-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://surf.to/gaybible -------------------------------------------------------------- GIVE ONLY TO LES/GAY CAUSES. CEASE ALL OTHER GENEROSITIES. © 2001 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin (Jehovah's Queer Witness) December 11, 2001 Dear Editor, As a community, Jews today are much more strongly knit, than the gay community. I conclude that, before we consider supporting other minorities--most of which *also bash us and do *not help us in any way--we withdraw from our generosity to others, and focus on forming a more cohesive, integrated community of our own. This is neither greedy, nor misdirected. Similar to how German/E. Europen Jews had to withdraw from the mainstream, and focus on their own survival as a community (which was not at all a greedy action)...we are similarly under mainstream abuse (to put it mildly), and in a position where we have an essential *obligation to first take care of our own. In fact, to *not do so, to continue financial and other outpouring to non-gay causes, is--at this point in time--a very selfish act. To donate one's time and money to other causes, in the midst of all this bashing of homosexuals is no less a treason to one's own. It is not just immature, or ignorant, to accuse me of being selfish and short-sighted, for claiming we have a desparate obligation to direct all our own energies and monies to the gay cause. It is wicked. Care about the black people? Give to a *gay black organization. Care about women's rights? Give to a *gay women's group. Care about the homeless? Give to a *gay homeless center. Care about our youth? Give to a *gay youth program. Or do something on a *personal level for one of these troubled gays. And so on. What the European Jews had to do for each other in the 1930s and 1940s, in order to bail out of an intolerable scenario...is exactly what I'm proposing gays do for each other NOW. Out-maneuver; out-step; out-wit; out-smart; out-predict; out-do; out-best...the enemy: the beast of homophobia. Thus will we guarantee the victory against this potential holocaust now rising to exterminate us off the face of Amerika, like an approaching string of mega-tornados. They are coming; I hear the gathering roar. Stop bickering amongst yourselves, and take this great historical opportunity to show the world just what great and numerous heros are Thracians (gays) and Lesbians! ---finis