-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://www.gay-bible.org -------------------------------------------------------------- WE HAVE NO ENEMIES © 2004 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin On Thu, 01 Jul 2004 Gaynet member "Eric" posted (quoting a homophobic U.S. politician): << And when we talk about legitimizing homosexuality by granting same-sex relationships the status of marriage, we're giving powerful ammunition to those who use America's decadence to recruit more snipers and hijackers and suicide bombers. >> (My response as follows:) Indeed! As I've been declaring for years now...and before any other queer activist I know of...I've been warning our community about the global gay holocaust soon due. I was awakened to this vision as a direct result of Prez Clinton's signing DOMA. And in this vision, Jesus Christ himself came to me, and told me to warn our community...which piece you may read at: http://www.gay-bible.org/wwrite/write/4_holocaust.htm I also posted it widely across gay, activist, pagan, and Xian newsgroups. That was back in 2000, four years after the passage of DOMA. However, immediately upon its passage, I saw trouble...the vision that came later, cystallized what sort of trouble. Now, as for my vision of "Jesus"...I take this with a grain of salt, and a Jungian interpretation...as this deity, like all deities, is simply an archetype. As I was raised in a largely Xian culture (like many, if not most, who read this now), my visions are largely composed of Xian deities and symbols. However, anthropological studies have broadened my mind considerably, so now I do have visions with deities from other cultural viewpoints, that include Native American, Hindu, African, Polynesian, Innuit, Viking, Greek, and so on. This is why I like to say: "Anthropology saved my soul." Personally, I would have preferred that Zeus, or a gorgeous werewolf, or a Haidu Goddess, had knocked me to the floor and ordered me to rise up and type this astounding vision on my keyboard, to share with the world. As my personal preference of worship is Pagan Animism. But I think that my Xian-style visions and wording serve an important purpose: to finally reach an understanding by Christian fundamentalists, Catholics, and other Xian-conservative types...about the essential wrongness of their gay hatred. They would not so readily understand my points, were I to use, say, pagan or Hindu examples. And therefore why it's so important for some of us to reinterpret the Old and New Testaments in favor of sexual minorities...which is the main purpose of my activism, as manifest in my website, and many newsgroup discussions. So please don't get the wrong impression that I condone most of this Xian fundie (or Catholic) bullcrap...at best, if one is going to describe my Xian facet, it would be "Gnostic"...with great respect to the female Christ concept, or "Christa". But let's get back to the topic at hand: Colson's piece is further affirmation that we queers are going to be blamed for every problem under the sun...which is likely to lead to a holocaust, not just in the USA, but across the world...which beginning will be recorded in future history books as 1996, when DOMA passed. But don't freak out, anyone, please...this is a game more than any great horror that would truly manifest. For if you consider Buddha's tenet that "you have no enemies, only teachers", then you must reinterpret this apparent terror as just that, "apparent"...which word is defined as: "according to appearances; ostensible rather than actual" There are three other definitions to that word, but this is the one I use in this situation. Just as Roger and Eric "apparently" attacked me most unfairly (in the Gaynet mailing list, Roger being list mgr., Eric a participant like myself)...in truth it was a test of my ability to stand my ground w/o being equally smarmy back...a test of my ability to withstand more "apparently" serious onslaught by world figures and movements, including Islamic and Xian fundamentalist. The same applies to gov't and world hatred and persecution of queers. They are not our enemies, because (in Buddha's definition), there are no enemies anywhere, nor have there ever been, nor ever will be...for any issue, not just the one about gay rights! So what is going on here? Well, you may read my general take on the matter in my 3-part essay: NeoPositivity http://www.gay-bible.org/write/4_neopositivity.htm My concepts are not difficult to grasp; in fact, they are rather elegant, loving, and with a healthy dose of humor. This of course suggests that what truly horrendous "apparent" suffering many humans were supposed to have undergone, never did happen in the first place...that this is a grand deception by our creator to teach compassion and appreciation of life's great treasures, withOUT anyone really having to suffer anything beyond what he or she can actually bear. Please read my essay, for further explanations on how I believe this can be. And my concepts came out of thinking through what Buddha meant when he said you have no enemies, only teachers. But let me focus just on this topic of Colson's clever, diabolical method to place the burden of all human crimes, sorrows, and hatred on queers: So, not only are queers in Islamic nations, or anywhere else, not being tortured or terrorized to any horrid extent...but our own political enemies--who are actually our teachers--are laying out the scenario for any queer person, to become a hero...by being more and more obviously anti-gay in contrast. For as in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, where it says to show no fear as one ascends through higher and higher levels; that then, any demon approaching you will drop his mask to show himself to be yet another angel...the same is true in our present world (or "level"). Behind the mask of Dubya, Cheney, Colson, et al, is an angel playing