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Ezekiel J. Krahlin

IS IT SPAM, OR IS IT SPERM? (Only your hare dresser knows for sure: © 2004 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin (Jehovah's Queer Witness) From: Kevin Seria To: Received: 06/12/04 08:14 PM Subject: Re: outside-zeke's-window_01.avi (2.3 mb) [subscribe seria] Ezekiel, It seems like I had both the xconnect and reallybox in my "known user" list, yet it seemed to still put it in the "spam" folder, instead. I'm not sure what's going on. Otherwise, the system has seemed to work flawlessly. I'll investigate. I think that I have a good system for beating spam. I divide incoming mail into folders, using Outlook Express mail rules. I put known users into one folder. I put unknown users into a "spam" folder, and generate an automatic response. I advise in the canned message that I do not want spam, but say that that if anyone really wants to reach me, they can put "subscribe seria" in the subject title. I have another folder, "new users", for any emails with that phrase. This way, I am able to stop all the spam, while still letting anyone be able to reach me. I also find that I have to put error messages from the mail server into its own folder, because a lot of spam doesn't seem to have valid address to which to respond. I do check over my "spam" folder to see if anything that I might actually want. But the spammers don't know that. In time, when I'm confident that I have all the addresses that I might ever want, I could just delete the spam automatically. When the spam is in a folder where you can easily click-shift-delete the whole thing, without worrying about missing anything, it is much better. It did also seem to work, 1) to complain to Castcom about some of the spam, and 2) go to the "unsubscribe" urls, if there is one listed. I went down from 40+ porno spam messages per day to more like a couple. Sincerely, Kevin === From: To: Kevin Seria Received: 06/12/04 11:44 PM Subject: Re: Re: outside-zeke's-window_01.avi (2.3 mb) [subscribe seria] On Sat, 12 Jun 2004 "Kevin Seria" posted: << It seems like I had both the xconnect and reallybox in my "known user" list, yet it seemed to still put it in the "spam" folder, instead. I'm not sure what's going on. >> Oh, ha ha. This is an indication of a psychic disturbance within a digital bank. They know you know me, and found that method the most delightful, to make you pay closer attention to my msgs., and I guess what's soon to emerge for real, regarding sudden media attention towards yours truly. POSSIBLY some aspect of BB (that is: "big brother") is sabotaging communique between and among gay activists. OTOH, I'm accustomed to most of my longterm communicants to have NEVER updated my e-mail addies since they got my first...DESPITE the fact I ALWAYS post an announcement of such, well in advance of its completion. We may ALSO consider invasions by our enemies (extreme homophobia being one of their identifiers), into all sorts of wholesome queer databases...such as (wanna make a guess?)...Kevin Seria, Zeke Krahlin, and all other online outspoken critics of heterocentric dogma. As a proficient hacker yourself, I'm not fooled FOR A MOMENT by your deflector: "I'm not sure what's going on." You certainly HAVE put up your security alarm, as quite evident by your "[subscribe seria]" pass-through tag...a minimal form of security I might add...which only makes your security just a TAD better than before...but more importantly: ALERTS the enemy as to who is becoming aware of their inhuman conspiracy. Which IS The Matrix, dude. Or, it could be just a glitch and nothing more (a crumb perhaps that lodged the wrong way in your esophagus, overnight)...or at least, a highly-talented meme presenting itself as one. Kevin, I believe this is a Great Force emerging from Goddess-knows-where, but it is CLEARLY on our side...and has absolutely NO qualms with you seeking restructure of your security...but realize of course, that NO WAY could a simplistic e-mail filter stop a REAL enemy virus attack from getting through! Ahhh, but you PLAY dumb, to mislead the enemy, no doubt! And what makes you so sure the enemy is truly THAT stupid? Are you having a good time, by the way, trying to wake me up in this elegantly subtle of ways? I ACKNOWLEDGE these psychic streams rushing through me, but cannot be sure at this point, if it is YOU or MYSELF, that is being a guardian to the other! I certainly do not find you capable of being a harm to my own self...but you do put on a bit of that guise. And who can blame you? We've never even met face-to-face! Thus, why I felt it so important to contact you a few times, by phone. For a VOICE can add an entire dimension to one's perception of another, whom you've only met in cyberspace. << I think that I have a good system for beating spam. I divide incoming mail into folders, using Outlook Express mail rules. >> Well, duh. Do you really think I was born yesterday, Kevin? Ha, ha, you're a funny guy there. Feeling your oats these days are we...what mischief ARE you up to...just walked out on your job? :D (A hacker, using Outlook? I do sputter over my double latte!) << I put known