-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://surf.to/gaybible -------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTER GAMES: RACIST & HOMOPHOBIC © 1997 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin (Jehovah's Queer Witness) August 12, 1994 Dear Editor, Like many in our community these days, I am an active participant of several computerized bulletin board services (BBS's)...most of which are linked as a global electronic network. A BBS then, provides an excellent forum for challenging sterotyped views that many folks still have, including the lesbian/gay issue (of course). And: what you have to say is often disseminated to hundreds (perhaps thousands) of BBS's across the country and around the world! I would like to share an irate response I posted on a local BBS, regarding the issue of software games' lack of queer-awareness; and of social responsibility in general. Readers are encouraged to disseminate duplicates of this message to bulletin board services (or any other services/organizations/people) of their choice. I also hope that my computerized message will inspire other gays/lesbians/trans-genders/queers (etc.) to use the global electronic network as a tool of empowerment for every individual to make a stand for civil (or any other) rights that s/he deems fit. And you don't even need the approval, funds, or cooperation of any organization to do this! Sincerely, Ezekiel Krahlin (Now here's the BBS message...) ============================================================== BBS: Golden Gate Computer Society Date: 08-11-94 (19:35) Number: 116 From: EZEKIEL KRAHLIN Refer#: NONE To: DANNY Recvd: NO Subj: EPIC, loosen up! Conf: (116) Shareware -------------------------------------------------------------- DT> Our hero Jazz is on a mission to save bunny babe Eva DT> Earlong, and he'll go up against a cast of thousands DT> of enemies in order to save his girl. DT> DT> * Gorgeous PRO cartoon animation! DT> * Jazz's BONUS STAGE features ultra high-tech 3D DT> graphics! DT> * Find ultra-cool weapons, such as the Bouncy Bullets DT> * 60 frames-per-second scrolling. Whoa boy, this is DT> FAST! DT> * A truly rocking soundtrack! Is his girl really worth saving? what about his guy? ...................................................... Danny, in addressing you, I also address the company you represent (EPIC), and, by logical extension, all computer game companies. So please do not take any of this as a direct attack upon yourself (which it certainly is not). This is something I've been meaning to say for some time now...I was only waiting for the right time to say it...and reading your message provides me with that opportunity. ...................................................... Danny, I'm sure the special effects are as sensational as you claim (for I have played Epic games before). But I am soooo tired at the assumed heterosexual role-playing foisted upon the world, by these computer games. C'mon and wake up to the 21st century! Why not give us some CHARACTER OPTIONS such as GAY OR LESBIAN PLAYERS? AND WHY STOP THERE? Can't Epic give us *other character options to choose from in, say, a menu of chocies? As a gay male, I am NOT INTERESTED in chasing after a blonde bimbo heroine. And if you do (finally) respect your gay audience, don't limit us to blond-haired, blue eyed same-sex amours. Respect people of color: Give us black people, brown people, red, yellow, etc., as well as white and pink! Give us green eyes, black eyes, brown eyes, amber eyes, hazel eyes, etc.! GIVE US A GAY MENU OF CHARACTER OPTIONS!!! And as a culturally aware citizen of planet earth, I also demand: PUT IN YOUR GAMES: CHARACTER OPTIONS FOR PEOPLE OF COLOR, FOR DIFFERENT ETHNIC GROUPS, FOR BI-, HOMO-, AS WELL AS HETERO-, SEXUAL PREFERENCES, AND FOR DIFFERENT RELIGIONS AND WORLD VIEWS...WHEN APPROPRIATE. STOP LIMITING YOUR GAMES TO A WHITE HETEROSEXUAL (MALE-DOMINANT) WORLD! CEASE USING COMPUTER GAMES AS A VEHICLE FOR PERPETUATING SOME VERY NARROW-MINDED, UGLY, HATEFUL, AND VIOLENT PERCEPTIONS ON LIFE...EVEN IF INADVERTANT AND/OR SUBLIMINAL. And if you rebel against my request, which is only benevolent and sane, then I ask you: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? (And if you say, "Lighten up, it's only a game," I still ask: "Who do you think you are?") I'll even bet that the first computer game companies (and/or shareware authors!) that do catch on to the concept I state herein, will really cash in by providing a MULTICULTURAL or MULTIETHNIC menu of choices. Why don't you, EPIC, be the first? I will now quote that part of your message, Danny, that includes the addresses of EPIC game software. For I suggest that all concerned parties send them a copy of my response (or a personalized equivalent) through one or more of the e-mail addresses listed below. I FURTHER SUGGEST THAT ALL CONCERNED/INSPIRED PARTIES SEND A COPY OF MY RESPONSE (OR YOUR OWN PERSONALIZED EQUIVALENT) TO OTHER COMPUTER GAME COMPANIES AS WELL! My message I consider public domain, for anyone to copy and distribute anywhere else, to anyone else. If you are too busy to compose your own thoughts on this matter, please by all means feel free to copy this message verbatim and send it off to the computer game outfits of your choice...and to any other bulletin board services. DT> For complete up-to-date info on Epic, we invite everyone DT> out there to subscribe to our Meganews on-line newsletter, DT> here's how: DT> DT> Send Email to Epic at: 70007.1631@compuserve.com DT> To subscribe, say: "Add me to your list!" DT> To unsubscribe, say: "Remove me from your list!" DT> DT> CompuServe: GO EPIC Orders: 800-972-7434 DT> Internet FTP: ftp.uml.edu Tech support: 301-983-9771 DT> Exec-PC BBS: 414-789-4360 Fax: 301-299-3841 DT> DT> Also - don't forget to visit us on CompuServe - GO EPIC. DT> You'll be able to download Jazz totally FREE on DT> CompuServe for the month of August. GO EPIC for details DT> about the Game of the Month. DT> DT> Try the PC Clubhouse BBS of Oakland (510) 530-5592 DT> official dist BBS. Thank you, Danny, for the inspiration! I'm sure that it is otherwise a very cute and exciting game...albeit unabashedly hetero (hmmm...does the *rabbit theme hold further nuances?). But in this very troubled, strife-ridden and shrinking world of immense population...I believe it is definitely time for EPIC (and all other game manufacturers) to incorporate social ethics with whatever products they present to the world...especially to impressionable youth. And isn't that for whom these games are geared? If EPIC doesn't want to eventually be regarded in a similar light as Joe Camel...then please consider my appeal for sanity and conscientious responsibility. Your very hot, appealing games could also become a visionary tool for opening children's minds to the wonderful mix of people this world truly is. Think how proud you'd become of your craft, and the example you'd set! --- SLMR 2.1a - Golden Gate Computer Soc.: San Rafael, CA---finis ![]()
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