-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://surf.to/gaybible -------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS GAY? -- Zeke's reflections on the issue of feminine stereotypes. © 1998 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin (Jehovah's Queer Witness) Note: I belong to a private group called "The K6 Alliance", dedicated to radical concepts of gay liberation ...including the idea of seceding to form our own nation, free of heterocentric dogma and violence. One of the topics we have discussed, is how we should define who is gay...as this will be crucial to establishing the world's first gay society. Herein are some of my comments in a thread on exactly that topic. All statements below are my own, except those lines preceded with the right-pointing caret symbol, ">". My comments in this document span the time period of March 28 to May 3, 1998...and each message is separated by a dashed line. Let us begin: ======================================== Who is "gay"? How do we define this? This question has recently been taken out of the realms of conjecture (as it was when considering it in terms of a gay nation)...into reality, with the recent influx of hetero men from the Balkan states seeking asylum in Holland. These men are claiming they're gay, just to seek refuge from a violent regime. However, it is likely they will nevertheless spread the homophobia of their native country, once settled into liberal Holland. So observing how Holland deals with this issue, may help us come up with a clear definition of who is gay, and who is not. I don't however, see men dressing as women--or as caricatures thereof--or men portraying any so-called effeminate traits as having any proof towards one's "gayness". It is a great heterosexual tradition for testosterone-engendered groups such as the U.S. military, to entertain the troops with butch officers prancing on stage in drag. Furthermore, I have met extraordinarily effeminate men whom I assumed were gay, but were definitely not, as things turned out. I don't know if a man acting like a woman, is indeed provocative (if it ever was). For society seems to never get over its feigned shock of when a man does so. This female impersonation among men has been going on for how long? Decades? Centuries? Eons? Anyone who acts shocked or titillated over this, is merely feigning. Dennis Rodman gets away with it, because being so macho, he can easily get away with it. Because homosexuality confronts society's narrow perception of acceptable gender roles, it can be thrown in the same bag of social no-nos such as transgenderism and drag. But these other aspects are not at all akin to the issue of being gay, which is: someone loving another of the same sex. I also believe that defining ourselves as effeminate, or as drag queens, as an essential part of being homosexual, only feeds into society's stereotypes. Some of us then act out the expected behaviorisms: acting silly, goosey, effeminate, dizzy and flighty...and dressing in women's clothing. My own experience from meeting drag queens and the like, is that they have absolutely no interest in sex in general, not just homosexuality...in that most of the ones I've met are either asexual or heterosexual, with only a few actively homosexual. The reason they are identified so much with the gay world, is that that's the only group that tolerates them. Thus, they created their own sub-subculture within a subculture. So if we were in the conjectured situation of running a gay nation, and needing to screen new immigrants for their "gayness"...well, those men who dress like women will not automatically win my approval. They wouldn't even gain a Brownie point...in fact, I'd be more aroused to suspicion than I would over those who dress plainly, as males. (Remember Corporal Klinger, in MASH?) They would still have to pass through a battery of examinations to prove that they are actually homosexual. One test can be to place electrodes by their wrists, temples, and chest...then showing them pictures of various men and women...to discern which sex arouses any interest. Of course, this would be but one test among many. Will Holland find itself resorting to such tests, in order to stop the influx of straights disguised as gay? I, for one, am very interested in how their situation develops. Another stereotype our society has, is that gay icons are often Hollywood actors, usually female...such as Judy Garland, Bette Davis, and so on. Gay icon? None of these people are any I could relate to...I am not a Hollywood fetishist. Who on earth determines what our gay icons are, and what our gay traits are? Heteros, it seems, are the ones to define us gays. If I, and others, have no desire to act or dress like women, and do not hold any particular interest or admiration for certainly Hollywood actresses...then how can these be innate markers for gayness? And if I feel this way, then how can I be the only