
Eleanor writes:
{{ I envy you your brain chemistry. }}
Don't! You have no idea what it took to get there...all unplanned
and unwilling on my part. I wouldn't wish it on my vilest enemy, this
"borderline schizophrenia". Took over 18 years struggling for my sanity
withOUT any medication or decent health care. One thing I learned about
Amerikan society, is NOT to seek help for anything "mental". Help is
the LAST thing you'll get, if at all. Instead, you will be VILIFIED and
PERSECUTED from every direction, from all KINDS of idiots.
But I came to understand the hidden BLESSING in this, though my soul
was hammered MIGHTILY, to be shaped for a greater purpose than Mere
Career Satisfaction. Get ready for this windy "aside":
--begin rant:
I think it's the German in me, that yearns to capitalize as many
nouns as possible. And I'm sure you ALSO wonder why I usually don't
enclose end-punctuation within quotes, which is the grammatically
correct way to go...but understanding the eccentricities of authors,
you deem it wise not to bring this up, as some of the very BEST writers
are miserable at spelling or/and grammar.
But since I telepathically feel you twitch with every punctuation
violation, I think you deserve to hear my rationale: It has always been
a pet peeve of mine, this way of ending a sentence WITHIN a quote,
instead of embracing the entire sentence, by placing the final
punctuation where it REALLY should be...at the actual END and not up
its tight little rectum! E.g.:
"Dick and Dick went behind the barn to play with their pants down,"
said Jane with a red-stained fist in granny's cherry pie, "and they
won't be back until after the Cow Mutilation Jubilee".
(Notice where I placed the period.) I am adamant on this, and as
soon as I take over the planet as Big Gay Brother, I will mandate
certain CHANGES in English grammar. In sum:
(Granted, some especially dirty sentences like to be goosed;
but please note:) I'll make everyone GOOSESTEP to my new grammatical
mandates, if need be! (Hmmm, speaking of "man dates"...)
There, I've said it. The ugly truth. I feel like washing my hands,
like Lady MacBeth over her curs-ed wash basin (which just went on
auction at e-Bay for 12,095 euros). "Out, damn spot, out! Or
exclamation point! Or comma! Or (yuck) colon and semi-colon! To
spelling bee or not to spelling bee. That is the question, if not the
mark itself?"

Now of course you wonder why I did NOT therefore place the
interrogation point in the above paragraph AFTER the closing quotation
mark. Am I hypocrite? Am I slovenly? No, neither, as this is one of
those rare exceptions in Zeke's Bible of Grammatical Suppositories.
Since more than one sentence is contained in that quote, then ALL
ending punctuation MUST remain contained therein. Why leave that one
little punctuation mark to stand out in the snowy cold of a blank
space? Brrrr!
--end of rant
Back to the point at hand: I learned that we ALL suffer in one way
or another...some more PHYSICALLY, others more MENTALLY, while many
suffer BOTH. And that I should USE these difficult burdens as teachers
of wisdom, patience, courage, and sympathy for one's fellow person.
Evil and suffering exist for one thing only (I have concluded):
To give us each constant opportunity to become a hero by testing our
mettle and standing up against dark adversity. For Buddha was correct
in claiming: "We have no enemies, only teachers", and: "A wicked man
revels in his mischief until it backfires, but a good man may suffer
until his charitable works bear fruit."

Judeao-Christian equivalent: "The rain falls on the good and evil
alike," and "Follow my path in this life and you will be sorely
persecuted. But the rewards are eternal."
The Book of Job
is an excellent example of long-suffering by one truly innocent. Even
his family and most-intimate friends condemned him on superficial
reasoning. Job was finally vindicated many years later, and his agonies
turned to pure, unadulterated bliss: He was blessed with MANY female
concubines and vast herds of sheep.
As for myself: keep the concubines, thank you very much. But the sheep OTOH... :b
You are witnessing the phenomenal explosion of my healing powers,
which CLEARLY are through my writing. This is the result of YEARS
walking a dedicated and stoic path on behalf of Gay Freedom. I am
ECSTATIC to have finally made The Big Breakthrough...realizing that you
must be a rather EXCELLENT person in the Universe's eye, to be called
to witness my transformation into global recognition and fame. You
CANNOT achieve such lofty heights with fame or fortune as the
goal...you MUST relinquish all material things, become a RENUNCIATE if you are indeed sincere.
I recognize a kindred soul in you, regardless of your atheism. For
your book DISM possesses POWERFUL healing properties in every
direction: for yourself, those near and dear to you, and to anyone else
fortunate enough to read your account, hear you speak, or (best yet) to
meet and befriend you.
{{ Can't you figure out a way to synthesize
it and put it in tiny little spray bottles we can carry around on our
key chains? I can just see the ads on late-night TV: Feeling morose?
Black waves of pessimism closing in around you? Old gloom and doom got
you by the cortex? Try Uncle Zeke's Cheer-Wick! Contains genuine
unadulterated Fairy Moans. Next time the inside of your brain seethes
like a Hieronymus Bosch vision of eternal damnation, remember: One
quick spray chases demons away! Freshens breath and whitens teeth, too!

