-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://surf.to/gaybible -------------------------------------------------------------- CONFUSING GAY RIGHTS WITH BLACK CIVIL RIGHTS © 2001 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin ======== Newsgroups: soc.culture.indian,alt.fan.jai-maharaj, soc.culture.usa,alt.culture.hawaii, alt.activism, alt.homosexual Subject: Re: Confusing gay rights with civil rights for blacks is an insult... From: Chief ThracianDate: Sun, 01 Jul 2001 13:07:39 -0700 -------- On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 22:21:04 -0700, "Stan Rothwell" wrote: >Stop playing games. Homosexual behavior refers >specifically to engaging in sex with other members >of the same sex. Wrong. Just because the unfortunate, clincially-cold term "homosexual" contains the syllable "sex", does not really mean that gay people revolve around sex and nothing else...implying by virtue of what that word implies, that all gays are sex addicts. A better term to describe gays is "homo-affectional", for many gays prefer to associate with each other, not based on any sexual attraction, but based on a common ground of a long and proud history of suffering through the many abuses wrought by the heterocentric majority. Similar to why Jews, or Gypsies, or Native Americans prefer to congregate among their own kind. This is why lesbians and gay men enjoy each others company, rather than dallying with straights. And it has nothing to do with the sex act per se...and everything to do with a strong and comradely bond. Homosexual behavior extends into ethical, spiritual and social dimensions far beyond mundane sex. Just like heteros, even more so when you consider the courageous history of gay struggles that heteros could never know. The word "heterosexual" also contains syllable "sex", yet we all realize that opposite-sex bonding encompasses dimensions of affection and social gregariousness that often do not include the sex act. In fact, the energy of the sex interest adds spice to the association...and this is no less true for gays, as for heteros. Even if it doesn't really go anywhere (such as bed). Who we prefer to spend our quality time with, who we choose for a lover or friend, are important and necessary aspects of being gay...just like, and no different from, why heteros choose to associate with each other, over gays. However, there is now arising a new, and inspiring trend of gay-identified straight men who appreciate, even admire, their bonding with gay men (without any sexual interest) as a much more loving, saner alternative to conventional, hetero macho associations. >It degrades and blurs the definition of marriage. >It's not your institution, nor your place to make >decisions as to what that means. End of story. Sorry, but the story does *not end with you, arrogant het buffoon! The modern institution of marriage was STOLEN from gays, by the violent, hetero majority. In medieval times in Europe, gay monks often bonded in loving, intimate relationships. So they eventually created a marriage contract to affirm a loving commitment to each other, for their entire lives. As time pondered on, these marriage vows were copied by heteros, and eventually usurped and claimed as their own, in order to stigmatize gay people. So, yes, originally, our modern marriage vows were by and for gay partners only. Now, another social innovation started by gays, is what we call "domestic partners". There is presently an effort by heterocentric monsters, to eliminate domestic partner contracts for gay couples...but allow it for alternative styles of hetero bonding (such as classmates sharing a household, or an invalid mother living with her daughter; two examples among many). >Sorry, buddy, I like in the SF Bay area, where >most of them refer to themselves as gays, and the >militant ones call theselves "queers". That is not being militant, that is being progressive, even radical. You are like so many Fundamentalist zealots: defining any gay who is outspoken about his demand for equality, as "militant". Actually, being militant involves forming your own militia or vigilante group, and aggressively demanding your rights at the end of the barrel of a firearm. >You might be able to put your BS over on someone >from Des Moines, but those of us around here know >better... You don't know squat; you think you are so smart but, sadly, we gays have an IQ that soars way above your own. But you are so stupid, you don't even realize this...instead, believing you know it all, when it comes to gays. >Nice of you not to get it. Once again, you have >the same constitutional rights as straights do. No >more, no less... No we don't, because the Constitutional Rights that should be our birthrate as it is for all hetero Amerikans, are constantly being denied and trampled on my the majority of bigots who haunt this sorry nation, and run our present Supreme Court. >Have you ever heard the term "discretion"? I >wouldn't even choose to discuss certain aspects of >my personal life with other adults who are close >friends, yet the militant gays have no problem >talking about their "lifestyle" to minors and >others in a public setting... As I already stated, you will never be intelligent enough to give other than an anti-gay, knee-jerk reaction to any person who calmly explains why gays are still fighting