gay person who does? (Sort of a strange twist on that classic landmark book about gays called "You are not alone." As a gay person, should I feel alone, still, because I don't desire to portray feminine stereotypes?) "If you are really gay, then you must hold a secret desire to be a woman", is a stereotype attitude that heterocentric societies hold for homosexuals. No wonder, then, that a segment of gays plays out those roles...to the tittilation of the hetero majority. Which majority is more ready to accept us in such two-dimensional, Hollywood-inspired roles. I believe, therefore, that what gay men truly desire to be a woman are only a minority within all those that behave and dress like one (or at least a caricature of one). The rest feel obligated to play out the stereotype. If I were to help administer a gay nation, I wouldn't care less whether or not a man dressed in female attire, or even acted effeminate. What would matter, however, is whether or not he passed our tests to prove one's homosexuality. What I would wonder about, is why this behavior is so important for that person...after all, there are no more heteros around to entertain. These days, almost anyone who has had even a fleeting attraction to another of the same sex, is proclaiming himself "gay". This goes for a lot of bisexuals, who claim to know all about the gay struggle, and are even so arrogant as to believe they are educating not just heteros, but gays as well, about human sexuality. They have come up with terms like "biphobia" and "heterophobia", in order to paint gay people as equally bad as homophobes, should they show any disgust towards the hypocrisy and superiority-posing of bisexuals. Yet, unless one is truly homosexual, and actively so, one could never know the real horrors of discrimination and hatred in a homophobic world. Bisexuals can easily slip back into their traditional hetero roles at the drop of a hat...abandoning and even betraying their gay comrades in the process. To many of the bisexuals, being gay is just a lark, a kinky sex adventure not worthy of any serious consideration in the light of human civil rights. They may even regard gay people as inferior, by virtue of not fucking both sexes. We also have arrogant straight society defining gays on their own terms, not ours...and many gays falling for it. So for all these reasons mentioned herein, I find the question "who is gay?" far more relevant and important today, than it has ever been in the past. This recent invasion of Holland by straights posing as gays, has put this question into the limelight. And I don't think any sign of effeminacy or desire to dress or be (or act) like a woman, should be part of this definition of what defines a person as homosexual. For it is just as likely to be the traits of some heterosexuals, too. I think, as Racoon does, that the only relevant definition is the desire to be intimate (sexually and otherwise) with another of the same sex...in such a fashion as to exclude any similar desires with one of the opposite sex. The definition, IMO, is easy to come up with...but it is the proving of anyone's homosexuality which is the real challenge. And Holland has been put to this test. We may agree to disagree, Billy, and in this spirit, I invite your further opinions in this matter. ======================================== >The status of gay is,in these hard and backward times of hetro >domination and oppression,a title of honour which should be >acquired by deeds.The minimal deed should be cultural adhesion >to homosexuality at the exclusion or at the expense of >heterosexuality.Political allegiance to our state should be >required only for those applying for office in the government >of that state. Considering how unevolved regarding their own gay consciosness, are the majority of gay people--at least in Amerika--I'm afraid that judging by deeds would likely eliminate many deserving of asylum into Athenia (my name for this gay-nation-to-be). My own experience here in "Da Mecca", has shown me only a handful of gay men or women with a real sense of pride regarding their homosexual spirit. Also, the majority of gays who do not live in gay-friendly urban centers, mostly still exist under a reign of terrorism...and any cultural adhesion to homosexuality, if displayed, would quickly have them bashed by the redneck forces that rule. Nevertheless, I wouldn't deny these folks entry to Athenia...in fact, providing refuge for these kinds, would be providing refuge for the majority of gay women and men most in need of asylum. It would be a lot easier for the administrators of Athenia, to only allow those with a proven record of fidelity to the gay cause...but I'm afraid we'd then have only a handful of citizens, with the majority of deserving entrants left out in the heterocentric cold. I do not believe these types would betray gay people, but would welcome the chance to breathe freely and be themselves, for once, and