-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://surf.to/gaybible Vote for Zeke here! -------------------------------------------------------------- MY PLATFORM FOR PRESIDENT © 2002 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin UPDATE: On July 29, 2002 I posted the following message to various queer, activist, military, christian, pagan, and spiritual mailing lists and newsgroups. This is not part of my original essay, which starts just after this message. Read on: ---begin message: From: Ezekiel Krahlin Mon, 29 Jul 2002 Subject: 2004 just around the corner! Zeke for Prez! As some may already know, I ran for President of the U.S. in the last election, as a joke. Of course it was unofficial, and I did toss my hat in the ring just a couple months before the phony election ensued. But it just occurred to me that if I run for President this time, I'll have plenty of time to build my platform. I believe it is possible for me to officially run this time around, if enough people in the LGBT family love the idea, and handle all necessary strategies and resources to support this project. I have complete faith in our community to go ahead with this, without my being more than a qualified spokesperson for our family. At least, this can keep the gay agenda in the front burners of the oncoming electoral races. What fun, eh! And who knows: maybe I WILL become president, when you consider how pissed off so many Amerikans are these days, what with Bush's running roughshod over everyone's liberties. I already composed a statement of my platform two years ago, and see no need to update it. Rather than hog up mailing lists with a repost of the whole essay, here is the URL: http://www.gay-bible.org/tidbit-3.htm I have an amazing feeling that this is my destiny, our destiny, and that those concerned already have set things up to ease my transition from local and Internet activist, to presidential candidate. I believe that some of us in the queer community have been selected and groomed for leadership (over many years) by other important collaborators in our community...without our knowledge. And part of the challenge towards achieving this goal, is for each of us so selected, to FIGURE OUT the game. After all, if one is not clever enough to figure this out on one's own, then one is not clever enough to assume any position of leadership. Perhaps it's just egomania, but I'm willing to cast myself to the winds of fortune, and take that one, big chance. And say to those other leaders and loyal patriots who cultivated my activism in secret, even unbeknownst to yours truly: hey, dudettes and dudes: I'm ready for the next step, and: thanks from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for me, and for our community, and for the world. You're all MARVELOUS! Before asking me any questions, please read my essay first, which answers a lot of them already (as I wrote it, anticipating these queries). I may choose to answer any questions by posting them on my website, rather than participating directly in any mailing lists or newsgroups. If I choose this method, a link to these questions and answers will be clearly visible on my home page. Blessed be; the fun has just begun! --- Lavender-Velvet Revolution http://www.gay-bible.org ---end of message MY PLATFORM FOR PRESIDENT ©2000 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin (Jehovah's Queer Witness) September 10, 2000 A couple days ago I proposed running for world's first Gay President (as a lark), and posted it to various gay, activist, and political newsgroups. To refresh your memory, here it is again: ---announcement for gay write-in presidential candidate: Hello, I am a gay activist and homeless advocate first, and an advocate for liberation of all oppressed people overall. The choices for the upcoming Y2K presidential elections are abominable, especially for gays. The *only way to win gay equality in Amerika, is to have a bona fide *gay president...not a "gay friendly" one, like Clinton, who (don't forget), passed DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) and DADT (Don't Ask Don't Tell). These are two Federal legislations most hurtful to the Gay Cause, by providing powerful leverage to our homophobic enemies. And forget Ralph: he may have a great record for consumer advocacy, but *zilch when it comes to gay rights and other civil issues. So write me in for President: Ezekiel J. Krahlin Chief_Thracian@maximumedge.com At least, you'll be making a clear statement against the intractable (and intrinsically homophobic) status quo. My personal website at http://surf.to/gaybible will give you a good indication of where I stand on most issues; that you may make an informed decision. If you like my idea, feel free to disseminate this message wherever and whenever. Word of mouth is still a powerful agent for truth, justice and the Gay Cause. ---end of announcement Since then, some have asked me to further describe my platform: what I stand for on various issues, both gay and non-gay. So, for the sake of creative exercise and fun dialogue, I will do just that. Read on: GAY ISSUES State of Emergency: Immediately on my first day in office, I will declare a State of Emergency across the entire nation for all our gay citizens. I will establish Northern California as a safe haven for gay refugees from our own country, as well as install military outposts in every city, town and village, dedicated to the protection and liberation of gay men and women everywhere. Let this special branch of the Armed Forces be named "The Blue Rose Militia". It is a terrible thing to live in abject terror of harm to one's life, limb and liberty in the very nation in which you were born and raised. Yet that remains the case for the