-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://surf.to/gaybible -------------------------------------------------------------- THOSE WHO OPPOSE ME © 2002 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin (Rising Star of Queer Liberation) From: Randolph's Itch To: The Anus In Us All Subject: Those Who Oppose Me The people who aggressively oppose me are not just right-wing homophobes. Some are also queer, like myself...but that doesn't seem to matter to them. Certainly, I am very pro-active and dedicated to the civil rights of same-sex-lovers (and all other sexual minorities)...and just as certainly, some of my methods shock people, causing some to react with kneejerk responses. And it sure is okay to disagree with any or all of my viewpoints. But when I am consistently ATTACKED for no apparant reason but that I'm not part of some ongoing "clique" (perhaps calling it a "cabal" would be more apt)...one MUST regard such fools with great wariness. When a kneejerk response turns into non-stop kicking me in the teeth...well, that's when I bring out the arsenal. For in so censoring my participation--then spreading hateful rumors about me, that COULD even lead to physical attacks upon my home and person, as well as sabotaging my Internet access--one must regard them as EQUAL TO OUR WORST ENEMIES who do same malicious subterfuge on our wonderful LGBT family. Must I fight my own brothers, as well as the demon of homophobia, in order to gain my position of influence? Apparantly so. I only hope that those queers who attack me with such malice, know what they're doing. If they are performing a role as task masters--toughening me for my inevitable rise to global leadership--then I can accept that. Otherwise: they are condemning themselves to a most unpleasant fate for the remainder of their sorry lives. For my victory has already been writ by Our Inventor's benevolent pen. IT IS TIME TO CLEAN HOUSE for our LGBT family. Realize that I also serve as an excellent barometer of gay-friendliness. Those who oppose me in malicious fashion are suspect puppets for the Religious Reich. They may not even be conscious of it...but their constantly villifying me is a dead giveaway to what they're all about. We need to FLUSH OUT these pathetic individuals from any and all of our queer activist groups...that we may not be sidetracked or derailed by this "friendly fire". So PLEASE DO pay attention to when I am being consistently insulted. That should be a red flag alert for all truly pro-queer types, regarding whoever is presently trying to get others to gang up on me. For just as gayfolk are "canaries in the cavern" for society at large, queer shamanic souls like myself do same for internecine matters. And I have made sure that all the pro-gay wisdom I have gained in this lifetime, is now on my website...so in the event of my death or disappearance, none of my knowledge will ever be lost. I suggest that queer folks begin downloading my website and pressing it onto CD platters...and distributing them widely. For mark my words: Very, very soon all gay presence on the Internet will be outright BANNED by the Devil's Triangle: Ashcroft, Bush, Cheney. And my website--along with all other positively-oriented, life-saving, and soul-enriching GLBT sites--will be banished into the Land of Null. Sincerely, Ezekiel Joseph Krahlin Chief Thracian, Blue Rose Militia --- To read "Zeke's Weekly Newsletter" ya gotta join my Radical Elves discussion group http://www.gay-bible.org/radical-elves.htm ---finis