for equality. You don't have to discuss your being heterosexual to anyone, for in our society where heteros are the vast majority, it is tactily *assumed you are straight, unless otherwise shown or told. When a gay person lets it be known to others that he's gay, he is making everyone aware that not everyone is heterosexual, and that because of this, they need to not insiste that everything that anyone does or says must be couched in hetero-defined expectations. There is nothing indiscreet about a gay person letting others know he's gay. This is not hurting any children who may be present, either...no more than heteros proclaiming their love for their partners, and even displaying such affection with kisses and hugs. It is just as wrong for a hetero to use explicit sexual descriptions to a very young child, as it would be for a gay person. So when a kid asks about gay couples, there is no problem with an intelligent reply such as: "Some people fall in love with others of the same gender...and their love is essentially the same as hetero couples." You do *not get into specific sexual descriptions when explaining to a kid, about a married hetero couple...and there is no problem in this matter, in describing a gay couple. It is only heterocentric bigots who insist in defining gays as sexual perverts and addicts...and thereby think that mentioning to a kid that gays have partners of the same sex, is somehow harmful. It is not. You just don't want to heal yourself of your own ugly homophobia...and choose to poison the minds of innocent children with images of monsters, when describing gays...thus transmitting this trite and ugly bigotry to the next generation. >But then again, I'm not actively recruiting sex >partners. Isn't that what promotion of the gay >lifestyle is really about? If anyone's doing some hard-core recruitment, it's heteros, far beyond gays. Heterocentrism is so forceful it permeates all our mainstream entertainment and material productions. Why are so many salt and pepper shakers created with boy-girl motifs (the boy is salt, the girl is pepper)...yet none with same-sex motifs? Why are all romantic adventure movies celebrating hetero relationships...instead of also producing some where the main characters are two men or two women, in love; with one saving the life of another, and they live happily ever after? In fact, I like to call movie theaters "heterocentric indoctrination centers", for that is the main purpose they serve (in the guise of entertainment). There is so much advertising catering to hetero sex fantasies, you'd think our society *had to constantly broadcast hetero dogma, else we'd all slip into gay behavior, if we weren't perpetually bombarded by this straight propaganda. Good grief, women's big tits are used to sell everything from chocolates to cars to clothing! It's pathetic, because it also perpetrates the evil, macho notion that women are nothing but sex objects for the satisfaction of straight men. >Why else whould you seek to have groups to talk to >teens about their sexual confusion? You are just too dumb to figure this out yourself; yet the answer is obvious, to anyone with an IQ of at least 90. Educating young people at an early age, that homosexuality is a normal variation of the human experience, nips in the bud the potential for bigotry and violent attacks against our gay citizens. If we don't reach them when they're still very young, then it is often too late to undo the exposure to homophobic ideas that is so prevalent in our Amerikan families and communities. This is no different than any other kind of bigotry: that the earlier you reach children about its wrongness, the more effective are the results in cultivating respect towards those different from themselves. This goes for teaching about African Americans, Asians, disabled people and so on...and should also be applyed to gay folks. >What's your grievance? That you can't shack up >with some guy and have the State pretend you're >"married"? Heteros have the sanctioned options to either shack up OR marry with someone they love. Gays only have a very limited right to shack up... and usually with great risk towards bashing by violent heteros. They have no choice to marry and dedicate their lives to their partners, with all the privileges and perks that go with it, as do straight couples. And that is indeed, our grievance, which you treat so flippantly...because you are essentially a bully, who gets his rocks off by insulting people who are stigmatized by a majority ignorance. I guess you think it's a prideful thing to be just like most people, even when you are committing a heinous offense. This is how Nazis took over Germany, by appealing to the bully in us all. And those who fell for this ploy, were suckers...as you obviously are. >I wouldn't bend over ANYWHERE near the likes of >you. :O( Another fallacious attitude by stupid heteros: that just because you're male, any gay would be all over you in a flash, if you permitted. But gays have good taste, and wouldn't go for someone as butt-ugly as yourself, even if your were 100% gay since infancy. I'm afraid you live out your entire life, unfulfilled. But hey, that's probably your life already! What a happy thought; I think I'll go out and celebrate. Happy Gay Pride Month. --- Zeke Krahlin, Chief Thracian http://surf.to/gaybible