for all time. I think conclusively proving "who is gay" is the crux that would prove a real challenge for any society providing asylum to gay people. Look what has happened, the moment a country--for the first time in history--includes asylum provision for homosexuals. They (Holland) gets overrun by straights pretending they are gay! This is why we should be very interested to learn how The Netherlands deals with this issue...for they are forced to deal with it. ======================================== >Would a gay man who cross dresses be automatically barred from >participating in a Thracian Nation? No. Since cross dressing is neither a qualifier nor disqualifier of becoming a citizen of Athenia. >Would he deserve closer scrutinizing because he cross dresses? Yes. Because this is one stereotype straights have of gays, the person would be more suspect than a gay person not playing out any stereotypes. There will be those straights pretending to be gay, in order to escape their own nation's tyranny. They would be likely to act out how they think a gay person behaves. >What is the threat of cross dressing? Cross-dressing is as much a hetero phenomenon, as it is among gays...and I don't think this behavior will, in future, be regarded by the public as distinctive to a gay lifestyle. I think anyone who earmarks cross-dressing as a gay thing, is just confusing the issue. Furthermore: Women's clothes, as you know, are far more expensive than men's...as well as being victims to the whims of fashion. This would place a terrible crimp on the budget of our new nation, when it comes to our military's uniforms. >Regarding the hetero Balkan men Ezekiel mentioned, I believe >such individuals could easily be screened out in the earliest >stages of immigration. Their lack of homophile spirit would be >evident. I'm afraid this may be more wishful thinking than not. Straights can be very clever, when it comes to their own survival. The homophile spirit of many gay refugees may not be evident, until these loved ones are safely settled into Athenia. Then, and only then, you might finally see the devotion to Lesbian and Thracian ideals come shining through...and the lack thereof from those fakes who passed for gay, and who must be deported. It is, really, a difficult problem to work through...and one which is already forced upon little Holland. I don't think there is an easy answer to this...and for this reason, it's a good thing some of us are mulling this over right now. For the question of "who is gay" is not just pertinent to fantasizing a gay nation, but highly relevant in this time, when so many vested interests are watering down the definition of "gayness"...for their own ulterior, usually-homophobic, motives. ======================================== >I love and am attracted to other men. It doesn't matter to me >how they dress. My feelings for others comes from my heart, >not some preconceived notion of what is, or is not, >politically correct. I love the gay spirit...but rarely do I love an individual, gay or otherwise. Perhaps this is my own personal shortcoming. And...it does matter how someone dresses, to me...up to a point. I am not attracted to any person--let alone any man--who constantly acts silly and frivolous, to the point where nothing in life is serious to him, and he is not someone on whom you could form a close and trusting rapport. This behavior seems to be a main aspect of many drag queens...and it is this kind I believe is playing out a hetero/hollywood stereotype. (Likewise, if I ever met a woman who acts so consistently goosey, I'd lose interest in befriending her, too.) I have met--though rarely--a man who dresses in female clothing, and/or who is very effeminate--who does not play the goosey game...and in consequence, I am more likely to maintain an acquaintance, if not a friendship, with him. But this kind seems to be atypical, when you are talking about men in female drag. As for preconceived notions: I have plenty of them...and perhaps, again, this is a personal shortcoming on my part. But I do not condemn any man just because he does not attract me sexually, romatically, platonically, or filially. I would still defend his right to be gay, in whatever way suits him. I don't, however, find too many gays who are capable of not judging their gay brethren so objectively...and I have met many who would *hate* you for not going along with whatever gay game they thought appropriate. So I'd say my lack of interest, or even disgust with, gay men who dress in drag...comes from the prevalent goosiness, cheapness, gossip, and back-stabbing that seems to accompany many who act out these roles. I have lived among them for many years, and without fail, most have been extremely vicious and vengeful at the drop of a purse. So what I guess I don't like is the weirdness of this subculture...which is a very urbanized phenomenon. Take away their dresses, jewelry, and makeup...I'd