users into one folder. I put unknown users into a "spam" folder, and generate an automatic response. >> I may be switching to that method too, Kevin. Although so far what's worked so well, is to subscribe to a free web-email service, and expect to have to switch to another one (address; could stay w/same service) within a year or two. As things now stand--what with everything Internet speeding up so...I'll have to upgrade my estimate from "a year or two" to "every three or four months". (Yet another among the apparantly-infinite examples of where "up" really means "down".) << This way, I am able to stop all the spam, while still letting anyone be able to reach me. >> Shrinks oughtta come up with a name for this new form of Internet addiction: "being so committed to a particular e-mail address, that one is even willing to go down in flames if need be, in order to reassert its use, free of spam. Regardless of the fact there are any number of free web-based email services out there." Or in your force manifest this paranoid fantasy you have about the CIA dogging you throughout most of your life. Not really out of vanity, do you do this, but with an IMMINENT desire to "let the show begin"...eager as you are to bring ADVENTURE and LIBERATION to every living soul. However, Kevin, even IF true (and I have a sure bet it IS, BTW)...does not mean any and ALL intriguing occurences or placements are all a manifestation of that particular fantasy. Some may be from other aspects of your life that aren't even vaguely related to your CIA mode. In fact, some ARE...some HAVE TO the fair balance and process of cogitation. Or--and this is also possible, though often swept under the Quantum Rug--the unique incident is SHARED by one or more OTHER threads of your life, that do not touch ever again, in any other place or time! They are, in fact, UNRELATED EVENTS THAT HAPPEN TO TOUCH UPON THE SAME TIME/SPACE NEXUS\ ...or as I like to say: "A meaningfully meaningless coincidence" (or "God's own poetic touch")! Now, if they touch in other parts as well, then I'd say you have a stronger case. But my claim to you is: no, this e-mail frippery is not CIA-relevant in the least: it seems to be an aspect of our subconsciousness, establishing communique on the "psychic level" (for want of a much better term). Or--to be quite not so Jungian--the gods have seen fit to bring us Favor; of which Gay Rights plays a tremendous part, and for which Adventure is PART of our reward. We are therefore being linked telepathically... most likely because of our years' devotion as gay political activists. But I do suspect other Adventures playing into this...such as perhaps being dear friends or siblings in a past, heroic life (thus, the movie "Troy" emerging?). And remember: The Kingdom Macedonia now stands once complete an unfinished mission. << I also find that I have to put error messages from the mail server into its own folder, because a lot of spam doesn't seem to have valid address to which to respond. >> Duh. I KNOW you weren't asleep through all this, Rip Van Winkle-Seria! At this late date, even Redneck Floyd in Whistlestop Georgia knows that most spam these days uses dummied return addresses! (Not to mention the utter ridiculousness of your solution to fight spam, is to actually GO TO those "unsubscribe" URL's! Oh, barf me up an ocean, why don'cha?) You're up to something, Kevin...and I think you are networking a lot of people over the Internet...and this is just your fun way of alerting me. << I do check over my "spam" folder to see if anything that I might actually want. But the spammers don't know that. >> Checking your spam folder will get old, awfully quick...and before much longer, not only will it be impractical to check your spam folder, it will be LIFE THREATENING! What do you mean "the spammers don't know that"? Of COURSE they do...their BUSINESS is to stay on top of things, cyberwise, or they'll lose their juicy marginal profits and have to find a REAL job, like most everyone else. << In time, when I'm confident that I have all the addresses that I might ever want, I could just delete the spam automatically. >> And while you're at it: may as well believe you'll inherit the Holy Grail, too! (Oh, and invent a perpetual motion machine along the way. And offer Jesus CEO status with your company, as soon as he's ready to come off that cross.) << When the spam is in a folder where you can easily click-shift-delete the whole thing, without worrying about missing anything, it is much better. >> Ever read the long short-story, "Flowers for Algernon?" (Or seen the movie?) Anyways, a man of low IQ is chemically induced to increase his IQ to genius status...during which time he falls in love...and then, his IQ subsides as the chemical leaves his system...a detox process of but a few weeks. I remember, Kevin, when you were a brilliant computer, you act excited about devising this "fantastic" spam filter, whose settings are already ANTICIPATED by the e-mail service you currently use? Is the CIA (or other BB group), dumbing you down via the water or air waves...and you're not even aware of it? Is the awareness still dim, 'cause so repressed? Is