-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://surf.to/gaybible -------------------------------------------------------------- DON'T STOP NOW! ©1998 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin And Daddy, don't stop cumming, ever! I am your only child, your Boy, who shall always thirst for your manhood without satiation! Squirt yourself all over me so your hands will glide over my face, my shoulders, my chest, my back, my belly, my waist, my hips, my ass! Do this for me, and my thighs will quiver to be open to--yet always resist--the plunge of your finger reaching for the button that ejaculates me into whatever opening you put before me! I will always cum every moment we touch, so you'll have to spend several delightful more minutes to sweeten me for the True Coupling! The moment I start rubbing my nest into yours, I'll explode all over you, and you'll have to tie me down in order to get me through THE GATE. But then I'll really buck, and you'll have to grab onto my horn to keep me down! And please, Daddy, wrap your strong arms and legs around me to keep me down, deep, deep inside you; for when I finally emerge, you will jerk in spasms of cum as I yank it out and plunge it in many times! I will do it slow, and do it fast; I will do it smooth, and do it hard; but I will always do it good, and do it so sweet, your tongue will hang from your mouth, yearning to wrap it wround my fat joystick, even though you can't because St. Peter is busy shoving you through the Pearly Gates. ("Entering heaven is like passing a camel through the eye of the needle.") Suddenly, you relax, dropping your heavily-muscled thighs onto my back; and I can finally slide the last three inches into you with ease. Safely locked in heaven's mansion, we moan our eternal comradeship to each other, as my river of love flows smoothly through the gates, and into the land of MILK AND HONEY! ---finis