Okay! I inspire the Muse who inspires me: A Righteous Honor!
(Meanwhile, until my Cheer-Wick formula is approved by the gov't patent
office, why not give my "Seventh Sealant Aerosol Prophylactic" a spin?)
{{ You must, MUST extensively include the
evil bar fly queens in FRIENDLY GHOST. Work them into the plot. Such
types are eternal, universal and ubiquitous, whether gay or straight,
male or female, American or Chinese, twenty-first century or seventh
century, and the incarnations here as you describe them, in that
particular time and place and circumstance, will make your story take
on classical dimensions. }}
That is how it seems to be unravelling. They are the Enemy
Archetype: they are the Golem, Queen Olympia, Brutus, Judas Iscariot,
the Wendigo, the Wicked Stepsisters, Frankenstein's Monster, the Blue
Meanies, and all my ex-boyfriends rolled into one! My soul is like a
Phoenix rising from the ashes of past lives, manifest through my
keyboard as Author of Truth and Witness to Evil.
A New Odyssey, a New Mythology is emerging from my spirit to light
the way for our troubled world. Behold Excalibur! Behold the Holy
Grail! Behold the Ark of the Covenant! Behold Pandora's Jar! (Where is
all this shit coming from, and how the FRICK can I pay for storage? A
hero's treasures require a Persian bureaucracy: Where are my eunuchs?
Heck, where's the marijuana you promised me for Veterans Day, Randolph?)

{{The new image atop the "Muse" page is divine. }}
Yes, I'm so glad I decided to search for a more artful image that
would really do you Justice. (Ach! Capital "J". Mein Katzenjammer
ghosts must be lurking nearby!)
She is Calliope, queen of muses. "Rediscovering the Muses":
"Calliope," she of the beautiful voice, "is considered to be head
of the Muses, associated with the full moon. She is known for heroic
poetry and literature, as well as eloquence in writing and speech."
So tell me dearest Eleanor of Mendocino: I know you are truly
eloquent in both pen and tongue...but can you SING like a nightingale
BTW, I decided too many readers wouldn't understand my reference to
"homunculi", so I figured to put a link in there. I found a really good
page on this subject, take a gander:
Demon Puppet
I almost opted for this link, however, because of the figurines, so CUTE:
Clay Homunculi
Don't you wanna just cuddle up with one...or wear it hanging clumsily from a necklace, to freak out the JesusFolk?
{{ Stand by for an actual pic of Yours
Truly on Halloween.....got to get Mitch to load it into his computer
and send it to me, but that'll happen soon, I promise. }}
I certainly look forward to the photo, wondering what sort of
costume you adorned. A remark about Mitch: what an EXCELLENT lover and
best friend you have in him, for sharing that terrible, prolonged
burden of your mother's tragedy. Now THAT'S what I call a REAL MAN. The
Angel of Destiny will soon unlock me from my Cage of Deprivation, to
discover the world. Rest assured you will be the FIRST e-friend I'll
visit in real life.
And I won't be a burden; I'll have moolah up the wazoo, and will
rent a hotel room somewhere nearby for a week or two. It will be SHEER
ECSTASY to once again linger along the stunning Mendocino coastline,
sojourning with truly DECENT people. After all my YEARS reaching out to
the morbidly dysfunctional (and LOVING them to pieces), you have no
IDEA how much I value salt-of-the-earth types. (With a little cracked
pepper sprinkled in, for zest.)
{{ Imagine the parade for "Hetero Shame Week!" The mind boggles! }}
Yesssss! My precioussss...yesssss! On chains, with balls. BIG balls!
A revival of Puritan punishment and Holocaust nightmare...IN REVERSE:
dunk them in icy water, throw rotting dead rats at them in the stocks,
make them wear the scarlet A for "anti-gay". And of course, the human
bonfires...always the bonfires. Homophobes stink like the devil's own
feces, so we'll have to wear hetero-proof gas filters. My Faggot Bible
will be reproduced millions of times over, the first edition's covers
crafted from only the FINEST breeder flesh that GayDeutschmarks can buy.

