam Vets. So I do curse God every day; for it is every day the vets' suffering continues...hence, yours. You may not have been able, yet, to get to a computer to see my animated story, "Sallyjones," but you do know it is dedicated to the Vietnam Veterans, and that I ask people to spend a little money to care for these vets...and that one way is to send me the money, which I will funnel to you...in hopes that enough money can be generated to open homes for disabled Nam Vets. Well, it's one way I am trying to keep your dream alive. Though I am terribly sorry to say that, while my story is becoming quite popular with the computer networks across the country, not one person has yet to send me any money. I pray that it is doing its magic, even though not evident to me. And, I want you to know that, even if I am starving, I would never use that money on myself, but send it right to you. I consider you one of the most important people to ever exist...and truly believe that you have much to say to the world, and important works toward a better world, in the very near future. I believe with all my heart, mind, and soul, that God has chosen you for a great calling...but such important callings do not come first without a most difficult and painful life path (which is what your's has certainly been). And I also believe I have a similar calling, and that God has chosen us to work together...for in so doing He has also answered our individual prayers for a devoted lover. We are both very demanding, and only want the best...well, you are the best in my eyes and, I hope you will someday realize, that I am also the best. Whatever your fears, angers, misunderstandings, or hatreds you still feel towards me; I hope you soon rise above them. I am selfless enough to say: "I love you, buddy, and I need you, more now than ever before. I am so awfully proud of you, and only wish you will give me the chance to show you exactly how damn proud of you I really, really am! I live for you alone, and have dedicated the rest of my life towards fulfilling your dreams. When will you resume communication with me, so that we can complete the building of our bridge of friendship? It will be the most joyful thing we will ever know, and will last for the rest of our long and happy lives! Together, we will make the world stand up and notice! Together, we will turn it around! I believe in you, my angel! Please believe in me!" Randy, I know I have my crazy moments, as you do, too. But because I understand those moments, I can still love you and reach out. Why condemn me for my off-the-wall moments? If I had a good buddy to love, and who loves me back, my crazy moments will lessen and finally disappear. I do need you so badly, and I don't think you have any idea how much I hurt without your friendship. If I have to keep on begging, so be it: please, please break down and call me. I have nothing but great admiration and love for you, Brave Soldier! But if God deems that the only way I can reach out to you anymore, is through letters (even though you never respond again), well, it's a difficult calling, but I will always continue supporting and loving you...in any way I can, even if it's only letters for now on. Your sad and lonely Little Pony, Genie P.S.: Even if you called or wrote to me in anger, I don't care. Just to hear your voice again (or read another letter) will bring joy to me. Any anger from you I can handle, and will deal with, not by retaliation, but with patience. And if you think sharing my "dream" is dangerous and not realistic, well, set me straight. We can still be great friends...and perhaps some real kindness from you will put me in a balanced perspective. What I'm trying to tell you is: I am willing to work with you, as a friend, in whatever way seems best. ============================================================== Jan. 6, 1989 To My "East Coast Connection": I trust that you are continuing to make headway with your good works back East. It's not easy doing God's work, is it, Goodest Buddy of all? I have had a few extremely difficult setbacks but, all in all, I am moving forward with great success! Naturally, because the message of Love I bring to people requires that I remain vulnerable (for I must approach each person with trust, and give the benefit of the doubt), some see me as a dizzy fool, an easy mark, a "pushover." Some even go so far as to be violent in action or word. That is when I need most for some kind man to hold me in his arms, so that my strength may be renewed. Unfortunately, that has yet to happen, and thus is a terrible and sad cross to bear. But then, there are others who are receptive enough to smile back and say "thank you." And THAT is so very beautiful! Some people are even SCARED of me! They think I'm DANGEROUS to be around! THAT I think, is hilarious...because they are so right! I AM dangerous to those with closed minds, closed hearts, and/or big, fat egos! But I DO know that, whatever the reaction, I have touched each and every soul that I meet...and have thus triggered whatever effect was necessary to accelerate their ascension to a higher, saner state of consciousness. Christ works through my words, hands, eyes...indeed He permeates every cell of my body. I think this is why I sometimes FEEL like I really am Him (though, when balanced, know that I am NOT)...for our hearts are one! I realize, now, that my love life has always been painful, disappointing, and unfulfilled, because it is the particular PATH God has chosen for me. By creating such a desperate, needful space in my heart, I am compelled to reach out to as many men as possible, in order to find someone who can return the kindness. And in trying so hard to "make it work out" with someone, I trigger a change for the better in that person...even though he may, at the time, react with cruelty. By keeping me frustrated, I continue to reach out and therefore affect more souls. Should God answer my prayer, I would be totally committed to one man...and therefore stop reaching out to others. This is my "dharma," my path. Not