majority of our gay populace who dwell not in the coziness of a major city--all of which have become too expensive to move to, including "gay mecca"-- but across our land in small-town and rural Amerika. While most heteros happily live and breathe democracy, most gays outside of major cities continue to accommodate, chameleon-like, a de facto terrorist regime. They are our Silent Majority, for whom I struggle to give voice. All churches and other public institutions that continue to profess homosexuals as sinful (or evil in any other way) will be regarded as dangerous cults, and be shut down. We would not allow such slander against any other minority, yet shamefully we still excuse this hate speech when it comes to gay people. Our rights to free speech and assembly were never created to protect slanderous agendas. I will allow Northern California to become its own quasi-independent nation, as an honorable 100-year experiment to create the world's first gay nation. Let this nation be named "Athenia", to symbolize wisdom, and to commemorate women's suffrage and lesbian dignity. Pro-Gay Philosophy: It is my belief that no other minority can further its rights without finally incorporating their own gay constituents with respect, and in solidarity. This includes African Americans, whose majority of churches continue to preach homophobia of a most virulent sort. (I suggest black gays and lesbians attend such churches, and whenever a preacher begins to denounce homosexuality, to shout her down as an act of political dissent.) When we confront homophobia, we are confronting, mainly, an aspect of machismo: violence against the meek, and those perceived to be meek. As long as homophobia is permitted in a society, its dark streak of hatred runs through every group of people, and thus obstructs the furtherance of the rights of all minorites, and of women. Essentially, it is a karmic duty at this point in Amerika, for all activists to drop any non-gay issues and focus only on winning the rights for same-sex love. And it is also the duty of all gay activists/volunteer workers, to cease supporting the cause of any group that perpetrates gay hatred. For example: if you are gay and Caucasian, and work for the rights of African Amerikans, you should drop out now, with a letter of explanation addressed to them, that you can no longer in good faith support their efforts when they maintain intrinsically homophobic attitudes. (If you still want to help black folk, then focus on specifically gay black groups.) The ascendance of Gay Equality will erase what remains of male chauvanism and machismo, in a very natural, psychological and evolutionary way. Then, and only then, will we witness the unfolding of true brotherly (and sisterly) love. For in fact, homosexuality is far more than a matter of sex...it is rather the issue of affection or "agape", which is far more evident among women friends, than among males. Once the Beast of Homophobia has been conquered, the expressions of compassion, and good works for all other oppressed people, will move at a rapid pace. In a nutshell: liberation of homosexuality is key to unlocking the doors of equality for everyone. And that is my philosophy on which I build my platform, and on which I will act as President. NON-GAY ISSUES FYI: I have discussed non-gay issues on Usenet. Feel free to search for them, to learn more about my attitudes. I'm afraid, however, that Deja.com has temporarily wiped out all articles previous to 1999...but they promise to put them back, whenever. But there may be other services out there that provide a complete Usenet history; I just haven't looked into this. I have changed my e-mail addresses numerous times, so you should search for each of these addresses, to get a complete picture: Chief_Thracian@maximumedge.com ezekieljkNOSPAM@my-deja.com ezekielk@juno.com ezekielk@2xtreme.com ezekielk@wco.com zkrahlin@fog.net Of course, my last name, "Krahlin" is uncommon enough to effectively track me down on any search engine. You can also see that I support more than the gay issue, by visiting my newest site: Zeke's Audio Interviews http://surf.to/zekesaudio Politicians Suck: The last thing this country needs for a President is another freakin' politician. I believe we should follow the example of the Czech Republic's "Velvet Revolution", whose people elected a writer, an artist, for their leader: Vaclav Havel. I therefore propose the "Lavender-Velvet Revolution"...and offer my creative ingenuity, fiery spirit, and intense devotion to my ideals...which in evey way are strictly in line with those espoused by our Constitution and attending Bill of Rights... and The Free Speech Movement (yes, I've inhaled many, many times; and I still do, occassionaly). I will recruit the brilliant resources of our gay community to handle the details of "forming a more perfect union", by appointing them to the highest positions of office across this nation. To put it bluntly: I believe that our gay citizens can do a better job of making this a great nation, than heteros have ever done. So step aside (you've had your turn), and give us our Day In The Sun...we promise to not disappoint! My philosophy of compassion is to reach out first, to our most neglected citizens, then the next-most-neglected, and so on. The least fortunate, at this time, are gay men and women...who know no sanctuary even in their own minority-identified groups. For the most part, blacks hate their own gays, Asians hate their own gays, Native Amerikans hate their own gays, homeless people hate their own gays, poor people hate their own gays, and on and on it goes. Of course, I will get rid of unconstitutional anti-gay laws such as DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act), DADT (Don't Ask Don't Tell), and any remaining Federal, state or local laws against sodomy, and any other forms of discrimination against gays, regarding housing, employment, and the right to live without fear of violence. And once we bring all gay folk up to an equal status with all other minorities, we will expand to cover the following, non-gay issues: -Apologize to all gay people, then Native Amerikans, then all other minorities, as well as women. -Return 25% of our land to Native Amerikans. -True Separation of Church & State, including laws to protect the non-religious from the religious. -Expand the Peace Corp and reduce the military. Let the Peace Corp use our armies for emergency crash reparation of African and Latin (and other troubled) nations. Respect these cultures' differences; do not impose Amerikan dogma on them. Remove all military/political/corporate intervention from such nations, that thwarts their ability to democratize. -Guaranteed living wage for all, based on regional fluctuations of real value. Any jobs that don't pay a living wage, will be supplemented by gov't monies. Your living wage is guaranteed whether employed or not. -Guaranteed housing for all. No slums; quality housing. The formerly homeless can get paid to help maintain decent housing. -Quality universal health care (of course). -Provide funds for all volunteer work, that they may afford a living wage to those who gain fulfillment doing what they've been doing for free. Instead of welfare/workfare, clients can come to any Social Security center and select from a large list of volunteer work, and find meaningful labor, either in one field, or in a variety of fields. No one will be required to work more than 20 hours per week. -Create a leisure society where more and more people can pursue their own happiness: in the arts, sports, science, theater, counseling, travel, etc. All menial and/or unpleasant labor will be dignified with a superior salary and benefits, as long as humans need to perform such chores. -Close major loopholes of corporations, that they may pay their fair share in taxes. Such tax monies will be used to support all my proposals. Eventually, eliminate corporate entities altogether, putting into the hands of all citizens, shared ownership of all businesses. -Eliminate any taxes for individuals earning less than $50,000 per annum...and an equivalent arrangement for families (traditional and non-traditional). -Legalize all drugs. Provide quality recovery treatment centers to anyone in need. -Racially/ethnically integrate all urban neighborhoods, so that whites/non-whites, affluent/poor, gay/straight, etc., will not live so separately. -Bring back affirmative action to assure dignity for all minorities. Expand it as needed, and improve upon the previous model. -Provide quality schooling for all citizens, all the way through college, regardless of income, economic status, or any other superficial differences. BETTING MY LIFE ON THIS I believe so strongly in my destiny, that I'll even stake my life on this, to any homophobe who seeks my destruction...by revealing very personal information about myself, in this document, in a plethora of newsgroups. Because I believe my destiny is so inevitable, neither death nor injury will be part of this picture. Also, by making myself so vulnerable, I open my heart to, and put my complete trust in, our Gay Family. Therefore, those who really care about my well-being will offer protection, by migrating to S.F., befriending me, and providing round-the-clock bodyguards and other forms of security (perhaps even helping me go underground, after this intensely personal revelation!). Here goes: I currently reside in San Francisco's Castro district. My room's two windows look over Market Street, right above the front gate. I also hang out a lot across the bay, in Berkeley; mostly in and around People's Park, and sometimes downtown Shattuck Avenue. I frequently take coffee at Cafe Mediterraneum (on Telegraph Avenue by People's Park), and visit the guys at the "counterculture table" in front of Cody's Books (across the street from "The Med" where, by the way, Allen Ginsberg once hanged out while composing his infamous opus, "Howl"). In January, I started this geek/hacker group: BUUG (Berkeley Unix User Group), which you may learn more about, at: http://www.weak.org/buug And I run a hacker-friendly board under pseudonym "Bernie Marrs", at: FreeNetCubs BBS & Chat http://www5.50megs.com/fnc/ Also, as I practice a self-made form of urban shamanism, this baring of my soul is part of the final process in completing a great aspiration: freedom for all my gay sisters and brothers, not just here in the U.S., but in all other nations, too. So let me reveal more about myself: Diagnosed years ago with borderline schizophrenia (duh, like you haven't figured this out yet) and manic/depression, I have lived on a disability stipend since 1974...though with a few brief hiatuses with "real jobs". But I have found that the work scene is way too rigid and hyper for my way of being, that it is dangerously unhealthy for me to participate. Part of this is due to my firm belief that it is flatly wrong to contribute to a culture that aggressively abuses gay people, with their own tax money from their own hard work! So I remain on disability, not just out of need, but as a form of dissent. I keep busy by devoting most of my time volunteering and befriending the homeless, and fighting for gay rights via the Internet. And in so doing, I believe I've contributed far more to society than most people ever do in a lifetime. Ironically, I have been attacked by more conservative queers than I could shake a stick at, because I refuse to fit into their narrow, conformist