In short: arrogant, self-worshipping heteros will have HELL to pay. (So says the Official Admenstruator of Life.)
{{ Here's the rest of what I wrote for the makers of "Freedom To Marry," back in 2004:
"Laurie and Carmen have pulled off
something quietly earth-shaking with their extraordinary documentary.
"Freedom To Marry" cuts cleanly through all the murky, distorting
layers of disinformation, fear, political propaganda, and willful
ignorance purveyed by the anti-gay-marriage crowd, revealing what the
fight for same-sex matrimony is really about: reason, justice, human
rights, plain common sense, compassion, the next logical step along the
road to civilization. (snip) }}
I only wish they had the space to include your ENTIRE review!
{{ And here's a letter I "ghost-wrote" for
Carmen and Laurie in response to "Kristin," whose letter is included
below mine, who wrote to them whining about gay people and public
displays of affection and having to "explain" to her children:
Dear Kristin--
There was a time in this country when it
was illegal for a black person and a white person to get married. You
could go to jail for breaking that law. People who were against
"interracial marriage" often said it was "breaking the laws of God."
People were genuinely shocked and horrified at the sight of, say, a
white woman and a black man (or vice versa) even just walking down the
street together. And yet today, the sight of an interracial couple
hardly draws a second glance. This proves that attitudes do change,
that what's shocking in one era is acceptable in another.

As for gay people kissing in public, all I
can say is that not every gay person kisses her or his partner in
public, just as many heterosexual couples do not kiss in public. There
will always be a certain percentage of people, gay or straight, who are
more demonstrative in public than everybody else, and there will always
be some people who don't like to see it. Probably you can think of an
instance when you saw a man and woman "carrying on" in an inappropriate
way in a store or a restaurant, and thought it was vulgar. It happens.
If your children see a gay couple being demonstrative, and they ask
questions that make you uncomfortable and unhappy, then my advice is to
do the same thing you'd do if a straight couple were making a display
you didn't like: distract the kids and move on to something else. When
kids see that something is a big deal to their parents, they
automatically pay more attention to it. If you don't make a fuss over
it, they'll quickly forget it.
I'm sorry that you are upset about gay
people. It's not the intention of gay people to take anything away from
anyone. The truth is that most gay people are not really different from
anybody else, and they only want the same things everyone wants: love,
security, a family, legal rights. As for God's intent, well--many gay
people would tell you that they feel very strongly that they are gay
because God made them that way. Being gay (or straight) is no more a
"choice" than the color of your eyes or the shape of your head. It's
just the way some of us are. And gay people are definitely a minority,
so you really shouldn't let it worry you. Live your life, enjoy your
blessings, and don't fret over things like gay marriage.
It is a shame that homosexuals have to
exploit something so pure as marriage that God created. When are you
people going to figure out that God made you and He is hurting so bad
for the lifestyles you impose on society. You try to make it seem that
your normal- well your not and your breaking the laws of God- and you
chose to have different belief systems just so you can be accepted and
feel like everything is alright. It is not alright to see two men and
two women together. It is selfish that gays bring children into the
mix- If only the gays could see how much God truly loves them and wants
them to obey and He has made it very clear that it is an abomination
yet gays turn their head the other way-forgetting who created them and
what true purpose God wants from them.
I am so sick and tired of seeing
homosexuality all over the Media-I canĀ¹t even go to the grocery store
without having to explain to my 3 children why two women or men are
kissing. It is not fair I even have to be put into that situation and
again is the selfishness of the gays !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kristin Scott }}

