-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://surf.to/gaybible -------------------------------------------------------------- 5 POEMS TO MY SOULMATE ©1998 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin -------------------------------------------------------------- Kindness is the hand that heals With understanding, love, Knowing what it's like to feel Without a friend above. God has stirred within my heart And made His hand my own To save the beauty that thou art And bring you warmly home. -------------------------------------------------------------- In the meadow dwells a handsome man Who tends a flock of sheep, And all the creatures of the wood Who trust his tender keep. Randolph, lovely Randolph, I have wandered long and far To find a man so sweet and brave As I know you are. Can I join this happy fold Secure in your strong arms? For I know that in your care Shall come to me no harm. And in return I'll always be Your close companion, heartfelt joy, Someone you can hug and kiss And call your little boy. (Just keep your hands off the sheep, okay big buddy?) -------------------------------------------------------------- F rom far away or near at hand A lways at your side I'll stand, T o be the son within your heart: H ome of love thou truly art. E ach ship I hope brings home my sailor: R andolph Louis "Chipmunk" Taylor. -------------------------------------------------------------- R ivers of kindness course through your heart, A rtery of God's messengers. N ewborn child in the valley of D reams-Come-True, listen to O rpheus sing your name as L ilies of the field bow their heads and P urple heather underneath your shoe travels H omeward where I sit, by a candle. -------------------------------------------------------------- More than this, I sing the song of Randolph Taylor: A song of trust as he steers the wheel On our journey home. Brave sailor! The water may be choppy, And the clouds may loom in dread, But for Randy Taylor Who steers us straight ahead. -------------------------------------------------------------- ---finis