it up to me via this e-mail to holler: WAKE UP KEVIN! SOMETHING BIG IS GOING ON! AND I THINK IT'S ON OUR SIDE. YOUR CAUTION IS BUT AN ENHANCEMENT TO OUR ULTIMATE SECURITY, AS A LIBERATION SEXUAL MINORITY. << It did also seem to work, 1) to complain to Castcom about some of the spam, and 2) go to the "unsubscribe" urls, if there is one listed. I went down from 40+ porno spam messages per day to more like a couple. >> As you now know, I simply adjust to a new e-mail addie, when I see the inevitable coming down the line. This is happening to EVERYBODY now...and I don't see how the CIA could have any control over this...though perhaps they started it. Talk about PLAYING WITH FIRE! This is psychic fire! And it DOESN'T like to just be man-handled; by those who think nature's energies are BENEATH them, and that ethics are ulitimately a plastic social phenomenon. Sincerely, [subscribe paddedcell] === From: Kevin Seria To: Received: 06/13/04 12:58 AM Subject: Re: Re: Re: outside-zeke's-window_01.avi (2.3 mb) [subscribe seria] Ezekiel, It seems to be getting through to the "known senders" folder, now. Not sure what the problem was, but it seems OK. Sincerely, Kevin === From: To: Kevin Seria Received: 06/14/04 10:10 AM Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: outside-zeke's-window_01.avi (2.3 mb) [subscribe seria] Because IT knows you are onto IT, and thus gave up using that ploy (since IT no longer effects IT's desired results...duh!). But don't expect IT to not come up with something even MORE intrusive...if IT can find any chink in your armor. For me, the answer in dealing with such attacks is thus: As long as you are at all connected to the Internet, you'll ALWAYS have a CONSIDERABLE chink in your armor. BUT there are ways of surviving through all this...IT takes a disciplined spirit, however. I have found OTHER methods to deflect such attempts to wound...which shielding I naturally ASSUME you've developed in your own arsenal, most likely numerous years before myself! Why the glitch happened in the first place, remains UNRESOLVED...and thus, I see NO REASON for relaxing, letting down your guard, for even a split nanosecond! The OTHER possibility I consider, MOST likely: that you've intentionally witheld information in this matter, in order to test my RESPONSE time, and RESPONSE interpolation. (Too soon? Not soon enough? Rich datastream reply? Or just disappointingly moderate?) Impossible to CHEAT in this context: I can only splay my ever-loving guts before you, and wish you the most delicious meal in your many, many lives (past and future). === From: Kevin Seria To: Received: 06/13/04 06:44 PM Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: outside-zeke's-window_01.avi (2.3 mb) [subscribe seria] Ezekiel, I think that things are getting through now, so probably there is not point to worry why they didn't before. I have had weird things before, with my phone going dead, my internet access suddenly going out, when I was saying or posting something "sensitive". Remember that anyone who contacts me will also be watched/investigated. I don't doubt for a minute that they have investigated people in my life such as a fellow named Frank Cverna, who used to be a friend and college dorm mate, who is a deputy group leader at Los Alamos labs, on projects involving the maintanence of nuclear weapons. But they probably investigate literally everybody having any contact whatsoever, not just the obvious ones. Sincerely, Kevin === From: Kevin Seria To: Received: 06/13/04 06:55 PM Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: outside-zeke's-window_01.avi (2.3 mb) [subscribe seria] < Kevin, I believe this is a Great Force emerging from < Goddess-knows-where, but it is CLEARLY on our side...and has < absolutely NO qualms with you seeking restructure of your < security...but realize of course, that NO WAY could a < simplistic e-mail filter stop a REAL enemy virus attack from < getting through! There are indeed far greater forces on our side, which is part of the reason why I am living and free rather than being assassinated or languishing in a prison cell on manufactured charges. < Ahhh, but you PLAY dumb, to mislead the enemy, no doubt! And < what makes you so sure the enemy is truly THAT stupid? Are < you have a good time, by the way, trying to wake me up in < this elegantly subtle ways? Yes, indeed, sometimes I do play dumb. I do not lie (I pride myself on honesty) but I do play dumb sometimes, when I actually know better. One is never obligated to lay all of one's cards on the table, to voice all suspicions or knowledge. < Or in your force manifest this paranoid fantasy < you have about the CIA dogging you throughout most of your < life. Not really out of vanity, do you do this, but with an < IMMINENT desire to "let the show begin"...eager as you are < to bring ADVENTURE and LIBERATION to every living soul. There is no vanity at all in imagining that the CIA is dogging you, because nearly all Americans, including even people who ought to know better, like Congress people and intelligence-connected people, are naive as all hell about much of what goes on. It is degrading to be dogged by the CIA. No one