-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://surf.to/gaybible -------------------------------------------------------------- URGENT MESSAGE TO THE WICCAN, PAGAN, & SHAMAN CHURCHES (to be distributed ASAP to all relevant gatherings) © 2000 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin (Jehovah's Queer Witness) Please read the following reply I sent to a participant in a Wiccan newsgroup, as if your very life depended on it; because it does: ---begin my message, posted September 31, 2000: In article, "wisedemon" wrote: > My point is... Gays are not the only ones who have to worry. And *my point is... Gays have absolutely *nothing to worry about, for they are The Chosen People, The Lost Tribe of Israel, Tribe #13: The Elves, harvesters and keepers of all that is magical, hopeful, liberating, joyful, and, yes, sexy. It is *you, as representative of all Wiccan folks everywhere, that have your very own SOULS to worry about. And even more: as delegate for the related contingents who fall under labels "Pagan" and "Shaman", YOU need to get your act together. At this point, it is *not my duty or obligation to inform you of what final karmic cleaning these groups need to do. My Father in heaven tells me that my work is done. Yet, I was just taking a shower when he told me what I am about to share with you...now that I have towelled off and gotten clothed. (The reason he told me in the shower, was because he already saw I had turned off my computer, and was officially done with my important works for the day.) But I have decided to disobey my Father's commands (as I am known to do, in rare moments of opposition. As far as he's concerned: "Let those assholes rot in their putrid, melting flesh".) So I reboot my PC, and send this important alert to just ONE newsgroup, "alt.religion.wicca", as my last ditch effort to save a few more souls. It is up to YOU who are the first to read my alert, to spread the word. So read this carefully, then disseminate my message everywhere and anywhere said groups above will receive my announcement: CLEANSE YOUR GROUPS OF HOMOPHOBIA If you value the preservation, fulfillment, and liberation of your wondrous Pagan/Wiccan/Shaman history and ways, you MUST rid yourselves of any homophobic participants. You can no longer afford souls that harbor such evil intentions, in your midst. If you do, you shall perish along with them...and so shall the memory of anything shaman, wiccan or pagan...and that is *not what I want, as I *am the Prince of Elves, who reside over your (nay, our) wondrous people. Search your pagan/wiccan/shaman newsgroups for character strings like "faggot", "homo", "coprophage", and their variations and synonyms. There, you will find no lack of gay hatred. But this will also allow you to gather the miscreants into a concise list, that you may expunge them as you would chaff from wheat. I can forgive our people's past records of hateful deeds done against our own gifted homosexual citizens, but I cannot allow this to continue much longer. Knowing full well by this time in history and evolution, exactly what the crimes are against homosexuals, you have NO EXCUSE for refusing to swiftly put an end to any shred of what homophobia remains in your groups. EXPEL FROM ALL YOUR GATHERINGS, ANY KNOWN HOMOPHOBE. And if you're not sure who is or is not gay-hateful, just pose this appropriate, seemingly-innocent question, in order to find out: "I'm tired of queers joining so many of our [Wiccan/Pagan/ Shaman] groups. I'd like to start a group *without them; care to join me?" You have until midnight, December 31 2000, to accomplish this endeavor. But each day delayed is only to your shame and my Father's rage. Blessed be! ---end of my message