-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://surf.to/gaybible -------------------------------------------------------------- AN ACCOUNT OF MULTIPLE RAPE IN THE FIELDS OF ELYSIUM (IS EREHWON SAFE ANY MORE?) (a parable for the 21st century) © 1998 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin (Jehovah's Queer Witness) I am standing on this vast, endless plain, which I know are the Fields of Elysium...and I'm seeking God's Throne. Which direction? There are no signs posted anywhere, no clue of any kind. Then I realize I should walk where I would walk, and be certain that I'm going in the right direction. So I forge onward, in total confidence that I am headed for the throne. In a while, the field ahead becomes scattered with boulders and stubbly trees. And on each boulder sits a very sexy, handsome angel (traditional appearance, fluffy white wings and all). But each angel resists my passage, as if an invisible shield blocks me from going beyond the boulder. Each angel dares me to go beyond, with a coy, come-hither look from bedroom eyes! So each angel I approach, I knock to the ground and rape...though they offer little resistance (but my incredible strength may explain this part)! That seems to be the only way I can move on. Of course, I'm really feeling my oats by the time I have finished with the last angel on the last boulder. But as soon as I stand up to put on my pants, I am knocked over by an angel that comes swooping down from the sky. He pins me to the ground and dicks the daylights out of me, while saying over and over (until he is done with me), "What goes around, comes around, Hot Stuff!" Of course, he is deliciously handsome (more so than the previous umpteen angels I had just deflowered, if you can believe that), and the experience is incredible...thus the taste of my defeat is far from unpleasant. Perhaps I had dallied with several angels, perhaps millions...who can remember in that other dimension? (Perhaps I brag a bit much; let me continue...) Then I get up and continue my walk until I reach God's throne. And there he is: "Adonai", eternal sweet 16, naked, beautiful, perfect! A golden light bathes him and radiates his life force as a brilliant, warm aura that touches me gently. But something is missing: a face! Adonai has no face; it is a blank oval! I swiftly approach Adonai to touch his hand, when suddenly I find myself sitting in his throne...looking out at the vast endless Fields Of Elysium. At last! Adonai has a face...and eyes with which to see. ---finis