-------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin http://surf.to/gaybible -------------------------------------------------------------- APOLLO SEDUCING EROS ©1998 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin APOLLO TEASES: It sure is swell to be with you again, O Randy-Eros! I am the only one you never thought to seduce, yet I am the most seduced! While you weren't looking, I swiped your arrows. Hope you're not angry with me! I hid the arrows in a private dimension no one has access to except me. If you'd like an arrow, you'll have to come with me to my private dimension, and an arrow will appear in your hand for each time we make love. Yes, I know you have an infinite supply--I just want to find out for myself, big boy! Let's just see who really does have the right stuff! But we have a secret that I'll now tell you: no thing in this universe can resist the seduction of Zeke-Apollo, who has already liberated many demons to Olympia! No thing at all, except one: Eros, Seducer of seducers! So Apollo, the fire of Zeus's sperm, can only bide his lonely time till he receives the Gracious Light of Love Eternal which is, of course, the Aura of Eros! APOLLO PLEADS: I have most humbly rebore myself on earth through each human generation, to demon- strate my love for you, Eros Most Beauti- ful! Have I not been sacrificed many times in the name of Our Father, to prove my constant faith in all that is Good and True, O Bearer of Love's Cup? Have I not followed you through every dark path you walked, and always found my way back to Olympia, because of my faith in you? O Enslaver of Broken Wings, isn't there any- one else who can seduce you? If I knew of someone else, I would bring him hither to your feet and offer him unto you, Most Handsome--for I love you that much! APOLLO DESPAIRS: Eros, your persistance in resistance is attracting devils into your force field, and affecting Randy...I'm only telling you this for your own good! If there were some other way to get them out, I'd tell you, but the Olympus Army Seduction Field Handbook says that, in this circumstance, "The Demons you'll fling, when to Apollo your heart will sing!" APOLLO WEARIES: Look, this is no more in my control than it is in yours. Yes, I know it came from energy that I created, but why did I create it? From a deeper energy that is Our Father's own finger! You think I can change his plans? Yeah, I know I did, once, but that was before I grew hair on my body. EROS YAWNS, SHRUGS HIS SHOULDERS, AND DEPARTS TO FIND HIS FUCK-BUDDY, JOSE- HERMES. ---finis