© 2007 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin
(Jehovah's Queer Witness)
posted by: ZekeBlog (reply)
post date: 12.19.07 (12:54 am)
From: Zeke
To: My E-friends
Date: 19 Dec 2007, 12:11:06 AM
Subject: The Righteous LGBT Reign of the Branch of Jesse
Latest blog, another precious pearl of wisdom!
Regarding Usenet censorship: it has increased more than two-fold:
Besides the following 7 newsgroups:
alt.funnytown, alt.humor, alt.jokes, rec.humor
alt.arts.storytelling, alt.creative.writing, rec.arts.prose
it seems I am now ALSO censored from these ADDITIONAL groups:
christnet.religion,christnet.theology,christnet.christianlife,christnet.ethi cs,christnet.evangelical
That amounts to ONE THIRD of the standard groups I post my gay spiritual articles!
How do I conclude this? Well, I just attempted to upload my latest article, "The Righteous LGBT Reign of the Branch of Jesse" to a collection of relevant newsgroups...and those listed above REJECTED me! NONE of these Usenet groups are moderated, BTW, thus indicating a HEAVY HAND in censorship of ANY pro-gay material that does not kowtow to hetero ass-licking! (Heck, I wouldn't even consider licking a GAY asshole, unless he felt REALLY special!)
I did manage nonetheless, to POST this controversial piece to those groups in question, via Google Usenet...where I have SEVERAL unique subscriptions in preparation of anticipated censorship. Once my Google pseudonyms are all censored, I'll simply create several MORE of them, and resume my posting!
Though I must admit: with a humble 56kbps modem, posting via Google is a cumbersome and sluggish ordeal. Especially since they've recently REVAMPED their interface with NARROW post windows (where you can't even see what you just input w/o tedious re-examination) and sloppy user interface! They come off like you really SHOULDN'T post anything at all, but if you do, you SHALL be PUNISHED by a grievously hostile interface.
That's Das Amerikan Kapitalism for ya! Bash or be bashed.