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Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this
writing free of charge (including translation into any
language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom,
and that it remain intact and complete, including title and 
credit to the original author.

Ezekiel J. Krahlin

THE BLUE ROSE MILITIA (world's first *queer* militia)

© 1997 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin
(Jehovah's Queer Witness)

(Note:  The word "Thracian" is used throughout this manifesto,
as an empowering adjective intended to replace the word "Gay
Male". Likewise for "Hellenic" and "Hellene" to replace "Gay"
in general, as in "Gay Community".  Credit for the idea of
"Hellenic" goes to Fireweaver, an Internet friend.)

     Founded December 1, 1996 by Hellenic Rights activist
Ezekiel Krahlin (formerly Gene Catalano), The Blue Rose
Militia is a ParaNormalMilitary organization dedicated to the
defense of homosexual civil rights within the borders of the
United States Of America. It seeks to establish Northern
California as a safe haven for the homosexual populace and its
refugees...via new and inviolable federal and state laws, or
through secession and formation of a new nation. The Militia
is a loosely bound federation of community clusters throughout
the nation, whose leadership is entrusted to the inspiration
of each local group. This new alliance is born of outraged
response to President Clinton's signing of the notorious
"Defense Of Marriage Act."

     The Blue Rose Militia encourages all Thracians and
Lesbians, their heterosexual supporters--and other
non-heterosexist types--to bear arms at all times, in order to
protect one's self and one's friends, from the outrageous
brutality of a homophobic populace.  The Militia implores its
advocates to carry pepper spray as a minimal deterrent from
violent attacks...and supports the legal acquisition of more
serious arms for the sake of self defense.

     While The Militia does encourage members and sympathizers
to bear arms, to a greater degree it supports the application
of creative genius to achieve its goals of homosexual

     To become a member:  apply the emblem of a blue rose to a
camouflage jacket--wear this jacket for one full day--and you
become a member.  This simple gesture indicates your sincerity
to help the cause of homosexual civil rights... and will link
your spirit to the telepathic network that is The Blue Rose
Militia. You will then--through dreams, ideas, or psychic
signals--receive inspirations to perform actions that further
Lesbian/Thracian liberation.  You will also be showered with a
thousand blessings of gratitude by the angelic forces...but
that is merely frosting on the cake (or "wings on the
toaster," so to speak).  Please note that if you do not
believe in angels or psychic forces, you are still welcome to
contribute your own actions to the cause. The Blue Rose
Militia respects all religions and world views--including
atheistic and agnostic perceptions--and will never reject
anyone on grounds of personal beliefs...except those that
preach malicious intent to harm others (such as human-
sacrifice, terrorist, bible-thumping, pedophiliac, or hard
drug cults).

     Create your own blue rose patch on a circle of scrap
cloth two to three inches in diameter, and paint, draw, or
embroider the rose.  (Or find a patch with a rose design, and
color the rose blue.)  Attach to jacket with velcro or safety
pin.  Or find an old political button--paint a blue rose over
the original design--and pin it on. Any other method to create
a blue rose logo is acceptable. The ideal design for the logo
is shown above, in the graphic header. But you can simplify it,
so long as the rose itself is colored blue.

     None of the inspirations you receive will violate your
own values and beliefs, or interfere in any significant way
with your vocation or personal relations...unless you
specifically desire to live out a more wild and free-spirited
adventure.  Examples of inspired actions: financial donation
to a Hellene group, speaking out against a homophobic slur,
reading an informative book on homosexuality, freely copying
and distributing this Blue Rose Militia bulletin, reaching out
to a homosexual acquaintance, writing a letter to a newspaper,
wearing a homo-supportive T-shirt, calling a radio talk show,
participating in a pro-homosexual demonstration, attaching
pro-gay stickers to outgoing mail, or even starting or joining
an auxiliary Blue Rose Militia in your own neighborhood.  You
may even have a special calling above and beyond the examples such a case, let your conscience be your guide. I
give no further examples, in order that your inspiration may
remain unfettered, and your imagination soar!

     The Blue Rose Militia places absolute trust into the
hands of anyone so inspired...and requires no report from any
member, or conferral, before he or she takes action.  Should a
member choose to confer with another, that is fine...and for
that reason local groups may be formed and dissolved in
spontaneous fashion, without first consulting the founder or
its headquarters.  Wear the blue rose logo anywhere on your
person, backpack, briefcase, or purse (camouflage jacket is
optional after the first time worn). In this manner, you will
meet other members who recognize the emblem.