still hate them for their behavior, and not their dress. ======================================== >If an effeminate man made a pass at a "hetrosexual" man, it >was expected and flattered the het so he could accept the >advance or reject it. But if a noneffeminate man made a pass >at a het many times there was "hell to pay" This still holds true for the most part...and if it didn't, we wouldn't have this continued violence against gays in our country, let alone in this, our so-called "gay mecca" of San Francisco. (With our supposed "leaders" telling us to wear whistles...just another perpetration of stereotyping gays as effeminate and wimpy.) When I worked in offices in S.F., I was not the only gay person...but I was not effeminate-acting, while the several others were. They were more readily accepted, whereas I kept running aground in office relations. I guess I didn't know my place. I see this role of femininity totally contrived...both by women and by men, who choose this role. It is an aspect of a totalitarian from of patriarchy, that places women as sex objects, as property, and as very inferior to the male. So I see male cross-dressing as an aspect of this dying cultural standard. We are re-defining ourselves as people, and this includes the roles of males and females. I conclude then, that the first gay nation of Athenia should just outlaw any feminine style of dressing or appearance...by women, as well as by men. I'm sure many Lesbians would breathe a sigh of relief over this, too. This gender role-playing seems to be a fundamental part of the oppressive heterocentric society, in which many of us were born, and in which most of us still live. ======================================== >Heterosexuality has no place in a gay cultural circle.It has >even less in a political one,especially an independent state. As a slave may save himself from an early death by finding some way in which he can prove entertaining to his master...likewise, a transvestite is one way (some) gay men make themselves amusing to their hetero overlords. Women, also, in dressing up in so-called feminine manners...cater to their male hetero rulers. In both cases, assuming feminine ways places you as (hopefully) desireable property of male het rulers, thus earning some sort of protection and even the reward of companionship. For me, and for many gay men, and for some of our more liberated het females and lesbians, this is far too high a price to pay...for part of that price includes surrendering one's very own integrity and dignity...or in other words: your soul. The assumption of women being "feminine" as some form of inferior "opposite" to the het male...is an enforced code of acknowledgment that you, as female, are subservient to all males. The entire western concept of the feminine is false and demeaning...and is a major function of the heterocentric world view. For this reason, I denounce the ridiculous feminine attire and demeanor as not worthy of any human being with any reasonable sense of self-esteem. This would apply of course, as equally to men as to women. When you stop to think about how much the conventional female makes herself over, with complex makeup, hairdo, and layers of expensive clothing...one can see them more as some strange variation of a "clown" preparing to enter the three-ring circus to perform her hilarious act. Women activists, for the most part, are aware of this contrived femininity, and rightly rebel against it. Of course, the right wing, and perhaps uncomfortable liberal males, mock women like this--exaggerating their stance by comparing them to bulldogs and such--with the ulterior motive to discourage the majority of women from dropping their extensive wardrobe and makeup, and following suit. A gay nation would unlikely accommodate any form of contrived feminine displays...as they are an explicit symbol of heterocentric fascism. Just as Germany has outlawed Nazi organizations...and frowns upon anyone who might dress like one...an independent gay society would (or should) outlaw explicitly feminine dress and manners...as it would any of the other obviously heterosexist cultural mores. Granted, gay people are part of the larger gender identity issue, with which Amerika is still very uptight about. This, of course, would include transvetites, cross-dressers, and very feminine acting men (and to a lesser extent, masculine acting women). However, the particular issue for gays is the right to love another of the same sex...and we, as a community, really should stop spreading ourselves so thin, by including everyone else with a gender identity cause, under our political umbrella. We (at least here in Amerika) have lost sight of the essence of gay rights...and have no need to accommodate bisexuals, trannies, and the like. They do, however, need to support the gay agenda...and in so doing, will gain more freedom for themselves in their personal lives. In other words: Let's put the "gay" back into gay rights. ======================================== Billy, I've given a lot of thought for many weeks, before composing this reply. I hope you find it worth contemplating: >I love and am attracted to other men. It doesn't matter to me >how they dress. It matters to me, because I am not attracted to the female, hence towards feminine sex in whatever form. Furthermore, I do not love, or have attraction for, other men...only for the occasional man here and there. There are many men for whom I lust, and no women...ergo, I am homosexual...Kinsey 6, in fact. It is the rare man that I desire to have as lover. Do I hate women? No. Do I hate men who dress in feminine garb, or act effeminate? No. But I find their friviolous attitudes and vindictive behavior a serious nuisance, when one considers the civil rights of gay people a serious matter, not to be wasted on inviting justification of society's stereotypes of gay people as frivolous, effeminate, and otherwise useless. I don't think any oppressed minority appreciates that sort of behavior from their own kind. Except as occassional satire of oppressor thinking...say, on stage or in some sort of political demonstration...but not as a frequent, everyday occurrance. A comparison to drag queens behaving like the stereotype that society has of gays...to black rights...would be if a large group of blacks dressed down like plantation slaves, walking around with slices of watermelon in their hands, and addressing everyone as "massuh" throughout the day. In essence, I don't think drag queens are doing gay rights any favor...and I don't think it takes more courage for a man to dress like a woman in public; than for an everyday kind of guy to assert his gay identity in the workplace and all other social settings. In fact, I think more straights would feel quite uneasy around such a man...more so than around one who plays out a stereotype (albeit with great pomp, much to the titillation of his hetero audience--with emphasis on "tit"). >My feelings for others comes from my heart, not some >preconceived notion of what is, or is not, politically >correct. Mine do. Example: I would never have sex with a guy who hates the poor, who is against rent control, who does not believe in Universal health care, etc. What kind of a loser would I be if I did not consider a man's integrity, before becoming intimate with him? If you don't get to know some things about your potential amour, for all you know, you could be bedding down with Hitler's protege. People are, among other things, political animals. If your attraction were based solely on feelings of the heart...why, then, you'd be bisexual! For you'd be blind to other distinctions, in addition to whether or not a man dress like a woman...including gender. >How we define what is male dress and what is female dress is >solely based on heterosexual values. I would like to suggest >that those of us who can only accept the heterosexual >definitions of male and female dress are just as guilty of >furthering heterosexual interests as cross dressers. What seems to be part of the drag queen subculture, is not just feminine dress and behavior...but dress and behavior that is more of a parody, than an imitation, of the hetero female. And even more than that: a parody of the bitchy female, as portrayed by a handful of Hollywood icons such as Bettie Davis, Joan Crawford, and the like. If all drag queens were merely acting feminine, they would not at all manifest one particular type of "acting out". This is not just an issue of female sex worship and parody: it is Hollywood adulation...something for which I have no interest. It really irks me whenever the news media calls certain actresses (never *actors*, mind you!) as "gay icons". I'm gay, but they're not my icons. Perhaps among a small segment of gay people--drag queens and their followers mostly--these actresses are their icons...but still, this doesn't make them "gay" icons! This is a good example of how we allow hetero society to define who we are, as gay people. They even tell us who our icons are! I think the drag queen has too great a slice of recognition and representation in the gay community. But because of their sensationalist and bizarre antics, and because this is what the media laps up...we have such a situation. If the nasty slander and other vindictive behaviors of the conventional drag queen in urban Amerika, were not part of their acting out...then I would be more tolerant of this group. But consider that what is defined as feminine in Amerika, is already so contrived and demeaning to women. And I have little tolerance or respect for those women who play these games, as if they really were man's great gift to be worshipped. The amazing contortion of their bodies to please "man", along with layers of cosmetics and ridiculous hairdos...remind me more of a circus clown, than of an everyday type of human being. This is a sad situation for