that this vicious cycle will go on forever...for I know that God will soon bring me a Great Love through a wonderful, kind man. He tells me "Hang in there, Genie, just a little longer, for the hardest part of your work is almost complete. Soon, I shall bring you your lover, and the both of you shall do good works together, and in great joy." Naturally, I want that man to be YOU my handsome stallion! But whoever he is, we shall soon meet. (The Good Humor Man!) Randy, perhaps you are having a difficult time of it right now, for I know it is almost Jan. 15--now a most significant (and perhaps painful) date in your life. Please find whatever little, good things in life that you can focus on...in order to put some joy in your heart, and even a smile on your lovely face. I am so concerned about you, and my greatest dream is to see your eyes sparkle with renewed hope, joy, and love. Don't ever despair, my sorrowful brother, for I cannot bear to think of how much suffering you have known in your difficult life. Keep the faith, sweet buddy, for not only can we turn it around--we ARE! Do not be too scared or surprised if you start witnessing some beautiful miracles. They are what spring out of soil sown with the seeds of Love! And I nurture you as The Gardener nurtures the Earth. One of the miracles happening in my life, is that I am beginning to meet people who actually understand me! That is indeed a major breakthrough. I love you forever and always, Randolph Louis Taylor...and am PROUD to carry the torch for he who fasted for 40 days! May God's Light be with you always, And may Life's glorious bounty Fill your spirit, as it is mine. Your Courageous Little Pony, Genie ============================================================== March 21, 1989 Randy, my Adorable Friend: I know that most people find me difficult to understand and be with...but that's because God has created a special wonder in me. Don't you realize that this puts a powerful sense of awe in my own being, that it often scares me? But I serve Our Lord; and the best way to do that, is to learn (more and more) how to be what God intends--how to be MY SELF. So, into The Light I go, dancing. So many wonderful things have been happening to me, these last few weeks, that I would say that miracles are gathering around me like barnacles to a whale! Perhaps this means I shall soon die...but because I have done such Good Works, God intends my death to be an easy passage...indeed, one without any fear but, instead, great joy! If my death is imminent, then I shall leave many behind...who shall come to appreciate who Gene Catalano was (and what he stood for)...and in this way, a new church and a new world shall be born. I prefer to think, however, that I shall persist, in this life (that is, not die!), and become living proof that Angels exist. But among the many great wonders working through me, are dark shadows that threaten my physical and mental well-being. Seems that I have been thrust into the arena of a Satanic cult that plans a terrible massacre in an attempt to overtake San Francisco. I was a second-hand witness to the skinning of a human male (from neck to thighs, with genitalia still intact)...first-hand witness being a friend, who has chosen to pretend it is not important enough to bring to anyone else's attention! (Actually, the three witnesses are in a state of shock over it; thus hypnotized by the person possessing the skin: he holds a power over them. They joke about it; don't even realize how sad, terrible, and serious this is!) My friend did, finally, confess to me (just my rotten luck)...several months after the incident. Well, I informed the Church of The Holy Redeemer about this...and intend to stay in touch as things progress in this case. I will soon contact a detective I know...and perhaps CUAV (Community United Against Violence). I have also informed all my friends about this matter...some of whom believe I made it up. I do not believe my friend (who witnessed the evidence) made this story up. I am also writing a story about this; so I can disseminate it across the computer networks...and everything in the "fictional" tale will be accurate...so that, should anything terrible happen again, plenty of people will be alerted. I call the story, "The Box In The Fridge." There has also been an arson attempt on my building two weeks ago (in the apartment of someone I don't know)...but the suspect used my name to get in! So I am working closely with the police department, and the building manager. The suspect is someone I had over several times; and was always very good company. But something told me to keep him away...which I did and, some time after that decision, he tried to burn down the building (after an argument with the person renting the apartment, for which the fellow was housecleaning.) That day, he buzzed the managers to let him in, by saying he wanted to visit me. Well, I was home then, and he never came to my door! During the fire, I happened to be drinking coffee at Without Reservations. It is now my conclusion that this Satanic cult is using people who know me, to work against me...by putting bad thoughts in their minds about me; which they think is their own (hence justified), and not an alien invasion. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Think of why you have been so hostile towards me, for so long (before it's too late)! If God truly intends me to die before we meet in this life, I say to you, my Dearest Randolph: "You know the truth, now. It is my gift to you, that you light The Candle, and carry it in my name. Tell the world my story (you still have all my letters and art work, don't you?)