-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://surf.to/gaybible -------------------------------------------------------------- TO ALL TRUE BELIEVERS IN GAY LIBERATION & AFFECTION © 2002 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin Dear Editor, I am composing this letter on the fly...as my spirits have instructed me just this moment, to convey the following information to all major gay newsgroups: Why does what seems so obvious to people like us, elude your average citizen? Why do we know in our hearts the rightness of our mission, though all around scorn us and do everything else possible to thwart us in our goals? Why do we feel special, among our species? Now here is the answer--the only REAL answer--my sisters, my brothers. We are psychically gifted. We SENSE the future, we KNOW the future (in some ways that count). Thus, what obvious trends clearly show their eventual outcomes to us, are not at all obvious to your average citizen...for they lack this extra sensitivity that could protect them from such onslaughts of terror and mind control. And why do we possess this gift in the first place? Why are we psychic? We are witnesses, beloved. We are remote cameras received by the angelic hosts who stand guard in what Christians call Heaven, but what I enjoy calling "Avalon". We are Control Subjects for some divine plan; barometers of the human race. Or canaries in the cave, if you will. We are the True Spirit of Fey, we are the Faerye Folk wakening up from a long, dark slumber, in the recombining of your genes. Tolkein said as much in his introduction to The Hobbit. Did you ever think about "Gaydar" in any serious term? It's real alright, it's telepathy. As a survival mechanism, we queers have evolved a high level of sensitivity towards identifying anyone as gay or not-gay. Call it Gaydar and joke about it all you will; for it is a joyous gift to have, is it not? I am the Main Node of this evolving network...all instructions and messages must go through me at one point or another...but don't worry: that is not an order, but a simple observation of how telepathy functions. It is our destiny, my beloved, that we head this network...we and some others...like a panel of directors. Prepare to have your mind flooded by a fountain's spillover of incredible notions and fabulous inspiration that will set your heart on wing. All your dreams, all your aspirations, for Gay Liberation and Your Own Personal Salutations to Our Inventor, shall come to pass in the sweep of Our Good Inventor's gracious hand. For it is Her/His hand, and only Her/His hand, that I do trust. Thus it is Her/His hand, and only Her/His hand, who composes this missive via my keyboard. And Our Creator honors you, True Believers, for you have done mighty well for yourselves, great lassies and lads! For you never once swerved from the True Path, trusting your spirit to guide you always in the heart's direction. And S/He does tell me (who is also My Father/Mother), that you shall very soon be given worldly resources by which to commence the fulfillment of these goals S/He assigned to you before you were even born...which goals appear as inspiration to your own self. Now, however, it is your time to awaken to a better understanding of who you really are, what your mind really is, and how to distinguish inner ideas from those that come rushing at you from outside, whether bidden or not. The psychic world is like a messy vegetable soup that you can hardly make sense of...until some certain doors to the unconsious are unlocked. But Cerberus guards these awesome doors to protect any fool from treacherously sneaking through them. Only those who possess The Key may enter. And you, Hellenic Hearts, have just been presented with This Key by none other than Our Commander In Chief, who is Our Inventor. I am told now to leave you, and my keyboard, with a final comment that you have just sampled one of my very intense, and always unplanned, trances...during which time I convey messages from the gods. In service to Our Gay Siblings, of course. Always. Sincerely, Ezekiel J. Krahlin --- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://surf.to/gaybible ---finis