women, and numerous women in the liberation movement, do reject this false definition of female. They do not dress female, nor act female...many are still hetero, and some are of course gay. Why should men be the only sex to enjoy the freedom that comes with inexpensive and unembellished manners of appearing and behaving? I therefore do not regard the drag queen cult with much pleasure. Though I would certainly defend them--as I would anyone--who is being mercilessly attacked by homophobes. For one: drag queens are *not* being feminine...they are usually being parodies of the female definition. For another: they are celebrating, in their own way, a very heterocentric viewpoint of women...a viewpoint that many women are trying so hard to shatter, because said viewpoint is oppressive and ignorant. >If one of these extremes should be viewed with suspicion, then >so should the other. Or so drag queens would have you believe, even accuse you of being homophobic if you did not absolutely adore everthing about them...and praise them to the hilt for being the fairy godmother guardians of gay rights...defending us from the toothsome maws of homophobia. I don't see why anyone should be regarded with suspicion, for expressing distaste towards a group of people whose standard behavior includes bratty vindictiveness, and passing it off as "camp". Or who hold the record in slanderous gossip that has grieved many basically innocent people who have the kind of integrity that makes such queens jealous. I am even composing an essay called "Vicious Queens I Have Known", as my own glimpse of the drag queen life, after 23 years of living among them, here in the "gay mecca". As a final remark, do not think that my statements herein imply any approval towards the ridiculously macho, leather S&M/butch crowd either...another extreme parody taken too seriously for anything that could be considered wholesome and sane. ======================================== >Without fear of being rebuked by anyone in the type of gay >environment I dwell,I could have written as well "Insofar as >death by suicide results among young gay males as the >consequence of the slandering of male homosexuality through >the drag queen stereotype,tv/ts associated with that >slandering are party and accessories to an act of war against >gay people and culture with all the consequences (of the worse >order) involved". In my essay (pub'd 1997), called "Gay Turncoats In Our Midst", I discuss similar issues, and from which I'll quote this excerpt: ---begin quote Their motive is not one of liberation, but to maintain their own, comfortable status quo of recognition, affluence, and influence. As we know, the fight against AIDS has been turned into a big money making machine for many organizations that have now become powerful and rich as a result...at the cost of unnecessary suffering and deaths. Why would anyone be so foolish as to assume that queer politics is no different, at least here in Amerika? There are those in the political elite who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo...to keep AIDS and homophobia alive...as this is how they continue receiving recognition, power, and finances. If either beast were finally conquered, they would lose their power base, replaced with new, more egalitarian ones. They also block or discourage (often through vicious tactics) a lot of decent GayFolk who could otherwise have greatly enhanced the civil rights movement for all Same-Sex Lovers. Turncoats do whatever they can to deter any brother who believes (and actively participates in) Hellene Rights; through games of mockery, isolation, rejection, and any other forms of persecution that occur to them. Because of their uncontrollable jealousy, turncoats also suppress the talents of their artistic brothers, whose work, if acknowledged and encouraged, could contribute in a big way to Gay Rights. (There are numerous turncoats in the "art world" with the money and power to back these revolutionary artists; but they do not.) I wonder: just how many of our decent brothers have committed suicide--not from the slings and arrows of hetero brutality--but from betrayal (of the most vicious kind) from their own Gay "brothers." ---end quote I would have to include in my list of gay turncoats, those drag queens and nellie types who make it their business to be so petty and spiteful, as to cut down a gay person for whatever imaginable slight. Among those cut down would be, of course, impressionable gay youth who are more likely to trust the wrong kind. This "cutting down" often mounts to sabotaging another's job, love life, friendships, or housing...and the guilty queens care not if the victim goes insane, homeless, jobless, or friendless (or all of these things) as a result! I have witnessed such viciousness in action, quite often here, in the heart of the heart of the gay "mecca", a.k.a. "The Castro". ======================================== ---finis