will believe it. They will treat you like a mentally ill person, even if the reality is that your critics are pitfully ignorant, and you are a quantum leap more lucid and aware, like listening to the emphatic opinions of schoolchildren. It is a myth and stereotype about "paranoia". People like me have experienced things far outside the bounds of what people normally experience. There are precious few people that would be even remotely fit to judge. I get no ego-boost out of saying any of this. It is just the fact of the matter. I think that even people like James Jesus Angleton, the legendary CIA spook, was not "paranoid" in the sense that he had any natural, mental illness. It was an induced, pseuo-paranoia, because he was more aware of real hidden threats. He was reacting naturally to the constant psychological warfare that goes on all the time in the intelligence world. The public has no idea what kinds of unpublicized terrors hang over us, that you will never read a word about, in a Bob Woodward book. It is not just Alice-in-Wonderland for me. It is a world of Alice-in-Wonderland for everyone who gets very deeply involved. If there are CIA employees who dispute that statement, it is only because they are lower echelon sorts who think that they know what the world is really like, but they don't. I know that lots of people get spam, but I would not be a bit surprised if the government was starting to use spam to harass me. I think that they do it on the newsgroups, too. Did you ever see the reams of nonsense that pollutes the CIA newsgroup? What would be the motive of these supposed nuts? Even if they were "nuts", why are they so preoccupied with the CIA? If they are so mentally ill, how can they even afford internet access? It is a game, to discredit everything posted on the newsgroup, by association. It is to make everyone frustrated and drive them away, so if you get the rare, real CIA operative who gets a conscience and wants to blow a whistle, there will be no one there, and he will be drowned out by nonsense. I can see the hypocrisy of Castcom in these games. They have threatened to cut off my access for sending *one* unsolicited email to a Los Alamos scientist, even though I had reason to believe that he might be interested. They threatened to close my account, for a post to a Jewish newsgroup, because they said it was off-topic (not abusive or profane in the least), yet they do nothing about the reams of vulgar porno that has killed gay newsgroups, or the reams of gibberish that flood the CIA newsgroup, not to mention that I get no response at all from them, after sending at least 60 complaints about the 40+ spam messages that I was getting, per day. These bastards could hardly be more obvious in their political motives. The remind me of the bastard censors on who have done so much to cover-up AIDS genocide. If there is ever a revolution, ala France or Russia, some of these right-wing game-players should be dealt with appropriately (heh-heh, just kidding). I don't think that they will win their spam war against me. They would have to blow their cover, and I doubt that they are ready to do that, yet. They don't mind being obvious, if they can get away with it deniably, but they never want to be traceable or proveable. At least, not yet. They do love games like spam, though, as a harassment technique because it can be blamed as a "natural" and "common" thing, that you are being "paranoid" about. Yes, well it is common for people to fall down stairs, too, but sometimes people are pushed and murdered that way, precisely *because* it seems natural. That is the CIA's profession. Someday, though, they may all be a smoking hole in the ground, and I will still be here, alive to observe it all and carry on with wounded life, as most of will be doing. Peace in contemporary terms is the tense and fragile equilibrium that we enjoy, when both sides believe that things are comparatively stable for the moment, and that horrendous threats are not due on this immediate day. Peace is a balance of mutual terror. Peace is two parties with guns pointed directly at each other's temples, refraining from pulling the final trigger, for fear that their opponent will also pull the trigger. May there be Peace for you and for the endangered human race, for an indefinite number of days to come. Sincerely, Kevin === From: Ezekiel Krahlin To: Bcc: Ezekiel Krahlin Received: 06/13/04 08:03 PM Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: outside-zeke's-window_01.avi (2.3 mb) [subscribe seria] << I think that things are getting through now, so probably there is not point to worry why they didn't before. >> Yeah, right. Like you'd EVER be caught off guard. Glad we had this excellent exchange of necessary at times, to acknowledge, reaffirm (or strengthen anew) the basic bonds of comradeship we truly hope is there, and will prove itself beyond the dadow of a shoubt, when The Moment calls to it. So we are both agreed on the most vital acknowledgment: Beware the Jabberwock, my son, Beware the Jubjub bird! Hasta luegito, Kevinas! -- Vote for Zeke in oh-oh-four, Or brownshirts will bang down your door! (My ICQ#: 277447464) --finis