! Abundant blessings to you, the only Sweetheart I care to love!" I do not really believe I shall die...but you never know about God. I, however, have absolute faith that I shall live forever, in this body, and the whole world shall enter Heaven. And I shall change into a lovely 16-year-old boy, "The Little Angel Who Wouldn't Fly." It is not me who dares to dream The Impossible Dream, but Our Father...and, though an incredible mystery to me, He wants to put me in the limelight! Oh, well, The Grand Joke is on me (my price for learning to love myself). Semper Fideles, Little Pony (Luigi Unicorno) ============================================================== March 11, 1989 Randolph Louis Taylor, Loveliest Unicorn Of All! (and FirstPresident of the NuUnitedStatesofAmerica): What do you think of changing the national currency to one with pictures of unicorns? We can change the motto "E. Pluribus Unum" to "E. Pluribus Unicornum"! And, after sending the first horse to the moon (after, of course, designing the space suit), we can have him proclaim the motto: "One small step for a horse; one great leap for Homo Equinus." (I guess the space capsule should be named "MR. ED 1"...unless you have a better idea.) Well, you are the best Father anyone could ever have. (I do not claim to know everything, but I do know your spirit speaks to me as God does, and my spirit speaks back as His Son. But please also realize that I know I am Gene and no one else, and that you are Randy. Now, may I go on and speak my praise for you?) I guess someday very soon, you shall knock on my door, while I am writing a letter to you...and you will be dressed in white with a coin belt slung over your hips, for you ARE The Good Humor Man! Meanwhile, I'm walking all over San Francisco and Berkeley, telling everyone: "I am a unicorn!"...during which time you are probably wandering around D.C. and N.Y. saying: "Let me make one thing perfectly clear: I am not God." Boy, do we make a pair! I love you like nobody's business; and thank you for all the lessons you have taught me. I know you bore much pain and sorrow on my behalf, in order to help me become the sterling soldier I demand to be. I know you are very wise, and know many things about the universe that I have yet to discover. I know you are thinking of me, as I type this letter...just as if you are standing right here, with a loving hand on my shoulder (the other hand is experimenting on certain areas which are too embarrassing for me to mention). I have become well-loved, here in the Bay Area...including many lovely and intelligent young men (they are the salt of the sea). But, in truth, I love you more than words can say, and if you wanted me, I'd throw the rest away! Meanwhile, while the Big Cat's away, this mouse shall play all day! (I suspect that these boys are a gift from you, anyway.) In a dream I slept with a horse with a horn While the grass was being born. And in the springtime we arose With flowers between our toes. Randy, I have reached the top of the Mountain Ridge, and far below, on the other side, spread the Eternal Fields of Elysium! I have made it, I have made it...come on and join me (the water's fine)! The network that you and I have started (you on the east coast, me on the west), has finally linked hands, and is now spread across the entire country. I have also discovered the real reason for the hole(s) in the ozone layer: Heaven is overpopulated with unicorns! The other day, when I called them to arms, I said, "Unicorns unite!", but they chose to misinterpret my command...so that, when I then said "Mount!", it was all over for me. As you (should) know, unicorns are light-eaters, and graze upon the ozone layer. But now, due to the population surplus, they are eating more ozone than can be replaced! Soon, there won't be enough ozone for them all, and they'll fly to earth, searching for new pasture. Well, of course, they'll turn on to grass, as its chlorophyll is predigested light. I, for one, intend to always hang a planter full of grass out my window, so that some unicorns shall always be hovering around my room (like hummingbirds, only a lot bigger). Don't worry, I'm not confusing unicorns with winged horses...unicorns actually "glide," not "fly," much like bats, flying squirrels, and pteranadons. (How many unicorns can perch on the head of a pinhead? Are we having fun yet?) Oh, how I love you, my wonderful Randy! Yours always, Little Pony Genie ============================================================== May 10, 1989 Dearest Randy, I have decided to distribute a collection of my letters to you, in story form: "LOVE LETTERS FROM JESUS TO HIS DADDY (abridged)" (abridged, because what letters I have copied and kept are only about 10% of all my letters sent to you, since January 1985...not to mention all those cards, cassette tapes, and art work!). No names, places, or dates have been changed to protect the innocent (or guilty)...and I am not doing this out of any act of vengeance towards you, but because I believe with all my heart, that distribution of my letters will transform this sad and troubled world into an eternal Paradise! The "unabridged" version will become but one book in a larger volume to be called: "The Final Testament -or- The REAL Satanic Verses", which will be an enormous, multi-media "book" about 11" by 14" large. All my letters, some of which are handwritten, some computer-printed, will be duplicated exactly like the originals...only with illuminated manuscript and designs around the border of each page. This includes all the lovely cards I sent you (some of which you used to cover an entire wall of your hospital room at the D.C. VAMC)...which shall be duplicated exactly as they are, so they will pop-out in 3-D, from my master volume. Got the idea? Well, the expense is beyond me, so I must leave this to the Angels to accomplish...as they said they would, in a dream I had two years ago. The abridged version of "Love Letters" is now being distributed across the computer bulletin board services (which means it will eventually travel around the world). And I also handed one high-quality printout to a trusted friend, who is also the best bartender in S.F. I instructed him to make a few copies to disseminate among his friends. (The seed has been planted, let the Lotus Flower blossom!) Obviously, this book will become an underground cult classic in the Gay Community. Sue me, sue me: what can you do me? I LOVE YOU! ---finis