viewpoints...which are indistinguishable from heterocentric dogma in every way, except in bed. Born July 1, 1950, I am 50 years old, 5"7", a little overweight but still in great shape, bald (I shave my head to get rid of the remaining hair), Caucasian (half Italian, 1/4 Scot, 1/4 Alsace-Lorraine), hazel eyes, old scars from severe acne that have since melded very well into my face. A front tooth on my upper-right side is noticeably crooked. I have a vertical appendectomy scar next to my navel (on the right side), from an operation in 1966. I was born in Brooklyn, and my birth name is "Eugene Frank Catalano", which I have legally changed in 1993 to "Ezekiel Joseph Krahlin". While I'm at it, I may as well request a search for some very dear friends during my years in Columbia, Missouri, where I attended University, as an anthropology and Spanish major, with a minor in journalism and geology. (I still have an outstanding college loan to pay off, so please don't snitch on me!) Those were the years 1968-1972. I have lost touch with them a long time ago, and wish to rekindle old friendships with: Candy Rutledge, Susie Bryant, Terry (cute guy), Deanna (handicapped with missing vertabrae), Lynne Sadler, John Cook, Henry (optician's apprentice at the time)...and an old flame (my first true love): Robert Matthew Childers. I don't remember some of their full names...in fact, I know I've left a few more out because I don't remember their names at all! They know me by my old name, of course: Gene Catalano. I also miss the man whom I believe to be my final true love and soulmate: Randolph Louis Taylor. I last heard from him in 1991. He may have died, but I believe he actually went underground...as my visions tell me this. We met a few months after his famous 40-day fast in 1984, on behalf of Vietnam Veterans. Rather than exhaust myself going into further details about this wonderful man, I'll just direct you to a web page that I dedicated to him: The Somalian Affair http://gay-bible.0catch.com/somalia/index_somalia.htm At that site are news articles and pictures about Randolph. So now you know a lot more about me. Of course, I have detailed plans for all the suggestions I put forth. Assuming I gain supporters, these can all be worked on and hammered out during interviews and brainstorming. I do not want to exhaust myself (or my readers) by working out every detail right here by my lonesome, hacking away on the keyboard into the wee hours of the night. I trust there will arise many talented gay men and women, gifted in the necessary fields to fulfill these wonderful proposals: lawyers, doctors, builders, researchers, musicians, writers, artists, and any others with determination, inspiration, and devotion to a dream. (And hey, if you're straight (or bi), and want to contribute to this Great Cause, I'm sure I can fit you in.) I also hold a special invite to any gay man or woman who has suffered so-called "schizophrenia"...which I believe in many (perhaps most) cases, is really a visionary gift, once you learn how to channel it. I also advise our gay community to quit bashing our own kind who are labelled as "mentally disabled" like myself. Indeed, I think we should start listening to them, for a change. I don't believe I am the only one with these modern-day shamanistic gifts. I believe that we gays are all gifted in this way, that we are destined to be healers for this troubled world. Or maybe not all, but just some. Only time will tell. Then again, maybe I'm totally out of control in this latest--and apparantly most fantastic--manic high...spilling my guts across cyberspace, like Milky Way stars. But jeez! Can you blame a girl for wanting to kick up her heels now and then? It's been a long, rough haul up till now. ================================================= Addendum (some whimsical proposals, as if this entire document weren't whimsical): IF I BECOME PRESIDENT, I WANT TO: -Make the Backstreet Boys the official White House Musicians, seeing as I have developed a strong crush on that group. I am especially head over heels for Kevin, so I hope he leaves his latest girlfriend real soon. (Do ya hear me Kev: ditch the bitch!) -Replace the Gideon Bible in every motel and hotel bedstand, with my own "Faggot Bible". Said bible will contain all my writing and illustrations now present on my home page at http://surf.to/gaybible -Declare an annual "Hetero Shame Week", for as long as homophobia exists anywhere on this planet. HETERO SHAME WEEK: whereby all public display of hetero affection be outlawed for that week. Anyone breaking that law would go to jail for 10 days, and be fined $500 (which shall be donated to one or another les/gay rights organizations). Any hetero who can't afford the steep fine, or time away from work...ought to heed well the advice to keep his or her public affections under strict control, for the duration. See how YOU (heteros) like it! -Marry Randolph Louis Taylor, step down from my high throne, and offer him the whole world. -Offer the position of President to a lesbian, as in: http://gay-bible.0catch.com/ikons/dykeprez.htm -Make it very clear that Jesus is *not bisexual, even though this site claims he is: The Bastard Son of the Lord Home Page http://www.bsotl.org/ I can assure you: Jesus and his daddy are thoroughbreds: 100%, true-blue gay. In fact, God had his son the same way gay couples do: artificial insemination. Like every good gay, the idea of sex with someone of the opposite gender is repulsive. So he had Gabriel do the "dirty work", by handing him a vial of his most sacred sperm, and instructing him on how to insert it into poor Mary...and to spare him the details when he returns. -Help everyone else's good dreams come true, as mine are. ---finis