Three points in friendly criticism:
(1) You only compare gays kissing, with heteros overly displaying
their sexual appetite. That puts gay-kissing on a par with much more
vulgar behavior. Gays displaying affection is sweet and innocent...same
as straights. You saw things more HER way, than from a gay--or even
universal--perspective. In her mind's eye, two heteros holding hands is
lovely, while two homos doing same is BLASPHEMOUS and DISGUSTING. For
that sad lady to view heteros in the same light, they'd have to be
humping each other, knickers down, in the middle of a kindergarten
Remember, the "Lady" Kristen comes from a bigoted mindset that sees
two gays kissing in public as far more repulsive and sinful than a
straight thug bludgeoning and raping a little girl. It is this mindset
that inspires judges to claim that gay inmates have it lucky in
prison...and to sharply INCREASE a defendant's sentence simply because
he's homosexual. This is REGARDLESS of whether or not the crime charged
has ANYTHING to do with sex.
You CANNOT and will NEVER change her mind by diplomacy,
intelligence, and concrete evidence no matter how much you pour it on.
(Hmmm, pouring CONCRETE over goosey Kristin...nice!) They are NAZIS at
heart, whose greatest aspiration is to overwhelem all others with
violent bullyism. Unfortunately, civilized reasoning with these
barbarians only makes you a Neville Chamberlain to their Adolph. A bitter truth; please don't take it personally.
(2) To inform Ms. HeteroScrooge not to worry because after all,
homosexuals are a definite MINORITY is not IMO, an effective
strategy...as well as erroneous. This is playing the "tyranny of the
majority" card: one of the powerful weapons homophobes use to justify
denying us equal rights. They claim we're only 2% of the population
(not 10%), based on the OBVIOUS reality that THAT is the percentage of
homosexuals courageous enough to step out of the closet. The remaining
8% still hide in terror...and I can't really blame them. But the gay
family ALSO includes bisexuals, no?
And according to Kinsey's (in)famous research, EIGHTY PERCENT of all
humans are born bisexual. Which therefore means that gays are NOT in a
minority, they are the MAJORITY when you count bisexuals...that is:
conclude that the gay issue is NOT a minority issue, but a MAJORITY
issue of hypocrisy and social engineering by those in power who KNOW
Nonetheless, keep in mind that blacks were LESS than 10% of the
population when they SPOKE OUT, DEMONSTRATED and RIOTED in the 60's and
70's. It is Historical Truth, that the victory of a long-suffering
people has always been the story of puny David against behemoth Goliath.
(3) While your critique was spot on, clearly the perception of one
who DOES practice the Golden Rule impeccably...you were way too gentle
on the bitch. This is WAR, war of the most vulgar and heartless kind.
Such is the nature of homophobia, as the most vivid and bloody
manifestation of extreme heterocentrism. And the war's been raging for
nigh onto 20 centuries! The ONLY time liberation will come for sexual
minorities, is a revolution so profound, so deep-running, so usurping
on EVERY level, as to be indefatigable and unconquerable. Though not
necessarily violent.1
First, we start by converting all boy/girl salt and pepper shakers
to boy/boy and girl/girl. It may seem trivial, but I assure you, sweet
ally Eleanor, IT'S NOTHING TO SNEEZE AT! (Ha, ha, how sneaky of me!
Your turn!)

ADDENDUM (I defer to Eleanor's wisdom)
1 That was
not "I" talking in the letter--it was custom-tailored to be supposedly
from my two lesbo pals, who gave me the exact "prescription" they
wanted in this particular case. I was the gun-for-hire 'neath the
calling wind. They asked for something that would "shock" the good
Christian lady with its calmness and civility and which would use terms
and images designed to cause the gears in her feeble brain to be
monkeywrenched and grind to a halt. She was expecting "hate" in return
for "hate". (Notice period outside of quote mark, mein Fuhrer!)
If the letter had been from me, it would have been very different indeed, you can be sure.
Wait'll you hear my
actual voice. You'll be seriously impressed. I used to do radio
stuff--I was the freelance "human interest" reporter for the local
radio station. I was turned loose to do any story I wanted--interviews
with strange eccentrics living in the woods, movie reviews, male strip
shows, anything. I had a "following" of listeners who tuned in every