the difficult role as enemy, in order to guide us towards our incredible destiny. No one is being killed, no one is being tortured...and that goes for Matthew Shephard, along with any of our other martyrs, including Harvey Milk. It is an incredible illusion, for us to learn our lessons...and when the lessons have all been learned..then for us to see through this veil of illusion (as I, and others have, such as Buddha, as well as numerous enlightened average folk who humbly play the roles of unsung heroes...though they are certainly most beloved and celebrated in the angelic sphere; thus, they really do not lack for appreciation of their bravery). So what is the real test presented by Colson et al, IMO? It is thus: To not cave into fear, though all around may seem imminent threats to your well-being, and even life...just like it says in the Tibetan Book of the Dead. The moment a fear tightens your stomach, constricts your vocal chords, or makes you break out in a sweaty drench...know that this is a visceral reaction to a wrong-minded perception. It is not a mistake to fear; but it is a mistake to give in to such fear. Just stand your ground, and do what you know in your heart is the right thing...which in most cases, means speaking out against a bigoted or threatening remark. In some cases, it may mean actual physical retaliation or protection of another. If you cave in to fear, by cowering, or not speaking out to defend yourself or another, or even participating in homophobic peer pressure...you have lost, and lost big. Silence truly does = death, in such matters. And the greatest form of cowardice, of acquiescing to fear, is to live a closeted life. No matter where you live, even in redneck, backwater rural AmeriKKKa! But don't forget: these same rules (as I see them) also apply to heterosexuals. If they remain silent against homophobic bigotry, for any reason (not just fear of losing one's career, family, or even life), they too will be tossed to the wolves of their own conscience! It is quite true, what FDR said in his first inaugaral address, that: "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." It is also quite true, what Harry S. Truman once said, that: "A government is only as good as its people." Which of course, applies to groups of people on a tribal or community level, such as our own LGBT family. So while it is indeed terribly wrong for any queer to perpetrate slander, gossip, and bigotry in any form to another queer, it is also wrong-minded for those so attacked, to treat them on one level only, that is, as enemies. Much better to figure out what your "enemy" is teaching you...if nothing else, how to rise above such "apparently" hateful dogma by setting a better example. (Which example may sometimes be simply to knock the person down to the ground with a good swift kick or punch...or application of pepper spray...though physical retaliation must always be treated as a last resort. One can make a good case for no physical response in any manner; but I do not agree with this point. It just depends on the circumstance, and how imminent any real threat seems.) This issue is simply one of internal conflict, present in all groups, particularly when politics (or religion) is a consideration...and not at all unique to our queer community. In so realizing we have no enemies, just teachers, the obvious conclusion from this rise of homophobia worldwide is this: Homophobia is coming to a head, like a pimple, and will soon burst full of pus, then heal. It is a sign of our imminent success...first, by taking incredibly courageous stands against this evil, which will impress the world greatly (and make some of the most homophobic folks quiver in their boots, or Persian slippers or dusty, bare feet as the case may be). And knowing we have no enemies makes it so much easier to confront and successfully tackle whatever threats seem imminent...and to live our lives now in greater harmony, and enjoyment of the world around us. This is a universal truth which applies to anyone at any time, under any circumstance, no matter how "apparently" dire. So the real problem in anyone's life is not conflict, chaos, war, prejudice, or other horridly negative scenario, but educating oneself and others if possible, to right-minded attitude. And cultivating that until it becomes second-nature. The Zen philosophy calls this, learning to make prayer a part of evey moment...prayer being an appreciation for the beautiful and good things in life that are always around us, no matter what else is going on, or seems to be going on. But it is also wrong-minded to condemn anyone who does not think like this. One who has reached the level of "no-enemies" perception, has no excuse for such hubris! One must only accept this "apparent" ignorance as yet another test, most likely of one's patience...and let's not forget God's sense of humor. One of the great puzzles of Buddha, is why is he laughing? You've no doubt seen those statues of the laughing Buddha. Well, the answer came to me, as I evolved into this level of "no-enemy" awareness: When the Buddha likewise reached this level, he looked around to realize that no one was unduly suffering in any significant way, that all is wonderful as it is already...and that all this "apparent" evil was simply an illusion in order to teach people how to learn compassion. So of course, he started laughing with delight, and great love for God's incredibly clever "scam"...which also includes our creator's outrageous sense of humor! In closing, I'd like to leave with this simple quote from one of the greatest heroes of WWII, which applies just as much to our global queer community now, as it did to our allies then: "We shall never, never, surrender!" Oh, yeah, and one more quote...from my most-beloved of all childhood heroes: "What, me worry?" That's not true. Actually, it's Sylvester the cat: "Thufferin' Thuccotash!" --finis