-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://surf.to/gaybible -------------------------------------------------------------- WISH LIST FOR MY QUEER ACTIVIST WEBSITE © 2002 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin July 22, 2002 I have just been accepted as a new client for the Online Policy Group (OPG). They provide free mailing lists and web hosting to those individuals or groups short on money but long on queer civil rights. This is the parent group for the Queernet mailing list and other outstanding LGBT online discussions. At this time, I still must provide for my own expenses...almost impossible considering I only collect a disability stipend with no other income source...and reside in the rather expensive city of San Francisco. I already have stretched my meager budget to the max. So I am posting this wish list, in case some visitors here would like to contribute to my cause. To get a better idea of my goals, first let me repost my goals that I presented to OPG: ---begin statement of goals: My space needs for my website are presently 25MB+. I now have 19MB onsite. These are mostly text files with some original graphics. I expect to increase my personal contributions (most text files, some images) by approx. 1MB per month. But I have another section, where I invite original contributions by queers around the world. Right now, it sits idle with a small collection of contributors. But as my efforts pan out, there might be a sudden explosion of contributions. So there is that to consider. And if things succeed in that aspect, it will likely increase the popularity and value of your excellent service. My goal is to eventually hand over my "Faggot Bible" to our queer family, that it may become a worldwide community project by and for queers. IOW, my site is intended as a gift to our family. And I expect others' contributions to eventually outstrip mine, so that my own orginal works become an ever-smaller percentage of the entire, constantly-growing body of brilliant art, stories and poems. ---end of statement So if you like my ideas enough to contribute, here is my current wish list: (Note: My computer is a 400MHz Pentium clone, running Windoze 98 w/160MB memory. Please keep that in mind re. requests for PC-related items.) 1) Polaroid film for the Sun 600 LMS (which works great, and cost only $5 at a thrift store). I'll need enough film for approx. 10 photos per month. I use my camera to accompany my audio interviews. I also take photos of their art, if they do paintings, sculpture, or any other art form of a solid nature. I also am taking photos of The Castro, and other parts of S.F. to give folks an online tour from my own unique perspective. I then process my pics through a scanner. In the long run, a digital camera would be cheaper on film expenses, and I need not worry about the expense of taking LOTS of pictures...but I'm not sweating the small stuff. I had a $99 digital camera last year, but it broke. Anyways, it was barely decent quality, and limited my creative experiments. 2) Software: image compression for jpg and gif. I haven't found any freeware versions that are worth the trouble. 3) Software: voice recognition. (I already have a high-quality set of headphones w/microphone.) I cannot type too much, due to repetitive-stress injury in both hands (not serious at this point, and I don't want it to get serioius). Likewise many years mouse-use has cursed me with beginning tennis elbow. (Two years ago I switched to a stylus/tablet, but now it's giving me RSI in the OTHER arm. Jeesh, what price armchair activism!) 4) Hardware: a USB card for a PCI or EISA slot. 5) Hardware: RW-CDROM drive, for backing up my data, and possibly for distributing my website and other creative works of mine offline, for a nominal fee. (Presently, I back up with 120MB Imation super-floppies...but if things take off, which I expect, I'll soon need to back up a LOT more data.) 6) Button-part supplies so I can continue designing more queer-themed buttons. You can view my latest designs on my website, at "http://gay-bible.0catch.com/buttons.htm". If you want to contribute these items, contact me first to give you the button-size specs and where to order them online for the best price. 7) Color and black ink cartridges for my "HP Deskjet 660Cse" printer (used to print out my button designs). 8) A Kinko's card of any value that will pay for color photocopies, which I need to reproduce my button designs from the original printouts. Each photocopy holds six button images. $5/mo. will suffice, as I create new buttons on and off, not every month. These buttons promote my work, and help raise society's consciousness re. LGBT civil rights. (Selling them on the sidewalks has not gone over, but it's a great pleasure to give them as gifts to those who admire them. I actually hope to make some real money from my button designs, by queer organizations using them as fundraisers...not just as buttons, but also as decals, key chain accessories, T-shirts, etc. I want only 1% of all sales, so as to maximally benefit our activist groups. I just don't want to starve, homeless, in the procees, by not pursuing some way to gain some sort of financial recompense.) 9) Access to a safe deposit box or similar security, where I can keep valuable documents relating to my artistic activist ventures. I live in a single room, which is not secure protection for such papers. Fire, water damage, or theft would destroy these documents in one sudden crisis. 10) A gorgeous stud to reinspire me like a phoenix rising from its ashes, in times I grow jaded and bitter. (Send photo.) P.S.: I am willing to have a recognized representative (or group) from OPG or other legit queer group or person, to monitor my activities whenever deemed appropriate, as witness to the veracity of my activism, especially as regards the use of donated supplies for the purposes described herein. Such a representative is welcome to accompany me on my interviews, and other projects devoted to my activist website. Besides: I'd love the company! P.P.S.: I want to thank all you marvelous A-holes who've been giving me a hard time all these years...bitching, insulting, pushing my envelope to the extreme. Without tough task-masters, I'd never have felt challenged enough to come so far. Keep it up, A-holes, you ain't seen nothing yet! (Oh, yeah, and thanks to all those "others" who have given me such wonderful, positive support to make sure I don't get TOO exhausted by being reamed by so many A-holes. I forgive you!) Sincerely, Ezekiel J. Krahlin ---finis